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Generally favorable reviews- based on 111 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 95 out of 111
  2. Negative: 6 out of 111
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  1. Mar 8, 2019
    The only "bad" thing in this record is that it ends. Absolutely addicting, well produced and totally worth all the wait for a Foals new album.
    Waiting for Pt.2
  2. Mar 22, 2019
    I was huge fan of Holy Fire and less inspired by What Went Down. However, this is different than anything they’ve ever done, and it’s a different taste. Some people may not appreciate that; but it still holds original roots of their prior work. For me, it’s easy to say that this is not only their most ambitious work, but possibly their best album yet. It embodies a different melody andI was huge fan of Holy Fire and less inspired by What Went Down. However, this is different than anything they’ve ever done, and it’s a different taste. Some people may not appreciate that; but it still holds original roots of their prior work. For me, it’s easy to say that this is not only their most ambitious work, but possibly their best album yet. It embodies a different melody and finds itself split between tempos. Yet I disagree with reviews calling this album unguided or lacking direction. They know what they were looking to achieve and they met that goal. Expand
  3. May 31, 2020
    An absolutely incredible album. Has overtaken total life forever as my all time favourite record.
  4. Jun 24, 2022
    Oh man i love this album... ENSWBL as a whole is my favourite music art piece ever, and especially the first part. The themes and lyrics are hitting me right in that hole in my heart that go as deep as i never thought it was possible... And the sound of this album leave me shivering on my couch. Yeah... Foals are great...
  5. Mar 8, 2019
    I love how they are getting more complex with their production. I can't guess how the song is going to end. No predictable twists. This is on the more experimental side for them but they make it sound natural. Lyrical content is also a standout. I enjoyed it. There are no boring fillers. Can't wait for part 2!
  6. Mar 8, 2019
    White Onions and Exits were definitely solid. I love how varied this album is. From In degrees, which makes you wanna dance, to Sunday, which brings the feels. I just LOVED this album. Syrup didn't totally convince me, but it gets better at min4.
  7. Jul 26, 2019
    Opener "Moonlight" is essentially an intro and gives the listener an early idea of how this album is going to go. The sound of Foals last few records is here but with many extra layers. These layers mainly come in the form of synths. Its' two and a half minutes build quickly into first single "Exits", a song that didn't grab me initially but one that I love now. Foals have their collectiveOpener "Moonlight" is essentially an intro and gives the listener an early idea of how this album is going to go. The sound of Foals last few records is here but with many extra layers. These layers mainly come in the form of synths. Its' two and a half minutes build quickly into first single "Exits", a song that didn't grab me initially but one that I love now. Foals have their collective fingers on the pulse it seems, providing us with a contempory sound with serious umphh. "White Onions" is more classic Foals, musically frantic with Phillipakis' vocals a la "ANTIDOTES". "In Degrees" is from the Foals school of dance and is a banger."Syrups" is a bit of a moody groover, lots going on here and I would guess this would be a great live track. "On the Luna" is an uptempo synth rocker while "Cafe d'Athens" is pretty experimental stuff. The album winds down as it closes out with the excellent "Sunday" and "I'm Done With the World". Foals have been brave here. First, for a band of their stature to release a two part album (this is the closest thing to the concept ofthe double album your going to get these days ) but more than that, "Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost Part 1" is creatively bold. The band have a broad enough sound anyway but they really throw everything bar the kitchen sink into this record and manage to produce a really good piece of work from it. This is one to sink your teeth into and really enjoy. This is a strong album in its own right but seems to have slipped relatively under the radar by Foals' standards. It might be a lack of radio friendly singles but I wonder did the whole two parter thing put people off. As I write this I'm looking forward to the as yet unreleased Part 2. Expand
  8. Mar 9, 2019
    Most cohesive album by Foals to date. The lyrical concepts, songwriting, and instrumental experimentation make this my favorite album of the year so far. Can't wait for part 2.
  9. Mar 12, 2019
    Yannis & Co. are back (minus Walter) and they are arguably better than ever before. I have to say whilst I enjoyed the singles to Part 1, I was still left hungry for that upbeat fast-paced vibe and it's safe to say that they have fulfilled that. I feared that without Walter the band would falter and wouldn't show what made me fall in love with them all those years ago. Nonetheless, sinceYannis & Co. are back (minus Walter) and they are arguably better than ever before. I have to say whilst I enjoyed the singles to Part 1, I was still left hungry for that upbeat fast-paced vibe and it's safe to say that they have fulfilled that. I feared that without Walter the band would falter and wouldn't show what made me fall in love with them all those years ago. Nonetheless, since returning to the studio with this effort Foals have left me excited and hungry to see what the "heavier" Part 2 will bring. My only complaint is that I wish it didn't feel like it was over in a flash.

