• Record Label: Jive
  • Release Date: Mar 29, 2011
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  1. Mar 26, 2012
    Not as good as "Circus", "Blackout" and "In The Zone" ( in my opinion ) but however this is a good album, with an interesting dub-step that now the biggest part of pop artists uses! The best songs for me are Criminal, Seal It With A Kiss, Gasoline, Inside Out and Hold It Against Me.
  2. Jun 29, 2012
    A Good Lp. Its constant but a bit over produced. There is way too much auto-tune for it to get anything above a 7 from me. Standout tracks are: I Wanna Go, Trip to Your Heart and How I Roll.
  3. May 19, 2012
    To me, Femme Fatale is Britney's best album. Of course it could be that now that I listen to her older albums, they sound a bit stale and out of date, whereas Femme Fatale has a more current vibe (obviously, being her latest). The single choice of Criminal threw me a little, though, as I think there are far better songs on this album than that one.
  4. Nov 6, 2013
    Not her worst, not her best... the chorus are catching, but not like in her other albums. Till The World Ends Hold It Against me. And what about Gasoline... hmmm... this song is "just ok".
  5. Oct 21, 2017
    Trazendo uma sonoridade eletrônica misturada com música pop, que a própria Britney popularizou em 2007 junto com Kylie Minogue, Femme Fatale é um dos principais CDs de 2011. Responsável pelos sucessos "Hold It Against Me", "Till the World Ends" e "I Wanna Go".
  6. Nov 21, 2016
    A step-up from circus. The only song i found to be sub-par was (Drop Dead) Beautiful. Till the world ends was great, and Criminal was very good. Other good songs are:Hold It Against Me, Inside Out, I Wanna Go, Big Fat Bass and Gasoline. The rest are average or just fine. Overall a quite consistent and a pleasant (unexpectedly) record.
  7. Apr 8, 2018
    de los mejors albumes de su carrera, y tambien de los mejores albumes del año
  8. Sep 23, 2018
    emme Fatale, in my opinion, is possibly the best album Britney Spears has released. Now granted In the Zone gave us "Toxic" and Circus, well it gave us "Womanizer" and "Circus"! But Femme Fatale is definitely up-to-date with the latest genres of music including, techno, electropop, synthpop, and even a touch of dubstep, which is new to the States (thankfully its Britney who is introducingemme Fatale, in my opinion, is possibly the best album Britney Spears has released. Now granted In the Zone gave us "Toxic" and Circus, well it gave us "Womanizer" and "Circus"! But Femme Fatale is definitely up-to-date with the latest genres of music including, techno, electropop, synthpop, and even a touch of dubstep, which is new to the States (thankfully its Britney who is introducing dubstep to us!). Some of the hallmarks of the albums has to be:
    I Wanna Go: a very upbeat, catchy tune with lots of autotune and bounce! This song is definitely radio worthy and I feel it has potential to be the popular song of Summer 2011! When the song starts it just makes you want to get up and dance and sing along to it! It's a great song and is probably the best song on the album!

    Trip To Your Heart: Very dancy tune, with lots of catchy beats and an awesome chorus melody! Trip to Your Heart is probably one of the sweetest songs on "Femme Fatale" and, in my opinion, sounds like something that Britney would've sung on "...Baby One More Time" or "Oops I Did It Again" if both of the albums were released in 2011! How I Roll: When you first hear this, you'll immediately think that this song is sexy (heavy breathing at the beginning of the song)! Like most of the songs on "Femme Fatale" it has a catchy chorus ("Because I got 9 lives like a kitty cat!") which makes it very sexy and alluring for Britney to sing! Gasoline: This song is shockingly perfect for the age in which we live in (ahem! gas prices). Gasoline is a very sexy song that fits perfectly for Spears and might I add, make gasoline sexy again!

