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Generally favorable reviews- based on 467 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 87 out of 467
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  1. May 14, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. bad bad bad bad, this is a response to how badly done an album is, it would just come out if I listened to it again in its entirety because it's not made to do it, (MEDIOCRE MEANINGLESS THE WORST) Expand
  2. Mar 2, 2023
    This album feels very unique to me. It's fun when you appreciate it for what it is.
  3. Aug 24, 2022
    Don't believe the album title because nothing shows evolution here. Not only do they sound like a horrific U2 coverband but they still haven't managed a single satisfactory release. an example of band that tries to take every single trend in music, throw it together on a canvas, and see what happens. I hated thunder and beliver the most.
  4. Aug 14, 2022
    Thunder, thunder
    Thunder, thun-, thunder
    Thun-thun-thunder, thunder
    Thunder, thunder, thun-, thunder
    Thun-thun-thunder, thunder
  5. Jul 22, 2022
    Buenas letras, buen sonido, pésimas voces, no tienen nada de armonía ni encanto.
  6. Apr 9, 2022
    I am being as unbiased as possible, it is great. They got a few not the best songs (thunder, believer) But even them they are not TERRIBLE. I love rise up and mouth of the river, and even next to me,
  7. Oct 5, 2021
    Generally poppy, but it has some really deep songs like Believer, Rise Up or Mouth Of The River. It's my least favorite ID album, but it's only because I like the others even more. My favorite from this album has to be Walking The Wire
  8. Sep 25, 2021
    Legende: 6 = Best Bewertung / 1 = Tiefst Bewertung
    --------------------------------------------------------------------- • I dont know why: (5) • Whatever it Takes: (5.5) • Believer: (4.5) • Walking the Wire: (5.5) • Rise Up: (5+) • ill make it up to you: (5.5) • Yesterday: (-3) • Mouth of the River: (5) • Thunder: (4) • Start Over: (4) • Dancing in the Dark (2.5)
    Legende: 6 = Best Bewertung / 1 = Tiefst Bewertung
    • I dont know why: (5)
    • Whatever it Takes: (5.5)
    • Believer: (4.5)
    • Walking the Wire: (5.5)
    • Rise Up: (5+)
    • ill make it up to you: (5.5)
    • Yesterday: (-3)
    • Mouth of the River: (5)
    • Thunder: (4)
    • Start Over: (4)
    • Dancing in the Dark (2.5)
    [49.5 Punkte]
    ------------------------------------ Deluxe
    • Levitate: (3.5)
    • Not Today: (4.5)
    • Believer Kaskade Remix: (2+)
    [59.75 Punkte]

    Durchschnitt: 4.5*

    Durchschnitt mit Deluxe: 4.27*

    Während das zweite Studioalbum der Band aus Las Vegas enttäuschte, ist dieses Album ein Megahit.
    Sehr gute Songs: I dont know why, Whatever it Takes, Walking the Wire, Rise Up, ill make it up to you und Mouth of the River.
    Gute Songs: Believer, Thunder und Start Over.
    Die restlichen Lieder sind auch gut gelungen, einfach nicht so einzigartig. Bei drei Songs bekomme ich allerdings Ohrenkrebs, und zwar bei den Songs unter drei Punkten. Schade, den so wird die Note abgerundet.

    Das Album würde in jeder 80er CD-Sammlung gut hineinpassen, denn bei den meisten Songs kommt ein 80er Feeling auf. Die Stilrichtung dieses Albes wäre vor allem Alternativ, Pop Rock und Elektro Pop. Die Deluxe Variante des Albes lohnt sich nicht, aber eindeutig die Standardversion mit den 11 Tracks.

    Bewertung: 5.5 abgerundet auf 5*
  9. Aug 7, 2021
    It's **** awful. Two good songs and others are average or below. Dancing in the Dark is one of the worst songs I've ever heard.
    Best songs: Whatever It Takes, Believer
    Worst songs: Dancing in the Dark
  10. Apr 25, 2021
    Somehow not overrated. These songs are amazing and you can't tell me otherwise. Believer is still one of the best songs ever.
  11. Mar 20, 2021
    Best band of the world i love imagine dragons they are so perfect all members i love u
  12. Feb 13, 2021
    a rock band that makes edm. this is a **** joke. i always hated them and this album was the last straw
  13. Sep 1, 2020
    Evolve is a great album, but something feels off. Maybe it's because it's very repetitive, or the lack of instruments. Night Visions and Origins are much better albums, but at least this one had some good songs.
  14. Aug 6, 2020
    (I’d give this album a 9,8/10, but I can’t add that exact rating so I’ve rounded it up to 10/10).

    I really like this album, there isn’t a song that I dislike. I like the combination of pop and rock, but some songs (Dancing In The Dark or Thunder) are not that catchy, so it doesn’t reach Smoke + Mirrors. Anyways, this album is a genius move.
  15. Jul 31, 2020
    This album is such a great POP album, with no meanings and topics. But this album attracted many people.
  16. Apr 11, 2020
    Evolve by Imagine Dragons: 5.63

    Next To Me: 0.25 I Don’t Know Why: 0.5 Whatever It Takes: 1 :) Believer: 1 :) Walking The Wire: 1 :) Rise Up: 0.75 I’ll Make It Up To You: 0.75 Yesterday: 1 Mouth Of The River: 1 :) Thunder: 0.75 Start Over: 1 :) Dancing In The Dark: 0 9/12 = .750 -> 5.63 I began listening to Evolve in the hopes that it would be more energetic, like
    Evolve by Imagine Dragons: 5.63

    Next To Me: 0.25
    I Don’t Know Why: 0.5
    Whatever It Takes: 1 :)
    Believer: 1 :)
    Walking The Wire: 1 :)
    Rise Up: 0.75
    I’ll Make It Up To You: 0.75
    Yesterday: 1
    Mouth Of The River: 1 :)
    Thunder: 0.75
    Start Over: 1 :)
    Dancing In The Dark: 0

