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Generally favorable reviews- based on 89 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 74 out of 89
  2. Negative: 5 out of 89

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  1. May 28, 2019
    Kaiser Chiefs produced some of the best songs of the 2000s, starting with "I Predict a Riot" and "Oh My God". The band created their own niche capturing a combination rock, electronic and some folk while having fun on each track.
  2. May 14, 2012
    Amazing best album of the 2000s it just takes Punk gives it a modern spins puts in a bit of quirky Kaiser Chiefs magic and makes in great there would be no audience for bands like Arctic Monkeys and Vaccines if this didn't hit as punk died out.
  3. Feb 8, 2012
    2005 and Blur style Britpop (same producer) returned in the shape of Kaiser Chiefs. While I don't rate what they put out since this record, they deserve a lot of credit for this one. Its got a handful of hit singles, another bunch of sing along album tracks, great lyrics throughout and only the very occasional disappointing track. One of these albums that you can't listen to very often,2005 and Blur style Britpop (same producer) returned in the shape of Kaiser Chiefs. While I don't rate what they put out since this record, they deserve a lot of credit for this one. Its got a handful of hit singles, another bunch of sing along album tracks, great lyrics throughout and only the very occasional disappointing track. One of these albums that you can't listen to very often, but when you blow the dust of it and give it a whirl, it's still got the same charm as when it first came out. Expand
  4. Jul 31, 2011
    Great album, a few listens and you will be singing the choruses for the rest of your life.
  5. Oct 12, 2010
    balances absolute headbangers with the softer songs for a solid record. this record is the epitome of the pop punk revival. if you don't feel happy after giving this a listen see a therapist.
  6. GarryK
    Oct 19, 2007
    When I first listened to "I predict a riot" I didn't even want to listen to the rest. Too poppy and cheesey.
  7. ixata
    Apr 17, 2007
    at first listen this album sux big tym.. but after frequent listening, it actually rocks! the unes are cetch, though some of them sounds kinda foolishly weird(Na Na Na-sounds like an asylum anthem). but ultimately, this album is fun, colourful and worth ever penny
  8. ChadS
    Sep 20, 2006
    I've had "Employment" for about eighteen months now and "I Predict a Riot", in particular; still sounds great, kind of like a less brainy XTC and a guitar solo that sounds inspired by the B-52's "Rock Lobster". "Modern Way" is almost as good. Catchy pop songs are always better than atonal dirges.
  9. LukeT
    Sep 11, 2006
    Kaiser chiefs make a good first impression with their debut album 'employment.' Apart from one or two songs all of the tunes are catchy and get stuck in your head and the lyrics are written well. One of the best british bands of their generation.
  10. KateB
    Apr 6, 2006
    The best album in my CD rack at the moment! Although it takes ideas from bands in other decades, Employment is catchy and entertaining, and all of them are good musicians. Ricky Wilson is a great lead singer, and a thouroughly nice person. Everyone should get this album and support this British band so they can go far!
  11. jarrodw
    Mar 14, 2006
    "Employment" is one of the greatest albums of 2005. The opening three songs are brilliant. The song, 'Modern Way" which is not as popular as the first two: "Every Day i Love you Less and less" and "I Predict a Riot", however it is my favourite on the album. The Kaiser Chiefs are not unique, but they stand out against similar acts such as Maximo Park, The Futureheads, and bloc party.
  12. DougA
    Mar 13, 2006
    I have never heard an album that made my happier. Despite a couple "fillers" this album is as bubbly and fun as they come. Can't wait for the follow-up
  13. JohnW
    Dec 27, 2005
    Just love it
  14. tim
    Dec 23, 2005
    this cd actually took me a while to get into, but i think now that it is quite excellent. great full sound, and personally i dont think the songs all sound the same, each has at least at the very least a unique intro. solid overall, well worth the purchase, alsoa great cd for a party
  15. JoeG
    Dec 22, 2005
    Not a bad album at all, but still a tad overrated. Maximo Park, Bloc Party, Franz Ferdinand, and The Futureheads have all had better albums at this point. Still, not a bad effort in the least/
  16. BradleyE
    Dec 13, 2005
    The album resorts too quickly to filler. After the first few songs, everything else sounds the same on the album. And even if you hate to admit it, they are similar to Franz Ferdinand in a number of ways. Nothing new!