    Criminal: This song is a more ballad like song which features Britney falling in love with a criminal. Definitely, puts you in the shoes of Britney's mama! And how she would feel if Britney really were in love with a criminal. Although slow, it's a great addition to "Femme Fatale"'s lineup of nightclub dance worthy tracks

    Up N Down (only available on the deluxe version): I love this song! The beats are perfect, vocals are perfect, melody is perfect, everything in this song is perfect! Definitely a song you would hum in your head! Some of the other songs with honors would include:
    Inside Out,
    Drop Dead (Beautiful),
    Seal It With A Kiss,

    Now I can say the whole album is great, but there is one song that I don't particularly like, and most people can agree with me on this one, Big Fat Bass! It sounds... OK... but too much autotune and heavy beats. Will.I.Am is not at his best in this song and doesn't do a great job as he did in "The E.N.D." but despite it all, Britney's vocal are outstanding and fills the void of the not-so-great beats and "vocals" (if you would like to call them that) of Will.I.Am! Overall the album is fantastic, but leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to Big Fat Bass. Other than that, well worth every single penny. Great addition to any Britney fan's collection!
    I also suggest the Deluxe version, all of the bonus tracks are awesome, even though I didn't mention them, they're great!
  9. Mar 27, 2020
    It's an okay album. All single choices are good (especially "Criminal" - love it!). However besides singles and some songs (like "(Drop Dead) Beautiful") whole album gives me "weird" feel and it's not so memorable like it's predecessors.
  10. Feb 28, 2021
    This album scream "dance" and "summer" and it's definitely her redemption, bringing confidence and power more than ever in her career. Spears didn´t have such set of triumphant singles for a long time, as well as such perfectly produced album. It's so good to see her shine again.
  11. Apr 30, 2011
    Femme Fatale is far from being Spears's best album. In fact, it is so overly produced and heavily auto tuned that it could've been the latest Ke$ha album, and no one would care at all. However, it is a ballad free-club ready album that'll make plenty of fans scream, "Britney's back, **** The two latest singles, "Hold It Against Me" and "Till The World Ends", are its highlighted tracks.
  12. Apr 7, 2011
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. An album with no lyrics, no production and no human voice - Femme Fatale This is the seventh album from Britney Spears! It is personal, the princess returned to playback everything. Britney Spears makes this time a trip to the insane electro-disco-pop. I must say that she was drunk all the way and driving a VW color pink. For patients Spears fans will be a recipe for long hair beats, voiceovers in front of the mirror and abuse at nightclubs. Expand
  13. May 19, 2011
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Dança, sexo, amores caidos, auto-tunes! Tudo isso é possivel encontrar no novo album da Princesa do POP Britney Spears. A sonoridade é contagiante, com musicas chicletes e com capacidade de se tornarem grandes HITs. O album lembra os grandes sucessos de Kesha, e construido na mesma base dos HITs da cantora: Letras banais, agitado, uma dança sem fim. Porém, com a canção Criminal, Britney foi além, mesmo que não muito longe. 6,0! Expand
  14. May 26, 2011
    The album is nice but nothing more than that. Although meaningless, "Hold It Against Me", "Inside Out", "I Wanna Go", "Gasoline" and "Criminal" are catchy and fun. However, the other tracks are forgettable.
  15. Nov 6, 2011
    Where is the voice of Britney? This is the first question that comes to mind when listening to this album. In a full summary of the work, it seems that Britney forgot her good old pop and electronica trend adhered to today.
  16. Feb 5, 2012
    A good album with catchy beats. No innovation at all. Gottwald has the ability to turn all the artists her works with into mainstream pop stars. Extremely auto-tuned and Ke$ha-like. It sure makes us all miss the days when Britney used to sing. Definitely, not her best album at all.
  17. Oct 25, 2013
    Femme fatale is a good album, but is too predictable. There is no innovation, it is always the same eletronic music with a bit of auto-tune, definitely not one of the best works made my pop princess Britney Spears. There is no comparison with her previous works, such as blackout and circus, but it has good songs like "criminal", "he about to lose me" and "hold it against me".
  18. Sep 8, 2016
    so presta os singles, album cheio de auto tune e cagado. Britney deixou a desejar um album tão promissor como esse no final foi lançado faltando mais naturalidade
  19. Jan 30, 2016
    Album assez inégal, ancré dans son temps avec des sons électro dance qui ont assez mal vieilli.

