• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Apr 17, 2020
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Universal acclaim- based on 1396 Ratings

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  1. Aug 8, 2020
    I knew some Fiona's songs, i have never heard an album from her before, and this one fed me it was exquisite.
  2. Aug 7, 2020
    Great music has layers. New meaning is discovered on different listens. New details that you notice compel you to re-listen time and again. Vocals and story telling emotionally invest you. Excellent compositions have your toes and finger tips dancing on reflex. This Album delivers on all fronts.

    Fetch the Bolt Cutters will pull you in with more accessible numbers like Cosmonauts and have
    Great music has layers. New meaning is discovered on different listens. New details that you notice compel you to re-listen time and again. Vocals and story telling emotionally invest you. Excellent compositions have your toes and finger tips dancing on reflex. This Album delivers on all fronts.

    Fetch the Bolt Cutters will pull you in with more accessible numbers like Cosmonauts and have you come back for more for tracks like Heavy Balloon. The vocals are raw - emotive and strong. But unpolished and real. Musically it is intriguing, building on sounds from her last record. Composition wise Fiona Apple has delivered a fine wine. These tracks improve with age as they pull you into their intricacies. If you like your music polished and simple, it’s not the album for you. If you like your music to compel you, engross you and emotionally impact this is the album for you.
  3. Aug 7, 2020
    Loved every second of it. From writing, production, vocals, and dogs barking. Fiona did an amazing job
  4. Aug 7, 2020
    It does not deserve all these good reviews, the album is a major flop from this artist.
  5. Aug 7, 2020
    It baffles me that this album currently has a near perfect score on metacritic. A couple of my friends were raving about it and urged me to listen to it so I gave it a chance. I was excited to hear it because of its near universal acclaim...but I honestly thought it sounded like hot garbage. It was a chore to get through and I found myself being relieved when each song was finally over.It baffles me that this album currently has a near perfect score on metacritic. A couple of my friends were raving about it and urged me to listen to it so I gave it a chance. I was excited to hear it because of its near universal acclaim...but I honestly thought it sounded like hot garbage. It was a chore to get through and I found myself being relieved when each song was finally over. I'm pretty open-minded about music but I just couldn't find much to appreciate here. I get this odd feeling about it... It's like what am I missing? I listen to good music, right? Right?! Why does everyone love this album so much and why do I loathe it so much? I am happy that people like it, but if/when someone tells me how great this album is I am going to forever be suspicious of that person. The lyrics and themes might be good. Challenging. Important... But the music itself didn't do it for me. I don't care for her voice, either. To me this album is way over-hyped but hey what do I know? People really seem to dig this album. I'm just not one of those people. Expand
  6. Aug 5, 2020
    Perfect. Lyrical genius as ever with an Apple record. Considering some of the heavy subject matter, it’s light hearted and often amusing. The rhythmic almost rap-like way she delivers some of the lines is a joy and the melodies and piano parts are stunningly beautiful. A real gem.
  7. Aug 3, 2020
    Fiona Apple just proved that we should never count her out when “Greatest Modern Contemporary Songwriters” is brought to the table for discussion. Not only that she flexed her pen game the mightiest on her 5th studio album but we also find her at her most creative peak. Fetch The Bolt Cutters is an album of rage, self deprecation, acceptance and healing following the emotionally torturedFiona Apple just proved that we should never count her out when “Greatest Modern Contemporary Songwriters” is brought to the table for discussion. Not only that she flexed her pen game the mightiest on her 5th studio album but we also find her at her most creative peak. Fetch The Bolt Cutters is an album of rage, self deprecation, acceptance and healing following the emotionally tortured The Idler Wheel.. back in 2012. In this offering, Apple went all unconventional and experimental with her sound risking the usual song structure to an almost drumline-themed, always unpredictable and often disjointed sound. With lyrics that our outright self humorous, satirical, emotionally visceral and potent for a casual listener; “Bolt” might be a long, challenging and exhausting listen but the fruits that are to be reaped in the end are just as rewarding when we consider the masterful musicianship displayed by the singer-songwriter here. Fiona Apple has never sounded this self-assured and confident.

    Highlights: Newspaper, Under The Table, Relay, Heavy Balloon
  8. Jul 31, 2020
    10 out of 10!!! tracks feel like deep conversations...full of passion...awesome album!!!
