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Universal acclaim- based on 99 Ratings

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  1. Positive: 82 out of 99
  2. Negative: 3 out of 99
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  1. Aug 18, 2017
    The Last Shadow Puppets evolve a great deal from their last album to this one.

    The music becomes less spontaneous and folk-inspired to instead take a hard left to two very different sounds. Strings make appearances on this album with stark contrasting electric guitars to create a very unique sound with Alex's and Miles's vocals. Every song on this album is enjoyable. Perhaps for
    The Last Shadow Puppets evolve a great deal from their last album to this one.

    The music becomes less spontaneous and folk-inspired to instead take a hard left to two very different sounds. Strings make appearances on this album with stark contrasting electric guitars to create a very unique sound with Alex's and Miles's vocals.

    Every song on this album is enjoyable. Perhaps for different reasons individually, but enjoyable nonetheless.

    If you like retro-inspired rock music, that slows down to an almost sensual level at points, you'll like this album.

    Personal favorites: Aviation, Miracle Aligner, Dracula Teeth, Everything You've Come To Expect, Bad Habits, and Sweet Dreams, TN.
  2. Nov 21, 2016
    Turner and Kane truly show their lyrical abilities in this masterpiece of modern baroque pop. Songs like "Pattern" and "Dracula Teeth" are the icing on the cake, this album is bloody amazing.
  3. Apr 12, 2016
    'Aviation' kicks it off in spectacular fashion, but its all downhill from there, TLSP just don't do it for me. As Turner keeps trying to stretch his music to its limits, how far is too far? There's all the slick guitar licks you'd expect from clearly talented musician in Turner & Kane, but it isn't enough to keep this album afloat for me.
  4. Apr 3, 2016
    Turner and Kane have outdone themselves again. Aviation is a familiar but brilliant way to start the record as it most closely resembles the sound produced on the band's first record, The Age of the Understatement. The rest of the album delivers a refreshing take on classic sounds from the 60's and 70's. Pattern, while it is a good track left me slightly underwhelmed and for that reason, ITurner and Kane have outdone themselves again. Aviation is a familiar but brilliant way to start the record as it most closely resembles the sound produced on the band's first record, The Age of the Understatement. The rest of the album delivers a refreshing take on classic sounds from the 60's and 70's. Pattern, while it is a good track left me slightly underwhelmed and for that reason, I decided to give the album a 9 out of 10. Overall, Everything You've Come to Expect is a killer album that will leave listeners praying for a third record. Expand
  5. Apr 1, 2016
    For me it is both better than their debut as well as AM, It has some seriously great songs and that Alex charm I think was lacking on AM. Obviously Bad Habits is the weakest on the album but I forgive it because I assume it is supposed to be a fun live song.
    But every other song is fantastic, stand outs for me are: Miracle Aligner, Dracula Teeth, Sweet Dreams TN, She does the Woods, and
    For me it is both better than their debut as well as AM, It has some seriously great songs and that Alex charm I think was lacking on AM. Obviously Bad Habits is the weakest on the album but I forgive it because I assume it is supposed to be a fun live song.
    But every other song is fantastic, stand outs for me are: Miracle Aligner, Dracula Teeth, Sweet Dreams TN, She does the Woods, and The Dream Synopsis. I think Sweet Dreams TN may be the best vocal performance I have heard from Alex. And She Does The Woods is straight up Humbug so for me that is everything I could ever want.
    I think this album really shows how much both Miles and Alex have matured musically, there are some **** great lyrics on this album and their moody voices are a perfect fit. The strings are much more understated but just as beautiful, and the guitar tone on many of the songs is great, particularly Miracle Aligner. I think it is a more than worthy follow up album that is more moody and experimental then their debut, and reclaims some of that Alex Turner charm that I personally missed on AM.
  6. Apr 1, 2016
    Brilliant album. Owen Pallet has done an outstanding job with the string arrangements, at times they are thrillingly inventive. Alex sings like we've never heard him before on Sweet Dreams, TN. An album full of groove, soul and fantastic pop songs. Miles delivers a great vocal on Aviation
  7. Apr 1, 2016
    Stylish. Retro. Sexy. As Turner and Kane are.
    Alex changed his way of singing, found something new, and it suits him well - mature, still subtle and romantic. They've grown up, and so did their music. Thanks for the album, guys, you raise all the emotions from excitement and longing desire to crying at the very end. It's not exactly what I have come to expect, it's much, much better.
  8. Apr 1, 2016
    The album can be resumed as very mature and experimental, especially compared with the first album. We can see Alex and Miles coming from a young and immature work and arriving on this. They collected everything they saw in the last eight years and put here. The lack of explosives moments is the downside, but for the otherhand, the atmosphere is fantastic. It's not everything I've comingThe album can be resumed as very mature and experimental, especially compared with the first album. We can see Alex and Miles coming from a young and immature work and arriving on this. They collected everything they saw in the last eight years and put here. The lack of explosives moments is the downside, but for the otherhand, the atmosphere is fantastic. It's not everything I've coming to expect, but it just doesn't disappoint me at all. Collapse

Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 28
  2. Negative: 0 out of 28
  1. May 10, 2016
    It leaves the impression that The Last Shadow Puppets are principally a conduit for Turner and Kane to demonstrate just how suave they are, and while it’s hard to find many faults with the record, it’s lacking an edge to make it a great one.
  2. May 3, 2016
    The album is at its best when the margins are jammed full--tinny tambourine here, guitar feedback there, a wash of cellos dipping into the mix.
  3. Magnet
    Apr 15, 2016
    Ultimately, it's a delightful indulgence--you're never quite convinced that Turner's about to quit his day job--but a hugely enjoyable one, and Arctic Monkeys fans, in particular, will devour this. [No. 130, p.59]