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Universal acclaim- based on 348 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 37 out of 348

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  1. May 26, 2016
    Cassandra Gemini is the greatest song of all time. The entire album is fantastic; it really draws you in. Cassandra Gemini at the very end sets it over the edge though, especially the final 5-6 minutes. A true masterpiece.
  2. Apr 9, 2016
    This is my favorite album of all time. Hearing this album is like you're free falling through an endless rabbit hole. The assortment of instruments used to create such a masterpiece is astonishing, although I feel that The Mars Volta is an acquired taste don't expect to hear this album for the first time and be able to make a clear cut observation of it all. This album is something uniqueThis is my favorite album of all time. Hearing this album is like you're free falling through an endless rabbit hole. The assortment of instruments used to create such a masterpiece is astonishing, although I feel that The Mars Volta is an acquired taste don't expect to hear this album for the first time and be able to make a clear cut observation of it all. This album is something unique and something special! Don't skip any tracks, listen to this from start to finish. Expand
  3. Oct 22, 2013
    "Will the feed us the womb?" This line, along with other cryptic, esoteric lyrics bloom with such strong emotion from Bixler-Zavala. Rodriguez-Lopez also rips into the depths of his psyche to produce the craziest, intense selection of songs, 6 of which total a sprawling 77 minutes. One can listen to 'Vismund Cygnus' 'Viaquez' and 'Cassandra Gemini' and literally mimic the stimulus one"Will the feed us the womb?" This line, along with other cryptic, esoteric lyrics bloom with such strong emotion from Bixler-Zavala. Rodriguez-Lopez also rips into the depths of his psyche to produce the craziest, intense selection of songs, 6 of which total a sprawling 77 minutes. One can listen to 'Vismund Cygnus' 'Viaquez' and 'Cassandra Gemini' and literally mimic the stimulus one would receive from an adrenaline rush. So next time you ride a super-tall roller coaster or take a drive through the jungles of Central America, be sure to bring a copy of Frances with you. It's not just an album... this is an experience. Expand
  4. j30
    Dec 1, 2011
    Excellent sophomore album from the two former members of punk-rock At The Drive-in. It doesn't hurt to have a little help from John Frusciante (Listen to the first guitar solo on L 'Via L 'Viaquez). The filler noise is the only thing I can frown upon.
  5. Nov 21, 2011
    The greatest album of the mars volta, not a moment is weak, not a note is off (accidentally) Omar and Cedric blow your mind and them do it again every time you listen to the album.
  6. Dec 1, 2010
    Frances The Mute is not quite as good as the The Mars Voltas first album, but this album is definitely more creative. The musicianship is incredible. The guitars soars loud, the meaningless lyrics sound amazing, and the drums are some of the best i've ever heard. All In All, Frances The Mute is a compelling album. A-
  7. Sep 10, 2010
    This is a masterpiece. Cassandra Gemini is one of the best songs ever recorded by anyone anywhere anytime. The whole album is amazing. Love the jazz influence combined with what they did on de loused. My personal favorite TMV album and maybe my favorite album of all time. You must listen to this album several times. Dont hear it once and make a decision.. it takes time to really takeThis is a masterpiece. Cassandra Gemini is one of the best songs ever recorded by anyone anywhere anytime. The whole album is amazing. Love the jazz influence combined with what they did on de loused. My personal favorite TMV album and maybe my favorite album of all time. You must listen to this album several times. Dont hear it once and make a decision.. it takes time to really take it all in. Expand
  8. MaxM
    Dec 2, 2008
    Stupid-ass critics. Cokemachineglow?! Who the fuck?..... And pitchfork?! Please. This album is a work. I would have been satisfied with just the 29/16 time signature part in Cygnus... Vismund Cygnus. It is amazing how the Mars Volta can turn a supposedly complicated time signature into a smooth, catchy, and amazingly simple part of the song. Also, the 32 minute long Cassandra Gemini was a Stupid-ass critics. Cokemachineglow?! Who the fuck?..... And pitchfork?! Please. This album is a work. I would have been satisfied with just the 29/16 time signature part in Cygnus... Vismund Cygnus. It is amazing how the Mars Volta can turn a supposedly complicated time signature into a smooth, catchy, and amazingly simple part of the song. Also, the 32 minute long Cassandra Gemini was a work of genius. The lead guitar, drums, bass, and keyboard blended perfectly together. Those dumbass critics need to pull their heads out of their asses and listen to more progressive rock. Rock doesn't have to be easy to listen to. Expand
  9. JosephH.
    Sep 21, 2008
    It is a great leap forward from Deloused. The vocals are worlds better -- Bixler-Zavala actually sounds like he means what he's singing. The drumming also shows great improvement. The only bad thing about the album is the overlong instrumental sections, which were trimmed to the exact length they needed to be on Deloused, but now sprawl over upwards of 7 minutes.
  10. MichaelW.
    Feb 1, 2008
    Lacks the cohesion of De-Loused but still an excellent album. You can really follow the progression of their sound.