  9. Jul 31, 2020
    It wasn't until I was in the car with my earphones on listening to Fiona Apple's fifth LP "Fetch the Bolt Cutters" that EVERYTHING started to make sense.

    As a person who enjoyed Apple's newest album but is not a fan, I can understand both sides of the reviews. I don't exactly get why the critics are raving about this album and calling it the "album of the year", but I surely grooved to
    It wasn't until I was in the car with my earphones on listening to Fiona Apple's fifth LP "Fetch the Bolt Cutters" that EVERYTHING started to make sense.

    As a person who enjoyed Apple's newest album but is not a fan, I can understand both sides of the reviews. I don't exactly get why the critics are raving about this album and calling it the "album of the year", but I surely grooved to almost every song. Yes, the production does not seem like the best. And the vocals are 'very interesting'. But really, there's a message hidden buried under it all: To "set yourself free." To "fetch the bolt cutters" because "I've been in here too long."

    What I believe Fiona Apple is trying to achieve with this new LP is to spread the message that you just gotta do you. You don't need to be the "perfect pop star" and create pop hits that sound identical or use autotune. Her dog barks throughout the album for goodness sake. And I think that's brilliant. But it's so brilliant that you don't even see it at first glance, or you just don't see it at all.

    Surely, I wouldn't call "Fetch the Bolt Cutters" the "Best Album of 2020". But I will say that it's one of the smartest and honest.
  10. Jul 27, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Fiona apple knows how to make music and has not shown it again in her most recent album fetch the bolt cutters which takes us to an incredible experience within the apple world giving us a raw and deep lyric maybe this is her best album so far. Expand
  11. Jul 25, 2020
    uma obra de arte que vai ganhar muitos grammys. a fiona foi MUITO perspicaz aqui
  12. Jul 25, 2020
    Perfeito incrível espetacular aclamadissimo memorável esse álbum é simplesmente incrível merece muito o AOTY esse ano isso se o Grammy não criar uma categoria especial pra esse ano especial
  13. Jul 25, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Best album of 2020, a sound revolution with the most wonderful lyrics. Fiona Apple once again proves herself to be an artist for the ages Expand
  14. Jul 25, 2020
    This is a tour de force. From the indescribable magical opener "I Want You To Love Me" all the way through to "On I Go" the bones of an hour later, the whole album is captivating and sounds unlike anything else for something made so organically. I was always an admirer of Fiona Apple but this has made me a fan. Lyrically, it operates at a stratospheric level, mixing weighty social issuesThis is a tour de force. From the indescribable magical opener "I Want You To Love Me" all the way through to "On I Go" the bones of an hour later, the whole album is captivating and sounds unlike anything else for something made so organically. I was always an admirer of Fiona Apple but this has made me a fan. Lyrically, it operates at a stratospheric level, mixing weighty social issues with dry humour giving the topics that bit more poignancy and at the same time relatable. Musically, there is so much going on it just needs to be heard. Organically rhythmic goes some way to describing it but then Apple throws pop magic on top of it all to turn what could be a mess into a masterpiece. Believe the hype. Expand
  15. Jul 25, 2020
    I listened to the album on Apple Music. It's soft and swift omg i forgot what I felt when I heard the songs the first time
  16. Jul 24, 2020
    Excelente album, con mucha razón es el mejor disco en criticas, y también por eso muchos comentarios negativos aquí de gentuza envidiosa y sin buen gusto. Sin duda uno de los mejores albums de todos los tiempos.
  17. Jul 24, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Only perfect......................... ......................................................... Expand
  18. Jul 24, 2020
    Album of The year! Fiona DID that! Newspapper, Shameika, Relay and Heavy Balloon
  19. Jul 24, 2020
    I find some very similar sounds this seems very repetitive no innovation in fiona
  20. Jul 24, 2020
    the power that that has, the intelligence that that has, the clearance that that has, the access that that has, the influence that that has, the profile that that has, the international implications that that has
  21. Jul 24, 2020
    No me gusto el álbum. Simplemente siento que Fiona tiene mejores propuestas. Se quedo corta de creatividad.
  22. Jul 24, 2020
    Not my vibe. Too alternative for my personal liking. Couldn't really take a good listen to it.
  23. Jul 24, 2020
  24. Jul 24, 2020
    just amazing. right for this time we are going through. strong and sensitive.
