• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Jun 7, 2005
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 360 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 84 out of 360

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  1. EdJ
    Dec 6, 2005
    Until you can understand Spanish, you can't really understand how good this album is. Joining up with Gustavo Cerati is pure brilliance.
  2. NoahE
    Jun 17, 2005
    Shakira is back to her primitive poetic form that was what truly made her a superstar to begin with along the equator. Any one of her fans who frowned a bit on "Laundry Service" for being too poppy and pop-tartish should easily forgive her with this excellent releases, which is her finest since "Donde Estan Los Ladrones?", which I consider her strongest album to date. This talented young Shakira is back to her primitive poetic form that was what truly made her a superstar to begin with along the equator. Any one of her fans who frowned a bit on "Laundry Service" for being too poppy and pop-tartish should easily forgive her with this excellent releases, which is her finest since "Donde Estan Los Ladrones?", which I consider her strongest album to date. This talented young songstress unleashes her poetic spirit all throughout each track while still sounding just as accessible as she did through her previous releases, while also expanding her musical horizons, from bossanova to power pop to Depeche Mode-ish rock. The centerpiece would have to be "Dia De Enero", one of her best lyrical songs ever, while "Las de L'Intuicion" showcases her musical strength at its finest. Shakira has set the perfect stage for the second punch, the English-language "Oral Fixation 2" due this fall. If she can have a SPANISH-language single ("La Tortura") impact the Billboard Hot 100 chart, then she will undoubtedly win the world over again this fall with what's certain to be a promising, exciting second offering. The graceful one is back everyone! :) Expand
  3. RinaldoV
    Jun 25, 2005
  4. TroyR
    Aug 11, 2005
    Amazing vocals. Shakira is a top echelon artist. "NO" , "Obtener un si" and "Dia de Enero" are among her absolute best works. I am amazed at the depth of her talent and passion. I addicted to this CD.
  5. Laaan
    Aug 13, 2005
    Amazing album. A couple of the tracks are not too much to my liking, but I still listen to them any way. This is a great CD...powerful vocals and great lyrics..nice beats..overall a nice CD to listen to anytime. LOPe
  6. Dec 14, 2010
    In much senses, better than Pies Descalzos but not better than ¿Dónde están los ladrones?. The duet with Alejandro Sanz is the highlight of the album. "No" is a very beautiful song, because i'm very MACHO and that song almost make me cry.
  7. JimB
    Jun 17, 2005
    not what i expected from her, and after such a long time. i hope the second CD to be better
  8. Ivan
    Jun 25, 2005
    Wow, Its surprising. Here in Spain, Shakira makes the perfect music for get drunk, dance and vomit. It has no substance and stupid and now the english papers say that its really phantastic!! What happened now if I say that Gery from Spice Girls is the best english singer of the moment? English people should listen the really good music in spanish and not this awfull gir..
  9. Beth
    Aug 29, 2005
    She's beautiful, yeah, but she sounds like a goat with cotton stuck in it's mouth. Also, her song writting skills are bad, especially her lyrics.
  10. chchcug
    Sep 1, 2005
    shakira solo tiene un buen culo................nada mas.......
  11. AnaD
    Jun 21, 2005
    Boring and stupid music...
  12. pollopollo
    Aug 11, 2005
    shakiea sucks, her music gives me pain in te ass
  13. nuburunubu
    Aug 2, 2005
    Horrible music, horrible album. The title of the album say all.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Given the strength of this album, it's hard to wait for the second part to arrive.
  2. Shakira's bleating, biting voice is in fine form, and it gives the material an electric urgency.
  3. Shakira, of course, is unmistakable. But the coup is that each track is absolutely distinctive, even on several songs with no clear-cut choruses or hooks.