  11. MitchJ.
    Jan 30, 2008
    A masterpiece a brilliant album that accomplishes more in ten seconds than any other band could in a career.
  12. kariusk
    Jan 19, 2008
    This is one of the most amazing albums ever released. Anyone who says different should go get an Ouijia board and try and get Goliath to eat their flesh
  13. MichaelT.
    Nov 3, 2007
    Although not my fave Mars Volta LP it does contain my fave song in Cassandra Gemmeni (sic) It still gets a score of 10 out of 10 as it's The Mars Volta. Looking threw various reviews it seems that a lot of people who give the Volta bad ones seem to whinge that it's not as good as At The Drive In. Well boo hoo. The fact of the matter is I quite like at the drive in but I think Although not my fave Mars Volta LP it does contain my fave song in Cassandra Gemmeni (sic) It still gets a score of 10 out of 10 as it's The Mars Volta. Looking threw various reviews it seems that a lot of people who give the Volta bad ones seem to whinge that it's not as good as At The Drive In. Well boo hoo. The fact of the matter is I quite like at the drive in but I think The Mars Volta are a gagillion times better. I just made up the word gagillion. Its a bit like the word bizillion or other words of there ilk its basically a word to mean a high number. Expand
  14. LuisL
    Aug 19, 2007
    ... iconoclastic, or even more; a blasphemist an heretic. anyone who dislikes the mars volta but have actually an overall good music taste hates comparisions betwen mars volta and great past bands (pink floyd, king crimson, yes, mahavishnu orchestra even radiohead). this pathologic response to any coment relative to this band may be caused by some quasi-religious attachment to past glory. ... iconoclastic, or even more; a blasphemist an heretic. anyone who dislikes the mars volta but have actually an overall good music taste hates comparisions betwen mars volta and great past bands (pink floyd, king crimson, yes, mahavishnu orchestra even radiohead). this pathologic response to any coment relative to this band may be caused by some quasi-religious attachment to past glory. the truth is the creative work, the artistic execution and the production of this band's records (particulary in this disk which is my favorite) are both challeging practically flawless. ranging from psychedelic prog to salsa, from alt rock to hi-fi epilectic sounds. omar rodriguez-lopez is gestating as one of the most impressive music composers and revolutionaries of this time, lacking only of academic formation, he'll find his place aside greats as peter gabriel and roger waters; as miles davis and john zorn. Expand
  15. TrishL.
    Jun 25, 2007
    I could do without some of the drawn out noise fillers but other than that, very solid album.
  16. Matt?A
    Jun 10, 2007
    This album is pure awesomeness in a cup. When I'm listening to this album, I don't really think about the story, because the music itself is so amazing! My only complaint falls upon that organ thing that consumes the last two or so minutes of The Widow. You can tell that that's just pointless filler thrown in there. Then again, The Mars Volta is awesome because they do what This album is pure awesomeness in a cup. When I'm listening to this album, I don't really think about the story, because the music itself is so amazing! My only complaint falls upon that organ thing that consumes the last two or so minutes of The Widow. You can tell that that's just pointless filler thrown in there. Then again, The Mars Volta is awesome because they do what they want, not what we want. And I guess that organ thing is what they want, so yea, who am i to complain? And i forget if its one of the Mirandas or the Cassandra Geminis, but that "I think I've become one of the others ooohhh....ooooohhhhh...." part is strait up GANGSTA! yes-indeedy. Expand
  17. IanB
    Mar 28, 2007
    Sean P speaks wisdom. I actually prefer this to comotorium. The only reason this doesn't score a 10 is because a couple slower sections are too drawn out *cough*chirpfrogs*cough*.
  18. SeanP.
    Mar 11, 2007
    No David, i'm not lying when i say i love this. But here's the thing: this is one of the most difficult, challenging, weirdest albums of the decade, right up there with Kid A, A Ghost Is Born, Medulla. The Drift, and their own De-Loused in the Comatorium. Every one of those albums is a masterpiece, but only if you, the listener, is on the same wave-length as the bands. Those No David, i'm not lying when i say i love this. But here's the thing: this is one of the most difficult, challenging, weirdest albums of the decade, right up there with Kid A, A Ghost Is Born, Medulla. The Drift, and their own De-Loused in the Comatorium. Every one of those albums is a masterpiece, but only if you, the listener, is on the same wave-length as the bands. Those albums, and this one, are the epitome of love-it-or-hate-it. You either get what the artists are going for, or you denounce these albums as unlistenable garbage. Suffice it to say, i get it. One either hopes this album never existed, or can't live without it. I'm definitely the latter. To those who aren't on the same wave-length as these artists: I understand, and i pity you. I give this a 9 only because it isn't quite as good as Comatorium. Expand
  19. RaulC
    Feb 17, 2007
    a very cool disc and casandra gemmini dam!!!
