• Record Label: Virgin
  • Release Date: Nov 7, 2000
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 45 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 45
  2. Negative: 9 out of 45

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  1. Oct 26, 2019
    The best album ever!!! Great sound. Enjoyed from the first and last song. Goodbye its a gem.
  2. Dec 15, 2015
    Let's admit: their timing was terrible, they should've stick to their bubble gum party pop instead of going with heavy R&B influences (well, the space of R&B influenced girlgroups was well filled by Destiny's Child and TLC already). However, it showed that they can sound mature and give realistic romantic proposals, unlike the previous two albums. This is the Spice Girls album that theLet's admit: their timing was terrible, they should've stick to their bubble gum party pop instead of going with heavy R&B influences (well, the space of R&B influenced girlgroups was well filled by Destiny's Child and TLC already). However, it showed that they can sound mature and give realistic romantic proposals, unlike the previous two albums. This is the Spice Girls album that the non-Spice Girls fan will like the most. Collapse
  3. May 28, 2014
    "The spice girls are the woman leaders of the century "..............................................................................................................................................................
  4. May 3, 2012
    This isn't the original Spice Girls we intended it to be. Now as a Spice Girl fan, it hasn't had an amazing hit from it. Yes, maybe "Holler" took its turn, but the rest of the album had less, yet horrid promotion. And the chart stats of this album wasn't an improvement either. And if they were a current band right now, their albums would have been the best, but not this..... "album" you say.
  5. fulvior
    Aug 1, 2006
    For me this is the best Spice Girls' album
  6. AmeliaS
    Oct 24, 2005
    yeally good because it was relatable to!!!
  7. IvanE
    Oct 20, 2005
    i feel it was a very good last try. its my favorite spice girls album and think it was seriuosly underated, Holloer and Get Down With Me are my two favorite dance songs, so infectious as well as fun. The four ballads on the album absolutely shine Let Love Lead The Way and Time Goes By definitely demonstrate their vocal power, i loved the tag team vocals in these songs. The best songs on i feel it was a very good last try. its my favorite spice girls album and think it was seriuosly underated, Holloer and Get Down With Me are my two favorite dance songs, so infectious as well as fun. The four ballads on the album absolutely shine Let Love Lead The Way and Time Goes By definitely demonstrate their vocal power, i loved the tag team vocals in these songs. The best songs on this album are without a doubt Goodbye, Oxygen and If You Wanna Have Some Fun. i cried when i first heard goodbye Expand
  8. NickD.
    Sep 2, 2005
    If this is supposed to be a comeback, Spice Girls is about as vivid as a month-old fish. Monotony is the keyword for this horrible collection of sugary-sweet and peppy girlgroupmusic. But this does not surprise me; the fact that people still swallow this is no far from incomprehensible.
  9. melanieg
    Jan 21, 2005
    best album i have ever heard in my life!!!!!!!! mwah x x x
  10. bri
    Jun 12, 2004
    they did it again... stylish image, smooth sound, classic lyrics... far better than their solo projects (atleast only in my humble opinion :P)
  11. IanC
    Jan 5, 2004
    To all of the people how rated this album above a "0": I think a brain implant is neccesary.
  12. NonyaBuisness
    Jun 23, 2003
    This cd sucked!!!! it was the worst cd I have ever heard. I made the mistake of buying it and am now suffering the consequences. The song comming right back at you is so stupid. They didnt come right back at us because their cd bombed!!!!!!!!!
  13. NseE
    Mar 15, 2003
    I'd much rather watch paint dry.
  14. JoergenJoergensen
    Dec 7, 2002
    Not Bad, girls...
  15. Linda
    Jun 30, 2001
    It's hot, fun, and better than the last two cds combined!

Mixed or average reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 9
  2. Negative: 1 out of 9
  1. It's been almost five years since England's Spice Girls had people smiling or sneering. Their third album, Forever, will probably provoke a reaction somewhere in the middle -- with one exception, it's just OK.
  2. The set oozes with timely funk beats and the kind of well-crafted songs that No. 1 hits are made of.
  3. 70
    A frothy soufflé of an album, heavy on the groovy dance beats and go-girl goodwill, light on profundity.