  25. Jul 24, 2020
    I decided to give it a try after seeing all the praise being given to this album and I have to say, it's so boring. I love Fiona, Criminal is one of my jems but it's not nearly as good as I expected.
  26. Jul 23, 2020
    I've tried to like it but i just couldn't, it doesn't make me feel anything
  27. Jul 18, 2020
    Extraordinary Machine helped “Free Fiona.” Idler Wheel got closer. Fetch The Bolt Cutters, she unapologetically frees herself! And there is nothing more inspiring and soul reaching than authenticity! She nails this not only on a personal level, but on a professional level, raising every damn bar possible! Tidal changed my life, as did Fiona Apple and each of her subsequent albumsExtraordinary Machine helped “Free Fiona.” Idler Wheel got closer. Fetch The Bolt Cutters, she unapologetically frees herself! And there is nothing more inspiring and soul reaching than authenticity! She nails this not only on a personal level, but on a professional level, raising every damn bar possible! Tidal changed my life, as did Fiona Apple and each of her subsequent albums throughout numerous seasons of my life. Through her strength, advocacy, struggles, growth, courage and, of course, music, she saved me...as a woman and human. More than once. Fiona Apple reaches the depth of her soul with every lyric, song and album. I hope she knows she reaches the depths of her fans’ souls equally so. I hope feels the inexplicable energy she puts out into this universe. 10. Fetch The Bolt Cutters, 10. Fiona Apple’s musical, lyrical and personal freedom pouring from this album, 10. Crushing musical boundaries and social norms, 10. For women and humans, 10. Dropping out of the Relay, 10. Fiona Apple, 10. Expand
  28. Jul 11, 2020
    It's not an easy listen and doesn't fit fit the current sounds. What you get is a visceral, exciting album that is completely free in the choices it makes. Stunning.
  29. Jul 11, 2020
    Ha sido un larga espera desde su último álbum, pero definitivamente valió la pena.
    Fiona ha madurado en su producción, su composición, sus letras y, por sobre todo, en el uso (y abuso) de su increíble voz.
    Entiendo que algunos puedan valorar este disco con una puntuación de 6 o 7 puntos, para mí definitivamente es un 10. Lo que realmente es inentendible es quien puntúa con 0, 1 o 2.
    Ha sido un larga espera desde su último álbum, pero definitivamente valió la pena.
    Fiona ha madurado en su producción, su composición, sus letras y, por sobre todo, en el uso (y abuso) de su increíble voz.
    Entiendo que algunos puedan valorar este disco con una puntuación de 6 o 7 puntos, para mí definitivamente es un 10. Lo que realmente es inentendible es quien puntúa con 0, 1 o 2. Realmente merece dejar de lado esas puntuaciones para obtener el promedio sin distorsiones.
  30. Jul 11, 2020
    Wow just... wow. I agree that it isn't the BEST album of the year but it's still a fine piece of pop-rock filled with moving ballads. Fiona' voice is as strong as ever as well. Higlights: newspaper, the title track, shameika
  31. Jul 9, 2020
    Sinceramente, le di muchas oportunidades a este álbum y hasta ahora no entiendo como pueden alabar su deficiente composición musical, las letras son las que protagonizan este proyecto, pero la música va más allá de lyrics, si quería transmitir su mensaje sin interés de armonía, un podcast basta y sobra, no comprendo tanta devoción a un álbum tan malo
  32. Jun 1, 2020
    Honestamente no me hicieron sentido los ritmos de este álbum. Entendí el concepto del título más no lo ví representado en ninguna parte del álbum. Vocales muy aburridos y monotonos de una buena cantante. Yo como hablante hispano no disfrute nada este álbum y creo que cualquier persona que lo escuché simplemente lo sentirá aburrido y con falta de ese factor que nos hace querer escuchar unHonestamente no me hicieron sentido los ritmos de este álbum. Entendí el concepto del título más no lo ví representado en ninguna parte del álbum. Vocales muy aburridos y monotonos de una buena cantante. Yo como hablante hispano no disfrute nada este álbum y creo que cualquier persona que lo escuché simplemente lo sentirá aburrido y con falta de ese factor que nos hace querer escuchar un álbum una y otra vez. Todas las canciones son los mismos sonidos. Quizás las líricas son muy buenas pero no algo excepcional, No entiendo la alta puntuación de este álbum honestamente. Expand
  33. Jul 9, 2020
    Actually it`s 9/10. And the Idler Wheel is superior by melodies, more authenticwith more complex and less accessible melodies. New album got so much hype becouse of it`s long awaitning. But it obviosly not3/10 or 1/10 like some left here). Can't understand how patiently someone hates this album and Fiona which appears sooo rare. There might be most wise lyrics written for women.
