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Generally favorable reviews- based on 188 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 15 out of 188
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  1. May 29, 2018
    Powerful and meaningful, CHVRCHES just did another great and big album as usual.
  2. Jan 28, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Very good album, they really made an effort to make some incredible songs like: Leave a Treace, Bury it, Keep you on my side among other very good ones.

    In general they did a very good job, it is highly recommended to listen to this album
  3. Nov 25, 2016
    Synth-pop is not really my thang, but these Scots are masters of the genre. These well-crafted songs are pure ear candy, with hooks galore. There's not a duff track in the bunch, and the sequencing is perfect, with the highlights spaced. "Clearest Blue" is an absolute eargasm. The album holds up strongly after repeated listens. Just get it.
  4. Oct 31, 2016
    Our me too surprised, judged by its cover, then I thought it would be a morass of psychedelic alternative album, was much better than expected, production, sound, voice, loved it. from today will watch the band "Chvrches" and their upcoming releases. High Enough To Carry You Over is very Anthem.
  5. Sep 10, 2016
    It's really difficult to compare Every Open Eye with The Bones Of What You Believe. While the debut was full of anger and so many beats, Every Open Eye shows us the clear sky, the darkness of the first album was left behind to an album who is a total worth listening.
  6. Jun 19, 2016
    Okay, so this is my third time reviewing this album! Normally after I've listened to an album several times I have a pretty solid opinion about it, and at first I thought this album was kind of dull, but after returning to it months later, I definitely have to say it's grown on me. Lauren Mayberry has a nice voice and the songs are fairly well produced, and I especially like that the songsOkay, so this is my third time reviewing this album! Normally after I've listened to an album several times I have a pretty solid opinion about it, and at first I thought this album was kind of dull, but after returning to it months later, I definitely have to say it's grown on me. Lauren Mayberry has a nice voice and the songs are fairly well produced, and I especially like that the songs flow together nicely. Overall it's a very feel-good album, but there are some darker, more bittersweet tracks (High Enough to Carry You Over, Down Side of Me) that add some nice variety to the mix as well. My only complaint is that the songwriting, although pretty solid, is very safe. They definitely know how to write good, catchy pop songs, but I think they could really blow everyone else out of the water if they tried experimenting a bit more. Chvrches has massive potential I think, but for now this is a satisfying album that is fun to listen to all the way through, and that's fine by me for the time being. Expand
  7. Mar 30, 2016
    A fantastic album with an excellent production. But the middle of the album , we quickly cançados the monotony of the melody. Literally 50 % addictive , 50 % unexciting
  8. Mar 27, 2016
    This album has much of the immediacy and melodic brilliance of the first album, but at parts it feels like it sacrifices emotional diversity for consistency. It feels like there are fewer twists and turns to be enjoyed, it doesn't take you on a journey so to speak like the previous album did, making this a very slight disappointment
  9. Mar 12, 2016
    I liked this band's debut record, but their sophomore release is frankly a let down. The production is very clean-cut and slick but coupled with bland and often uninspired lyricism the resulting album is too clinical, too superficial and thoroughly underwhelming. A record thats more consistent than the first yet fails to reach the same highs that made CHVRCHES an interesting band.
  10. Dec 4, 2015
    CHVRCHES are a still a terrific alternative to the barrage of mind-numbing EDM and soulless euro trash of acts such as Icona Pop that permeate our airwaves and devour advertisements. Another heavenly and peerless collection from the Glaswegian synth-poppers.

    This is a spectacular album. I feel it's a bit more diverse than their debut and the structure of the songs are better. Down Side
    CHVRCHES are a still a terrific alternative to the barrage of mind-numbing EDM and soulless euro trash of acts such as Icona Pop that permeate our airwaves and devour advertisements. Another heavenly and peerless collection from the Glaswegian synth-poppers.

    This is a spectacular album. I feel it's a bit more diverse than their debut and the structure of the songs are better. Down Side of Me is truly a surprise and a good example of the kind of depth Chvrches can bring to this genre. Mayberry's vocal performances are great and I like that her vocals aren't as processed as they were on their debut. The choruses on this album are ridiculously catchy.