    Coup de coeur: Inside Out et les pistes bonus de la version deluxe.
  20. Aug 4, 2019
    Of the albums released in the 2010s, this one is her best in my opinion. This song has two of my favorite Britney songs on it: "Criminal" and "Gasoline." It also has great songs like "Inside Out," "Trip to Your Heart," and "He About To Lose Me."
  21. Jul 24, 2020
    It's a good album but it could have been released by any other artist. She's just following a trend instead of creating a new trend, as she did with her previous albums. They should have gone for the style of the bonus tracks. Also, the lyrics makes the album worse.
    It still has great tracks like Hold It Against Me, Seal It With a Kiss, Don't Keep Me Waiting, He About To Lose Me and Inside Out.
  22. May 20, 2011
    The whole album is not the best album of Britney. There are some good and catchy songs like Hold It Against Me, Till the World Ends and I Wanna Go. However, I think Britney Spears should start write some songs and produce her own material and not leave the songwriting to others (for example I Wanna Go a song about her life isn't written by her, neither). The lyrics are catchy but lack ofThe whole album is not the best album of Britney. There are some good and catchy songs like Hold It Against Me, Till the World Ends and I Wanna Go. However, I think Britney Spears should start write some songs and produce her own material and not leave the songwriting to others (for example I Wanna Go a song about her life isn't written by her, neither). The lyrics are catchy but lack of Britney's involvement and something new. Her voice is so much robotic and has so much auto-tune and the listener doesn't enjoy the album. All in all, the album isn't interesting and lacks of new lyrics yet good choice for clubs only and nothing else. Expand
  23. Aug 9, 2013
    One of the worst Britney Spears CD's. Her highly autotuned voice gets annoying, and the songs are horribly written. Definitely not a good album, only four or five good songs.
  24. Dec 16, 2014
    Britney excuse me but this album is not good, you have the potential to make (at least compose) best songs, there are few that can be enjoyed this album.
    Highlights: Drop Dead and Till The World Ends
    Lows: Gasoline and Do not Keep Me Waiting
  25. Jun 11, 2011
    In my opinion, Femme Fatale's strikes are innovative, Britney's voice is better and the record hasn't a bad song. The only thing I was kind of disappointed are the lyrics of songs that aren't that creative... for me the best lyrics are from "Trip To Your Heart" and "Criminal".

    Femme Fatale can't be compared to the previous, because if we really consider it her best work: doesn't have
    In my opinion, Femme Fatale's strikes are innovative, Britney's voice is better and the record hasn't a bad song. The only thing I was kind of disappointed are the lyrics of songs that aren't that creative... for me the best lyrics are from "Trip To Your Heart" and "Criminal".

    Femme Fatale can't be compared to the previous, because if we really consider it her best work: doesn't have annoying music or bad. The change in style for trance-pop may not please everyone, however it will please the majority. It will bring more fans to Miss. Spears, because we have one of the most mature records of her career. The album wasn't meant to be heard, but felt.

    Generally, I face Femme Fatale as a unique album. I can't compare this work with no other from Britney. I think everything Britney has done so far is unique. And she nailed it on this album. This is what Pop is. Britney knows how to pop, this is fact. The record didn't disappoint me in any aspect. As each and every album has its ups and downs. I really hope she doesn't ignore "How I Roll", "I Wanna Go" and especially "Criminal" because in my opinion are the best of the album along with "Trip To Your Heart". And not being fanatic, but I think Femme Fatale has imperceptible lows. Now it's time to enjoy this record, wait for the bonus tracks and the performance on Good Morning America, the video of Till The World Ends, and something about the new tour.

    Britney proves once again that doesn't need to follow trend's music to be fashionable... she creates a different vision of pop music, which few or many, will be happy to savor every melody, production stage, choruses, bridges, etc...
    The album's name does justice to the content. More mature, provocative and daring to the ears of fans and listeners.

    It may not have sounded so good at first, but once I heard the album on the iPod, I was loving every song. In it we can see an evolution in relation to the last two albums because it presents a great diversity of sounds, lyrics a little more elaborated and somewhat with census, the most important thing is the fact that hasn't such a weakness noted in the recent musical works. The album in general can be very generic but it is this type of rhythm it is essential these days because the music is changing every time that passes. Overall I loved the album, however it won't be my favorite though. It has been noticed that she gave her heart for working through this fantastic album which I am very thankful and she deserves to be congratulated for this. Even though I really loved the record I feel a little disappointed for the fact that the album doesn't have any ballad.
  26. Mar 29, 2011
    So disappointed. There's barely anything in this album that remotely tells me that this is Britney's best album like she said it was. Now, I love Britney as much as anyone else could, but I love her for a totally different reason than most. I loved her for her innovation and originality that she brought to pop music; she seemed like the first person to bring in different elements ofSo disappointed. There's barely anything in this album that remotely tells me that this is Britney's best album like she said it was. Now, I love Britney as much as anyone else could, but I love her for a totally different reason than most. I loved her for her innovation and originality that she brought to pop music; she seemed like the first person to bring in different elements of different genres into her music and that what drew me to her during her "Britney" and "In the Zone" era, but now it seems like she's settled on a sound and isn't giving it up.

