• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Aug 30, 2019
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  1. Apr 11, 2022
    Хороший альбом, в духе старых Tool. Конечно это не лучшая их работа, слышны наработки Lateralus/10 000 Days, до уровня темного звучания моего любимого альбома у них – Ænima он конечно не дотягивает. Но Fear Inoculum совсем другой альбом. Альбом мужиков за 50, которые прожили большую часть жизни, они больше ушли в философию "Reflection", чем в драйв "Stinkfist" и это можно понять. Tool неХороший альбом, в духе старых Tool. Конечно это не лучшая их работа, слышны наработки Lateralus/10 000 Days, до уровня темного звучания моего любимого альбома у них – Ænima он конечно не дотягивает. Но Fear Inoculum совсем другой альбом. Альбом мужиков за 50, которые прожили большую часть жизни, они больше ушли в философию "Reflection", чем в драйв "Stinkfist" и это можно понять. Tool не пытаются сделать что-то новое, но всё же это хороший альбом, он монолитен, содержит их проверенные и цепляющие ходы. Стоили ли эти 13 лет ожиданий? Думаю, что да, но в силу стольких лет, ожидания фанатов были явно завышены, поэтому и оценки настолько полярные. Если воспринимать это на холодную голову – альбом удался, но несколько затянут. Вещи вроде culling voices не настолько сильны, явно могли бы быть короче. Expand
  2. Jul 1, 2021
    i am a big proghead, and this album is a wet dream for someone like me. Other people needed to sit on this album for a bit in order to actually start to appreciate it, but when i first listened to the album i knew this was going to be my favorite album of all time immediately, which it did become. This album is pretty much perfect. The digital release's linking tracks are kind ofi am a big proghead, and this album is a wet dream for someone like me. Other people needed to sit on this album for a bit in order to actually start to appreciate it, but when i first listened to the album i knew this was going to be my favorite album of all time immediately, which it did become. This album is pretty much perfect. The digital release's linking tracks are kind of irritating, but the actual tracklist is an absolute eargasm. I'm fairly certain Invincible's bass solo made me cream my pants lol Expand
  3. Mar 21, 2021
    A bloated and boring mess. Every riff gets milked a hundred times over (even if it's not that great to begin with), the songwriting has no real direction or purpose, the music comes to an almost complete stand-still WAY too often, there are tons of superfluous keyboard parts and sound experiments, the interludes range from non-sensical to atrocious, and maybe worst of all, there is next toA bloated and boring mess. Every riff gets milked a hundred times over (even if it's not that great to begin with), the songwriting has no real direction or purpose, the music comes to an almost complete stand-still WAY too often, there are tons of superfluous keyboard parts and sound experiments, the interludes range from non-sensical to atrocious, and maybe worst of all, there is next to no emotion, tension, and drive in the music.

    The musical performances on display here are amazing, sure, but unfortunately, they don't add up to a captivating end-product.

    So, it pains me to say that this is the worst Tool record, by a LONG SHOT. All it reliably achieves is putting me to sleep.
  4. Feb 12, 2021
    Although in 2019 I had a great listen, now I can tell why this album wasn't that received well with fans. It is their most uninspired record to date, but like with any TOOL record, I like this record as much as the next.
  5. Oct 1, 2020
    Amazing album full of psychedelic pieces. The level of musicianship is at an all high.
  6. Jul 6, 2020
    Not a bad album, but for 13 years to make music, the album feels like it lacks much of its originally, most of the music feels like it's been taken from Lateralus and lengthened, and some riffs are reused, like the riff from Jambi is used in invincible, just slowed down. The songs definitely aren't aren't bad, but some of them feel like they drag on. I'm certainly disappointed, but it'sNot a bad album, but for 13 years to make music, the album feels like it lacks much of its originally, most of the music feels like it's been taken from Lateralus and lengthened, and some riffs are reused, like the riff from Jambi is used in invincible, just slowed down. The songs definitely aren't aren't bad, but some of them feel like they drag on. I'm certainly disappointed, but it's not bad at all. It's still a solid album, it's just not Tool solid.

