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Generally favorable reviews- based on 58 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 58
  2. Negative: 10 out of 58
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  1. Mar 15, 2022
    El punto mas alto de experimentacion en la carrera de Earl en cuanto a bases, lo impredecibles y antinaturales que son da de un modo una sensacion de risa con la que ya viene uno familiarizado si se ha escuchado SRS antes, es brillante, intuitivo y refrescante el modo en el que usa bases muy parecidas al vaporwave, sin duda un EP memorable...
  2. Mar 4, 2021
    Not as good as Some Rap Songs, but always great.
    I didn't liked 4N, but other tracks (example for WHOLE WORLD in the deluxe edition or EAST in the normal version) were great and with strange instrumentals.
    Surely experimental and surely great, but not as great as Some Rap Songs, even thought the style is the same.
    Great album 8/10.
  3. Mar 8, 2020
    mumble dick garbage this shouldnt be in the hip hop section at all it really is senseless crap wtf
  4. Jan 1, 2020
    Definitely not nearly as good as Some Rap Songs, but not at all disappointing. I've seen quite a bit of mixed opinions on this album, but I think it's pretty solid for what it is.
  5. Nov 17, 2019
    This album is absolute dumb fire. Earl delivered an excellent project from top to bottom. His lyricism on this was definitely top notch and the production was fantastic as well. Earl Sweatshirt did an immaculate job on this album.
  6. Nov 13, 2019
    Deadly samey and unadorned. Even Earl's fan won't ever remember this album existed.
  7. Nov 5, 2019
    Feeling somewhat rushed due to the overly repetitive production and the short length of most of the tracks, the EP nevertheless dishes out another suitably satisfying barrage of Earl's verbal gymnastics to keep fans pleased until his next full-length release.
  8. Nov 5, 2019
    Take this review lightly as I am not a fan of Earl however I have taken a listen to each of his albums to see what there is to offer. Most of his stuff has come to be more of a lyrical artistic vibe. This album is completely that and I am not sure if it can really be considered as "Hip-Hop" or "Rap". Appealing most likely to the die-hard fans of Earl and anyone who likes good lyricism overTake this review lightly as I am not a fan of Earl however I have taken a listen to each of his albums to see what there is to offer. Most of his stuff has come to be more of a lyrical artistic vibe. This album is completely that and I am not sure if it can really be considered as "Hip-Hop" or "Rap". Appealing most likely to the die-hard fans of Earl and anyone who likes good lyricism over terrible beat selection. Expand
  9. Nov 4, 2019
    Not even close to as good as Some Rap Songs and that was a five at best. He's progressively getting worse with each album
  10. Nov 4, 2019
    Earl never dissapoint. He has found a new sound in his music-making. And he is keeping the pace.
  11. Nov 4, 2019
    This is aight; it's fine. It's not as tight as SRS, nor is it as emotionally potent or as meticulously brilliant in detail. However, it works as an update to see where exactly Earl's creative head's at post-SRS. It's nothing new for Earl, but it shows him still playing with that New New York experimental hip hop sound (MIKE, Standing on the Corner, etc.) EAST sounds like a borderlineThis is aight; it's fine. It's not as tight as SRS, nor is it as emotionally potent or as meticulously brilliant in detail. However, it works as an update to see where exactly Earl's creative head's at post-SRS. It's nothing new for Earl, but it shows him still playing with that New New York experimental hip hop sound (MIKE, Standing on the Corner, etc.) EAST sounds like a borderline meme. He promised "riskier **** since he parted ways w/ the major label, but he ended up signing with another one only to dish out this EP that keeps the SRS formula intact, but strips it of any sort of cohesion or emotional potency. He's touted himself as not being a single's artist, but these songs feel like a bunch of loosies than a project. But overall, I'd rather hear Earl spit in this form than not at all. He definitely claims the spot as one of the greatest MCs to break out this decade, even if his delivery hear teeters on being a little too disinterested. Collapse

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. The Wire
    Dec 9, 2019
    I’m always holding out hope for more of the genius heard on Doris but it’s unfortunately absent on Feet Of Clay. [Jan 2020, p.74]
  2. Nov 15, 2019
    If you’d said in 2014 that by 2019 Earl Sweatshirt, a scrawny kid from Odd Future, would be one of the most well-regarded hip hop artists, nobody would have taken it seriously. But after 2018’s Some Rap Songs, it has become evident that it’s true, and the new EP proves it.
  3. Nov 15, 2019
    As abrasive as it feels, it’s a lyrically rewarding payoff for listeners who choose to sift through the muddle and explore a high-brow exercise into poetry. Otherwise, old Odd Future fans and casual Hip-Hop listeners will be turned off by its off-putting and annoyingly grating aesthetics.