    9/12 = .750 -> 5.63

    I began listening to Evolve in the hopes that it would be more energetic, like Night Visions, than Smoke + Mirrors was. My expectations were met by this criteria but by others, Evolve fell way flat. Half of the songs in Evolve are really good, but the other half I wasn’t too thrilled with. For example, Next To Me had potential to be a really good song, as the drums and guitar riffs sounded really nice, but there was weird timing there that made those two seem out of sync, which was annoying. Plus, its bridge was pretty whack. I Don’t Know Why seemed to be too “synthy” for Imagine Dragons, as if they were trying too hard to make it a radio song. Whatever It Takes, Believer, and Walking The Wire were all fantastic, exactly what I was anticipating (both in my hopes for the album and some of Imagine Dragons’s best work). Rise Up felt a little too loud overall, like there was too much going on, but it was good otherwise, and I also enjoyed I’ll Make It Up To You. Yesterday was a good song, though some parts of it felt a bit abrupt. I felt about Mouth Of The River and Start Over the same way I felt about the three previously mentioned awesome songs: it was just so good. Thunder was a little repetitive but was otherwise a fun and catchy tune. Dancing In The Dark on the other hand, was repetitive as well, along with woefully flat: annoying electronic drums and the vocals had some weird effect to them, and the song droned on. All in all, Evolve misses the mark compared to other Imagine Dragons albums, but there are still a few gems within this collection. Highlights: Whatever It Takes, Believer, Walking The Wire, Yesterday, Mouth Of The River, and Start Over.
  17. Dec 9, 2019
    Album muito interessante, as músicas são em sua maioria muito boas mas não se relacionam bem em conjunto.
    Resumindo:músicas boas que não funcionam em forma de album.
  18. Aug 31, 2019
    É um album bom, com músicas muito boas e algumas esqueciveis, mas que no geral gera um produto apreciavel e bom para ouvir nos momentos de furia ou mais frios.
  19. Jul 28, 2019
    Really good pop record. A wonderful evolution of the band while maintaining the Imagine Dragons flavour.
  20. Jul 6, 2019
    I loved their first two albums but this is the album is better than their first two. Dan Reynolds just continues to be stupendous and the bands writing is better than their first two albums. I love the very colorful cover. I love ever single song on the album but my favorites are Thunder, Walking the Wire, Believer, Whatever it Takes, Next to Me, and Mouth of the River. The music videosI loved their first two albums but this is the album is better than their first two. Dan Reynolds just continues to be stupendous and the bands writing is better than their first two albums. I love the very colorful cover. I love ever single song on the album but my favorites are Thunder, Walking the Wire, Believer, Whatever it Takes, Next to Me, and Mouth of the River. The music videos for Thunder, Believer, Whatever it Takes, and Next to Me were all awesome and visually spectacular. They are still one of my very favorite bands and one of my favorite musical artists of all time. A+. Expand
  21. Dec 21, 2018
    The album is very well structured, and has a difference in other albums on issues of sounds and vibrations. Dan's vocal quality is to be shaken. Super singles, a great album.
  22. Nov 9, 2018
    Solid Album but not what I expect from a band like Imagine Dragons. Thunder is god awful, Believer didn't sound unique but lyrics were definitely good, and most the songs lyrics weren't that great. Unlike Smoke + Mirrors and Night Visions there's nothing here that wows me until Next To Me comes out as it definitely wowed me, but let's not count that song as it was in there re-release. MySolid Album but not what I expect from a band like Imagine Dragons. Thunder is god awful, Believer didn't sound unique but lyrics were definitely good, and most the songs lyrics weren't that great. Unlike Smoke + Mirrors and Night Visions there's nothing here that wows me until Next To Me comes out as it definitely wowed me, but let's not count that song as it was in there re-release. My favorites from the Album were Mouth of the River, Rise Up, Whatever It Takes, I'll Make It Up To You, and I Don't Know Why. Again Solid Album but after there 2 amazing albums you definitely expected better. Expand
  23. Nov 6, 2018
    Don't really know why this band's albums have such mediocre scores. I think Evolve is excellent with a stunningly driven score. You could take 4-5 of these songs and put them straight onto a sound system for an intermission sporting event. Maybe people think that is bad - but I don't.
  24. Oct 23, 2018
    I don't know why everybody said the Suicide Squad soundtrack sucked, it was great. Twenty One Pilots made it album of the year and Jared Leto was bettter then Heath LEdger.

    Give it a listen, guys, Suicicde Squad is better than MarDULL and their **** Infinite War that never ends and Black Panther was garbage.

  25. Oct 11, 2018
    Puedo decir con seguridad y certeza que no entiendo el (en cierto punto) desprecio a esta banda y en general a este trabajo. Si bien hay sin lugar a duda de 3 a 4 canciones que hubieran estado mejor sin existir, el resto es energía pura, te logra tener al borde del asiento con cada lírica de la canción y con los magistrales sonidos de la producción que en cuanto crees pensar que sonPuedo decir con seguridad y certeza que no entiendo el (en cierto punto) desprecio a esta banda y en general a este trabajo. Si bien hay sin lugar a duda de 3 a 4 canciones que hubieran estado mejor sin existir, el resto es energía pura, te logra tener al borde del asiento con cada lírica de la canción y con los magistrales sonidos de la producción que en cuanto crees pensar que son "sobre" producidos, se detienen en el momento justo logrando una sensación inigualable. Juega a ser pretencioso y a querer probarte en decir "esta mal" y justo cuando te tiene así, te cierra la boca y logra su cometido. Un buen trabajo, un 8.1 para Imagine Dragons Expand
  26. Sep 25, 2018
    Pobres las sirvientas de Twenty One Pilots, horrora con su aborto.
    Buy Trench on iTunes
  27. Sep 19, 2018
    Un excelente álbum con buenas canciones, después de "Smoke + Miroos" no fuera lo que esperaba, este álbum ha llenado todas mis expectativas sin duda alguna uno de sus mejores trabajos discográficos (10/10).
  28. Jul 22, 2018
    A jewel of the current pop rock and perhaps too advanced for its time because it did not receive the recognition of part of the professional criticism it deserves. A unanimous concept that will not bore you and that you will surely enjoy.
  29. Jul 4, 2018
    One of the best albums of the year.Great Production and mesmerizing vocals.Lyrically it got some issue.But overall its their best to the date.
  30. Jun 26, 2018
    This album is harmless and unoffensive. Either you love it or hate it, it's nothing to make you angry. Imagine Dragons make a record filled with trailer music that anyone can take it and play it over a scene. But there are one or two bangers included in here as well. The track Whatever It Takes is probably the best one and one of the few songs of theirs that I wanna keep listening onThis album is harmless and unoffensive. Either you love it or hate it, it's nothing to make you angry. Imagine Dragons make a record filled with trailer music that anyone can take it and play it over a scene. But there are one or two bangers included in here as well. The track Whatever It Takes is probably the best one and one of the few songs of theirs that I wanna keep listening on repeat. Probably their best one since Radioactive (I haven't listened to Smoke+Mirrors). Also the song Believer I think fully succeeded in making you energised, which if you have watched the music video is pretty obviously what they were going for.
    Now on the other hand the rest of the tracks are just bland. Nothing special. I mean Mouth of the River was kinda good and Dancing in the Dark started off good, but the repetitive chorus killed the song for me. Also I would like to talk about the song "Thunder". This is probably the biggest missed opportunity in the entire album. The music is good and Dan Raynold's singing is decent. But that **** chipmunk chorus destroys the song. Also it would help if Dan didn't raise the notes in the end of every sentence. In the end it got under my skin, which is a shame as it could have been pretty good.
    In the end I'll give it a strong 5/10. I rate it that cause I don't think it's terrible and if you're a big Imagine Dragons fan you'll probably like it. But for me, the only good thing I got from this playlist was adding 2 new songs in my Spotify playlist.
  31. Jun 24, 2018
    This is a very good record, quite different to their previous efforts but it's still good.
    I love the singles and the whole production is of high quality. Somehow i miss their rock sound though.
  32. May 20, 2018
    A total disaster. It came out as such a big disappointment after two beautiful albums, especially the debut one. They really need to change the producer, because this album is the opposite to evolution.
  33. Apr 23, 2018
    Liked this album better than Smoke + Mirrors, you can fell a concept behind, the lyrics and pace are a bit faster than usual, but the chorus are still as we used to hear.