    Update (07/06/2020): After almost year of listening, I'd have to say these songs have grown on me quite a bit. A few of the songs have worked their way up as some of my favorites. Descending for example has arguably the best bass-line of any Tool song. Updating from 7/10 to an 8/10.
  7. Jun 23, 2020
    Tool's comeback is widely welcomed. And this album is really immersive from start to finish.

    Some parts are a little repetitive, but that is no major problem.

    fantastic album!
  8. Jun 5, 2020
    I previously had this album at a 3, however, I have given it more listens and definitely more dedicated listens. Trying to rate a Tool album in pieces is just not fair. It must be ingested in one full sitting to fully appreciate. If you are a fan of Tool then you’ll like this newest release.
  9. Apr 26, 2020
    Other bands that have been gone for a long time that have made substantial comebacks, have reinvented the wheel.

    Unfortunately, Tool have not. There is nothing in here that wasn't on 10,000 days or their back catalogue, experimentation is at an all time low, and has a serious uninspired sound to it.
  10. Apr 25, 2020
    Tool has given the world some of the finest progressive music since the drum was invented. However, they went too technical here. It's missing something. This is an album that's all head and little heart. I wish it had the energy of their earlier work. The last track, 7empest, comes closest to that energy. There are some fine moments that appear in a few other songs too. It will beTool has given the world some of the finest progressive music since the drum was invented. However, they went too technical here. It's missing something. This is an album that's all head and little heart. I wish it had the energy of their earlier work. The last track, 7empest, comes closest to that energy. There are some fine moments that appear in a few other songs too. It will be interesting. But don't expect it to be moving. Expand
  11. Apr 16, 2020
    Fear Inoculum sounds like TOOL, the feeling, the sounds, the production, the visuals are all TOOL. I do not think this will make the TOON fanbase grow, because this is not their most accessible album. But then again the hype surrounding this record has been overwhelming, and that might lead new followers to TOOL.
    Fear Inoculum demands a lot from the listener, and the 10+ minutes song are
    Fear Inoculum sounds like TOOL, the feeling, the sounds, the production, the visuals are all TOOL. I do not think this will make the TOON fanbase grow, because this is not their most accessible album. But then again the hype surrounding this record has been overwhelming, and that might lead new followers to TOOL.
    Fear Inoculum demands a lot from the listener, and the 10+ minutes song are all capable of mesmerizing the listener if the person listening is patient. Patience might be not be the thing in 2019, but try it, and you will be rewarded.