    The writing seems lackluster; there's definitely a theme, but it's so transparent that it doesn't pop like before. I know 12-year-olds that could write better songs than Till the World Ends or Hold It Against Me, but there is no way they could've done the production. The composition on most of these songs are top-notch and that's what really sells the album, which, on its own merits, is an accomplishment but a vague one at the least. This album is definitely "POP GOLD", but whose pop, because it's not Britney's? Actually, it sounds like the pop album of twelve different artists' rejects fused together.

    The only highlights I can find are "Inside Out", the dubstep-influenced monster it is, and "I Wanna Go", the disco/electro, Kylie Minogue-esque hit that was obviously skipped as a single choice. I'm not saying that this doesn't reek of Britney or pop fantasy, it's just disappointing.
  27. May 25, 2011
    Dear Britney: I miss you in Toxic . This Album is repetitive, no creativity since the electro beast is the same... Put together her two latest singles "Till The World Ends" and "I Wanna Go" is the exact SAME background. Is energic yes... but is so repetitive and some lyrics make no sense. Britney's voice is auto-tuned that sounds like a remixed album. Is catchy but you can't be consideredDear Britney: I miss you in Toxic . This Album is repetitive, no creativity since the electro beast is the same... Put together her two latest singles "Till The World Ends" and "I Wanna Go" is the exact SAME background. Is energic yes... but is so repetitive and some lyrics make no sense. Britney's voice is auto-tuned that sounds like a remixed album. Is catchy but you can't be considered a "Pop Princess" with just a "catchy" album. Expand
  28. Jun 30, 2011
    Femme Fatale is exactly what I expected in an album from Britney Spears: a few standout tracks: HIAM, TTWE, and Up N Down; a few mediocre tracks: Inside Out, I Wanna Go; and filler. This is Britney's best album after Blackout and Baby One More Time respectively. This is a solid release for Miss Spears, fun to have drinks to while getting ready for a night out but not a serious contenderFemme Fatale is exactly what I expected in an album from Britney Spears: a few standout tracks: HIAM, TTWE, and Up N Down; a few mediocre tracks: Inside Out, I Wanna Go; and filler. This is Britney's best album after Blackout and Baby One More Time respectively. This is a solid release for Miss Spears, fun to have drinks to while getting ready for a night out but not a serious contender for any best of lists and hopefully no one deludes themselves with the idea that it is. Expand
  29. Apr 3, 2011
    I used to love Britney so much, but she has honestly gone so downhill. She doesn't write her songs, make her music, and now she doesn't even sing her own songs. Her voice is so extremely edited, and the songs are so plain. The album is nothing special, and, in my opinion, has to be her worst to date. Song by song review: Till The World Ends: 4/10 The moment I heard it, I knew it was eitherI used to love Britney so much, but she has honestly gone so downhill. She doesn't write her songs, make her music, and now she doesn't even sing her own songs. Her voice is so extremely edited, and the songs are so plain. The album is nothing special, and, in my opinion, has to be her worst to date. Song by song review: Till The World Ends: 4/10 The moment I heard it, I knew it was either written by Kesha, or a clear rip off of Kesha. As I believe Kesha has terrible songs, well, I'd obviously hate this.
    Hold It Against Me: 2/10 Sounds like a bad attempt at a dance song, and the lyrics are a bad attempt at sounding flirty.
    Inside Out: 4/10 Again, terrible lyrics. Got annoying after a few listens.
    I Wanna Go: 6.5/10 This song is REALLY close to being a decent song, but there's something about that just irks me. Clearly the next single.
    How I Roll: 6/10 Different, which is nice. The beginning turns you off, though. The first 5 seconds made me annoyed, but after I listened to the entire thing, I actually kinda liked it.
    (Drop Dead) Beautiful: 4/10 So, Till The World Ends sounded like a Kesha song, and in this song there's some chick who seems to be trying to pretend to be Kesha. If the featured girl wasn't in this, it would be an okay song, but she really turns me off.
    Seal It With a Kiss: 5/10 Once again, has potential but fails. Something about it just ... no.
    Big Fat Bass: 0/10 Dear God, what was she thinking.
    Trouble For Me: 5.5/10 First few listens, I liked it. Got boring really quickly.
    Trip To Your Heart: 6/10 One of the better songs on here. The music gets annoying after a bit, but still one of the more decent songs.
    Gasoline: 6.5/10 I hated it at first, but it's really catchy. Like other songs, it has potential to be good, but ... it just isn't.
    Criminal: 8.5/10 Hands down the best on the album. The melody is amazing, the flute is beautiful and ahh. This is the only song I keep going back to. The only song you should bother listening to.

