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Generally favorable reviews- based on 17 Ratings

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  1. Positive: 12 out of 17
  2. Negative: 4 out of 17
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  1. Dec 11, 2019
    An very diversified album, of course this is because of many collaborators, almost doesn't sound like one album though this is not a bad thing this album have so many great songs exactly because of this diversity of musicians.

    it's not an album that will pleased everyone, it's a long, multifaceted, eclectic album, some or many Jarre root fans will not enjoy the album. I Enjoy, and
    An very diversified album, of course this is because of many collaborators, almost doesn't sound like one album though this is not a bad thing this album have so many great songs exactly because of this diversity of musicians.

    it's not an album that will pleased everyone, it's a long, multifaceted, eclectic album, some or many Jarre root fans will not enjoy the album.

    I Enjoy, and enjoy almost everything that Jarre put since Oxygene.

    Electronica, Vol. 2: The Heart of Noise, it's a interesting listening and worthy listening in my opinion.
  2. Aug 10, 2018
    Part 2 of Electronica Project still great!!!, but not great as vol. 1. the good songs here is just really great as the tracks in vol. 1.
    But in The heart of noise have 4 or 5 bad and terrible tracks that could easily discarded of the album the album have 18 tracks, just two more than Vol. 1, but these five bad tracks got worse the album, as besides leave the album way inflated and long.
    Part 2 of Electronica Project still great!!!, but not great as vol. 1. the good songs here is just really great as the tracks in vol. 1.
    But in The heart of noise have 4 or 5 bad and terrible tracks that could easily discarded of the album the album have 18 tracks, just two more than Vol. 1, but these five bad tracks got worse the album, as besides leave the album way inflated and long.

    Best Tracks

    The Heart of Noise Pt. 1 & 2
    Brick England
    As One
    Swipe to the Right
    These Creatures
    Here for you
    Falling down
  3. May 11, 2016
    Perfect album for this summer, play it in your car on the road to Florence, Rome or Ibiza, play it while running in the forest, or simply when alone at night with a glass of red wine (what i usually do while listening to new music).....i bet Guetta enjoys it too.....
  4. May 9, 2016
    Great album. Really diverse. My favorite tracks are Electrees, As One, Circus, Switch on Leon and Swipe to the Right. Slightly more boring than first part. Make sure to watch album trailer too, because it's awesome.
  5. May 7, 2016
    Even more electrifying than Electronica 1, full of wonderful songs (Pet Shop Boys, Yello, Lauper, Holter, Numan), complex in the arrangements and original in their structures but very catching, pop-like. Jarre approaches the style of every collaborator with stunning chameleonic abilities, but sounds are typical from Jarre. A few tracks are interesting proposals, representative from theEven more electrifying than Electronica 1, full of wonderful songs (Pet Shop Boys, Yello, Lauper, Holter, Numan), complex in the arrangements and original in their structures but very catching, pop-like. Jarre approaches the style of every collaborator with stunning chameleonic abilities, but sounds are typical from Jarre. A few tracks are interesting proposals, representative from the current electronic scene (Peaches, Siriusmo, Mills). This is an album without conceptual or stylistic unity, but it does not pretend to be so. Listening to this brilliant work with attention to the infinite details is a unforgettable experience. Collapse

Mixed or average reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. May 16, 2016
    Throughout his sounds have poise and power, and although the album is too long it does not often flag, for he is careful to fluctuate the colours used.
  2. May 12, 2016
    One senses a massively missed opportunity, a chance for exploration blown by Jarre's insatiable need to make everything bigger, more impressive.
  3. Mojo
    May 5, 2016
    Tracks recorded with Cyndi Lauper and Primal Scream suggest some pruning might have made for a more impactful listening experience. [Jun 2016, p.88]