    Personally I think the songs are awesome and much better than I had hoped and for me it adds a lot to the legacy of TOOL.
  12. Mar 11, 2020
    this album is a progressive beast . It is long and complex. While that could be a diminishing factor in accesibility, it does work brilliantly in good hands.
    The album is made of 6 real songs and 4 interludes (one of these is a battery solo). The songs are long and heavy, they're complex and have the time to breathe, morph and develop
    The band is on its best performance: Danny is a
    this album is a progressive beast . It is long and complex. While that could be a diminishing factor in accesibility, it does work brilliantly in good hands.
    The album is made of 6 real songs and 4 interludes (one of these is a battery solo). The songs are long and heavy, they're complex and have the time to breathe, morph and develop
    The band is on its best performance: Danny is a complete beast!!! In fact, this might be one of the best drumming albums ever made, it's just brutal. Songs tend to develop into extended jams, those might be good if you're in the right mindset .
    As for the cons... MJK is well past its prime, he does it ok here, but not as outstanding at he was before
    Clean vocals are mellower they´ve ever been, and agressive vocals are just limited to one track
    As of today, i feel this might be a 7 for me, but it may change (as all Tool albums)
    Highlights: Pneuma, Invincible, Descending, 7empest
  13. Feb 14, 2020
    Made an account just to leave a review on this album and hopefully save a few tool fans some of there must valuable time. Firstly ill start with the good parts of the album; the tittle track
    thats pretty much it rest of it is poorly produced and only has the decent reviews it has becasue of tools long time STANS
  14. Feb 3, 2020
    YES! It's here and it's amazing. Let's get them out of the way and say that the interludes are really cleverly and creatively made and they do have a creepy, trippy, nice vibe. Now, the 7 tracks that Fear Inoculum comes with are really amazing as they come up with different vibes than the other seen before, although 7empest and Invincible do share lots in common with the older Tool tracks,YES! It's here and it's amazing. Let's get them out of the way and say that the interludes are really cleverly and creatively made and they do have a creepy, trippy, nice vibe. Now, the 7 tracks that Fear Inoculum comes with are really amazing as they come up with different vibes than the other seen before, although 7empest and Invincible do share lots in common with the older Tool tracks, they have completely different meanings and vibes and are of other complexity. So in my opinion all 7 tracks are great and I'm going to put them in my order (best to worst) even though I like them all and I can't really rank them (I'm also going to exclude Chocolate Chip Trip as it is just a great and complex drum solo). So we got Descending as my personal favorite, then Pneuma, Invincible both in second place, Culling Voices is damn right amazing, eerie and Justin ripps, 7empest being the complete Tool Jam with meaning, complex patterns, lots of solos, kick-offs and bassy bass riffs. Least but not last is Fear Inoculum which is really great but I can't really up it any higher amongst the others. Loved it, can't wait to get deeper into the meanings of the lyrics. Expand
  15. Jan 13, 2020
    How does a a band that transcends generations meet the hype train that comes with a 13 year delay between albums?.... By exceeding ALL expectations with a masterpiece. This album absolutely rips and only gets better with each listen. Outstanding.
  16. Jan 9, 2020
    Phenomenal evolution of this band - perfect
    Very dense and may take a few listens to have everything click but well worth the journey.
  17. Jan 9, 2020
    I wasn't a fan of Tool before this album (now I am). Amazing instrumentals, the only critics is for Maynard vocals. They are not so powerful as in the other albums and that is sad :(
  18. Jan 2, 2020
    This is so different from everything tool has ever done!!! They really explored some psychodelic stuff... It also reminds me of some of the first albums by king crimson.
    And 7empest... wtf this song is 15 min but it feels like its 5
  19. Dec 31, 2019
    It took me several listens to grasp this album. Now I get goosebumps almost every time I blast the album.
  20. Dec 25, 2019
    Never being a tool fan until now.Have heard some of their most knowned songs and liked them but never gone through listening a complete album.This one made me revisit their oldest work.Can easylly say its thei best and an amazing album.Its being since my early 20s that i find myself captivated by an lp and listening it over and over again.With a good set of headphones its a magicalNever being a tool fan until now.Have heard some of their most knowned songs and liked them but never gone through listening a complete album.This one made me revisit their oldest work.Can easylly say its thei best and an amazing album.Its being since my early 20s that i find myself captivated by an lp and listening it over and over again.With a good set of headphones its a magical experience best think ive listened as far a production. Expand
  21. Nov 26, 2019
    I have tried so hard. Kicking back and listening from start to finish multiple times. Unlike previous albums it is not revealing itself to be more awesome every listen. Unlike any album they have ever released it reminds me of previous works. Not much good. Not much new. Maynard really phoned this one in, and the rest of the band are out of ideas.
  22. Sep 2, 2019
    Whilst the album had a lot of great timing signatures changes, it is very bland melodically. The entire albums sounds like it is done in the same key/modes and because of this, it gets a bit boring after a few songs. Adam J doesn't have enough to offer to be playing lead guitar in almost every song. It almost sounds like Tool is trying to rip off themselves. In short, it feels like a ToolWhilst the album had a lot of great timing signatures changes, it is very bland melodically. The entire albums sounds like it is done in the same key/modes and because of this, it gets a bit boring after a few songs. Adam J doesn't have enough to offer to be playing lead guitar in almost every song. It almost sounds like Tool is trying to rip off themselves. In short, it feels like a Tool album made for people just just really want to love tool. Expand