    I seriously don't know why people are still in love with her. She has done nothing creative recently, hardly making her worthy of any "Queen and/or Princess of Pop" titles. She needs to settle down and focus on her family life, because her heart's just not into her music anymore.
  30. Aug 7, 2011
    An album that prooves Britney for what she really is, and yes i feel rather bad saying this, but, a fake. Never have i heard such flat lyrical content, over production and auto tuning. Britney is almost totally void in this album, the computer/equipment took over and sadly Britney was left behind. This album is saved by just a very small few handfull of songs that, although not 100%, theyAn album that prooves Britney for what she really is, and yes i feel rather bad saying this, but, a fake. Never have i heard such flat lyrical content, over production and auto tuning. Britney is almost totally void in this album, the computer/equipment took over and sadly Britney was left behind. This album is saved by just a very small few handfull of songs that, although not 100%, they do remind you of why you bought this album in the first place. Expand
  31. Oct 8, 2011
    So this is what people call as pop music this days. I don't think Madonna would approve this new phase of Britney, and she even could lost her "Princess of Pop" rank. It's just pour electropop, with crappy lyrics, and strange beats, she just made pop for pop.
  32. Mar 23, 2012
    An 'okay' album for someone like Britney Spears. Her earlier work like '...Baby One More Time' and 'Oops!...I Did It Again' were amazing but Femme Fatale is a huge let down.
  33. Mar 9, 2013
    This album it's a perfect ballad, but I miss that old Britney's style, she was cute and innovative, and now she just make repetitive dance musics, I'm gaping and disappointed.
  34. Apr 1, 2012
    She do not deserve to be the princess of pop. This album is full of uter crap. Most of the songs are fillers, if they are not, they were released as singles. The best song is clearly Don't Keep Me Waiting, but buying the deluxe edition is not worth it. I disapointed
  35. Mar 29, 2011
    There are about two good songs on here. The rest are some of Britney's worst songs to date. I feel that as a fan, we need to be honest when things aren't good. Big Fat Bass featuring Will.I.Am has to be THE worst song by Britney I've ever heard. TERRIBLE. "I can be your treble baby, you can be my bass", Britney sings. Oh and by the way whoever produced this DESTROYED Britney's sweet voice.There are about two good songs on here. The rest are some of Britney's worst songs to date. I feel that as a fan, we need to be honest when things aren't good. Big Fat Bass featuring Will.I.Am has to be THE worst song by Britney I've ever heard. TERRIBLE. "I can be your treble baby, you can be my bass", Britney sings. Oh and by the way whoever produced this DESTROYED Britney's sweet voice. It's barely recognizable behind all the autotune. I can understand it's a technique, but by doing that it takes away the artist's personality on a record. Seeing that Britney neither wrote nor produced ANYTHING on the album (She wrote some songs, which didn't make the final tracklist unfortunately), the least they could do was let us hear HER voice; not some robotic, cold, slightly grating voice. There are two great songs on here, which I'm sure Britney had to fight to keep on the album. "Inside Out" is the best Britney song I've heard since Blackout! The instrumental is RICH, DEEP, etc. Just breathtaking! Meanwhile Britney's vocal delivery is amazing from what I can tell. The "Inside Out" lyrics are pretty clever and could be interpreted a number of ways so take your pick ;)

    The other highlight is "How I Roll". Probably because it's the song that's most unlike the others. I've never heard a song like this. It's so bubbly, but it's dancy...but it has a piano too. I can't get enough of this song and hope it's a single at some point. There's some intentional mispronunciation of words that's sure to cause controversy, but what is Britney without controversy?