  17. CraigJ
    Sep 18, 2005
    every song just sounds the same
  18. EvertonC
    Sep 7, 2005
    A great album from this new english band... Mods are alive and kicking!
  19. WayneM
    Aug 15, 2005
    A fresh new voice of British pop. A band that isn't afraid not to follow the mainstream sound. And with the reasonable price (Cdn $10.00) it is a steal for a CD that is destined to become a classic.
  20. EfraimE
    Jun 24, 2005
    Das duas musicas que ouvi, achei ótimo!
  21. AndrewT
    Jun 19, 2005
    This is poor pop, it does not pretend to be anything else. It will never be on your top ten all time critical favourites, but it is pure unadulterated fun. How many records can you say that about?
  22. zeifgeist
    Jun 13, 2005
    Thank God I bought this cd used, 'cause now I can sell it back and at least recoup some of the cash I threw away. Mediocre and derivative in the worst way, I hated the songs the minute I heard them. The critics should stop coming in their pants every time some new British band with a remotely new/no wave sound comes along. Its pretty much inevitable, but Kaiser Chiefs is at the Thank God I bought this cd used, 'cause now I can sell it back and at least recoup some of the cash I threw away. Mediocre and derivative in the worst way, I hated the songs the minute I heard them. The critics should stop coming in their pants every time some new British band with a remotely new/no wave sound comes along. Its pretty much inevitable, but Kaiser Chiefs is at the bottom of the barrel (right behind all the other overhyped bands-of-the-moment). You want derivative music with originality, style, balls and laughs, check out The Futureheads. Expand
  23. MarcD
    Jun 5, 2005
    A rip-roaring good time of an album. One of the best new undeniably British-sounding bands out there now. Love it.
  24. MusicMaven
    Jun 1, 2005
    It's not a sixer (Americans read: home run) in my book because it's too hit-or-miss. But when it hits, it distills several generations of Britpop down to the hook-filled essence. Everyone seems to stop at Blur, but I hear the influence of earlier British bands as well, such as the Jam, the Kinks, the Clash and XTC.
  25. davem
    May 31, 2005
    meh NME over publising, cant deny great energy from the singles, just each song has major weak points, lyrically bad and a bad blur.Still enjoy the singles
  26. PaulF
    May 27, 2005
    Giving this album a 9 or a 10 is simply too generous in my opinion. The problem is that for every decent song on it, the follow up is always rather poor. I expected more standout tracks like I Predict a Riot and Oh My God, but there is just nothing else on the album that even comes close to their greatness. I find it all a bit of a disappointment to be honest.
  27. carlos
    May 17, 2005
    good album
  28. VV
    May 4, 2005
    This is a great album. its funny, smart and it makes you happy all at the same time. and of course its Parklife 1o years later, but parklife was brilliant so why care?
  29. RandyJ
    Apr 27, 2005
    The comparisons to franz ferdinand just dont hold up. Kaiser Chiefs are just plain better in every way. The album is solid all the way through and each song is different from the next. The lyrics are clever and the arrangements are catchy as hell. This is the first disc of 2005 I consider to be a must-own.
  30. voodoocookie
    Apr 21, 2005
    The best album of the year without a doubt! Definitely one of the most enjoyable acts to come out in a long time and they definitely crank up the fun factor in music to the max!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
  1. Blender
    [Kaiser Chiefs] are smug, preening and shallow, and so eager to entertain that they nearly piss themselves with pizzazz and energy. [Apr 2005, p.119]
  2. Uncut
    A gem. [Apr 2005, p.105]
  3. Employment is thrilling from beginning to end, packing in 45-minutes of exuberant Britpop melodies, na-na-na choruses and buzzsaw guitars that make Franz Ferdinand look like a bunch of stiffs.