    Highlights: I don't know why (first of the album and my favorite) Whatever it takes (almost a rap) Walking the Wire (This would be a good single...) Rise up (Awesome Lyrics) Mouth of the River (This is fresh, like
    Liked this album better than Smoke + Mirrors, you can fell a concept behind, the lyrics and pace are a bit faster than usual, but the chorus are still as we used to hear.

    I don't know why (first of the album and my favorite)
    Whatever it takes (almost a rap)
    Walking the Wire (This would be a good single...)
    Rise up (Awesome Lyrics)
    Mouth of the River (This is fresh, like it)
    Start Over (Second favorite, catchy)
    Not Today

    Score: 6.8/10 I've not liked the singles that the band released as you can see, but, still the album is okay, there's some nice sounds here but the middle of the album is half empty, some tracks are awesome but downfall back on repetitive and forced choruses.
  34. Mar 18, 2018
    I have listened to Evolve a good handful of times, and have quickly noticed it's biggest problem. It's numero uno problem is how repetitive every song on the album is. Any song on this album gets old on repeat thanks to the short length and insanely repetitive chorus. This album has some really not-good songs that fail in one way or another. "I'll Make it Up to You" is boring musically andI have listened to Evolve a good handful of times, and have quickly noticed it's biggest problem. It's numero uno problem is how repetitive every song on the album is. Any song on this album gets old on repeat thanks to the short length and insanely repetitive chorus. This album has some really not-good songs that fail in one way or another. "I'll Make it Up to You" is boring musically and not-that-good lyrically. It's mostly just boring. "Yesterday" doesn't feel like a song - the music is just plain not-good. The verse on "Start Over" falls short, and is just dull. The music, however, is likeable enough. The worst song on the album is easily the last one, which has terrible music and lyrics. It really sounds bad. "I Don't Know Why" has shallow lyrics but a does have a great chorus; it's funky, catchy, and interesting.

    Here's the good: "Rise Up" feels epic, with great usage of electronic music sounds, and a kick-butt chorus. "Mouth of the River" is great musically and lyrically, but is too repetitive. The two hits from this album hit all the right notes, and sound AMAZING live. "Believer" is powerful, and "Thunder" has awesome music. "Walking the Wire" is truly incredible, with powerful music and lyrics.

    When all is said and done, forget the critics. They hate because it's their job. Evolve has some lame songs, but it's got some really good stuff. The music is pretty good, and there are some good lyrics that actually mean something on this album. Nearly as good as Smoke and Mirrors, but still worth listening to.
  35. Mar 16, 2018
    The third studio album by Las Vegas band Imagine Dragons is by far their worst album, but in no means bad. The vocals by Dan Reynolds are very impressive and he shows off vast amounts of ranges, and the guitar work, while not as good as Smoke + Mirrors, is still pretty good. However much like the album title, the band has "Evolved", but I'm unsure whether it was for the better. They'veThe third studio album by Las Vegas band Imagine Dragons is by far their worst album, but in no means bad. The vocals by Dan Reynolds are very impressive and he shows off vast amounts of ranges, and the guitar work, while not as good as Smoke + Mirrors, is still pretty good. However much like the album title, the band has "Evolved", but I'm unsure whether it was for the better. They've morphed into a more mainstream Pop/Alternative group, and while that isn't a bad thing, it certainly doesn't suit them.
    Favourite Tracks- Mouth of the River, I Don't Know Why, Walking the Wire, Whatever it Takes
    Least Favourite Tracks- Yesterday, Dancing in the Dark, I'll Make it Up to You
  36. Feb 27, 2018
    'EVOLVE' is an enjoyable album overall, but the lyrics and melodies of most of the tracks are too cliche and redundant. Although songs like "I Don't Know Why" and "Believer" are two of the most powerful and superior songs of the album, or maybe even the year, most of the other tracks are just so plain and tasteless and not a bit experimental. However, the vocals in the album are deeply'EVOLVE' is an enjoyable album overall, but the lyrics and melodies of most of the tracks are too cliche and redundant. Although songs like "I Don't Know Why" and "Believer" are two of the most powerful and superior songs of the album, or maybe even the year, most of the other tracks are just so plain and tasteless and not a bit experimental. However, the vocals in the album are deeply appreciated.
    Strongest Tracks: "I Don't Know Why", "Whatever It Takes", "Believer", "I'll Make It Up To You"
    Weakest Tracks: "Rise Up", "Yesterday", "Mouth Of The River", "Start Over"
  37. Jan 22, 2018
    This is the definition of a 'meh album'. Believer gave us a promising hope that it would be a good album, but the rest of the album was just... meh...
  38. Dec 16, 2017
    For me, it was a very average and somewhat forgettable album. Sure it has Whatever it Takes, Believer, and Thunder, but not much else. It's still worth a listen, but don't be expecting much.
  39. Nov 28, 2017

    In fairness, I understand the concept the band were going for and I appreciate that the lead singer was going through some tough times. Sadly this doesn't translate very well in terms of the quality of the music. I absolutely love I Don't Know Why, Whatever It Takes, Believer and Thunder, but the rest of it is really forgettable and comes across as 'filler-trying-to-be-more'

    In fairness, I understand the concept the band were going for and I appreciate that the lead singer was going through some tough times. Sadly this doesn't translate very well in terms of the quality of the music. I absolutely love I Don't Know Why, Whatever It Takes, Believer and Thunder, but the rest of it is really forgettable and comes across as 'filler-trying-to-be-more' which is a shame.

    4/10, + 1 because the aforementioned songs are SO GOOD
  40. Nov 9, 2017
    Imagine Dragons-это отличный пример как водить аудиторию за нос.Альбом просто набит клише и штампами музыки и просто обречён был стать хитовым.В музыке Imagine Dragons нет ничего,что цепляет.В их творчестве нет искры-это просто набор простеньких треков сделанный для масс которые будут считать,что это музыка,но на самом деле это просто коммерческий продукт.Альбом просто сделан по канонуImagine Dragons-это отличный пример как водить аудиторию за нос.Альбом просто набит клише и штампами музыки и просто обречён был стать хитовым.В музыке Imagine Dragons нет ничего,что цепляет.В их творчестве нет искры-это просто набор простеньких треков сделанный для масс которые будут считать,что это музыка,но на самом деле это просто коммерческий продукт.Альбом просто сделан по канону поп-мейнстрима,куча хитовых композиций для хомячков которым нравятся монотонные треки под которых можно покачать головой на дискотеке. Expand
  41. Nov 8, 2017
    A good album in an un-peculiar way, with tones and beats that are not very used these days it disguises as a alternative rock album even if has some strange pop in it
  42. Oct 15, 2017
    Being an Imagine Dragons fan I was excited to see what new sound the band would be able to produce. When Evolve was released in June they showed that they are capable of creating the same great sound as in Night Visions. Not only did they prove that they can create more of this same great sound, but they also showed that they aren't scared to experiment with new sounds.
    Not only does the
    Being an Imagine Dragons fan I was excited to see what new sound the band would be able to produce. When Evolve was released in June they showed that they are capable of creating the same great sound as in Night Visions. Not only did they prove that they can create more of this same great sound, but they also showed that they aren't scared to experiment with new sounds.
    Not only does the album sound great and bring many new musical ideas, but it also has so much meaning in the lyrics as well.