    A lovely listen and one of the best albums of the year.
  11. Oct 23, 2015
    CHVRCHES released one of the best albums in 2013, then we've been waiting for new songs as good ass in their debut album. And we cannot be disappointed. Every Open Eye is more clear and upbeat than The Bones of What You Believe, the lyrics are catchier (thank to Lauren's vocals, it is amazing) than the debut and the songs makes you dance with the fast tunes. Some songs are such generic andCHVRCHES released one of the best albums in 2013, then we've been waiting for new songs as good ass in their debut album. And we cannot be disappointed. Every Open Eye is more clear and upbeat than The Bones of What You Believe, the lyrics are catchier (thank to Lauren's vocals, it is amazing) than the debut and the songs makes you dance with the fast tunes. Some songs are such generic and needlees, like 'High Enough to Carry You Over' and 'Afterglow', but it doesn't make the album awful. This album is more balanced and makes you listen to it the whole day! Awesome and brilliant, CHVRCHES has become one of the top synth-pop bands. Expand
  12. Oct 11, 2015
    Strong beginning but definitely tapers off to a lukewarm second half. The non Mayberry songs are terrible. Less songs more consistency. Reeks of sophomore slump. Produces enough decent songs to ensure a future on the live circuit for the next 20 years, but if they wish to remain relevant, they have to diversify the next time around. It's already becoming stale.
  13. Oct 2, 2015
    "Second album slump"? Where? Honestly, this album turned out to be more sophisticated than I had expected. Every Open Eye sounds like the more upbeat twin to The Bones of What You Believe but it still channels the same type of frustration of heartbreak and love that was felt through TBOWYB. Though the album was tone down lyrically, the production made up for it. Nowhere near disappointed"Second album slump"? Where? Honestly, this album turned out to be more sophisticated than I had expected. Every Open Eye sounds like the more upbeat twin to The Bones of What You Believe but it still channels the same type of frustration of heartbreak and love that was felt through TBOWYB. Though the album was tone down lyrically, the production made up for it. Nowhere near disappointed but wished the lyrics in some songs where a bit more differentiated from one another. However, love every song. Some highlights would be: "Keep You On My Side", "Clearest Blue", "High Enough to Carry You Over" and "Down Side of Me". Expand
  14. Oct 1, 2015
    I thought the album was rather average, there are more songs I feel "meh" about than I like, only two songs I find to be standout. I also feel like the lead Singer's voice can feel too Disney, like a cheesy American singer in a few of the songs, especially the ones to the back half of the album.

    It's ok, I'm sure die hard fans will love it and passers by will go "I love Chvrches" when
    I thought the album was rather average, there are more songs I feel "meh" about than I like, only two songs I find to be standout. I also feel like the lead Singer's voice can feel too Disney, like a cheesy American singer in a few of the songs, especially the ones to the back half of the album.

    It's ok, I'm sure die hard fans will love it and passers by will go "I love Chvrches" when they really mean that love that one song they heard on the Radio. I couldn't listen to all the way through though, it's no classic, I hope they get their Appetite for Destruction in the third album maybe.
  15. Sep 30, 2015
    Simply amazing! Much more consistent than their previous record, while also reaching the same heights in quality. "Clearest Blue", "Playing Dead", and "Down Side of Me" are the highlights.
  16. Sep 28, 2015
    People opinions on this album will mainly come down to which style of songs from Chvurches previous album they enjoyed.
    "Every open eye" is a much more cheerful and upbeat sounding album than "The bones of what you believe". People who preferred the slower darker sounding songs may be disappointed this album goes in a little different direction. Although songs such as "Down side of me and
    People opinions on this album will mainly come down to which style of songs from Chvurches previous album they enjoyed.
    "Every open eye" is a much more cheerful and upbeat sounding album than "The bones of what you believe". People who preferred the slower darker sounding songs may be disappointed this album goes in a little different direction. Although songs such as "Down side of me and "Leave a trace" are there for those people to enjoy.

    Personally i enjoy the more upbeat tunes "Make them gold and "Empty Threat" but i understand they not be to everyones tastes.

    Overall i think this a strong second album, filled with a bunch of catchy songs which i feel the majority of Chvurches fans will get behind,.

