• Record Label: Domino
  • Release Date: Apr 24, 2007
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 617 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 25 out of 617

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  1. Jun 23, 2023
    They explored a lot of new ways to make indie music sound nice and they did it, this album have a lot of hits with easy, but good guitar riffs and i have to admit that i was really surprised with the drums, that is an awesome album and one of their best
  2. Apr 16, 2023
    An amazing sophomore album that delivers tracks that are just as good and iconic as the debut album , making you wonder where the monkeys will go with their music next
  3. Jan 12, 2023
    Great! Amazing! Full of anthems from start to end. It obviously marked a generation and it's my favorite from AM until today.
  4. Oct 23, 2022
    simply the best, my favourite, this album made the arctic monkeys my favourite band. this review is too late but still
  5. Mar 23, 2021
  6. Mar 11, 2021
    Grossly underrated album. 505 is one of the greatest singles produced by Arctic Monkeys. The album has smooth and chilled vibes, it wasn't written for those craving adreniline.
  7. May 26, 2020
    this album is a masterpiece. simply incredible in all details. Arctic Monkeys
  8. Sep 9, 2016
    Where "Whatever People Say I Am..." took place in and around a raving London Club, "Nightmare" is of another location, perhaps the alley behind it. It's darker, moodier, more adventurous, and therefore, that much more enjoyable than it's predecessor.
  9. Apr 4, 2015
    Many of the tracks at the start and middle of the album are simply stunning but where the debut album didn't let up it feels like FWN does. 'This House Is A Circus' and 'The Bad Thing' are not on the same extremely high level of the other songs. 505 is a fitting conclusion however.
  10. Jan 3, 2015
    Anxious, very powerful, clever, transparent. FWN plays a continuation of all that great hysteria and talent these guys showed up in their debut album, but with a clearer sense of auto critic, melancholy and precision. Excellent songs, human feelings: a truly fantastic band that plays each time better.
  11. Nov 11, 2014
    Not quite as good as the first album but still an absolute classic. To begin with this was my favourite Arctic Monkey's album but after I started listening to the first one I started to like that more.
  12. Jun 17, 2013
    The Monkey's proved that they could write an excellent tune an perform it excellently on their first album. What this album needed was to show how they could move on from this and develop their musical style and I feel that it does it perfectly. The dark yet enticing moods of 'Only Ones Who Know' and '505' come across brilliantly and actually give me goosebumps whilst the boyishThe Monkey's proved that they could write an excellent tune an perform it excellently on their first album. What this album needed was to show how they could move on from this and develop their musical style and I feel that it does it perfectly. The dark yet enticing moods of 'Only Ones Who Know' and '505' come across brilliantly and actually give me goosebumps whilst the boyish personalities of the band shine through in 'Brianstorm', 'Teddy Picker' and 'The Bad Thing'. A highlight is the whirling 'Fluorescent Adolescent' in an album which is as close to perfect as can possibly be. Expand
  13. Aug 9, 2012
    Seldomly seen such a good album! Fantastic lyrics, fantastic voice, fantastic music! Some songs are a bit too less entertaining but that's just a little bit ;) Really good album though! Arctic Monkeys improved their debut album but sadly got worse with their two following albums. However, this is awesome!
  14. May 8, 2012
    Favourite Worst Nightmare is an improvement of what the band was capable to do when they made their solid debut.
  15. Oct 20, 2011
    Alex Turner and co had a big job to follow up their outstanding debut "Whatever People Say I am...". Their sophomore album was put out just over a year after their debut but rather than sounding rushed, is actually quite assured. While it doesn't have any tracks that compare to the high points of their debut, as an album it's solid from start to finish. Starting with the blisteringAlex Turner and co had a big job to follow up their outstanding debut "Whatever People Say I am...". Their sophomore album was put out just over a year after their debut but rather than sounding rushed, is actually quite assured. While it doesn't have any tracks that compare to the high points of their debut, as an album it's solid from start to finish. Starting with the blistering Brianstorm, the first third of the album is over before you know it before giving way to calmer moments. One of the most admirable things about the record is that it is a different sounding record to it's predecessor and lots of credit is due to the band that were so young when it came out for this. It's a much heavier affair and the band carry off the change with ease. In my humble opinion the band have struggled to reproduce their initial brilliance seen on the first 2 albums. Expand
  16. j30
    Sep 22, 2011
    Great follow-up to their debut. Musically they've improved as well.
  17. Sep 15, 2011
    Best Band Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. May 31, 2011
    A very good album from a very good album. "Brainstorm" is a pure classic, and is supported by great tracks such as "Teddy Picker" and "Fluorescent Adolescent". Overall, this album has more than enough of the Arctic Monkeys we got to know and love from they first album to make this a worthwhile buy.