    Most often compared to their first album Night Visions, the album was able to bring bold new sounds. When listening to Evolve you can hear hints of Night Visions in it but it also has its own feel to it as well. When listening to each album you can hear that they are growing and adding different elements to their music. With each album they are getting increasing the quality of their music. Evolve is easily the best album because they use elements from the other two albums to make such a great album.
  43. Oct 14, 2017
    Imagine Dragons was really great with the first two albums, but this... this is FANTASTIC. Evolve has a lot of good writing and deserves better. One of the best albums of 2017.
  44. Oct 9, 2017
    EVOLVE - Imagine Dragons
    June 23, 2017
    11 tracks, 39 min Since I'm a big fan of Night Visions (2012) and Smoke + Mirrors (2015), my expectations where really high on Imagine Dragons' third album. My expectations where too high. Even though Evolve (2017) tries and almost accomplishes the objective to be a new and cool album for both the young and older people, with tracks like I
    EVOLVE - Imagine Dragons
    June 23, 2017
    11 tracks, 39 min

    Since I'm a big fan of Night Visions (2012) and Smoke + Mirrors (2015), my expectations where really high on Imagine Dragons' third album. My expectations where too high.

    Even though Evolve (2017) tries and almost accomplishes the objective to be a new and cool album for both the young and older people, with tracks like I Don't Know Why and I'll Make It Up To You being mostly nostalgic and others like Believer and Thunder appealing to the younger crowd, with all of those tracks being essentially the best of the album.

    But the disappointing part comes right after we realize that those are pretty much the only good tracks in the album. Okay, I know I'm being to harsh on some other tracks, like Walking The Wire and Dancing In The Dark, but mostly, the other tracks are mostly loud, messy or just plain old boring.

  45. Oct 6, 2017
    Alternative, with a little more lean to pop, Imagine Dragons latest release, the futuristic-titled Evolve, is certainly a step foward, but in a different direction which has many fans puzzeled and even dissapointed. Yet i find it a refreshing new sound which, of course for someone who doesnt hold much fondness for rock, enjoys rather immensly. "Thunder" is an amazing track which observesAlternative, with a little more lean to pop, Imagine Dragons latest release, the futuristic-titled Evolve, is certainly a step foward, but in a different direction which has many fans puzzeled and even dissapointed. Yet i find it a refreshing new sound which, of course for someone who doesnt hold much fondness for rock, enjoys rather immensly. "Thunder" is an amazing track which observes a futuristic twinge to it and "Whatever It Takes" and "I Dont Know Why" provides an entrance to a overall good album. Expand
  46. Sep 16, 2017
    Due to an intriguing and unique reputation they developed for themselves over their two previous records, "Night Visions" and "Smoke + Mirrors", it is likely safe to say that expectations for their junior effort were fairly high to say the least. With front man Dan Reynolds having at last escaped his persisting depression in 2016 to add to this already potent mix, a bright future seemedDue to an intriguing and unique reputation they developed for themselves over their two previous records, "Night Visions" and "Smoke + Mirrors", it is likely safe to say that expectations for their junior effort were fairly high to say the least. With front man Dan Reynolds having at last escaped his persisting depression in 2016 to add to this already potent mix, a bright future seemed imminent for the group of alt. rockers. Unfortunately, these hopes were quickly put to rest upon the release of preview singles, "Thunder" and "Whatever It Takes", as it became clear that the band was headed in a completely different direction than many critics and fans alike had hoped. Over the course of a mere six month period between January and June of 2017, Imagine Dragons managed to nearly throw away their entire alternative-fueled background and fall victim to the mainstream of pop culture madness. If anything, their third album is the opposite of the evolution it claims to be and should represent a serious warning to the band of where their genre boundaries truly lie. With the lone signs of their old selves shown in "Mouth Of The River", "I'll Make It Up To You", and to an extent, "Believer", perhaps the group should search for inspirational advice in some of their older lyrics and "Go back to their roots". Expand
  47. Aug 16, 2017
    Unambiguously it is the strongest release of Imagine Dragons after Night Visions. Long ago I waited from them for a new album. Excellent alternative music for summer of 2017. Believer and Thunder songs the best and very much mark out Imagine Dragons style in alternative music.
  48. Aug 14, 2017
    Me esperaba mucho más de este disco. Se han pasado al pop comercial, nada que ver con Smoke + Mirrors. Son canciones aburridas y parecidas entre sí. Aún así, hay algunas canciones que salvan un poco al disco.
  49. Aug 10, 2017
    This album was pretty disappointing, and I can't figure out why. It was annoying to the point that it made me look at their two previous albums to see if I'd missed something...
    I wasn't feeling the music like in Night Visions, and I wasn't feeling the lyrics like in Smoke and Mirrors. It seemed experimental, which is fine, but it didn't work for me. I liked Believer, and Thunder is
    This album was pretty disappointing, and I can't figure out why. It was annoying to the point that it made me look at their two previous albums to see if I'd missed something...
    I wasn't feeling the music like in Night Visions, and I wasn't feeling the lyrics like in Smoke and Mirrors. It seemed experimental, which is fine, but it didn't work for me. I liked Believer, and Thunder is catchy but I don't like the lyrics (seemed almost arrogant) so...I don't know where this band is going anymore. Maybe they should take their time.
  50. Aug 10, 2017
    In my opinion, first 5 tracks are good, the rest are bad. It seems like they made pop album for radio. But I like lyrics in every song besides "Thunder" which annoying me.
  51. Aug 8, 2017
    Reeeealllyy? 47/100 ??? This must be a joke. Top 5 album of 2017. for me. Maybe it's not epic as "Night Vision", but it's a highlight of rock/alternative music in 2017 and music in 2017 overall. Thunder & Whatever It Takes are my favorites.
  52. Jul 31, 2017
    Definitely worthwhile for this is the 3rd album and the songs are good and takes you to another level. Songs like Whatever It Takes and I don't Know why are a gr8 jam and headbangers.I shouldn't say anything about BELIEVER as it shows its presence on The BillBoard. Songs like Rise Up and Yesterday gives you a feeling of On top of the world from Night Visions. Songs like Dancing in The DarkDefinitely worthwhile for this is the 3rd album and the songs are good and takes you to another level. Songs like Whatever It Takes and I don't Know why are a gr8 jam and headbangers.I shouldn't say anything about BELIEVER as it shows its presence on The BillBoard. Songs like Rise Up and Yesterday gives you a feeling of On top of the world from Night Visions. Songs like Dancing in The Dark were slow and steady. Also, Thunder is a good song Overall score is what you see. Expand
  53. Jul 29, 2017
    You can put songs in a Trailer or a commercial with a lot of effort especially mixing & editing to fit perfectly and let the song bring life to your trailer, take note to find a song that perfectly fits to the output you make . But for Imagine Dragons songs just paste it on to your trailer/commercial without any effort it will fit to any genre and boom your done,the trailer/commercial wilYou can put songs in a Trailer or a commercial with a lot of effort especially mixing & editing to fit perfectly and let the song bring life to your trailer, take note to find a song that perfectly fits to the output you make . But for Imagine Dragons songs just paste it on to your trailer/commercial without any effort it will fit to any genre and boom your done,the trailer/commercial wil be lifeless ,dull and pretentious. Expand
  54. Jul 27, 2017
    A real lazy job, where it shows that making great songs is worse than making songs for the radios, this album being a boring, weak and bland stadium rock. Not a good companion to Smoke + Mirrors (2015), which did have some good times.
  55. Jul 25, 2017
    Dan Reynolds es una persona maravillosa, y nos dijo que escribió este álbum con lo que tenía en su corazón. La razón por la que me gustaba Imagine Dragons era la profundidad de sus letras y lo divertido de sus sonidos, pero en este álbum, si bien hay canciones muy buenas, se perdió del todo esto. Son repetitivos, electrónicos y no hay muchas cosas nuevas. Aunque no sea así, parece un álbumDan Reynolds es una persona maravillosa, y nos dijo que escribió este álbum con lo que tenía en su corazón. La razón por la que me gustaba Imagine Dragons era la profundidad de sus letras y lo divertido de sus sonidos, pero en este álbum, si bien hay canciones muy buenas, se perdió del todo esto. Son repetitivos, electrónicos y no hay muchas cosas nuevas. Aunque no sea así, parece un álbum construido sin esmero en mejorar. Espero lo mejor de ellos la próxima vez. Expand
  56. Jul 17, 2017
    Imagine Dragons continue to go there downward, pop-rock trend with Evolve. There isn't much distinction between many of the songs, they incorporate electronic music into their music in the most uninteresting of ways and do as little as they can to set themselves apart from other popular contemporaries. I wasn't expecting much but was still disappointed.
  57. Jul 15, 2017
    Love this album, thunder and walking the wire have to be my favourite songs of the album. The only songs that i feel that fall short are 'Start over' and 'Dancing in the dark'.
  58. Jul 14, 2017
    Whatever It Takes and Believer shows potential of this album but it was buried by other dull, boring and dreadful tracks. It's far from an evolution and very near to a terrible album.
  59. Jul 3, 2017
    trapookadoo. this album was da best and i dont know how to describe it but be a believer and do whatever it takes to make sure you rise up and do your best, I dont know why but i wil make it up to you imagine dragons even if i am walking the wire or in the mouth of the river. not today. not today but if you do hear the thunder you better startover and start dancing in the dark. dont forgetrapookadoo. this album was da best and i dont know how to describe it but be a believer and do whatever it takes to make sure you rise up and do your best, I dont know why but i wil make it up to you imagine dragons even if i am walking the wire or in the mouth of the river. not today. not today but if you do hear the thunder you better startover and start dancing in the dark. dont forge to leevitate Expand
  60. Jul 2, 2017
    The good gone horrid alt group, comes back with another failure in music. The last album, "Smoke + Mirrors" followed the same formulaic approach that became "Evolve"'s Doom . That Same old, same old "We are superhuman we can do anything" pattern that drives every piece of Imagine Dragons' work, was good at first (in their OK 2012 debut "Night Visions"), but the more they exploit it, theThe good gone horrid alt group, comes back with another failure in music. The last album, "Smoke + Mirrors" followed the same formulaic approach that became "Evolve"'s Doom . That Same old, same old "We are superhuman we can do anything" pattern that drives every piece of Imagine Dragons' work, was good at first (in their OK 2012 debut "Night Visions"), but the more they exploit it, the worse they get. To add their uninteresting concepts, we also have boring music that we have heard before, and overused melodic patterns that do not help their case. If imagine Dragons wants to be a not just commercial, but critical success, they need to turn to original material and less conventional melodies and music. Dear, Imagine Dragons come back to me when you are fully Evolved. Expand
  61. KGL
    Jul 2, 2017
    -Blends Of Indie Rock and 80s keyboard
    -Strong Vocals -Fun, catchy songs Cons: -Dancing In the Dark Would love to give this album a 10, but Dancing In The Dark is easily the worst Imagine Dragons song. I say this because in the song he sounds like a drunk, whiny man-child who can't decide if he wants to make a parody, or a serious track! But on the bright side,
    -Blends Of Indie Rock and 80s keyboard
    -Strong Vocals
    -Fun, catchy songs

