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Universal acclaim- based on 22 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 22
  2. Negative: 2 out of 22

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  1. RandallR.
    Sep 25, 2007
    The DVD version gets a 10. The surround sound version sounds great (although you need a DVD-Audio player), but the real treat is the entire album performed live with acoustic instruments. The acoustic version better and more honest than the CD version.
  2. BillyH
    Feb 5, 2005
    Yall who rated it a 2/3 suck... this is an awesome band releasing an awesome cd the critics suck too...
  3. jenniferw
    Jul 2, 2004
    These guys are the antidote for a music industry that takes themselves entirely too seriously.
  4. EmilyH
    Jun 3, 2004
    I loved most of the songs on this album. There was only one that I thought was bad. I thought the songs were very catchy. Most songs on the radio today are bad influenses. I loved this cd because it took me away for the things of this world and put me in a place that was still realistic but sumwhat relaxing and a little silly. I had more fun listening to this cd than any other cd I have I loved most of the songs on this album. There was only one that I thought was bad. I thought the songs were very catchy. Most songs on the radio today are bad influenses. I loved this cd because it took me away for the things of this world and put me in a place that was still realistic but sumwhat relaxing and a little silly. I had more fun listening to this cd than any other cd I have ever heard before. Expand
  5. JeffH
    Dec 11, 2003
    Excellent!!!!!!!! Just saw them live at the Uptown Theatre in KC. Almost 3 hours. They played every song on this CD. Very upbeat. Great live performers. The CD is solid; very typical of what the diehard BNL fans were hoping for.......
  6. MichaelE
    Dec 8, 2003
    So much to listen to here, and what really stands out are the universal.
  7. BrennanD
    Dec 7, 2003
    Not the best BNL album. But it is extremely catchy and is well crafted. It is a must buy record!
  8. PennyH
    Nov 15, 2003
    This is their best cd yet. Every song is perfect. If you're not a fan you will be after hearing this. Great songwriting, great vocals, great music.
  9. MichaelH
    Nov 6, 2003
    I find this album a more mature and sometimes sillier album than "Maroon". This is wonderful in both ways. Each song is more mature, and shows their influences, as well as their ability to laugh @ themselves.
  10. TimJ
    Nov 6, 2003
    Just like with most of their songs, it takes a couple of listens to appreciate this CD. Listen to it a few times and you won't stop listening. As usual, Steven Page's voice alone is worth buying this CD.
  11. JasonG
    Nov 5, 2003
    As long as you don't listen to it expecting every song to be another silly "One Week" sound-alike, this is a brilliant CD. It's The Ladies' best work since "Born On a Pirate Ship," and maybe their best ever. In many ways, it takes the strength of all their previous albums and puts it together into one amazing CD. It's got the stylistic variety of "Maroon," the flow of As long as you don't listen to it expecting every song to be another silly "One Week" sound-alike, this is a brilliant CD. It's The Ladies' best work since "Born On a Pirate Ship," and maybe their best ever. In many ways, it takes the strength of all their previous albums and puts it together into one amazing CD. It's got the stylistic variety of "Maroon," the flow of "Maybe You Should Drive," the emotion of "Born On A Pirate Ship," the energy of "Rock Spectacle," the consistency of "Stunt," and the lyrical genius of "Maroon." The title may be tongue-in-cheek, but it comes pretty close to being everything to me. Expand
  12. WedgeA
    Nov 4, 2003
    The more I listen to it the better it gets. War on Drugs is a classic Steve Page tune along the lines of What a Good Boy and Break Your Heart. Shopping may leave you scratching your head, but it is a pretty good rip on the post September 11th state of mind - instead of buying war bonds or enlisting, we were encouraged to go out and shop to help the economy. More slickly produced than any The more I listen to it the better it gets. War on Drugs is a classic Steve Page tune along the lines of What a Good Boy and Break Your Heart. Shopping may leave you scratching your head, but it is a pretty good rip on the post September 11th state of mind - instead of buying war bonds or enlisting, we were encouraged to go out and shop to help the economy. More slickly produced than any other BNL album, E2E utilizes Kevin Hearns talents far more than Maroon, without overshadowing the guts of the band, which is the fantastic rythym combo of Tyler Stewart (drums) and Jim Creeggan (bass). Jim really gets to go to town on "Second Best". Ed's voice just keeps sounding better to me, and while Steve does not seem to push himself vocally as in previous efforts, he continues to have one of the greatest voices in pop. So forget the inane "Another Postcard" and try out E2E. Expand
  13. John
    Oct 31, 2003
    An improvement over the somewhat uneven Maroon, full of immediately catchy hooks and clever lyrics--not oversold, in my opinion, despite what the reviewer said.
  14. D.Jung
    Oct 31, 2003
    Amazing, amazing album. In terms of songwriting, musicianship, and growth, this is their strongest album yet. They've still got the clever lyrics and the catchy tunes, but in every song (except maybe Another Postcard, which is not as representative of the rest of the album as a first single probably should be) you will find they've captured the underlying theme or emotion Amazing, amazing album. In terms of songwriting, musicianship, and growth, this is their strongest album yet. They've still got the clever lyrics and the catchy tunes, but in every song (except maybe Another Postcard, which is not as representative of the rest of the album as a first single probably should be) you will find they've captured the underlying theme or emotion extremely well, especially after a few listens. War On Drugs, Take It Outside, For You and Have You Seen My Love? are especially evocative. Hopefully, enough people will take a real listen to this album and discover not the jokester or novelty band they've been characterized as, but rather the real Barenaked Ladies as their devoted fans know them. Expand
  15. DougT
    Oct 31, 2003
    A great CD. Right up there with Stunt a one of my favorites.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 11
  2. Negative: 1 out of 11
  1. Everything to Everyone is probably Barenaked Ladies' most honest album -- always touching, but serious and completely open for the first time in their 15-year career.
  2. When all is said and done, Everything to Everyone manages to be good for many.
  3. To be sure, Everything to Everyone certainly packs in the humorous moments that were largely lacking from the group's last album, 2000's Maroon. But it also shows principal songwriters Steven Page and Ed Robertson reflecting on weightier topics related to the band's double-edged popularity.