  23. Nov 2, 2019
    It took quite a few spins but I suddenly found myself loving Fear Inoculum. Listening from start to finish, not skipping the interludes, and out of nowhere it became a magical experience every bit as wonderful as previous Tool albums. Listen with the best headphones you can find or go to the quietest space available, and just allocate some time to sit and listen properly withoutIt took quite a few spins but I suddenly found myself loving Fear Inoculum. Listening from start to finish, not skipping the interludes, and out of nowhere it became a magical experience every bit as wonderful as previous Tool albums. Listen with the best headphones you can find or go to the quietest space available, and just allocate some time to sit and listen properly without interruption. Worth every day of the 13 year wait. Expand
  24. Oct 23, 2019
    Not easy to get into but after few longer sessions i realized it's masterpiece with "Pneuma" being best song of 2019, followed by "Descending" and "Invincible".
  25. Oct 11, 2019
    definitely a great album. lacks a bit on the hooks and great isolations. those moments were more powerful and prominent in previous albums, but still delivers a wonderful journey of musical chaos. my favorite part of the album is that is seems to be off rythm or ever changing to where you don't quite feel comfortable or as if somthing is off. i highly recommend te listen, also try bobbingdefinitely a great album. lacks a bit on the hooks and great isolations. those moments were more powerful and prominent in previous albums, but still delivers a wonderful journey of musical chaos. my favorite part of the album is that is seems to be off rythm or ever changing to where you don't quite feel comfortable or as if somthing is off. i highly recommend te listen, also try bobbing your head along to the music. Expand
  26. Oct 10, 2019
    Disappointing on so many levels. One has to wonder if this album was hastily thrown together for the sake of making a quick buck. Nothing new is brought to the table. Instrumentally it sounds just like the same drums and guitar riffs from previous releases. Vocals are subdued and lacking the power and emotion from previous albums such as 10,000 days. I've listened through this albumDisappointing on so many levels. One has to wonder if this album was hastily thrown together for the sake of making a quick buck. Nothing new is brought to the table. Instrumentally it sounds just like the same drums and guitar riffs from previous releases. Vocals are subdued and lacking the power and emotion from previous albums such as 10,000 days. I've listened through this album several times to try and give it a fair shake, the last time I actually fell asleep. Expand
  27. Oct 9, 2019
    Listening to Fear Inoculum front to back gives me the same feeling as sitting through an Economics class. Their worst, and most uninspired album to date.
  28. Oct 7, 2019
    I waited so long for this album that I actually lost interest in the entire genre of music that Tool is basically the icon for. As many have said it feels like Maynard is not singing nearly as often as the songs demand and the spaces left are filled in with Adam Jones guitar solos. The same thing happened to Mudvayne, once traditional guitar solos in the bridges started popping up I feltI waited so long for this album that I actually lost interest in the entire genre of music that Tool is basically the icon for. As many have said it feels like Maynard is not singing nearly as often as the songs demand and the spaces left are filled in with Adam Jones guitar solos. The same thing happened to Mudvayne, once traditional guitar solos in the bridges started popping up I felt like it lost what made it special. The 'mature' approach is lame for a band where their first album is named after the worst drug on the planet, they have songs like hooker with a penis or jerk off and there singer was a drag queen for at least one tour. I don't want these songs that build up but rarely peak. It's a bit like drunk sex, when you're too drunk, and you can't cum, and that's what this album is. An old bunch of dudes who can't cum anymore. There are a few riffs that are good but boy do they repeat themselves. Expand
  29. Oct 5, 2019
    One of the worst Metal albums I've ever heard.Painfully awful.Bland,boring and really painful to even finish one song.I don't mind lengthy songs but it was so boring. 13 years for this?Nah!
    Embarrassment to the metal music community.
  30. Oct 2, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I was not ready for Fear Inoculum. I have studied every track for the past 1 month or so and tried to make sense of the passages. It will stand the test of time and go down as an influential metal relic of sorts in the years to come. It's breathtakingly complex and exponential. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. Oct 9, 2019
    The album plays like an extended mood piece that bends and drifts, with a shortage of the crushing hard-rock crescendos and riffs that defined the band’s work on “Lateralus” (2001) and before.
  2. Sep 19, 2019
    Sadly, there’s nothing on Fear Inoculum as immediately accessible or anthemic as past Tool glories like “Sober” or “The Pot,” but what is here will reward repeated spins, even if listeners initially find themselves waiting for those mammoth riffs to show up, a la “7empest,” or for Maynard to finally kick into high gear, as in the rousing refrain of “Descending.”
  3. Sep 10, 2019
    Musically, Tool have taken the best of Lateralus's dynamism and the heaviness of 10,000 Days to explore the middle ground with great length on Fear Inoculum. Those who stuck it out through the decade-plus wait won't mind hanging around a little longer until the album's close.