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Generally favorable reviews- based on 54 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 42 out of 54
  2. Negative: 5 out of 54

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  1. JoeM
    Sep 5, 2008
    Oh my God, it's been so long since they've made an album and this... this is so beautiful and perfect.
  2. JSchandel
    Aug 27, 2008
    A storm in the sonic soup!
  3. ShaunL
    Aug 29, 2008
    This new album came out sounding very innovative and beautiful. Not their best, but they done a damn good job in making it sound great.
  4. SyrthaG
    Sep 22, 2008
    Comparing to past albums by The Verve, Forth is a full epic story without single highlights, while Urban Hymns is nothing but couple of singles. Which I find as an essential value for making rather great albums, then bestselling singles.
  5. ElaineS
    Aug 26, 2008
    Best album of the millenium so far!
  6. AlreadyThere
    Aug 26, 2008
    They're back and their amazing chemistry remains intact!
  7. kaya
    Aug 26, 2008
    Awesome album.I'm happy,that The Verve didn't repeat any of 3 albums and came out with new style.
  8. Apr 8, 2014
    the great album of the verve, the second best album since Urban Hymns, is an perfect album full of great lyrics & great music, is a beautiful since the begin till the end
  9. MofoMan
    Nov 21, 2008
    Awesome album! Typical Verve album, but its great to have them back after so long.
  10. Dan
    Aug 28, 2008
    The album combines many of the better traits of The Verve's previous 3 albums. Spacey jams, epic anthems and tearful ballads are all here and many songs rank among the Verve's finest work. There are a few downsides though. There's nothing on par with "Bittersweet Symphony" here, and "I See Houses" feels like an Ashcroft solo leftover. As a whole though this is a worthy The album combines many of the better traits of The Verve's previous 3 albums. Spacey jams, epic anthems and tearful ballads are all here and many songs rank among the Verve's finest work. There are a few downsides though. There's nothing on par with "Bittersweet Symphony" here, and "I See Houses" feels like an Ashcroft solo leftover. As a whole though this is a worthy addition to The Verve's catalogue and will take you on a dreamy journey in ways only The Verve can. Expand
  11. Aug 29, 2010
    Ok, I admit, I've always liked their accesible side more, but this album is really something. It's the epic psychedelic journey through the wonderwall of sound. Most important, this album has the identity which is hard to find now a days. Strong 9.
  12. YokozunaA
    Aug 27, 2008
    Numbness - Sounds Pink Floydish on Mc Cabe's Guitar playing. Valium Skies - Harkens classic Verve, swirling guitars and shoegaze anthems - my favorite track so far... Noise Epic - Channels Bobby Gillespie of Primal Scream.
  13. Gregor
    Aug 26, 2008
    Exactly what I wanted.
  14. MGra
    Aug 27, 2008
    Solid album, aside from a couple songs (ie. Numbness, I See Houses). McAbe enjoys a lot of creative license and it shows. The album is really a synthesis of old and new Verve, tapping into both their early psychedelic swirlings and their later knack for singalong melodies. A worthy comeback.
  15. Stephen
    Aug 28, 2008
    8 is about right, great album, very consistant. Not a scratch on Urban Hymns tho. Noise Epic / Valium Skies / I see houses / Love is noise are the highlights.
  16. Jan 23, 2017
    Of The Verve's first three albums, I'm firmly in the "Urban Hymns" camp, favoring the bands anthemic rock masterpiece over their interesting but less engaging psychedelia tinged albums "A Storm In Heaven" and "A Northern Soul". 11 years on from the triumphant breakthrough of "Urban Hymns", comes "Forth", an album that stands closer to the bands earlier work than their more commerciallyOf The Verve's first three albums, I'm firmly in the "Urban Hymns" camp, favoring the bands anthemic rock masterpiece over their interesting but less engaging psychedelia tinged albums "A Storm In Heaven" and "A Northern Soul". 11 years on from the triumphant breakthrough of "Urban Hymns", comes "Forth", an album that stands closer to the bands earlier work than their more commercially successful. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. The long gap since "Urban Hymns" took much of the pressure off the follow up . "Forth" is a rocker with emphasis on intricate guitar work rather than the pop aspect of the music. It's long with most of the songs well over the 5 minute mark but for me, the material rarely outstays its welcome. "Love is Noise" and "Judas" are particular standouts. One of the main things that struck from listening to this is just how much meat the rest of the Verve put on Richard Ashcroft's sound. Even his finest solo moments really pale next to The Verve doing their thing. Expand
  17. Ramirez
    Sep 11, 2008
    there are some moments of brilliance here: especially I See Houses, Rather Be and the fantastic, anthemic single Love Is Noise (although i would take a life to hear this song without being drowned in the repetitive and continuous ooh-ooh-oh-oh-ooh's, which sound nostalgic and cool during the chorus or intro but through the entire song...well, that's just a bit too much)...aside there are some moments of brilliance here: especially I See Houses, Rather Be and the fantastic, anthemic single Love Is Noise (although i would take a life to hear this song without being drowned in the repetitive and continuous ooh-ooh-oh-oh-ooh's, which sound nostalgic and cool during the chorus or intro but through the entire song...well, that's just a bit too much)...aside these highlights the album lacks epic climaxes and often seems to wander off, as in the moaning directionless Sit+Wonder and the two last tracks that are way too long. Too often you're waiting for something special to happen during these songs, yet they're going on and on based on 1 single idea, very Ashcroft that is maybe but it doeasn't always work. Not a bad album, as it features some phenomenal songs, but overproduced and as for the comeback of The Verve I'm dissapointed. Expand
  18. neil
    Sep 8, 2008
    Utterly disappointing. awesome live when they roll back the years, as they proved at glastonbury, but this doesn't do anything for me at all.
  19. Jamiechud
    Feb 14, 2009
    Awful awful album. There's not one song on there that is remotely redeeming. The first single love is noise and it's absolute disgracefull woo woo woooo chorus makes me weep for all the previous albums nostalgic feelings. Y'know the ones where you say I want to listen to anything they did prior to this. Yeah. Rich. You killed em. At least the frat boys can go woo woo woo woo now.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 28
  2. Negative: 1 out of 28
  1. Men out of time, The Verve were a neo-psychedelic jam-rock outfit who got fortuitously swept up in the Britpop boom and stumbled upon a timely form of Big Music.
  2. This album is probably the most solid foundation this quartet have had in 15 years, and it would be a disaster if it wasn’t a springboard for several more.
  3. Their second reunion carries the listener a good third of the way into this punningly titled fourth album. Trouble is, the second two-thirds are a very long slog indeed.