User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 65 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 51 out of 65
  2. Negative: 6 out of 65
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  1. Jul 29, 2017
    It's a decent album really. For a debut it could have been worse. A lot of the album feels a bit derivative with some pop punk and pop rock bands from the 2000s. The MCR influence is very apparent and at one point the front man sounded eerily close to Dexter of the Offspring. Not to mention the production is too clean for my taste. But the band does make up for it with Will Gould being aIt's a decent album really. For a debut it could have been worse. A lot of the album feels a bit derivative with some pop punk and pop rock bands from the 2000s. The MCR influence is very apparent and at one point the front man sounded eerily close to Dexter of the Offspring. Not to mention the production is too clean for my taste. But the band does make up for it with Will Gould being a pretty impressive front man, the instrumentation is very energetic and does reach the theatric horror kitsch the band is clearly pining for (again MCR is a very clear influence on these guys), and the lyrics, whether it is about a narrative or not, are pretty damn interesting and does save the album from being MOR. I can see this album growing on me and even liking this band. Right now I'm a bit lukewarm, but yeah I can see the hype. Wouldn't agree with the critic rating on here but eh. Expand
  2. Jul 5, 2017
    Creeper seems to have that punk vibe with bits of emo on them, songs are powerful and different enough from each other to enjoy the whole album without getting tired mid-way.
    Although lyrically wise i don’t really think is that great and the instrumentals are pretty basic, they are sure to have gain a spot with a sound that we weren’t hearing at all lately, so that’s a plus for them.
    Creeper seems to have that punk vibe with bits of emo on them, songs are powerful and different enough from each other to enjoy the whole album without getting tired mid-way.
    Although lyrically wise i don’t really think is that great and the instrumentals are pretty basic, they are sure to have gain a spot with a sound that we weren’t hearing at all lately, so that’s a plus for them.
    They have this story going on with “the Stranger” in the videoclips and their voices seems unique enough to expect something big on their upcoming albums.
  3. Jun 6, 2017
    muy original, admito que en un principio me paresio una mierda con falta de accion me parecia aburido pero luego de jugar bastante la demo , mi opinion cambio me parese un juego super entretenido y unico es el primer juego en suclase se ve espectacular, con personajes con mucho carisma con los que te puede identificar y muy originals, asi que me parese que esta bastante bien y que puedemuy original, admito que en un principio me paresio una mierda con falta de accion me parecia aburido pero luego de jugar bastante la demo , mi opinion cambio me parese un juego super entretenido y unico es el primer juego en suclase se ve espectacular, con personajes con mucho carisma con los que te puede identificar y muy originals, asi que me parese que esta bastante bien y que puede mejorar mucho mas en el futuro le deseo exito... Expand
  4. May 7, 2017
    Thanks Creeper for this amazing album! Fast tracks like Black Rain (This might be one of my favorite song of the year), Poison Pens, and Room 309 sets a horror punk tone. Songs like Crickets (Another one of my favorites), and Misery sets up a more sad and slow tone. The album does lose me a bit around the end, but not to the point of boredom. If you are into pop-punk, punk, or horrorThanks Creeper for this amazing album! Fast tracks like Black Rain (This might be one of my favorite song of the year), Poison Pens, and Room 309 sets a horror punk tone. Songs like Crickets (Another one of my favorites), and Misery sets up a more sad and slow tone. The album does lose me a bit around the end, but not to the point of boredom. If you are into pop-punk, punk, or horror punk, you need to check this out! Expand
  5. Mar 29, 2017
    Wow! What a surprise. It's like some sort of grand rock opera, with melodrama by the bucketload! Usually in 2017 you'd expect this kind of ambition from a virtually unknown band to have blown up in their faces, but this album has defied those odds. Don't let the common label of "pop punk" or "pop rock" put you off, give this one a listen if you're a fan of rock full stop!
  6. Mar 24, 2017
    Absolutely a powerhouse of an album. Creeper brings something that feels very fresh to the table with some amazing tracks. This is definitely one of the best albums of the year for sure!

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 8
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 8
  3. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Mar 24, 2017
    With Eternity, In Your Arms, Creeper have torn up their own sonic rulebook, giving them licence to roam musically wherever they please. It’s a fresh page in a new story for a band who are really just getting started.
  2. Mar 23, 2017
    With Eternity, In Your Arms, Creeper have truly proven themselves masters of the dark arts, as they've managed to create something as genuinely inspired as it is stylistically derivative.
  3. 80
    Every day is Halloween with Creeper, in the very best way.