• Record Label: XL
  • Release Date: Sep 14, 2018
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 16
  2. Negative: 1 out of 16
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  1. Dec 22, 2018
    The critic score is simply not representative for the album, which have been one of my favorites Anno 2018. To say that the album doesnt know if it wants to be happy or sad is not really an argument, sorry to say, But its a pretty bad argument. Now i havent really heard much music that resembles this, so for me its a change of pace with this band, and while the music sounds good and hasThe critic score is simply not representative for the album, which have been one of my favorites Anno 2018. To say that the album doesnt know if it wants to be happy or sad is not really an argument, sorry to say, But its a pretty bad argument. Now i havent really heard much music that resembles this, so for me its a change of pace with this band, and while the music sounds good and has that nice disco vibe to it, the great lyrics gives the songs extra power IMO. Its hard not to relate to songs like cherry and happy man, an its hard to not rock your body to cassio, heavy california and beat 54... music opinions are subjective, but it really doesnt justify some of the **** some critics took on this album with no real reason tbh. Expand
  2. Sep 16, 2018
    "For Ever" is an incredible experience.
    Jungle made a mature album, marvelously produced with fresh sounds and typical duo lyrics.
    My expectations were fully satisfied and I already want more and more.

    My top 3 songs are:
    1. "Heavy California"
    2. "Beat 54 (All Good Now)"
    3. "Pray"

    8,7/10 (9 for Metacritic)
  3. Oct 2, 2018
    ____13 compositions of cheerful pop funk with elements of disco 70s are charged with a positive, motivated to move and dance, exude the energy of the sun and heat. "For Ever" will surely warm you both literally and figuratively.
    ____ The debut album, which received the status of "golden" is certainly not overshadowed ... But the musicians did not fall into the dirt, either, but created
    ____13 compositions of cheerful pop funk with elements of disco 70s are charged with a positive, motivated to move and dance, exude the energy of the sun and heat. "For Ever" will surely warm you both literally and figuratively.
    ____ The debut album, which received the status of "golden" is certainly not overshadowed ... But the musicians did not fall into the dirt, either, but created a wonderful recording, of high quality and richly arranged!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Mojo
    Oct 3, 2018
    While there's a sense that Jungle lack the invention of Young Fathers, whose vocals they echo, or Thundercat, whose disaffection they share, For Ever's Sunset Strip soap opera is always compelling. [Nov 2018, p.91]
  2. Uncut
    Sep 20, 2018
    A follow-up that is more knowing and nuanced, although the expansive dance grooves remain uninhibited. [Nov 2018, p.32]
  3. Sep 20, 2018
    Their reedy, one-note falsettos barely have the range for dance tracks that ask almost nothing of them, and For Ever’s mopier material is at odds with the very specific, frivolous itch that listeners come to this band to scratch. Jungle fare best when they stick to the grooves.