    On first listen alone, White Onions and In Degrees had me dancing, period. The guitars and Yannis' vocals are just so tight on both of these tracks it's unreal.
    Syrups then starts slow and builds up to this beautiful fast bop that follows suit with the previous two tracks.
    After the interlude, we return to Sunday, a single that really had me excited for what this album would bring after the sound the bridge on this track, in particular, showed and is definitely my favourite single from the album. Foals wrap up Part 1 with this beautiful song that is played with a gorgeous piano and some glitzy synths that slowly just start to overpower the track in such a wonderful way.

    Favourite Tracks:
    White Onions, In Degrees, Sunday
  10. May 20, 2019
    It took me a few listens to love this, but I do. It's a great album - and maybe not as good as previous ones, but up there.
  11. Sep 15, 2019
    It's a great album that has catchy dance-rock music to it. (8/10)

    Favorite tracks: Exits, In Degress, and Sunday
    Least favorite tracks: Surf Pt. 1 and Moonlight (the latter by default).
  12. Jan 30, 2023
    I still remember listening to this album for the first time. March 2019, fresh Foals fan for only a few months back then, still discovering their discography when they announced two new albums in one year. Really liked Sunday and the new sound they had for Part 1 kinda threw me off guard, being used to songs off Total Life Forever and What Went Down. 4 years later, decided to give itI still remember listening to this album for the first time. March 2019, fresh Foals fan for only a few months back then, still discovering their discography when they announced two new albums in one year. Really liked Sunday and the new sound they had for Part 1 kinda threw me off guard, being used to songs off Total Life Forever and What Went Down. 4 years later, decided to give it another proper re-listen and it's a solid album. I would place this album outside the Top 3 favourite Foals album, but it's still a good album nonetheless, not a bad track can be found on this album despite some I enjoyed more than others but still a good listen if it comes on shuffle. Judging from the reviews here, I think everyone that has come back to this album after listening to it at first has come back to give it a higher score and enjoy it more. I hope their new album returns to the style of Part 1 and What Went Down with a mix of emphasis of instrumentals and synthesisers here and there. Expand
  13. Mar 15, 2019
    It's a bold experimentation without throwing away the high tempo vibe that they introduced in What Went Down. Personally, I preferred What Went Down for its more rocky elements, but Exits and Sunday are excellent stand alone tracks that carry over some of the rocky, more consistent sounding elements over from previous albums. The other tracks have enough variety to appeal to pretty muchIt's a bold experimentation without throwing away the high tempo vibe that they introduced in What Went Down. Personally, I preferred What Went Down for its more rocky elements, but Exits and Sunday are excellent stand alone tracks that carry over some of the rocky, more consistent sounding elements over from previous albums. The other tracks have enough variety to appeal to pretty much anyone and I think that is the key to why this album is definitely a success. Perhaps when Part 2 comes out, Part 1 will feel like an even bigger accomplishment, because this certainly feels like half of something much bigger and grander and I am sure they will not disappoint. It is so close to an 8 for me, some of the individual elements in each track are genius, but not quite there overall. As a stand alone album, it is too short and doesn't have enough tracks like Exits and Sunday, but that's just my preference. I am aware they started out with the experimental Math Pop sound that dominates the rest of the album, and I guess this is its evolution. Finally, I will say this album is a good album to be listening to while your working; really focuses the mind. (update; just saw an interview on Youtube with the band and they are saying that Part 2 has more rocky elements and is more like What Went Down, Can't wait!) Expand
  14. May 9, 2019
    Foals' new album, "Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost, Pt. 1" marks the return of the indie rock masters. This time with a familiar, punchy sound that induces a state of nostalgia for older indie listeners. A defiant, successful return for the band.
  15. Dec 15, 2019
    It's good but forgettable. Phillppakis certainly tried his best here, but it's a bit over ambitious. Sunday is the best track.
  16. Mar 22, 2019
    I didn't really care about this record while listening to it, it's bang average at a 5. If you like mostly slower pop-rock music with distant and sometimes hazy vocals this might be for you.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Mar 25, 2019
    For now, this is an album that establishes Foals as one of the most exciting and driven bands of the generation.
  2. Mar 22, 2019
    Foals have always been deft wielders of unease, and the shambolic Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost feels certain in its uncertainty. Whether or not all of these stylistic shifts find some common ground with the release of volume two remains to be seen, but there's no denying the vitality that runs through this ten-song set, nor the inescapable feeling of doom.
  3. Mar 15, 2019
    What’s heartening about the first part of Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost is that this formula has not become tired. Rather, the band are adding to it incrementally and progressing into ever more interesting territory.