    -Dancing In the Dark

    Would love to give this album a 10, but Dancing In The Dark is easily the worst Imagine Dragons song. I say this because in the song he sounds like a drunk, whiny man-child who can't decide if he wants to make a parody, or a serious track!

    But on the bright side, everything else is stellar! If you're skeptical about buying, I recommend you do! I'm a long time Imagine Dragons fan and was not disappointed (if anything, impressed!)
  62. Jun 30, 2017
    wow i don't know why all this bad reviews. For me this third album its a gem. Didn't like very much the second. But the third with song like : walking the wire, Idon't Know, i'll make up to you, Mouth of the river and on the deluxe edition Not today.. For me, all this song are fantastic . For me, this album will be the album for my 2017 summer and surely more ;) a 10/10 :)
  63. Jun 29, 2017
    Absolutely terrible album. Enjoyed their first album quite a bit, but sorry this is just **** You can no longer count me as a fan. None of the songs have a catchy melody and the song writing is lazy. Sounds like these guys are flash in the pans. I don't expect them to be around much longer nor anybody actually giving a **** about their music in a few years time.
  64. Jun 28, 2017
    Bad album for top 40 listeners who want to feel alternative. It still baffles me how the grammys gave the rock album of the year to these dweebs over queens of the stone age.
  65. Jun 27, 2017
    I Don't Know Why 8/10
    Whatever it Takes 7/10
    Beliver 8/10
    Walking the Wire 9/10
    Rise Up 5/10
    I'll Make It Up To You 10/10 SO LIT AND FRESH
    Yesterday 4/10
    Mouth Of The River 8/10
    Thunder 9/10
    Start Over 3/10
    Dancing in The Dark 4/10