  34. Jul 8, 2020
    Garbage. Despite its length, the songs sound unfinished and all of them are repetitive, the lyrics doesn't really have a deep meaning for it to be considered "best album of the year". I don't know why the critics think that just for being a crafty album means that is pure art and deserves the best reviews; it isn't all that, it doesn't bring anything new to the table, it's plain boring,Garbage. Despite its length, the songs sound unfinished and all of them are repetitive, the lyrics doesn't really have a deep meaning for it to be considered "best album of the year". I don't know why the critics think that just for being a crafty album means that is pure art and deserves the best reviews; it isn't all that, it doesn't bring anything new to the table, it's plain boring, and, honestly, it's exhausting to listen to it, especially with all the expectations that a "98" album brings. Basic, pretentious, and completely overrated, and the fact that it's shoved down our throats makes it even worse than it already is. Expand
  35. Jul 8, 2020
    el álbum siempre mantiene un sonido constante, no hace que pienses que estás escuchando diferentes álbumes, pero implementa ritmos, sonidos y géneros diferentes, lo cual hace que no te quedes dormido. vocales excelentes, te hacen sentir en casa pero en una en medio de la naturaleza, donde lo único que puedes hacer ahí es vivir tu día a día cantando con tus perros y amando estar vivo.
  36. Jul 7, 2020
    Anyone rating low didn't finish the album or can't comprehend human emotion.
  37. Jul 6, 2020
    Un trabajo que no teme mostrar la faceta creativa de Fiona Apple, entretenido de inicio a fin y con gran calidad, este álbum es de lo mejor que hay en pleno 2020.
  38. Jul 4, 2020
    Fiona Apple at her most subdued. I love the way she honed her craft on that album. With this lush, smooth, highly melodic, warm and jazz-tinged collection of songs, she channels her inner Joni Mitchell as this album is deeply rooted in the '70s Laurel Canyon folk tradition. Ladies is obviously an homage to Ladies of the Canyon. This album will not only appeal to her fans. Fans of Joni,Fiona Apple at her most subdued. I love the way she honed her craft on that album. With this lush, smooth, highly melodic, warm and jazz-tinged collection of songs, she channels her inner Joni Mitchell as this album is deeply rooted in the '70s Laurel Canyon folk tradition. Ladies is obviously an homage to Ladies of the Canyon. This album will not only appeal to her fans. Fans of Joni, Carole King, Laura Nyro, Juddee Still and other great singer-songwriters will find plenty to enjoy here. Probably not the best album of the year but a worthy comeback nonetheless. (Updated my review - I quickly grew tired of this album, despite all of the risk-taking) Expand
  39. Jul 4, 2020
    It's about SONGWRITING. There are so many sharp hooks that multiple songs stick with you for months afterward. The Fiona we've known for decades is still here, with her magnificent, nearly poetic lyricism, sharp tongue, and legendary piano-playing. She yields a new set of weapons with this batch of tracks however; a raw, tactile sense of production.
  40. Jul 3, 2020
    I love the upgrade, now she's angry not only at her lovers, but at every single men on earth
  41. Jul 1, 2020
    I'm not too sure what to think of this album. My overall impression is positive, as the album has its moments, but at times it's all a bit too mad for me. Fiona is clearly very talented and creative, but occasionally she just seems to try too hard.
  42. Jun 29, 2020
    PLEASE. THIS album is something bored. The World don't needs It!!!! PLEASE!
  43. Jun 26, 2020
    Best I have ever heard. Amazing. So many layers and gets better and better over time. Learned you need good headphones to capture the nuances of the music. Amazing.
  44. Jun 16, 2020
    if you don't like this album, you don't like music.
    (or you're too dumb to understand it)
  45. Jun 16, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Spoiler!! Te dormirás oyendo esto!!
    Mejor ve a reproducir SAWAYAMA es muchísimo mejor!!
  46. Jun 10, 2020
    I very much do not understand why critics are all over this album, I mean the production is one of the worst ever and the vocals seem a little unfinished and unpolished but critics are saying the rawness of the album is amazing.
