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Generally favorable reviews- based on 115 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 5 out of 115
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  1. Mar 23, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. FM! really shows why you should keep a close eye for Vince because the man knows how to make you taste the rainbow , the experience of listening to FM! is on of one , you can not deny the talent and creativity of the man , it might be a slight drop of big fish theory but it's a much better package than what other rappers are offering Expand
  2. Aug 31, 2020
    A quick project that has absolutely mesmerizing songs that give off a vibe of going home after the last day of school
  3. May 26, 2021
    This is really vince staples at his best, his experimental flows make good songs with dark lyrics. None of the songs on this project fall below a 5/10, even the interludes with Tyga and Earl are worth listening to. 10/10
  4. Dec 20, 2022
    it's a 10/11 amazing perfect standout sexy bastard xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
  5. Nov 27, 2018
    Vince keeps showing what a big talent he is, and with this project he might catch the ears of more people. With short songs, Vince manages to make the most out of it, with short and sweet choruses, nice interludes and a funny skit.

    Energetic and fresh production, Vince fits in well with it, and really is comfortable with them. The choruses are mostly just a sweet taste of every song,
    Vince keeps showing what a big talent he is, and with this project he might catch the ears of more people. With short songs, Vince manages to make the most out of it, with short and sweet choruses, nice interludes and a funny skit.

    Energetic and fresh production, Vince fits in well with it, and really is comfortable with them.

    The choruses are mostly just a sweet taste of every song, but unfortunately in some songs they overstay their welcome, but doesn't really take anything away from the appeal

    Favorite Tracks: Feels Like Summer, Don't get chipped, FUN!, Teak'
    Least Favorite Tracks: Run the bands
  6. Nov 6, 2018
    really fun listen, slaps top to bottom, gorgeous flow. vince is unstoppable
  7. Dec 8, 2018
    Vince Staples continues to demonstrate why he is destined for greatness. The project times in at just over 20 minutes, but that does not stop Vince from showing off his musical prowess. Vince uses his elite flow and rapping ability to rap over some fun and funky beats from producer Kenny Beats. The album has a light hearted, fun, summer vibe sound to it that you can party to. However, whenVince Staples continues to demonstrate why he is destined for greatness. The project times in at just over 20 minutes, but that does not stop Vince from showing off his musical prowess. Vince uses his elite flow and rapping ability to rap over some fun and funky beats from producer Kenny Beats. The album has a light hearted, fun, summer vibe sound to it that you can party to. However, when you break the album down, you realize how Vince was living. he is often talking about murder and cripping, stuff that he had to do and worry about growing up. This shows off Vince's brilliance as he can mask the hardships with great sound, but can still make you look into the darkness of his past. Expand
  8. Sep 29, 2019
    An incredibly put together project with production that flows every track together perfectly with a great performance from Vince on every song.
  9. Nov 8, 2018
    Haven't liked a Vince Staples release since Summertime '06. For me this is a real return of form where he's not trying too hard and it comes off as effortless fun hiphop.
  10. Nov 2, 2018
    Not as great as Big Fish Theory or Summertime '06, but it's still pretty damn good. This is a fun little banger of an album. It reminds me of the immediacy of Pusha T's Daytona from earlier this year. I'm into it.
  11. May 18, 2019
    Vince Staples goes for simple, fast, and minimalistic on this one. Though it is not as epic or "good" in a traditional sense as Big Fish or Summertime '06, it doesn't try to be. Instead, it grips your attention (something that certain portions of '06 failed to do), balances accessibility with intrigue well (something that Big Fish felt lacking in), and knows it's minuscule place in theVince Staples goes for simple, fast, and minimalistic on this one. Though it is not as epic or "good" in a traditional sense as Big Fish or Summertime '06, it doesn't try to be. Instead, it grips your attention (something that certain portions of '06 failed to do), balances accessibility with intrigue well (something that Big Fish felt lacking in), and knows it's minuscule place in the world. It sets off to do something simple: to keep the listener invested and excited, and it achieves that very well.
    FM! is also a clear showcase of Vince's knack for irony, juxtaposing the overall theme of summer and fun with frantic, dark, bass-heavy production and harsh lyricism. The album is perhaps the most potent example to date of Vince's ability to meld accessibility with artistic value.
    Perhaps the most common criticism of the album is its length. However, what one must understand when listening to this album is that the short length was an intentional technique used by Vince to play to the album's strengths: simplicity and straightforwardness. Sure, just because it was intentional doesn't make it right, but FM! doesn't feel abrupt in the slightest. In fact, the listener most likely would have gotten sick of the fast-pace and minimalist production and pessimistic lyrics had it been any longer. Instead, the albums greatest flaw is its overuse of hard-hitting, bass-driven beats. Vince seems to have had a lapse of his usual deviation from the norm in the making of this decision, and it hinders the potential of this album.
    In conclusion: NEWEARLSWEATSHIRT
  12. Nov 17, 2018
    This album is classic Vince Staples, rap that is hard and fun at the same time. Overall this album is mostly really enjoyable, full of bangers and good bars. However it's nothing special, it's just good old Vince.
  13. Nov 26, 2018
    FM! is an apt title, as this serves as sort of an outlet for whatever music is on Vince's mind right now. The upbeat synth line and creative production are the high points, and they make songs like "feels Like Summer", 'Run the Bands" and especially the killer "Relay" really stand out. Not as effective as Vince's other 2 Ep's (Hell Hath no Fury and Prima Donna) but worth a listen for sure,FM! is an apt title, as this serves as sort of an outlet for whatever music is on Vince's mind right now. The upbeat synth line and creative production are the high points, and they make songs like "feels Like Summer", 'Run the Bands" and especially the killer "Relay" really stand out. Not as effective as Vince's other 2 Ep's (Hell Hath no Fury and Prima Donna) but worth a listen for sure, and as good as those "Wyoming project ep's" of Kanye's. Expand
  14. Nov 2, 2018
    A very fun album to listen to with a tracklist filled with bangers. It's a very short album. Even though the album has 11 tracks it still doesn't feel like a complete album. It feels like a promo to a bigger and more complete album.
  15. Dec 6, 2018
    Everything about this album is good. I love every song on it. Vince Staples is one of my favorites. Only thing, it's shorter than I thought. I still liked it.
  16. Feb 4, 2019
    FM!'s fun concept begs for a longer runtime, but even at 22 minutes the project has plenty to offer with its quality beats, flows, hooks, and lyrics.


  17. Dec 20, 2022
    xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo very good album by the man himself big dicks i mean vince

Universal acclaim - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. The Wire
    Jan 25, 2019
    He has the knack of E-40, of Slick Rick, of George Clinton, for whipping up ugly shit with infantile rhyme to make it taste like candyfloss. On “Outside!”, he turns “Who want to die” into a sprightly singalong. The cheer proves to be a cover for both an experimental edge more disruptive than that of Some Rap Songs and a hefty impact when Vince does finally start to crumble. [Feb 2019, p.56]
  2. Mojo
    Dec 17, 2018
    FM! initially feels slighter, not least because of a brisk 22-minute duration. The breeziness is deceptive, though, as Staples and producer Kenny Beats construct a minimalist update of G-funk where the jams are always freighted with an awareness of potential violence. [Feb 2019, p;.84]
  3. Nov 30, 2018
    It’s a short record, clocking in at just over 20 minutes, but the Long Beach linguist crams in a lot of syllables and welcomes into the mix compadres including Earl Sweatshirt, Ty Dolla Sign and San Francisco legend E-40. Though he presents the material playfully, Staples has more on his mind than hot fun.