    Prom: 6.8
    Anyways a 9 haha
  66. Jun 26, 2017
    EVOLVE - Imagine Dragons
    1. I Don't Know Why 3.25/5: Heavy electro-pop synth track with a gloomy sci-fi intro which leads to a funky chorus
    2. Whatever It Takes 4.25/5: Rap verses, explosive chorus, solid bassline, we take whatever the dragons take. 3. Believer 4.5/5: layered by anthemic drum beats and loop acoustic guitar riffs, Evolve lead single has led us to a world where Night
    EVOLVE - Imagine Dragons
    1. I Don't Know Why 3.25/5: Heavy electro-pop synth track with a gloomy sci-fi intro which leads to a funky chorus
    2. Whatever It Takes 4.25/5: Rap verses, explosive chorus, solid bassline, we take whatever the dragons take.
    3. Believer 4.5/5: layered by anthemic drum beats and loop acoustic guitar riffs, Evolve lead single has led us to a world where Night Visions and Smoke + Mirrors collide - dark and uplifting vibes; no doubt one of the best ID single which became their first top 15 hit in 3 years
    4. Walking The Wire 4.5/5: Is this Night Visions? Wow those prominent drums and damn hot vocal are back, as the song goes "We take what comes."
    5. Rise Up 3.75/5: Dan's incredibly powerful vocal has made this track a great highlight of the album, notably the "screaming" chorus, with ID signature drums has again brought back reminiscence of old-school dragons from the pre-Night Visions era; also the acapella bridge is impressive, yet unnecessary and inappropriate with the song's overall tune
    6. I'll Make It Up To You 4/5: the album's tone starts to alter at this moment to a poppier sound, but this is still a great The 1975-ish track with 80s-style synth pop accompanied with a light guitar outro, especially a fade-away ending that throws back fans to the 80s dance soft-rock era
    7. Yesterday 4/5: probably funniest song ever heard from the Dragons, joyful melody along piano riffs and clean electric guitar riffs as frontman Dan Reynolds delightedly scream at the chorus climax, "No tomorrow without a yesterday/ Here's to my future/ Goodbye to yesterday."
    8. Mouth Of The River 4/5: damn catchy chorus, powerful bassline and light guitar flicks deeply influenced from rock stars The Killers
    9. Thunder 3.5/5: catchy melody, featuring high-pitched chipmunk vocal in the pre-chorus, yet missing the actual thunder
    10. Start Over 2.75/5: did I just heard The Chainsmokers at the song intro? musically and lyrically bland dominated by electronic background music, definitely not a song one would expect from the Las Vegas quartets
    11. Dancing In The Dark 2.5/5: Again monotonous electro-pop sound and gospel verse, sorry but not a good ending for an album like this
    Recommended: Believer, Walking The Wire, Rise Up, Yesterday, Mouth Of The River
  67. Jun 25, 2017
    Evolve is an Album that is very different from Imagine Dragons other albums. This one goes from the rock music many people know and love from ID and go for a more pop and techno style. Great songs for me were Believer (Which my fav song rn) What ever it takes,I don't know why and start over. The other songs aren't bad but aren't amazing either, One song that i'm really not liking isEvolve is an Album that is very different from Imagine Dragons other albums. This one goes from the rock music many people know and love from ID and go for a more pop and techno style. Great songs for me were Believer (Which my fav song rn) What ever it takes,I don't know why and start over. The other songs aren't bad but aren't amazing either, One song that i'm really not liking is Dancing in the Dark, it's all over the place and the beat and everything sucks about it, it is the worst song i think ID has done and is what stopped this from being a 8 or a 9, ID starts going for some love songs also in this although bet my life and every night could be considered love song they aren't as obvious but with I don't know why, dancing in the dark, walking the wire, start over are all songs that you know are love pop songs and is a really different tone then what ID are known for. Overall i like that Imagine Dragons are doing something that they want to do more and taping into different things but i feel it wasn't done the greatiest, Imagine Dragons will still be my fav band and you bet i'll be memorizing all these songs, just sad that it wasn't able to top Smoke + Mirrors and Night Visions. Expand
  68. Jun 25, 2017
    A fantastic album. It's no night visions but a definite improvement from smoke and mirrors. the best songs (almost all of them) portray the struggle of overcoming depression through perseverance and determination. i don't know why, believer, thunder, i'll make it up to you, rise up. start over are definite musts, each mixing their typical rock genre with a different edm flavor that makesA fantastic album. It's no night visions but a definite improvement from smoke and mirrors. the best songs (almost all of them) portray the struggle of overcoming depression through perseverance and determination. i don't know why, believer, thunder, i'll make it up to you, rise up. start over are definite musts, each mixing their typical rock genre with a different edm flavor that makes it irresistable to your ears. as fantastic as the album is, it does have two misfires. yesterday sounds like imagine dragons is having a blast but the nonsensical lyrics are hard to ignore and take away from the otherwise fun and uplifting song. i still don't understand why imagine dragons chose to end their album with dancing in the dark because it throws the album off the rails. i was so ready to give this album a full 10 out of 10 by i can't just because of this song alone. it's not bad, it just has nothing to do with the narrative, it almost sounds like it belongs on a different album. i was hoping start over was the end of the album that would leave listeners feeling energized and inspired. but instead we get this doozy of a track that is the not the best thing imagine dragons has ever done. overall evolve is a welcome change in imagine dragons already amazing discography. even if you're skeptical you should give it a listen. who knows? you may find your new favorite song. Expand
  69. Jun 24, 2017
    A marked decrease in quality since their last two albums, this bland collection of want-to-be hits disappoints. It opens with "I Don't Know Why", a song with lacking, generic lyrics and what has (if I'm speaking generously) an only okay tune. If your looking for the style of "I Bet my Life" or the energy of "I'm So Sorry" and "Friction", you'll miss it on this album. Songs like "Believer",A marked decrease in quality since their last two albums, this bland collection of want-to-be hits disappoints. It opens with "I Don't Know Why", a song with lacking, generic lyrics and what has (if I'm speaking generously) an only okay tune. If your looking for the style of "I Bet my Life" or the energy of "I'm So Sorry" and "Friction", you'll miss it on this album. Songs like "Believer", "Whatever It Takes", and "Rise Up" have a catchy, manufactured chorus that just repeats endlessly with, once again, no lyrical content. These songs as well as really this whole album seems to be a clear grab at regaining popularity after their last album.
    The few redeeming songs on this album include "Walking the Wire" and "Start Over" which are actually somewhat interesting and do not sound completely superficial, however, both still manage to mind-numbingly boring lyrically and musically.
    In conclusion, I miss the old stuff on "Night Visions" with actual songs like "Amsterdam", which yes aren't as sellable to advertisers, but is nevertheless what attracts long-time fans. "Smoke and Mirrors" experimented with energetic new styles with the previously mentioned "I'm So Sorry" and "Friction". This album, however, was re-manufactured.
    By the way, did anyone else notice the similarity between "Believer" and "Sucker for Pain"?
  70. Jun 24, 2017
    Far from one of their best albums. Songs like Believer and Thunder stand out but nothing else is memorable. It's decent compared to other albums in general, but not what I have come to expect from imagine dragons. It doesn't experiment with things and try anything new. It's a let down to me, and likely to fall through the cracks.
  71. Jun 24, 2017
    Very average, and on the lower side of average too. I'll admit there are a few good songs here, especially I'll Make It Up To You and I Don't Know Why, but so many of the other songs follow the same tired formula of generic stadium-pop crap, and it gets really wearisome over the course of an album. They need more variety, and they also need just better songs.
  72. Jun 24, 2017
    It's very interesting. But quite disappointing if i'm going to compare with Night Visions. Most songs sound really refreshing, but some songs are really tiring, like they didn't try hard enough. But i did enjoy the álbum, but after listening to night visions, this album slumps pretty bad
  73. Jun 24, 2017
    I love every song Imagine Dragons has to offer, especially from the Album Smoke + Mirrors, which was an accoustic Highlight, to modern Music. Sadly Evolve didn´t succeed my expectations, nor my minimal requirements. Although they are good Songs like: I don´t why, Dancing in the Dark and Yesterday, it just wasn´t enough. "If you cant beat ´em, join ´em" (Rolling Stones Magazine) is aI love every song Imagine Dragons has to offer, especially from the Album Smoke + Mirrors, which was an accoustic Highlight, to modern Music. Sadly Evolve didn´t succeed my expectations, nor my minimal requirements. Although they are good Songs like: I don´t why, Dancing in the Dark and Yesterday, it just wasn´t enough. "If you cant beat ´em, join ´em" (Rolling Stones Magazine) is a totally accurate thought process of Imagine Dragons, as they may have entered modern Pop.. At least it looks as so. Expand
  74. Jun 24, 2017
    Your albums are always beautiful . You Gods . Send **** all publications , people like this is important . Love the fans more important . We love You . fans from Russia .
  75. Jun 23, 2017
    Obviously I heard Smoke+Mirrors and Night Visions before and like 2 weeks later since Smoke+Mirrors came out I started to "compare" their 2 albums and I found myself loving almost ALL the songs not cause I'm a fan because in that times I wasn't a fan, but because what I felt when I heard all that songs.
    I don't know exactly if my opinion is because I was expecting a lot more from Evolve,
    Obviously I heard Smoke+Mirrors and Night Visions before and like 2 weeks later since Smoke+Mirrors came out I started to "compare" their 2 albums and I found myself loving almost ALL the songs not cause I'm a fan because in that times I wasn't a fan, but because what I felt when I heard all that songs.
    I don't know exactly if my opinion is because I was expecting a lot more from Evolve, puting aside the fact that this album has only 11 songs and there's not a Deluxe version yet (and I guess that it'll never come out) the strength in Imagine Dragons songs exist purely only in 4 songs (Believer, Rise Up, Whatever It Takes and Thunder) and 3 of them are songs that they released before Evolve release date. The other 7 songs are just cool or songs to listen without put all of your attention.