    Personal favorites songs include "Keep you on my side" and "Playing Dead."
  17. Sep 28, 2015
    To me, this album is disappointing. I don't like the shift in tone and style. All the off-beat and edginess that made them memorable has been changed to nostalgic '80s-influenced pop. The synths seem cheesier than in the first record, and the lyrics aren't as urgent. As catchy as any of the songs in the previous album were, there was always a dark edge to them, even when they were loveTo me, this album is disappointing. I don't like the shift in tone and style. All the off-beat and edginess that made them memorable has been changed to nostalgic '80s-influenced pop. The synths seem cheesier than in the first record, and the lyrics aren't as urgent. As catchy as any of the songs in the previous album were, there was always a dark edge to them, even when they were love songs, like We Sink; "I'll be a thorn in your side till you die, I'll be a thorn in your side for always". That's what made their brand of pop special.

    Perhaps this is them being more confident in their sound and producing a happier record but I feel they are pushing their music to more traditional pop sounds, and I miss the old CHVRCHES.

    All of this makes me sad, I really loved The Bones of What You Believe and their Recover EP.
  18. Sep 27, 2015
    Good synth pop. I thought the singles were just okay. 'Keep you on my Side' & 'Playing Dead' are my favorite songs. Some filler, and two songs with a male singer that were pretty good. I have to check out their first album now.
  19. Sep 27, 2015
    Awesome album, pre-ordered the album and I am not disappointed. Love their music! Love every song. Really great second album, really excited to see what is next! They are underrated - worth a listen!
  20. Sep 26, 2015
    This is a spectacular album. I feel it's a bit more diverse than their debut and the structure of the songs are better. Down Side of Me is truly a surprise and a good example of the kind of depth Chvrches can bring to this genre. Mayberry's vocal performances are great and I like that her vocals aren't as processed as they were on their debut. The choruses on this album are ridiculouslyThis is a spectacular album. I feel it's a bit more diverse than their debut and the structure of the songs are better. Down Side of Me is truly a surprise and a good example of the kind of depth Chvrches can bring to this genre. Mayberry's vocal performances are great and I like that her vocals aren't as processed as they were on their debut. The choruses on this album are ridiculously catchy.

    A lovely listen and one of the best albums of the year.
  21. Sep 26, 2015
    Really great album on par with TBOWYB. They take some nice steps forward and show some growth while still making some great music.

    Highlights include "Keep You On My Side", "High Enough To Carry You Over" & "Bury It"

    A great followup and I look forward to what else the Scottish Trio has in store for us.
  22. 7KT
    Sep 26, 2015
    It's Bones 2.0...but without the catchy songs and....without the insightful lyrics and...without the rich soundscapes. Thinking about it, there's a lot missing here.

    EOE could be a forgetable 80s synth pop album collecting dust in the 99cent bin at your local Tesco. The whole record is hard to listen to, and not just because Lauren Mayberry often soars out of her vocal range, resulting
    It's Bones 2.0...but without the catchy songs and....without the insightful lyrics and...without the rich soundscapes. Thinking about it, there's a lot missing here.

    EOE could be a forgetable 80s synth pop album collecting dust in the 99cent bin at your local Tesco. The whole record is hard to listen to, and not just because Lauren Mayberry often soars out of her vocal range, resulting in her voice more resembling your mum calling you down for dinner than a pop singer.

    The production and mixing leaves a lot to be desired, and listening to the album more than once gives the listener a feeling of fatigue.

    It's a shame Lauren Mayberry and her two producers spend so much time fighting "trolls" (otherwise known as people they disagree with them) online, because if they didn't, they might have put out a decent sophmore album.