  47. Jun 9, 2020
    This is noise and I don’t mean that in any way that’s good.How have critics managed to overate this collection of sounds.It feels like she tried to recreate all of her albums in one. The result is not so pleasing!
  48. Jun 8, 2020
    On the first listen, I was excited by all the different sounds I was hearing. Now, fifty or so listens later, it's catchy, it's clever, and it manages to stay fresh.
  49. Fnn
    Jun 3, 2020
    It gets better with every listen. My second favourite Fiona album behind When The Pawn. The production is great and some of the best songwriting of her career. Sone tracks are a bit to log but apart from that it’s pretty much perfect.
  50. May 31, 2020
    Okay so i dismissed this album as some critic-pandering album that just wasn't for me. Then I actually listened to it. It wasn't that.
  51. May 30, 2020
    Me pareció muy básico la verdad, tenia muchas más expectativas, no fue como esperaba me decepsiono bastante
  52. May 30, 2020
    Its not good on any way shape or forme . No artistic vision . Not good production not good vocals lazy lyrics . A five year old could do better
  53. May 30, 2020
    With unique instrumentals, Fiona Apple brings to our ears the best album of the year.
  54. May 29, 2020
    The way Fiona writes lyrics that shocks you to the core! Amazing storytelling was being put out to this record. I wasn’t a Fiona fan until this day that I discovered this album. The hook really captivates me as a listener, the way the song is naturally balanced lyrically and instrumentally the way I can explain this is a chef’s kiss. The structure of each song were really astonishing toThe way Fiona writes lyrics that shocks you to the core! Amazing storytelling was being put out to this record. I wasn’t a Fiona fan until this day that I discovered this album. The hook really captivates me as a listener, the way the song is naturally balanced lyrically and instrumentally the way I can explain this is a chef’s kiss. The structure of each song were really astonishing to the fact that you’ll be driven by the song itself—it is not just a typical song where the structure is general. The piano on the “I Want You To Love Me” really captivates me, the song itself is a classic to me. The raw vocals really shows how vulnerable the singer is especially through the themes of the lyrics that tackles sexual assault and so on and so forth. Overall, it’s amazing. Expand
  55. May 29, 2020
    it is certainly one of the best albums of the year, thanks for this work of art fiona apple.
  56. May 29, 2020
    It’s a masterpiece, it reflects what Fiona is...one of the greatest artist of our time
  57. May 29, 2020
    this is literally the best album ever by the most amazing artist ever!
    change it back to 100 cowards!!!
  58. May 29, 2020
    I didn’t listen to this album but I can tell it’s very bad. Idk how this high school drama teacher got a record deal
  59. May 29, 2020
  60. May 28, 2020
  61. May 27, 2020
    Uma lenda vivaaaaa!! Devolvam o 100 dela metacritic e apague os comentários de propósito desses haters.
  62. May 24, 2020
    Perfeito, coeso e maravilhosa Fionna se superando cada vez mais com esse álbum PERFEITO
  63. May 24, 2020
    Fiona got herself a new fan. Every song stands great on its own. the hype is real
  64. May 23, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Este disco es totalmente hermoso, tiene mucho poder y sus ritmos prueban la obra maestra que es. Expand
  65. May 22, 2020
    A really good album with amusing lyrics. But not a single song is as good as "Every Single Night", and too much of the time she just rambles on not really singing. Overrated as hell but still great if it's your thing.
  66. May 22, 2020
    More than a month after its release, it's known that the statement of the entire project is widely mentioned in the criticism, specially concerning the important issues Fiona addresses (abuse, feminism, etc.). But I would like to point again the bravery she displays with the sonic choices, the rought and raw elements. Anybody who thinks this is not deliberate, or that those features makeMore than a month after its release, it's known that the statement of the entire project is widely mentioned in the criticism, specially concerning the important issues Fiona addresses (abuse, feminism, etc.). But I would like to point again the bravery she displays with the sonic choices, the rought and raw elements. Anybody who thinks this is not deliberate, or that those features make the album sound unfinished, did not grasp the whole. Expand
  67. May 21, 2020
    the queen of music!! the greatest THE GREATEST SONGWRITER ALIVE OR DEAD SHE IS THE MOMENT
  68. May 21, 2020
    incredible. Her Magnum Opus and is clearly showing her talent. Deserves the 100 it got. A legend.
  69. May 20, 2020
    well it's always refreshing seeing or hearing someone acting and talking like a kid, when the person's actually around 40yo. isn't it? duh.
    unfortunately the ineptitude of behaving won't take the wrinkles away.