    I still loving the band, but the way that they mixed lyrics with some experimental sounds in like half album wasn't the best thing, also maybe the order of the songs make less interesting a part of the album; maybe if they take the 2nd to 5th song and change the order puting it between 2 other songs and not these 4 songs together, the "album experience" could be better for many people.
  76. Jun 23, 2017
    Anotha one! Great album by Imagine Dragons, go get that #1 boys! I'm proud of them because they know how to make great music with quality! People, don't care or critics in geral, go see our reviews... It is so much more speciallized than the critics one! xoxo
  77. Jun 23, 2017
    I'm still listening to it but so far so good, I've always liked Imagine dragons but i think this album is not as good as the others, whatever, I'll probably listen it for hours. Also is shorter than other albums, it only has 14 tracks which 4 of them we already have listened and one of them is a remix that has been heard before. By the way, i'm writing this while listening believer andI'm still listening to it but so far so good, I've always liked Imagine dragons but i think this album is not as good as the others, whatever, I'll probably listen it for hours. Also is shorter than other albums, it only has 14 tracks which 4 of them we already have listened and one of them is a remix that has been heard before. By the way, i'm writing this while listening believer and feeling bad because Imagine Dragons is my favorite band so they don't deserve bad critics. To sum up:
    - Good songs
    - Less songs than other albums
    - A remix, really?
    - Good cover and video clips
    - Recommended but it's not a masterpiece
  78. Jun 23, 2017
    Um dos melhores albuns do ano sem duvidas alguma. Thunder e Belive como carro-chefe do disco foram as melhores escolhas, Dancing in the dark tambem e uma das melhores e espero eu que seja a ser single. Imagine Dragons vcs me surpreenderam.
  79. Jun 23, 2017
    What happens to critics? why they despise art?, Sure if it were an album with repetitive lyrics, about sex and drugs would have better rating, this industry is bad
  80. Jun 23, 2017
    I can't understand to the critic, this album is wonderful, magical. They just wanna listen trap and commercial pop and that's the reason why they don't accept this great Imagine Dragons' work.
  81. Jun 23, 2017
    This album is very well structured and has a lot of different sounds and vibes. Tracks like Rise up and I don't know why show the vocal qualities of Dan Reynolds. Yesterday is a song with a catchy vibe and musically interesting. The super singles Believer and Thunder are super catchy and thrilling. A great album, better than Night Visions.
  82. Jun 23, 2017
    This album is such a masterpiece, they did a amazing work in this. Keep in this way guys, that's the point. The voice, the instruments, all the things are in constantly sincrohnia.
  83. Jun 23, 2017
    Imagine Dragons don't create cohesive albums. Their albums are made up of songs they feel are significant for that time in their lives. Each song tells a story of a single moment and are not part of a plotline or storyline.

    Critics don't like this, but honestly Imagine Dragons are better because of it. Listening to one of their albums feels unique and diverse. EVOLVE is no different.
    Imagine Dragons don't create cohesive albums. Their albums are made up of songs they feel are significant for that time in their lives. Each song tells a story of a single moment and are not part of a plotline or storyline.

    Critics don't like this, but honestly Imagine Dragons are better because of it. Listening to one of their albums feels unique and diverse. EVOLVE is no different.

    This album features standouts "I Don't Know Why", "Believer", "Thunder", "Start Over". It is incredible in it's own way.
  84. Jun 23, 2017
    EVOLVE (2017) - Imagine Dragons

    1. I Don't Know Why (7/10): Great use of synthesizers to create a sci-fi effect and mysterious atmosphere. 2. Whatever It Takes (8/10): Strong rap verses, solid bassline, great song. 3. Believer (9/10): Definitely the best song out of this album. Great choice from the band to make this song the lead single. 4. Walking The Wire (10/10): "Night Visions"
    EVOLVE (2017) - Imagine Dragons

    1. I Don't Know Why (7/10): Great use of synthesizers to create a sci-fi effect and mysterious atmosphere.
    2. Whatever It Takes (8/10): Strong rap verses, solid bassline, great song.
    3. Believer (9/10): Definitely the best song out of this album. Great choice from the band to make this song the lead single.
    4. Walking The Wire (10/10): "Night Visions" atmosphere came back when listening to this song.
    5. Rise Up (8.5/10): Signature scream is back and a little bit of "Night Visions" element in the song.
    6. I'll Make It Up To You (9/10): No comment because it's so good.
    7. Yesterday (9/10): Cool song. No regret when listen.
    8. Mouth Of The River (9/10): Powerful drums.
    9. Thunder (7.5/10): Felt something's missing at the chorus.
    10. Start Over (6.5/10): Chainsmokers intro, something that a rock band should never use in a rock song.
    11. Dancing In The Dark (4/10): Worst track in the entire album, also one of the worst album closer ever to date (in my opinion).
  85. Jun 23, 2017
    Most of ID songs are like a joke that you don't get at the time, but then when you process them and you laugh and laugh, that's what happens with most of the songs in Evolve, but I'm not sure if I'm gonna get "Yesterday" anytime soon...

    Good Songs: I Don't know Why, Believer, Whatever it Takes, Rise Up (without THAT bridge), Mouth of the River and I'll Make it Up to You Bad Songs:
    Most of ID songs are like a joke that you don't get at the time, but then when you process them and you laugh and laugh, that's what happens with most of the songs in Evolve, but I'm not sure if I'm gonna get "Yesterday" anytime soon...

