• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: May 5, 2017
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 196 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 28 out of 196
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  1. Jul 28, 2019
    There's a lot of good messages in here, so it's tough to hate on it. It's just so meh, though. Logic sounds watered down and redundant here. Some very good tracks like 1-800 are enough to give it a 5, but it's just overall a pretty forgettable listen.
  2. Dec 21, 2018
    Logic had this moment of music speak the truth of society and even a critique of the album. You do not have a creativity and involvement, just the generic. It would indicate, with foot behind.
  3. Dec 3, 2018
    Logic spends too much time preaching his new found "peace, love, and positivity" slogan instead of incorporating it into unique music and using his fantastic ability to present multiple different flows in a single track. Do not get me wrong, there are some great tracks, but most of the album seems pandered to the media.
  4. Aug 16, 2018
    This album sucked. Felt very half baked and very rushed to a degree. A lot of the songs felt unfinished and like demos in terms of the actual direction. Amazing production, poor song structure
  5. Aug 8, 2018
    Logic is biracial. That's basically all that came from this album and that 1-800 song. Logic repeats the same **** on most of the songs, which is basically him talking about how he's not ashamed to be black and even though there are a few good ideas that are using the Everybody concept there are few and far between.
  6. Jun 10, 2018
    Disappointment. Not claiming to be the authority on Logic's music but, this is by far his worst album. I understand what he's trying to say and that the message is important, that doesn't cover the way it's delivered. So far we have three Logic serious projects: one biographical, one narrative and this I would consider a goal-centered album, in the sense that it tries to give a perspectiveDisappointment. Not claiming to be the authority on Logic's music but, this is by far his worst album. I understand what he's trying to say and that the message is important, that doesn't cover the way it's delivered. So far we have three Logic serious projects: one biographical, one narrative and this I would consider a goal-centered album, in the sense that it tries to give a perspective in the current climate of tension we are living. The last two albums, in whatever grade, achieved their purpose, this one does not. Instead of talking from everybody's perspective (a close to impossible task), Logic focuses on race (specifically his biracial origin) and touches on other subjects like LGBT issues. That's it. Not only he misses part of his goal, his forcefeeds whatever he offers so much people tend to ignore the point he was trying to convey. Let's hope his next album gives his career a second wind. Expand
  7. Feb 12, 2018
    I didn't mind the speeches, even though they take up at least one third of the album, the story is actually pretty cool, but the repetitive nature of the lyrics was very noticeable. Yes I understand that Logic is biracial and black is beautiful, but it just never stops. Also I liked Logic's vocal performance more in The Incredible True Story. Soundwise a lot of the songs are good though,I didn't mind the speeches, even though they take up at least one third of the album, the story is actually pretty cool, but the repetitive nature of the lyrics was very noticeable. Yes I understand that Logic is biracial and black is beautiful, but it just never stops. Also I liked Logic's vocal performance more in The Incredible True Story. Soundwise a lot of the songs are good though, especially in the second half of the album. Expand
  8. Sep 28, 2017
    I'm kind of disappointed. Logic is one of my favorite rappers of all time, and I do love the songs "Everybody", "Black Spiderman", and "America", but... something feels missing. Like some of the magic is gone. Also, "Mos Definetly" SUUUUUUUUUUCKS. 6/10
  9. Jul 17, 2017
    it's okay............................................................................................................................................................
  10. May 18, 2017

    Logic is biracial. Logic is biracial. Logic is biracial. He isn't white, his dad is black. Logic is black. Logic is biracial. He isn't white though, that's for damn sure. LOGIC IS BIRACIAL.
  11. May 16, 2017
    Logic puts forth a few notable songs that speak true, however, he ultimately does not display the creativity and longevity that he has the potential for. Themes such as his mixed race come up explicitly in every song and are not built upon, but instead he uses it to express a view of world civility that is just about preached by everyone else.
  12. May 16, 2017
    It's really average, there's so little rapping in it that it gets annoying with him just talking to end the beat. Which is a shame because, when he raps his lyrics are sharp and his flow is really on point, but the lack of actual rapping drags this album down
  13. May 14, 2017
    I expected so much more from logic and i am extremely dissappointed because logic did not go all out at all, he touched on very important subjects without really saying much, he is like the guy that walks into a newsagent and looks at the headlines on all the papers but will never buy one. You can see he really wanted to make a great album that is what hurts me but his flow was hard andI expected so much more from logic and i am extremely dissappointed because logic did not go all out at all, he touched on very important subjects without really saying much, he is like the guy that walks into a newsagent and looks at the headlines on all the papers but will never buy one. You can see he really wanted to make a great album that is what hurts me but his flow was hard and the beats were awesome but he wasted them by talking all through it is a 5 for me Expand
  14. May 13, 2017
    Logic strives to create a top-notch project relating religion and race diversity, but he ends delivering us more like a work in progress, full of uncertainties and unfinished messages

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 7
  2. Negative: 1 out of 7
  1. May 23, 2017
    However he chooses to create his albums, both Logic's talent as an emcee and his insightfulness can't be denied.
  2. May 17, 2017
    Hip Hop’s gatekeepers will say that timing and the repetitive nature of Logic’s lyrics hurts Everybody but for Logic’s younger core fan base, especially those going through struggles of their own, his latest work will be the catharsis to keep them from plunging off the deep end.
  3. May 15, 2017
    In general, the album feels like a grab-bag of 'button issues', others' ideas, and content truly desperate to bear high-minded importance, but proves little more than Logic has clearly heard some Kendrick.