  70. May 20, 2020
    Wasn’t really for me. Pretty good but boring at times. Overall pretty good for the current state of music but there are definitely better albums out now.
  71. May 20, 2020
    Maybe Fetch The Bolt Cutters not perfect for emotional connections but this album has variation this makes Fetch The Bolt Cutters special album, even she yells it sounds great, Fetch The Bolt Cutters is a masterpiece.
  72. May 19, 2020
    The lyrics, the range in topics, the vocal ability, the beats, the way each song transforms into something new. A brave, cutting, uplifting, absolutely untouchable album.
  73. May 19, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is a sum of all her work, and she does it with a scream, a sigh, and a smile Expand
  74. May 18, 2020
    Not nearly as good as I expected. A seriously overhyped record that's sometimes great, sometimes alright, but most of the time it's just meh. And, to be completely fair - Fiona's folky vocals over pots-and-pans instrumentation sounds refreshing in theory, but in practice it just doesn't work, at least for me. Another example of an album that suffers from the hype it's surrounded by.
  75. May 16, 2020
    Horrible sounds, all **** don't know why this album gets a 100, don't make sense
  76. May 16, 2020
    Сотка от критиков сделала своё дело. Никакого эмэйзинга и пёрфекта ту би хёрд у альбома нет. Альбом можно назвать странным и через чур желающим показаться особенным. Однако переборщили с необычностью и состряпали чёртову дюжину без какой-либо динамики. Очень похоже на соло ковыряние в пресетах Фрути Лупса и расстановку в хаотичном порядке (!) кирпичиков в пиано ролле. Музыка подойдёт дляСотка от критиков сделала своё дело. Никакого эмэйзинга и пёрфекта ту би хёрд у альбома нет. Альбом можно назвать странным и через чур желающим показаться особенным. Однако переборщили с необычностью и состряпали чёртову дюжину без какой-либо динамики. Очень похоже на соло ковыряние в пресетах Фрути Лупса и расстановку в хаотичном порядке (!) кирпичиков в пиано ролле. Музыка подойдёт для сериальных перебивок с громкостью на 30% и записи в титры, которые никто не смотрит. После Тяжёлого Воздушного Шара все песни подлежат перемотке. Интерес к альбому вызвала только сотка от обожравшихся белены критиков. Expand
  77. May 15, 2020
    Seriously epic masterpiece, all killer no filler! Songs like Ladies and Cosmonauts cement her as an all-time great, with exceptional vocal and lyrical performances. Shameika has the coolest piano riff I've heard in years and, in a fair world, would be a ginormous radio hit. Fiona always delivers, but this is next level ****. It's an occasionally difficult listen, but it is so worth it andSeriously epic masterpiece, all killer no filler! Songs like Ladies and Cosmonauts cement her as an all-time great, with exceptional vocal and lyrical performances. Shameika has the coolest piano riff I've heard in years and, in a fair world, would be a ginormous radio hit. Fiona always delivers, but this is next level ****. It's an occasionally difficult listen, but it is so worth it and a complete breath of fresh air in these wild times. Easiest 10 I've given in years. Expand
  78. May 15, 2020
    Percussion like I've never heard before. Fiona Apple's songwriting ability is on full display, touching on relevant topics with a razor's edge.
  79. May 12, 2020
    An amazing masterpiece with enticing track arrangements, powerful vocals and significant meanings. Each song resembles a section of Fiona’s art exhibition which is coherent as whole yet nuanced in details. The album addresses self-empowerment, depression, aboriginal land acknowledgement etc. Sonically, this art project takes you to an adventurous journey away from your life predicamentAn amazing masterpiece with enticing track arrangements, powerful vocals and significant meanings. Each song resembles a section of Fiona’s art exhibition which is coherent as whole yet nuanced in details. The album addresses self-empowerment, depression, aboriginal land acknowledgement etc. Sonically, this art project takes you to an adventurous journey away from your life predicament with choir harmonizations, piano and drum percussions, vividly dynamic vocals and refreshing touch of guitar. Every time you listen to this whole body of work brings you fun and new experience. Highly recommended. Expand
  80. May 12, 2020
    Wow, Fiona desde álbumes anteriores nos ha demostrado la calidad en sus álbumes, gracias a ella un nuevo récord por una artista alternativa ha sido dado por el 100, merecido esperemos que los Grammy's no la ignoren por el AOTY que ella merece.