    But as it is, I'll be looking forward to scooping this record out of the discount bin come Christmas time. Every little helps!
  23. Sep 26, 2015
    Yes this album is not as experimental as their debut.But that doesn't mean it's a bad album.Every Open Eye got good production but really unsatisfying lyrics.Almost every song got similar lyrics.And in the song High Enough to Carry You Over martin sings along(Also in Follow You) like he did in Under The Tide in their debut.I liked Under the Tide but not this one it's boring.All along thisYes this album is not as experimental as their debut.But that doesn't mean it's a bad album.Every Open Eye got good production but really unsatisfying lyrics.Almost every song got similar lyrics.And in the song High Enough to Carry You Over martin sings along(Also in Follow You) like he did in Under The Tide in their debut.I liked Under the Tide but not this one it's boring.All along this album is so straightforward comparing to their debut album.My fave tracks:Never Ending Circles,Leave a Trace,Keep You On My Side,Clearest Blue,Afterglow. Expand
  24. Sep 25, 2015
    Great catch in overall. I love how the electronic sounds mix with the singer voice. The album is very amusing and enjoyable. This band is good at making this kind of music and their style is unique. Looking forward to their decisions of singles for this masterpiece.
  25. Sep 25, 2015
    Excellent record from the start to end. Been waiting for them since the release of The bones of what you believe and it didn't disappoint me. Give it a listen if you love synthpop you won't regret it.
  26. Sep 25, 2015
    Knowing this album was made while touring for "The Bones.." is a good indicator of what to expect out of the afterthought that is "Every Open Eye". Chvrches are by no means a push-over act in their increasingly ambiguous 'indie' niche, but this album shows every sign of a "lets just keep doing what we're doing" cop-out.

    They show zero ambition in improving their sound, innovating in
    Knowing this album was made while touring for "The Bones.." is a good indicator of what to expect out of the afterthought that is "Every Open Eye". Chvrches are by no means a push-over act in their increasingly ambiguous 'indie' niche, but this album shows every sign of a "lets just keep doing what we're doing" cop-out.

    They show zero ambition in improving their sound, innovating in any possible way, or challenging even the average pop fan. More or less, a keen unbiased listener will quickly pick up that they're listening to what is essentially disc two to "The Bones of What You Believe", only this time its painfully repetitive rather than fresh as the debut was.

    If you're a diehard fan, you're happy with this 11-track LP and the refreshingly short wait you've suffered for it. If you have an ounce of shame or have musically inclined taste, you'll most likely never give this a second spin.
  27. Sep 25, 2015
    I liked their debut album, but that was because it's sound was something fresh and colorful. It feels like EOE is an attempt to be darker and deeper, and yet it doesn't seem to be a good direction for Chvrches.

    One of the reasons boils down to the singer's voice. It isn't so much that it sounds bad, it's just hard to take it seriously when used in a serious song. I feel like Chvrches
    I liked their debut album, but that was because it's sound was something fresh and colorful. It feels like EOE is an attempt to be darker and deeper, and yet it doesn't seem to be a good direction for Chvrches.

    One of the reasons boils down to the singer's voice. It isn't so much that it sounds bad, it's just hard to take it seriously when used in a serious song. I feel like Chvrches has a dry well on their hands, where what used to be a band with lush and interesting production is now so overproduced that I can't separate them from other electronic musicians.

    The most important thing about pop music is the "hooks" and the catchiness of the tracks. When the singles "Never Ending Circles" and "Leave A Trace" came out, I thought they were so lifeless that it made me question why Chvrches is even a pop group to begin with. Which then leads to tracks like "Clearest Blue" who's second half feels like an Avici knockoff without the (you guessed it) catchiness. The other songs (and I mean literally the rest of them) I can't seem to remember for the life of me.

    I admire Chvrches for going into a new direction, but it starts to dwindle when it feels like the album is so redundant and copypasted that it feels like I'm listening to the same song for an hour. It's a pop album that fails to be musically memorable in any way, which is so bizarre considering how seriously it takes itself.

    I still like their debut TBOWYB, but this was so lifeless and wimpy for a respectable band's sophomore album. In the end, Every Open Eye is like a deflated beach ball, some color and size here and there, but that can't really change the fact that there's absolutely nothing inside.
  28. Sep 25, 2015
    Well CHVRCHES are monotone, this is The Bones Of What You Believe 2.0, but I still like it and sounds are very catchy. I think they did a great job and it's better than their debut...
  29. Sep 25, 2015
    Chvrches builds on their strong debut with a well layered and catchy sophomore album. While The Bones Of What You Believe displayed very diverse songs, Every Open Eye shows songs that have a similar theme but all have their unique strong points. Down Side of Me is a superb song; by far one of the trio's best to date.
  30. Sep 25, 2015
    Weren't it for the cheap pseudo-vintage aesthetic and vague drama that surround it, this album would be considered the equal of every other disposable mainstream synthpop record released in the past ten years, because that's exactly what it is, musically speaking.

