• Record Label: BMG
  • Release Date: Sep 28, 2018
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 19 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 19
  2. Negative: 3 out of 19
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  1. Dec 30, 2018
    Totally unexpected psych-rap extravaganza! Almost a masterpiece...........!
  2. Nov 16, 2018
    ( 78/100 )

    B-Real, Sen Dog y Dj Muggs, los integrantes formales de Cypress Hill, son los autores de una corriente de Rap Hip Hop oscura y Metal sin ser rock. Se les admira la experiencia que buscan para generar una expansión ideológica, sensorial y emocional, pues en "Elephants On Acid", su primer álbum después de 8 años de haber presentado "Rise Up", viajan al occidente para buscar una
    ( 78/100 )

    B-Real, Sen Dog y Dj Muggs, los integrantes formales de Cypress Hill, son los autores de una corriente de Rap Hip Hop oscura y Metal sin ser rock. Se les admira la experiencia que buscan para generar una expansión ideológica, sensorial y emocional, pues en "Elephants On Acid", su primer álbum después de 8 años de haber presentado "Rise Up", viajan al occidente para buscar una variedad de experiencias en Egypt y Jordan que les ayude a crear un álbum de Hip Hop Psychodelic cuyo sonido sea místico y Trip. Para ello también se dejaron influenciar con la cultura India e Islam y su música. Su exploración no elimina el sesgo que el ritmo del Hip Hop crea, pero sí hay uno que otro aporte que hace Dj Muggs para expresar su propia concepción del "trip" y psicodélia que captó en su experiencia. El Hip Hop en éste álbum es el usual, el mismo ritmo base que apoya a los raperos a expresarse, la única atribución está en los detalles o arreglos que Dj Muggs medio logra en sus canciones, como los voice samples, el juego de idiomas como el árabe y el español y la oportuna contribución que tiene Brevi. A Cypress Hill se le conoce por su gusto a la poética oscura, amenazante y religiosa. En "Elephants On Acid" nos recuerdan el conocimiento que tienen de la mítica Cristiana y lo usan para satanizar todos sus versos. El álbum está lleno del típico ego rapero pero le da un enfoque divino: ellos son la maldad misma. Dios, a través del poder divino de las drogas, los mandó para crear y funcionar el infierno y solo ellos saben el peligro que representan, así que, gran público y gran industria, nadie es competencia para su poder musical. Ese es el gran resumen del álbum y aunque el deber de honrar a su propia droga como puente a Dios es lo que ganaron en su experiencia, no se puede negar que "Elephants On Acid" presenta una investigación correcta de la cultura occidental y sus corrientes musicales.
  3. Oct 26, 2018
    Excellent album, it's like the second part of Temples of Boom that supporters have been looking for since the original dropped in the 90's. B-Real's vocal talents are hypnotic, angry, twisted and vitriolic, pretty much the best way of summing up this album is "form is temporary, class is permanent". Muggs production skills are also top notch, as is to be expected with his back catalogueExcellent album, it's like the second part of Temples of Boom that supporters have been looking for since the original dropped in the 90's. B-Real's vocal talents are hypnotic, angry, twisted and vitriolic, pretty much the best way of summing up this album is "form is temporary, class is permanent". Muggs production skills are also top notch, as is to be expected with his back catalogue and experimental work on this production is first class. Sen's booming, guttural bars add to an otherwise excellent throw back to when C H were backs to the wall, with a siege mentality ect with Sony and internal issues within the band. It's a brilliant listen, if you liked them back then you're probably going to be into this album. Expand
  4. Oct 3, 2018
    Focused and interesting front to back. Elephants On Acid is both fresh and nostalgic. Balanced and well executed. Great album.
  5. Sep 28, 2018
    This is pure hip-hop, if you are used to listen popular beats like pushing buttons, this is NOT for you. Cypress Hill scored, and big one. We living in a new era of open minds, the organic sounds of the whole new album is amazing. Please sit back and pop up the volume, the trip its gonna be awesome. The atmosphere of darkness and hallucinations the will hit you in the face like thousandsThis is pure hip-hop, if you are used to listen popular beats like pushing buttons, this is NOT for you. Cypress Hill scored, and big one. We living in a new era of open minds, the organic sounds of the whole new album is amazing. Please sit back and pop up the volume, the trip its gonna be awesome. The atmosphere of darkness and hallucinations the will hit you in the face like thousands elephants running wild. I liked the contrast of the B Real and Sen Dog voices, add to this the hand of Muggs. This **** is a Classic Master Piece. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Oct 11, 2018
    With Elephants on Acid they often sacrifice, clearly by choice, catchiness for a more avant-garde complexity. There is a fantastic set of songs awaiting murkily on Elephants on Acid, and for Cypress Hill's intended audience here--the true fans--it's sure to be a joy unearthing them.
  2. The Wire
    Oct 9, 2018
    It's not so much a return to first principals as a 3D reboot of the homicidal stoner aesthetic established between 1991-1995 with Cypress Hill, Black Sunday and Temples Of Boom. [Nov 2018, p.52]
  3. Mojo
    Oct 3, 2018
    Elephants On Acid finds Cypress Hill not only recapturing the dynamism and urgency of their early-90s heyday, but also taking that energy somewhere completely new. [Nov 2018, p.84]