    As a Britney fan I regret buying this because there is barely anything here that is distinctly "Britney". The producers tried their best to make her fit into this Ke$ha/Katy Perry pop world, but they failed to realize Britney doesn't need to follow these trends. Songs like "Hold It Against Me" and "Till The World Ends" are so below Britney's standards and don't really work as singles for me. Where is the "Britney" spark that makes it stand out? Overall I'd say pass on this album and buy "Inside Out" and "I Wanna Go" on iTunes.

    **Sorry if this doesn't make sense. After listening to the album over 20 times (yes I listened to the leak), I just pretty much blurted out all my thoughts here and don't feel like going back to re-edit.
  36. Aug 10, 2011
    e um lixo, simplesmente. as musicas sao horriveis, muito mixadas e com pouca desenvoltura vocal. uma bela porcaria.eu nao sei nem como esse cd conseguiu vender um milhao de copias.
  37. Jan 17, 2012
    One of the worst and most overrated album of 2.011. It's the most basic and generic thing we had during the whole year. It's such a shame the only really good song from the album, "Criminal" flops so hard. Definitively, it is nothing that any other singer who makes generic music couldn't do. Britney is still an icon but this album passed almost unnoticed when it comes to production andOne of the worst and most overrated album of 2.011. It's the most basic and generic thing we had during the whole year. It's such a shame the only really good song from the album, "Criminal" flops so hard. Definitively, it is nothing that any other singer who makes generic music couldn't do. Britney is still an icon but this album passed almost unnoticed when it comes to production and musical creation. Expand
  38. Aug 3, 2012
    With "Femme Fatale" Britney gives us her worst album filled with generic and repetitive songs. The only songs that are not that generic are Inside Out and the bonus track He About to Lose Me.
  39. May 24, 2011
    Whoever said this album is good must be deaf. I've been a Spears fan for a while, but this is gross. Born This Way > Femme Fatale for sure, but what else can you expect from a hasbeen. It's very sad, I actually expected a lot more from Femme Fatale.
  40. Sep 20, 2011
    Out of the blue, I found myself reading excellent critics applauding this album. And contrary to what most critics said, I found this absolutely ridiculous and over the top. I gave it some tries and listened to every song several times... My judgement is there's only a decent song on it - "How I Roll", probably the most one-of-a-kind track Britney has ever sang...Wait... She doesn't singOut of the blue, I found myself reading excellent critics applauding this album. And contrary to what most critics said, I found this absolutely ridiculous and over the top. I gave it some tries and listened to every song several times... My judgement is there's only a decent song on it - "How I Roll", probably the most one-of-a-kind track Britney has ever sang...Wait... She doesn't sing at all in FF because they kept pressing the auto-tune button in every single track. We all know Britney's cup of tea is not exactly her voice but at least they could have been more restrained at overprocessing those tracks. Criminal is an ordinary gypsy tune. Big Fat Bass has got to be some kind of ears (and patience) crucifixion. Trip to your heart is almost good but the tedious repetitions and the cheap disco background make it come up short. Till the world ends still gets me thinking I'm listening to a Ke$ha's album... I Wanna Go looks like a demo and the lyrics probably written by some 16yo. . Trouble For Me truly defines what Britney is for herself. Any other person could have done this... but just because it's Britney, a reinvention of herself, bla bla bla, damn, it's so brilliant, fresh and etc. Please...! Expand
  41. Aug 30, 2016
    Spears' sophomore album, which was critically one of her best, and featured the self-titled single that everyone and their mothers know. The album is headlined by such songs as Oops...I did it again, Stronger, and Lucky, with each one reaching the top 15 in the US Billboard 100 charts. Though those songs were popular, and I think they are catchy, the album does have its flaws. (I can't getSpears' sophomore album, which was critically one of her best, and featured the self-titled single that everyone and their mothers know. The album is headlined by such songs as Oops...I did it again, Stronger, and Lucky, with each one reaching the top 15 in the US Billboard 100 charts. Though those songs were popular, and I think they are catchy, the album does have its flaws. (I can't get no) Satisfaction is a word-for-word cover of the original Rolling Stones song, and it just comes off as awful personally. Also, the last track on the album, Dear Diary, is very, very stupid, in my opinion. Buy it to relive some nostalgia, but be aware this is the early 2000's, and bubblegum pop is just as cheesy as you thought it was. Collapse Expand