    No innovation is to be found on it, and the project's heavy reliance on tired pop formulas is only made more obvious by its
    Weren't it for the cheap pseudo-vintage aesthetic and vague drama that surround it, this album would be considered the equal of every other disposable mainstream synthpop record released in the past ten years, because that's exactly what it is, musically speaking.

    No innovation is to be found on it, and the project's heavy reliance on tired pop formulas is only made more obvious by its lazy attempts at building a distinct imagery to disguise an overall lack of relevance. Unfortunately, Lauren Mayberry is far from being the only "glamorously plain" (or should we say "fashionably ugly"?) singer in the pretentious twee synthpop game. As for the rest of it, it is readily available in the laptop of any female college student who thinks that a master's degree can redeem a grating personality.

    Sonically, it seems decently mixed, even though too much room is left to Lauren's nasal moans in comparison to the (marginally) more soothing production. The latter can only be defined as a clumsy attempt to replicate the latest internet trends by watering them down and stripping them of any abrasive or innovative quality. This is especially problematic considering the band's reputation as forward-thinking musicians.

    Even though this record lacks progressiveness and any true emotional impact, it is not entirely without merit, as it somehow managed to fool such a large amount of listeners into thinking that it was unique in any fathomable way. While not unheard of, this performance is worthy of consideration.
  31. Sep 25, 2015
    It looks like I'm going to be "dropping" CHVRCHES for the same reason I found them - Lavren's stance on misogyny. That is, her stance on labeling any form of critique as misogyny.

    Mayberry's Guardian op-ed on "trolls or **** addicts" in 2013 piqued my interest, and the instrumentals of Martin Doherty and Iain Cook sealed the deal. The timing of the editorial piece - coinciding with
    It looks like I'm going to be "dropping" CHVRCHES for the same reason I found them - Lavren's stance on misogyny. That is, her stance on labeling any form of critique as misogyny.

    Mayberry's Guardian op-ed on "trolls or **** addicts" in 2013 piqued my interest, and the instrumentals of Martin Doherty and Iain Cook sealed the deal. The timing of the editorial piece - coinciding with the launch of their debut album - didn't cross my mind, as I was drawn into the buzz surrounding the band.

    Fast forward to 2015 and the release of the "Leave A Trace" music video. Though Doherty and Cook have literally avoided center stage (despite their repeated public statements against "push[ing] the girl to the front", but let's stay on track) their appearances in the video were limited to approximately seven seconds of murky, almost threatening background male presence. In fact, given the parting chorus lyric "leave a trace of a man" it's almost as if Lavren is using her bandmates in the video as a bogeyman for the overarching breakup angst. Meanwhile Mayberry parades herself in the spotlight, alternating between a little black dress and water-soaked chainmail.

    But, on to "Every Open Eye." (EOE)

    LIke their 2013 debut "The Bones Of What You Believe", (TBOWYB) the band chooses to front-load the tracklist with their main singles. "Never Ending Circles", another breakup anthem, leads into "Leave a Trace", both decent songs along the lines of TBOWYB. But that's just the problem - CHVRCHES could only muster enough hooks to fill the three lead singles of EOE and the rest of the tracks are just making up the numbers. Ahead of its release "Clearest Blue" intrigued me as it hinted at some vulnerability on Lavren's part, narrating what sounds like a panic attack. As it turns out, that promise (and Depeche Mode tribute in the breakout instrumental) isn't realized on the album. It's lost amidst breakup songs and mediocre motivational pieces like "Make Them Gold".

    As on TBOWYB, one song - "High Enough To Carry You Over" - switches it up by featuring Doherty on lead vocals. Though slightly repetitive, the different take on EOE's theme of failed relationships breaks up the monotony and leaves the listener wanting more. Like its predecessor "Under The Tide", the slightly subdued instrumental suggests that the band doesn't trust Lavren as a full replacement for Martin. If CHVRCHES want to move their music forward, featuring the talents of the two male bandmates more often would dispell their growing image as a Lavren Mayberry vehicle.

