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Generally favorable reviews- based on 27 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 27
  2. Negative: 2 out of 27
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  1. May 6, 2016
    Another premier release from Anthrax continuing where Worship music left off. The songwriting top shelf and the lyrics are (as always) excellent. Album opener You Gotta' Believe sets the tone and with just a couple exceptions continues throughout. Joey Belladonna shows why is IS the voice of Anthrax and though I'm a fan of John Bush in Armored Saint (and truthfully We've Come For You All)Another premier release from Anthrax continuing where Worship music left off. The songwriting top shelf and the lyrics are (as always) excellent. Album opener You Gotta' Believe sets the tone and with just a couple exceptions continues throughout. Joey Belladonna shows why is IS the voice of Anthrax and though I'm a fan of John Bush in Armored Saint (and truthfully We've Come For You All) Joey absolutely cannot be faulted at all on either this or Worship Music. The addition of Jon Donais brings a whole new dimension to the Anthrax sound as well as he's by far the best guitarist Anthrax has ever had. All in all a spectacular release! Expand
  2. Mar 4, 2016
    Full-length studio album number 11 from thrash metal pioneers Anthrax proves that the resurgency displayed on their last full-length album, 2011’s Worship Music definitely wasn’t a fluke. For All Kings packs its hour-long running time with one monster song after another, picking up right where its predecessor left off in terms of top drawer material from beginning to end. Critics (andFull-length studio album number 11 from thrash metal pioneers Anthrax proves that the resurgency displayed on their last full-length album, 2011’s Worship Music definitely wasn’t a fluke. For All Kings packs its hour-long running time with one monster song after another, picking up right where its predecessor left off in terms of top drawer material from beginning to end. Critics (and there were plenty when the album got leaked a couple of months early) might opine that this latest collection of songs is merely just “more of the same” from Anthrax, an argument I actually can’t disagree with on one level. True, the band barely deviate from the sound of their last album, but why mess with a winning formula? Especially when the results in both cases are this superb.

    Pulling double duty as Anthrax’s new lead guitarist, while also retaining membership in his longtime band Shadows Fall, is Joe Donais. He comfortably slides into his role alongside Anthrax founder Scott Ian (guitar), longtime members Frank Bello (bass) and Charlie Benante (drums), and their “classic era” vocalist, Joey Belladonna. The musicianship on For All Kings, as expected, is tight and formidable, particularly on the epic “Blood Eagle Wings”, mood-swinging opener “You Gotta Believe”, the pummeling “Suzerain”, and punk-fuelled album closer “Zero Tolerance”. It’s not all breakneck speed thrashers, however, as the band modulates things nicely with less frenetically-paced songs like “Monster At The End”, “Defend/Avenge”, and the surprisingly accessible “Breathing Lightning”. Pissed off lyrics that focus on Anthrax topical staples like social injustice run throughout the album. The evocative 'You’re just a bag of blood and I’m holding the nail' (from “You Gotta Believe”) and the religious extremism-condemning lyrics from “Evil Twin” (inspired by 2015’s Charlie Hebdo attack) stand out amongst the album’s overall strong lyrics.

    With Worship Music and now For All Kings, Anthrax have completely defied the music industry standard by releasing the two best albums in their discography three-and-a-half decades into their career. If ever an album was befitting of the well-worn “all killer, no filler” label, then For All Kings is it. Belladonna, who returned to Anthrax in 2010, and the rest of the group are clearly firing on all cylinders creatively at this point in their lengthy career, despite a surprising story from 2014 that places their future together in question. Belladonna said in the interview that he’d never really found his place in the band and that he’s “only allowed so much friendship” from the other members. My options for buying new music from metal bands are painfully slim these days (very few newer bands resonate with me), so here’s hoping the long-time acts like Anthrax keep rolling on.
  3. Feb 28, 2016
    Very good record and a nice continuation of Worship Music. This album contains some memorable riffs and lyrics. Belladonna sounds excellently on vocals. A must-have for every thrash lover!
  4. Feb 27, 2016
    Fantastic record! Some of the best work of their career, great song writing from start to finish. I've been a fan since the beginning and this band never lets you down.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Mar 1, 2016
    As is, it's a great outing by Anthrax, if slightly frustrating in its lack of ability to keep the great momentum going consistently.
  2. Feb 26, 2016
    Headbangers will be pleased to hear that Scott Ian’s crunchy riffs and Joey Belladonna’s banshee wails are at front and centre, athough--continuing a theme that has endured since the mid-90s--truly warp-speed thrash beats are, disappointingly, largely absent here.
  3. Feb 26, 2016
    In all honesty, For All Kings is great, but it is definitely front-loaded. It could have used a few more thrashers down the line to really push it to the next level, but it is still the best thing they’ve done since Persistence of Time.