  42. Jun 23, 2018
    Britney sounds a lot like a programmed bot than her previous effort and there are no emotions at all. This is an album that has no purpose and even the name of the album is very random. No vibes of a femme fatale are detected in the tracks and you can barely hear her voice. This is disappointing.
  43. Jun 30, 2011
    Femme Fatale represents no growth as an artist. But it is Britney Spears after all so what so we shouldn't expect much. From the auto-tune to the mediocre songs, Femme Fatale is a mess from start to finish.
  44. Apr 11, 2011
    This album gave my cat cancer. Why would this exist? Who thought it would be a good idea to make this? Seriously why? It's sooooo bad!! I don't have enough caharacters to submit this so yeah, extra sentence.
  45. May 25, 2011
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This albuum is nothing. i can't believe that she is talentless now. She can't dance, her music in this album is awful and she can't sing live either. This album is a shame for pop. Expand
  46. Jun 28, 2011
    This album is horrible just like her, and her fans. She is too grown to be singing about little teenage girl things and she needs to grow up and make a brilliant album like Beyonces '4' if she wants my time and money.
  47. Jun 29, 2011
    Ewwwww one of the crappiest thing I have ever listened to. What is she doing? This is an auto-tune MESS! No Britney this is not the album you are supposed to make, sorry.
  48. Jun 29, 2011
    Ewwwww one of the crappiest thing I have ever listened to. What is she doing? This is an auto-tune MESS! No Britney this is not the album you are supposed to make, sorry.
  49. Aug 19, 2011
    Pure pop trash. Auto-tuned lazy songs with no substance. No wonder it flopped. No effort by Britney Spears. She has lost touch with her fan base and will continue to decline.
  50. Mar 22, 2012
    Hear all the tracks and still look the Femme Fatale of the album. Tracks repetitive, empty lyrics and a voice that seems more like a computer. Anyway, where was that Britney's Blackout?
  51. Nov 10, 2012
    Terrible album, wonder when is she going to start singing or making music with actual lyrics not everything in life is about partying. The only solid track is Criminal. I wish she could stop trying to be Kesha.
  52. Nov 21, 2012
    This is a really bad album, full of autotune, and bad songs, all the album sounds old, the same sound as always, i just find this so boring. Thank god i dont have to hear this anymore.
  53. Nov 14, 2012
    I guess they don't even bother showcasing her voice anymore, do they? I wonder when will we get to hear the real Britney Spears telling us how she really feels, you can tell she's no longer living the dancer's life so why is asking me to keep on dancing till the world ends?

    It's a pity cuz she looked like she had potential 10 years ago.
  54. Nov 27, 2013
    Disgusting!! Crude awful and gross. Britney and One More, were flirty and fun, this is just dead and off-putting
    Not even any really nice melodies. Like some idiots playing with a computer program with a bunch cheap effects.
    The best song is hold it against me, were a fine chorus barely survives an onslaught of special effects.
    Dead, gross, dumb.
  55. Aug 30, 2016
    One of the worst albums of the year thus far. It shows absolutely no artistic growth, the lyrics are elementary, and the vocals are non-existent. All in all, a terrible album. Collapse
  56. Jul 2, 2018
    One of the worst albums ever released in the last 10 years. Mediocre, Bland, Boring. I hope Britney just retire.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 25
  2. Negative: 1 out of 25
  1. May 24, 2011
    Despite a slew of hit singles and eye-popping sales figures, Britney Spears has never released an album as coherent from start to finish as her latest, Femme Fatale.
  2. The poppers keep on coming right through the bonus tracks of porn-lite funk-lite that's quirky and clever front to back.
  3. Apr 5, 2011
    Femme Fatale equips Britney with material which is strong enough to enable the original all-American Pop Princess to hold her own in such an overcrowded context.