  19. Mar 22, 2011
    Their debut album was astonishing. It won endless awards including the Mercury Prize you might wonder how they can follow it up? With this! Another piece of musical genius from the Monkeys. Made history again with having numerous songs in the top 100 simultaneously, which is just amazing! But hardly surprising given the fact that these guys are the best band around! Lead single BrianstormTheir debut album was astonishing. It won endless awards including the Mercury Prize you might wonder how they can follow it up? With this! Another piece of musical genius from the Monkeys. Made history again with having numerous songs in the top 100 simultaneously, which is just amazing! But hardly surprising given the fact that these guys are the best band around! Lead single Brianstorm displays some awesome guitaring but theres plenty on offer from Alex Turner and co, and once more his lyrics are nothing short of magnificent. Each song effectively could be released and have a hit record! Teddy Picker is filled with amazing lyrics from start to finish but that could be said of them all. Fluorescent Adolescent, Balaclava, House Is A Circus, Do Me A Favour and 505 are particularly sounds of an evolving Monkeys, but Old Yellow Bricks for me is an outstanding track. All round an even better album than the first as hard to imagine as that may be the Monkeys stock continues to rise, onwards and upwards for Mr. Turner and co. Expand
  20. Nov 26, 2010
    Arctic Monkeys is a great album. Nothing compared to the first album but still a very rock oriented, and a little soft side to it also. The lyrics in this album are slightly better than the first album. Some key songs are Brianstorm, the opening track on the album. It's definitely Arctic Monkeys hardest song. 505 is a softer song that is just amazing. And Fluorescent Adolescent is just anArctic Monkeys is a great album. Nothing compared to the first album but still a very rock oriented, and a little soft side to it also. The lyrics in this album are slightly better than the first album. Some key songs are Brianstorm, the opening track on the album. It's definitely Arctic Monkeys hardest song. 505 is a softer song that is just amazing. And Fluorescent Adolescent is just an amazing song that will always get you in the mood. All In All, Favourite Worst Nightmare is not as good as there first album, but a very good album at that. B+ Expand
  21. Sep 1, 2010
    A good, solid album with as much lasting value as their debut, if not more. Having broken many records with their first album, Arctic Monkeys were hard pushed to create an album that at least lived up to their amazing "Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not", and they have produced a work of mainstream British alternative-punk art.
    While it doesn't bring too many "WOW" moments, it
    A good, solid album with as much lasting value as their debut, if not more. Having broken many records with their first album, Arctic Monkeys were hard pushed to create an album that at least lived up to their amazing "Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not", and they have produced a work of mainstream British alternative-punk art.
    While it doesn't bring too many "WOW" moments, it is a piece of solid modern rock that provides a wider range of emotion that its predecessor; instead of happier, more joyous and playful music that seems to point towards having a good time, it has its slower songs, its more in-depth and deep essentially, love songs, plus its angry and succulent feel-good music that is reminiscent of their first album. It is an album that one can sink your teeth into, and listen to it multiple times with its long lasting vibes and effectively simple beats and chord sequences.
  22. kasabian
    Jun 18, 2009
    The Arctic Monkeys are one of the finest things this world has seen. Favourite Worst Nightmare proves it.
  23. MarhadiashaK.
    Feb 19, 2009
    All tracks fun and full of hooks. My favourite, I listen to it almost everyday. This is much better than its predecessor.
  24. Sid
    Dec 1, 2008
    Best Album of 2007 without a doubt. Lyrically and musically superior to their cracking debut. It's one of my most played albums on my ipod!
  25. DavidM.
    Sep 14, 2008
  26. poopface
    May 3, 2008
    This is one of the best albums I have listened to in a while.
  27. AlanN.
    Apr 18, 2008
    Fookin amazing.. like it more and more every time I listen.
  28. GeoffG.
    Mar 3, 2008
    Arctic Monkey's don't cease to deliver on their latest LP, each song is beautifully constructed with clever lyrics to boot! I give it a listen at least once a day, 10 songs is my dose.
  29. LucasW.
    Feb 16, 2008
    The most creative and progressive type album for a long time, arctic monkeys and muse are the only two bands leading the music world forward into musical change and development. Great album!
  30. Justin
    Jan 17, 2008
    Every song on here is brilliant, I especially enjoyed Do Me A Favor and Teddy Pickers.

Universal acclaim - based on 38 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 31 out of 38
  2. Negative: 0 out of 38
  1. Under The Radar
    Favourite moves forward not one inch from Whatever, which is safe and reliable, but also repetitive. [#17, p.82]
  2. 60
    In the tradition of thorny newbie bands that get scarily too big (Nirvana, Radiohead, Weezer), they’ve followed their funny, catchy debut with a less funny, less catchy second record to prove how little they trust the good times their music obviously inspires.
  3. Uncut
    Favourite Worst Nightmare is a near-triumph, a far superior Album #2 than Meat Is Murder, The Libertines, or Second Coming. Yet some doubts nag, partly because of the subject matter. [May 2007, p.84]