  81. May 12, 2020
    Perfect album. Definitely the best album of the year thus far. My ears were constantly surprised by the sounds it heard from Fiona and her band. So many twists and turns, so much storytelling, and unconventional sounds and beats. Just delicious.
  82. May 9, 2020
    Tried for the third and final time to listen to this acclaimed "masterpiece." Absolute tuneless drivel without an ounce of melody. So many hipsters have to prove they're cool by praising garbage like this. It's fine to like what you like, but no one will convince me this is great music. Joni Mitchell did this style of music one million times better 50 years ago. Those praising this albumTried for the third and final time to listen to this acclaimed "masterpiece." Absolute tuneless drivel without an ounce of melody. So many hipsters have to prove they're cool by praising garbage like this. It's fine to like what you like, but no one will convince me this is great music. Joni Mitchell did this style of music one million times better 50 years ago. Those praising this album are the same group who insist Radiohead were better after OK Computer, when we all know that's simply not true. Expand
  83. May 8, 2020
    VERY creative and unique. I didn't know what to expect because I never heard this artist, but know I admire her. She did a spectacular work!
  84. May 8, 2020
    A bad bad album. Can't dance to it. Can't nod your head to the rhythm. Dogs barking through random beats does not make a good song. The only time this music could ever be played is in front of an abstract improv. Even then, people would be waiting for it to be over. Someone had to pay off the critics for their reviews or they aren't real people.
  85. May 7, 2020
    talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it
  86. May 7, 2020
    It's insulting to saddle what merit this album does have with extraordinarily out of whack pandemic-sized praise—and Apple herself even admitted being uncomfortable with it. The response to this album is oddly parallel to her debut, Tidal, but we all know an artist can never debut twice. In truth, when the dust settles, this album will be understood as a career shakeup that will bring aIt's insulting to saddle what merit this album does have with extraordinarily out of whack pandemic-sized praise—and Apple herself even admitted being uncomfortable with it. The response to this album is oddly parallel to her debut, Tidal, but we all know an artist can never debut twice. In truth, when the dust settles, this album will be understood as a career shakeup that will bring a new audience to her older catalog and it will settle into being what it is: every "weird" RIckie Lee Jones album the public ignored. Best track: "Cosmonauts" Expand
  87. May 4, 2020
    Passionate, percussive, perfection! I love this. Every song is fantastic. Particular high points are Newspaper, Ladies, Heavy Balloon, and Shameika. Another classic in a Ling line of classics from Fiona.
  88. May 4, 2020
    This woman is stealing a living. The music is so incredibly bland, she is trying way too hard to be different and there is literally nothing that can possibly draw anyone to her music. It doesn't evoke emotion, it doesn't give you goosebumps... it's entirely mediocre and the album so far receiving 100/100 is proof that equally poor journalists and reviewers that cater to the mass and chartThis woman is stealing a living. The music is so incredibly bland, she is trying way too hard to be different and there is literally nothing that can possibly draw anyone to her music. It doesn't evoke emotion, it doesn't give you goosebumps... it's entirely mediocre and the album so far receiving 100/100 is proof that equally poor journalists and reviewers that cater to the mass and chart lovers can sell trite like this. Now all the users suddenly believe it's an amazing album because magazines and websites say so. Ugh. Expand
  89. N1A
    May 3, 2020
    Lyrics! Lyrics are good, for sure. But it all sounds messy and faded. I'm obsessed with non-Pop music (Florence+Machine, the 1975, FKA Twigs and other), but this stuff left me unsatisfied and disappointed. The best music album ever by Metacritic score, but it's not looked and sound like that. Want through album once I realized that this is kind of experience I will never want to have again.
  90. May 2, 2020
    I have enjoyed the early releases by Fiona Apple but this release did nothing for me. No emotional connection, no earworms, no groove to nod my head to. I just didn't grab my ears.
  91. May 2, 2020
    After being skeptical re: the critical bandwagon of the Pitchfork variety, despite being a die-hard Fiona Apple fan proud in his biased adulation, what convinced me this album was a tenner was Fiona’s appearance on “Democracy Now” regarding the very record and its meanings, rushed release, and liner note on the “back” of the album (under the track listing-as-cover-art).
