• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: May 5, 2017
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 196 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 28 out of 196
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  1. Jul 19, 2023
    Review só pra lembrar a nota que eu dei pro album:
    album bem ruinzinho, agora só escrever pra passar dos 75 caracteres.
  2. Aug 25, 2022
    The hit song 1-800 was my introduction to logic and was a powerful well crafted song that i admittedly enjoyed for how minimal his inclusion was . He wasn't the center of that song but even so his preachy bars felt appropriate . Everything after that just doesn't resonate or sound good,there's a lot missing here
  3. Sep 26, 2019
    This is too long for Logic and he does talk more then rap., but my main issue is that Logic talks about being biracial throughout all the album and it is sooo annoying. The only highlight I see here is Take It Back. Even though he talks about being biracial in that song too it at least has a great verse. I love Logic, but this isn't anything I wanted to hear from him.
  4. May 23, 2019
    logic is the rapper white kids put on when they get passed the aux, and oh do they always seem so confident in their decision. Logic creates the most bloated, boring and preachy music possible. As a card carrying liberal, I hate trump as much as the next guy. But dude, criticizing trump for an entire album is the most cliche move and artist can pull. Not to mention his hot takes come offlogic is the rapper white kids put on when they get passed the aux, and oh do they always seem so confident in their decision. Logic creates the most bloated, boring and preachy music possible. As a card carrying liberal, I hate trump as much as the next guy. But dude, criticizing trump for an entire album is the most cliche move and artist can pull. Not to mention his hot takes come off as holier than thou and condescending. Expand
  5. Oct 21, 2018
    Two decent songs, but the rest of this album is entirely disappointing and borderline un-listenable.
  6. Aug 4, 2018
    I reallyyy like Logic's Sinatra tapes and his debut album. but damn did he **** the bed with 'Everybody'.Album concept (the idea for which he stole! directly! and didn't even tryyy to refine or put his own unique spin on it) is really ambitious but is way beyond what Logic is capable of pulling off. This is the album in a nutshell:
    "I'm biracial! I'm biracial! Accept me! Accept me! I've
    I reallyyy like Logic's Sinatra tapes and his debut album. but damn did he **** the bed with 'Everybody'.Album concept (the idea for which he stole! directly! and didn't even tryyy to refine or put his own unique spin on it) is really ambitious but is way beyond what Logic is capable of pulling off. This is the album in a nutshell:
    "I'm biracial! I'm biracial! Accept me! Accept me! I've seen so much **** Treat others the way you wish to be treated! We're all human, can't we all just get along?".
    this is bunch of boilerplate straight-forward bull****. leaves no room for interpretation. Logic literally named his album's character "Atom", a truly mind bogglingly clever play on Adam from the bible...
  7. Feb 27, 2018
    'Everybody' is a plain and try-to-be-purposeful album in Logic's discography. The album is just tasteless and the lyrics and production are horrendous. The only things that are unique about the album are just its beautiful cover art and its kind of disturbing concept/story.
    Strongest Track(s): "1-800-273-8255"
    Weakest Track(s): "Anziety"
  8. Nov 24, 2017
    On everybody, logic seems to only brush the surface of the topics he is discussing on this album. Most of the album is only focused on racial injustice and I feel like this album is far from a proper representation of everybody. This album was, for me pure disappointment. This album could have been much better.
  9. May 24, 2017
    this sucks, i can't believe logic would but out almost 2/3 talking. What happened to the flow? How about the old logic?!? WHERE TF IS HE!!!!!!!!>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!!!.13e232r
  10. May 16, 2017
    Easily logics worst project from his mixtapes and albums. I'm a big fan of his flow, delivery, and voice so I was a little bit excited to hear this album. Unfortunately after listening to it from start to finish I was so disappointed I couldn't bear to listen to it again. Repetitive, corny, and bland are just the few things I can use to describe this album. For an album titled "Everybody"Easily logics worst project from his mixtapes and albums. I'm a big fan of his flow, delivery, and voice so I was a little bit excited to hear this album. Unfortunately after listening to it from start to finish I was so disappointed I couldn't bear to listen to it again. Repetitive, corny, and bland are just the few things I can use to describe this album. For an album titled "Everybody" not everybody can relate to it nor is it for everybody. Overall this album was a terrible listening experience for me. Expand
  11. May 14, 2017
    Logic continues to disappoint me. For a dude which such talent, he sure knows how to make a bad album. Of course, this album isn't a 0, it's not the worst thing I've ever heard, but I had a pretty bad time listening to it. I know this dude is biracial, but he didn't have to go out of his way to make the most watered down black power anthem ever made, like I think he misses the **** pointLogic continues to disappoint me. For a dude which such talent, he sure knows how to make a bad album. Of course, this album isn't a 0, it's not the worst thing I've ever heard, but I had a pretty bad time listening to it. I know this dude is biracial, but he didn't have to go out of his way to make the most watered down black power anthem ever made, like I think he misses the **** point of being black and he's more obsessed with convinces his generally white fanbase that he's just as black as his cousin Keisha. Him saying **** a couple times on the album pissed me off, even if it wasn't in the context most other rappers do, he's trying to push an agenda more than anything. Anyways, the concept is pretty interesting but very poorly executed. Dragged out skits and instrumentals hurt this album badly. And the accusations of Logic seemingly (not purposely) drawing too much from his contemporaries liters the album as well, songs like "Everybody" not only follow Logic's own formula for rapping over the same type of generic, sampled rap beat, but mirroring Kendrick Lamar's "Alright", which got it's message across A LOT clearer. Logic's just a frustrating person to write about, and I'm guess I'm happy he selling a lot of albums, but I hate the way that his own fans have been championing him but I feel like they are starting to realize what's happened as well. This is not really apart of the review, but I just think Logic just made one of the biggest **** ups of his career. This is just a fact, his fanbase is mostly white kids, and he's championed by that fanbase because he's a (visibly) white guy. Making an album like this just doesn't work...it's just retarded in concept, why are you making an album that (if executed correctly) would be criticizing his very fanbase, or at least make them think more a little, BUT he knew he couldn't go full-on "black power" because he wants to bring "everybody" together, so he makes a couple half-assed bars about the empowerment of black people, without criticizing those keeping us in that position. To quote Pitckfork (which pretty much sucks but knows what's up from time to time), this is the "#AllLivesMatter" of rap albums. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 7
  2. Negative: 1 out of 7
  1. May 23, 2017
    However he chooses to create his albums, both Logic's talent as an emcee and his insightfulness can't be denied.
  2. May 17, 2017
    Hip Hop’s gatekeepers will say that timing and the repetitive nature of Logic’s lyrics hurts Everybody but for Logic’s younger core fan base, especially those going through struggles of their own, his latest work will be the catharsis to keep them from plunging off the deep end.
  3. May 15, 2017
    In general, the album feels like a grab-bag of 'button issues', others' ideas, and content truly desperate to bear high-minded importance, but proves little more than Logic has clearly heard some Kendrick.