    Good Songs: I Don't know Why, Believer, Whatever it Takes, Rise Up (without THAT bridge), Mouth of the River and I'll Make it Up to You

    Bad Songs: Dancing in The Dark and Yesterday
  86. Jun 23, 2017
    Ever since the release of Night Visions (10/10) in 2012 I have felt an almost spiritual connection to this bands music. Night Visions is one of my all time favorite albums. When Smoke & Mirrors (7.5/10) released a few years later I was intrigued by the bands change in style and their approach at being a bit more artistic. While I loved Smoke & Mirrors, it wasn't quite the caliber of NightEver since the release of Night Visions (10/10) in 2012 I have felt an almost spiritual connection to this bands music. Night Visions is one of my all time favorite albums. When Smoke & Mirrors (7.5/10) released a few years later I was intrigued by the bands change in style and their approach at being a bit more artistic. While I loved Smoke & Mirrors, it wasn't quite the caliber of Night Visions.

    What Imagine Dragons did with this new album, Evolve, was take the best parts of their Night Visions album and combine that style with their newer Smoke & Mirrors style. The result is one of my absolute favorite albums. There is so much power built into each song and a true concern shown for pleasing and giving fans what they want. This album is one I will be listening to for the rest of my life and is a true masterpiece to me.
  87. Jun 23, 2017
    This is a album good, but not so much, it's different, and maybe that's why almost nobody liked it, just the fans, I hope and in their fourth album they do it better. Good Luck Imagine Dragons
  88. Jun 23, 2017
    I really think that Imagine Dragons been renewed our vision about rock indie alternative and this album show it. I LOVED ALL SONGS. A mix of rock alternative, indie, eletro and others that works!
  89. Jun 23, 2017
    Evolve is the worst Album. Im totally disappointed. The only two good one are Believer and Thunder. I like the music from Imagine Dragons but with this is a total disaster. So 2 Points for Believer and Thunder.
  90. Jun 23, 2017
    I'm not really a fan of Imagine Dragons, never been. They have some alright, catchy singles, and I've heard a couple songs from Smoke + Mirrors and Night Visions, and they were kinda OK, but not really all that impressive. So I wouldn't have listened to this album if it weren't for some of my friends telling me to listen to it. I thought why not, since at the time there hadn't been allI'm not really a fan of Imagine Dragons, never been. They have some alright, catchy singles, and I've heard a couple songs from Smoke + Mirrors and Night Visions, and they were kinda OK, but not really all that impressive. So I wouldn't have listened to this album if it weren't for some of my friends telling me to listen to it. I thought why not, since at the time there hadn't been all that many good albums released, and I was going to listen to pretty much anything, since I just wanted some good music. ANY good music from this year.

    I didn't really find it here. The songs are generally the same quality, not many standout songs in terms of quality. I Don't Know Why would probably be my favorite song, were I to pick one. Start Over and I'll Make It Up To You could maybe challenge for that title.

    The worst song on the other hand is hard to pick. Dancing In the Dark, Yesterday, Rise Up, Walking the Wire.

    The style is pretty similar to their previous material. Similar pop-rock and alternative rock. Maybe a little livelier and more pop. Not necessarily a bad thing, unless you do it badly.

    Overall I wasn't very impressed by the album. There were a few decent songs in here, but overall it's a pretty bad album.
  91. Jun 23, 2017
    Even tho, I wasn't a fan of "Smoke + Mirrors" I was excited to see what they bring next and you can´t deny the wide range of genres they play on this, fairly short, Album; from Alt.Rock to Synth Pop and EDM to experimental Electronica, its well arranged in that regard. The Album starts with an EDM and Synth-Pop influenced Intro which fades nicely into the next tracks who are all quiteEven tho, I wasn't a fan of "Smoke + Mirrors" I was excited to see what they bring next and you can´t deny the wide range of genres they play on this, fairly short, Album; from Alt.Rock to Synth Pop and EDM to experimental Electronica, its well arranged in that regard. The Album starts with an EDM and Synth-Pop influenced Intro which fades nicely into the next tracks who are all quite strong and remember on "Night Visions"; with "Rise Up" as one of my personal favorites on the Album, ending the admittedly strong first half of the Album. Then the fall, the 2nd half felt completely flat. The Instrumentals, as well as the vocals, which were really powerful in the first half, felt really blend and mediocre. Most of these tracks just seem directionless and uninspired and let me to believe that they run out of ideas to fast, especially on the Album closer "Dancing In the Dark" which sounds like a Chainsmoker song with Dan Reynolds as feature.

    Best Songs: Whatever It Takes, Believer, Rise Up, Thunder
    Worst Songs: Yesterday, Dancing In The Dark, Start Over
    Maybe it will some day grow a little bit more on me like the single "Thunder" did, but as it stands right now I can only give a score of 6. I was just expecting more from the Album even though its first half was good.
  92. Jun 23, 2017
    Evolve is a true masterpiece and is very well receiving of my score.
    The album contains must listen to songs such as Believer, Mouth Of The River and I Don't Know Why!
    It starts off extremely strong with I Don't Know Why and ends off strongly with Dancing In The Dark. It is a must listen to album and I hope that this inspires Imagine Dragons to create a sequel to Evolve and this is why
    Evolve is a true masterpiece and is very well receiving of my score.
    The album contains must listen to songs such as Believer, Mouth Of The River and I Don't Know Why!
    It starts off extremely strong with I Don't Know Why and ends off strongly with Dancing In The Dark.
    It is a must listen to album and I hope that this inspires Imagine Dragons to create a sequel to Evolve and this is why I give this album a 10/10, keep up the good work boys!
  93. Jun 23, 2017
    This is one of their best albums yet, probably second or third best actually. They have three very addictive songs in it. I really love whatever it takes and the bouncy tune that it has as well as a few chart toppers such as thunder and believer!!
  94. Jun 23, 2017
    While this album didn't come across as impressive on the first listen, the songs grew on me over time. Got addicted in the end.

    Great job, and could see that there is a more polished/refined sound this time round. Indeed, less has translated to more. Really really loved "Rise Up", "I Don't Know Why", "Thunder", "Believer"... I get why people are not very satisfied with the album.
    While this album didn't come across as impressive on the first listen, the songs grew on me over time. Got addicted in the end.

    Great job, and could see that there is a more polished/refined sound this time round. Indeed, less has translated to more. Really really loved "Rise Up", "I Don't Know Why", "Thunder", "Believer"...

    I get why people are not very satisfied with the album. They see that it appears to be boring. But I mean, it's really up to your own tastes and preferences. It just happens that I enjoy their music.

    For those first-time listeners, I wouldn't suggest judging this band solely on armchair critics, but to give it a listen yourself. And don't just listen to it once, like a fleeting memory in a faraway land. Listen to it a few times, then you can judge it appropriately for yourself. I remember dismissing and stopping a song once when I heard the opening rift, but it turned out to be a wonderful song in disguise after I listened.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 7
  2. Negative: 1 out of 7
  1. Jun 26, 2017
    There’s not enough quality across the whole of Evolve to convincingly make the case that Imagine Dragons actually have, or to attract an audience of new listeners. Evolve is a good idea, but in practise it turns out that it doesn’t really work.
  2. Jun 23, 2017
    Their [producers Mattman & Robin's] spacious productions are an odd fit for Dan Reynolds' tortured dude-isms.
  3. Jun 22, 2017
    Evolve sounds, almost impressively so, as though it’s been created with telly music coordinators in mind--and few others besides.