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Universal acclaim- based on 77 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 70 out of 77
  2. Negative: 2 out of 77
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  1. Jun 30, 2021
    Amazing first album, so lovely and so fresh to these times! Duration excellent! And we’ll I’m in love about this one!
  2. Dec 11, 2021
    cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool coolcool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool Expand
  3. Feb 5, 2021
    Amazing and fresh. Not much else to say. A very great and outstanding record that you can tell will become a tough competition for any new bands that follow a similar style. Enjoyed listening to it the first time, and will only grow stronger as time goes on.
  4. Feb 7, 2021
    Album blew me away on first listen, but I was disappointed with the lyric changes, particularly in Athens, France. However, the more you listen and become used to these new lyrics it becomes more familiar and hits all the same boxes they used to and were expected to. A phenomenal album.
  5. Feb 9, 2021
    May not be for everyone, but it is creative, original and honest. That is always a victory.
  6. Feb 14, 2021
    Incredible debut album. I heard Slint, Viagra Boys & Modest Mouse. One of the best post-punk album of the last decades.
  7. Feb 16, 2021
    This is such an interesting record from a fan stand-point, its kind of hard to write a review on it. Athens, France and Sunglasses have some pretty significant changes compared to the single versions for starters which I for one was not expecting especially since Sunglasses came off as nearly a masterpiece on the single and could have stayed as a strong fronting song. That being said whichThis is such an interesting record from a fan stand-point, its kind of hard to write a review on it. Athens, France and Sunglasses have some pretty significant changes compared to the single versions for starters which I for one was not expecting especially since Sunglasses came off as nearly a masterpiece on the single and could have stayed as a strong fronting song. That being said which of the versions are better is kind of hard to pin down. Sunglasses has a more defeated tone at the beginning that transitions into unhinged and gives the song a VERY different message from the single mix. The newly added songs like Track X and Science Fair are great new songs from the band for just casual listening too, and the instrumental track really lets the band show what they can do. Overall its an amazing album, and if you haven't given it a listen through I very much recommend it! Expand
  8. Feb 13, 2021
    While browsing the Indie category of my Apple Music app, I came across this seven-members experimental rock band from London named Black Country, New Road. And as I listened to their teaser track Athens France, I am impressed with their range of sounds and styles varied in each instrument. I understand why critics love this band at the moment. The band released their debut album For theWhile browsing the Indie category of my Apple Music app, I came across this seven-members experimental rock band from London named Black Country, New Road. And as I listened to their teaser track Athens France, I am impressed with their range of sounds and styles varied in each instrument. I understand why critics love this band at the moment. The band released their debut album For the First Time on February 5. 2021.
    The opening track is a 5-minute instrumental that is an explosion of sounds that is so festive and intriguing at the same time. It is a great way to introduce their prowess. According to the band, it is an accurate presentation of their sound or their journey as musicians. Followed by their teaser track Athens, France, the opening guitars and beat of this song is reminiscent of Mac De Marco’s "Out of My Head" and "Salad Days" accompanied by the frontman Isaac Wood’s anxiety-driven and subdued vocal delivery tackling insecurities. While Science Fair has a darker mood with sounds like throbbing and grungy matched with Wood’s vocals bleeding desperation goes well with the intense build-up towards the end of the song. The spoken word singing in the track Sunglasses emphasized the emotions from belting “I'm so ignorant now, with all that I’ve learnt” for one minute to screaming "leave Kanye out" the next. According to Wood's Apple Music interview, this song represents any object with defense mechanisms that he recognize in himself that sometimes work and sometimes lead to his most narcissistic false, and ignorant ways of being. While Track X is a melodically beautiful song with tasteful violins and guitar lines, saxophone and keys accompanying Isaac Woods romantic delivery while singing a love story setting a quieter and calmer tone plus angelic background vocals complemented this dreamy vibe. The band showcased their Klezmer roots in the ending track Opus. This song is reminiscent of a Jewish wedding party scene in a movie. It is an explosion of sound, from saxophones, strings, and the frustrated angsty vocals and lyricism have a suspenseful ending to this album.
    Black Country, New Road’s debut demonstrated their genre-bending style. One moment quiet and soothing like in Athens, France, the next it is dark with throbbing grungy sounds and vocals like bleeding desperation like in Science Fair. And more evident in the 9:50 minute track Sunglasses it is like a rollercoaster of mood. Each song has appealing storytelling with plenty of pop culture references from Phoebe Bridgers’ chorus of Motion Sickness to Kanye West and even Nutri bullet where the listener can paint the emotions the band wants to share. The album has a very personal feel amidst its rock avant-garde instrumentation the band will be making a stamp in the music scene. I am giving this album a rating of 9/10.

    Favorite Tracks: Track X, Sunglasses, and Opus.
  9. Apr 2, 2021
    One of the best albums I've heard in a while, Just banger after banger. The vocals from Isaac Wood are some of the most unique I have heard from any album I have heard.
  10. Oct 8, 2022
    Great album. I really love this thing. I have not heard anything this good in a long time. My favorite tracks are "Sunglasses" and "Science Fair." I think this is an instant classic. This album made my jaw drop to the floor. I hope they keep making music this good. I highly recommend this. Please listen to this. It's so beautiful and anxious. I think the lyrics are also really stunning. IGreat album. I really love this thing. I have not heard anything this good in a long time. My favorite tracks are "Sunglasses" and "Science Fair." I think this is an instant classic. This album made my jaw drop to the floor. I hope they keep making music this good. I highly recommend this. Please listen to this. It's so beautiful and anxious. I think the lyrics are also really stunning. I hope they make more music like this. Expand
  11. Feb 5, 2021
    Hearkens back to similar groups, such as Squid.
    The Independent said their "determined intellectualism their detriment", and it's a very agreeable statement. Much of the album feels as if the seven-piece tried their hardest to 'appear' intellectual, and they more often than not hit the mark (at least instrumentally). Altogether, the record is very enjoyable and only gets better as
    Hearkens back to similar groups, such as Squid.
    The Independent said their "determined intellectualism their detriment", and it's a very agreeable statement. Much of the album feels as if the seven-piece tried their hardest to 'appear' intellectual, and they more often than not hit the mark (at least instrumentally). Altogether, the record is very enjoyable and only gets better as you make your way through it, no doubt revealing more secrets and perspectives with each consecutive listen.
    Highlights: Sunglasses & Track X.
  12. Feb 12, 2021
    Every song had its own uniqueness to it, and led to an overall solid album, but I'm having a hard time caring.

Universal acclaim - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Mar 12, 2021
    For the first time is usually nonsensical, frequently transcendent, and compulsively listenable. Everything that sprung to mind is on the wax here, but BC, NR don’t forget to make it catchy and groovy. In nailing that balance, they’ve given us the year’s first capital-G Great record.
  2. Feb 9, 2021
    Their portentous crescendos and surges of Jewish klezmer music set the pace, making post-rock sound improbably carnivalesque. That none of their experiments feel gimmicky speaks to a diverse and inquisitive musicianship.
  3. 100
    If the interplay between the band’s instruments makes gleeful mincemeat of genre, singing guitarist Isaac Wood’s equally remarkable lyrics regularly float to the top of the mix. Half-spoken, half-sung, they riff on granular scene references (“I told you I loved you in front of Black Midi”) and Gen-Z witticisms, but pack in plenty of timeless tenderness and anomie.