    And, more
    After being skeptical re: the critical bandwagon of the Pitchfork variety, despite being a die-hard Fiona Apple fan proud in his biased adulation, what convinced me this album was a tenner was Fiona’s appearance on “Democracy Now” regarding the very record and its meanings, rushed release, and liner note on the “back” of the album (under the track listing-as-cover-art).
    And, more importantly, the substance of the musical intensity: IMHyetAO “Cosmonauts”, “Newspaper” and “For Her” stand out. Ladies! Ladies Ladies....
  92. May 1, 2020
    How on this earth does this rate a 10? Absolutely horrible album. Sounds like someone strangling a goat. Theres got to be at least one song to grab you and keep you interested till you catch up with the rest. Anyone who rates this higher than a 3 is a hipster! The uglier something is the more they like it. Well at least till lots of people start liking it and than its not to the nextHow on this earth does this rate a 10? Absolutely horrible album. Sounds like someone strangling a goat. Theres got to be at least one song to grab you and keep you interested till you catch up with the rest. Anyone who rates this higher than a 3 is a hipster! The uglier something is the more they like it. Well at least till lots of people start liking it and than its not to the next terrible album. You lot need to get your ears and head checked. Even the cover and title are horrible. I'm giving it a 1 because I can understand some of the words at least. Expand
  93. May 1, 2020
    FTBC is a radical reaction to all that is fake: autotune, glossy Instagram lives, unauthentic lyrics. This album has none of that. Fiona gives us a zero-bs approach to music, taking things even further than what she had done with "The Idler Wheel...". A raw, gritty masterpiece that is not only unafraid of its flaws, but builds on them, rises above them.
  94. Apr 30, 2020
    Honestly one of my favorite albums of all time already. I’ve loved Fiona for years and never has an album seemed so raw and personal
  95. Apr 30, 2020
    Genius; it’s definitely the most difficult of Apple’s albums but upon repeated listens it just keeps getting deeper and more beautiful. It’s fun to try to sing along to. This is is Fiona really being herself and I’m so here for it.
  96. Apr 28, 2020
    Fiona is dripping with talent no doubt. No doubt. I personally do not like this music. Feels closer to hip hop than alt rock. Mostly fast spoken words and not singing. Lots of percussions but they sound like fake, computer instruments. Nothing I could find sweeps me away. No amazing piano or guitar solo. No sweeping vocals. Not my kind of music at all. Is it good? If you like hip hop youFiona is dripping with talent no doubt. No doubt. I personally do not like this music. Feels closer to hip hop than alt rock. Mostly fast spoken words and not singing. Lots of percussions but they sound like fake, computer instruments. Nothing I could find sweeps me away. No amazing piano or guitar solo. No sweeping vocals. Not my kind of music at all. Is it good? If you like hip hop you may like it. If you are huge fan of Pro Tools you may like it. I don't. Not my thing. Maybe she just had too much coffee? Expand
  97. Apr 28, 2020
    Fiona apple is an artist that never really can't impress. Even though I am particularly a Hip Hop and Rap fan, I can see the artistry and brilliance of this album. I found the lyrics amazing and insightful. I truly think this maybe be the best album released this year within this particular genre. My only real complaint is the songs could blend a bit better.
  98. Apr 28, 2020
    Tremendo flop sobrevalorado por sus 3 fans, ya ni melosentada tuvo tanta sobrevaloración
  99. Apr 28, 2020
    Here it is - the most overrated album of all time. The ultimate definition of musical mediocrity that can be sold because talentless journalists said it`s good.
  100. Apr 28, 2020
    I thought it would be fun to go through some of the more asinine and truly senseless "reviews", [ https://bit.ly/3f1giEK ] since there really are so many that display what makes this album one of the strongest of the year so far.

Universal acclaim - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 28 out of 28
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 28
  3. Negative: 0 out of 28
  1. Aug 18, 2020
    Guttural, soft, cacophonous, and poetic, Fetch the Bolt Cutters is a reminder of Apple’s genius and that we are all interconnected, one people, existing in a pulse.
  2. Classic Rock Magazine
    Jul 6, 2020
    Forget the bolt cutters, Apple's already shed her last shackle. [Summer 2020, p.87]
  3. Uncut
    May 22, 2020
    Fetch The Bolt Cutters is mostly the soundtrack of liberation, not recrimination, with Apple's piano keys, battering on the walls and barking dogs as its percussive, beating heart. [Jul 2020, p.27]