    I'm giving EOE 4 stars out of 10 for the four songs out of 12 I've found myself listening to - arithmetically that's a 3/10 but I'm being generous for the promise shown in TBOWYB. How the band reacts to any criticism (including user reviews on this website) will provide the verdict on whether CHVRCHES and specifically Lavren are using canned outrage against the online trolling that literally every musical act experiences to further their exposure in the media.
  32. Sep 25, 2015
    I think this album is actually stronger than their debut... maybe it doesn't contain a moment the brilliance of "The Mother We Share" but it maintains a consistency throughout... the songs are all great and this is what I was expecting from Chvrches....
  33. Sep 25, 2015
    A horrible record. Why is Lauren Mayberry "brave" and "strong" when she bullies her fans online? Why does no one mention that she got one of her fans banned from Twitter?

    But back to the record. It's boring, tired, and the same thing as the first one. It's like Lauren threw her vocals over some instrumentals on YouTube, it's just amateur and not good. Thanks but no thanks Chvrches. I
    A horrible record. Why is Lauren Mayberry "brave" and "strong" when she bullies her fans online? Why does no one mention that she got one of her fans banned from Twitter?

    But back to the record. It's boring, tired, and the same thing as the first one. It's like Lauren threw her vocals over some instrumentals on YouTube, it's just amateur and not good.

    Thanks but no thanks Chvrches. I choose to vote with my wallet and not buy your record. I hope your 5 minutes in the spotlight ends soon.
  34. Sep 25, 2015
    Better than their debut. Better songwriting. A stronger, more confident Mayberry, yet somehow she's more vulnerable. A coalescing of the best part of Chvrches.

    Some may say that it doesn't really expand on their sound, which may be a valid complaint. But with a sound so dead solid perfect, why tinker with it?
  35. Sep 25, 2015
    Overall, a disappointing record. It's your classic case of sophomore slump. I wonder how much Chvrches' label paid the AV Club to give them a 100/100? It's clearly a flop in my mind. Subpar production, cringey lyrics and it was horribly mixed.

    When I was a little boy, my momma told me to grow up and be a strong tampon boy. Find a qt waifu, she told me. So I found Lauren, but she
    Overall, a disappointing record. It's your classic case of sophomore slump. I wonder how much Chvrches' label paid the AV Club to give them a 100/100? It's clearly a flop in my mind. Subpar production, cringey lyrics and it was horribly mixed.

    When I was a little boy, my momma told me to grow up and be a strong tampon boy. Find a qt waifu, she told me. So I found Lauren, but she rejected me with this record, as every lyric she sings is like a knife in the heart of my love.

    So, adieu, Chvrches. You hit us with a one hit wonder and it was great for a while. But every tampon boy must grow up one day.
  36. Sep 25, 2015
    It's a pretty bad record. It's just generic, boring and the same as the first record with different lyrics. They fell into the trap of trying to make the first record again, so while it might sell, they didn't progress as artists.
  37. Sep 25, 2015
    A sad followup to a lackluster debut. Lauren Mayberry plus her two producers make a record that's altogether forgetful and another drop in the bucket of synth pop trash.

    Tracks are repetitive and reuses pads from the debut record, Lauren's vocals are often strained and in a range that makes her tone unpleasant to the ear. Her lyrics are misandrist, and her cyber-misandry seems to be
    A sad followup to a lackluster debut. Lauren Mayberry plus her two producers make a record that's altogether forgetful and another drop in the bucket of synth pop trash.

    Tracks are repetitive and reuses pads from the debut record, Lauren's vocals are often strained and in a range that makes her tone unpleasant to the ear.

    Her lyrics are misandrist, and her cyber-misandry seems to be a overall theme through out the album.

    If I was in a staring contest, this record would put surely make me fall asleep and lose.

    I hope one day that Chvrches is more open in the future with that fact that they are not a band and instead are a singer and two producers.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
  1. Nov 5, 2015
    The Glasgow threepiece has figured out what works: in this case, catchy funk-pop ("High Enough to Carry You Over") that threatens the radio friendliness of Bruno Mars, and nods to early Depeche Mode.
  2. Magnet
    Oct 14, 2015
    Every Open Eye takes an "if it ain't broke" approach, following in the same sonic vein as Bones--sometimes outright repeating Bones--but not really building on it. [No. 125, p.58]
  3. Oct 9, 2015
    CHVRCHES are a still a terrific alternative to the barrage of mind-numbing EDM and soulless euro trash of acts such as Icona Pop that permeate our airwaves and devour advertisements. Another heavenly and peerless collection from the Glaswegian synth-poppers.