  20. AnonyM.
    Jan 20, 2007
    Why does it seem like no one figured out the twists of this album? Either they got and don't want to give it away, or they dismissed it as "impenetrable" and "pretentious." If you are one of the latter, please read the following. First of all, this is a great album. Definitely the best prog since the 70's. Omar took the helm this time, and he really moved the band's sound Why does it seem like no one figured out the twists of this album? Either they got and don't want to give it away, or they dismissed it as "impenetrable" and "pretentious." If you are one of the latter, please read the following. First of all, this is a great album. Definitely the best prog since the 70's. Omar took the helm this time, and he really moved the band's sound in startling and consistently rewarding directions. The only album of the present decade that gets better every time I listen to it. Now, the twist. I'm not going to give it away, but suffice to say, these hints should help some get over the seemingly incongruous bits of sound. They do get progressively more obvious, so STOP READING IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SPOIL IT. 1) Despite everything, pump the volume at the beginning of the album, the first "Sarcophagi." See what you hear. 2) Turn the volume up again during the long guitar solo at the 23 minute mark of Cassandra. Yep, thats the scratches back from the beginning... 3) Look at the first two pages of the booklet. The first is the only character not included in the album's song cycle (though she got a single essentially explaining all this). The second is a record player... 4)The Widow - yeah, that noise bugged the crap out of me when I first heard it too. But it's there for a reason (booklet!)... 5)The second "Sarcophagi" - OK, this is really obvious. Hear the needle scratching at the end of Cassandra? We're actually right back at the beginning... OK, so how does this relate to anything in the real world? Well, it's a bit of a stretch. Basically, "Frances the Mute" and the, ahem, twist, is a sort of metaphor for the diary the band found following Ward's death. This connection is admittedly not very articulate, but hey, it's really cool. Expand
  21. aliem
    Dec 2, 2006
    best album ever. ever.
  22. cerppintaxt
    Nov 2, 2006
    best body of work by tmv...ever. first album that i picked up when i heard these guys were opening for rhcp at a show i was going to. i like them more than rhcp now, they're unhinderd music is jaw dropping at it's best and trance inducing at it's worst. Fortunately on frances tmv has you in jaw dropping state for a good 90% of the time (parts the widow and miranda that best body of work by tmv...ever. first album that i picked up when i heard these guys were opening for rhcp at a show i was going to. i like them more than rhcp now, they're unhinderd music is jaw dropping at it's best and trance inducing at it's worst. Fortunately on frances tmv has you in jaw dropping state for a good 90% of the time (parts the widow and miranda that ghost just isnt holy anymore). 1)cygnus... vismund cygnus- rush anyone? the volta happen to blow their forefathers of prog rock away in this song that shiftshapes constantly, going from gentle acoustic to bits of zeppelin-esque riffs continuing to an amazing solo then bringing it all home. ends on some kind of annoying bits of noise that pertain to the story...which brings us to 2) the widow- this album sold as many copies as it did because mtv crowds liked the video for this. good thing they didnt listen to the music, not much here, some cool ambiance bixler is terrific as usual, but all together unenergized, they do this format alot better with asilos magdalena 3)l'via l'viaquez- l'via is the defining point of this album. if you manage too dislike this song you quite literally are rumppofsteelskin (p funk character who hates dancing). amazing beat, riff, vocals, everything is amazing. stellar song, definately one of the best volta tunes ever. 4)miranda that ghost just isnt holy anymore- another downhill slope, gradually calms everything down with bixlers mesmerizing singing then builds up to the finale with some really talented brass (i believe that includes rhcp's flea), that recalls infamous westerns and is damn near the instrumental highlight on the album 5) cassandra gemini- wow. if i created 30 mins of music this good i would probably be able to die happy on the spot. some slow patches where the song begins to run low on steam, but omar is able to pick up the pace and get everything top notch in preparation for a free jazz improvization section that makes gilmour and waters cry and blows echoes out of the water. ends on gentle acoustic section from the beginning, taking the song and forcing it out in a slow burn that never ceases to make me smile. i know i gave it a ten, but this is album is not perfect. there are flaws but if you are willing to sit through some electronic wanking and get to the good stuff the mars volta will reward you Expand
  23. GuillermoB.
    Jun 28, 2006
    Fuck all those fucling main stream rockers. they can lick both my ass and balls. They don't know what they are talking about. They just want to listen to hits instead of moments, because The Mars Volta makes moments instead of hits. The best band that walks the earth in today's bullshit mainstream music, they are all sell outs. This is true music. Pinkfloyd, Hendrix, Led Fuck all those fucling main stream rockers. they can lick both my ass and balls. They don't know what they are talking about. They just want to listen to hits instead of moments, because The Mars Volta makes moments instead of hits. The best band that walks the earth in today's bullshit mainstream music, they are all sell outs. This is true music. Pinkfloyd, Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, King Crimson, The Mahavishnu Orchestra, jass-fuzzion, electronica and tropicana in a blender and you get pure fucking genious! Expand
  24. Bughunter
    Jun 1, 2006
    Volta opened my mind with comatorium and Frances filled it. Volta continue to push the envelop. Brilliant
  25. christianw
    May 30, 2006
    Not as thrilling as deloused, but it really challenges the listener and credits them with enough intelligence to work it out for themselves. Also its one of those rare albums that stands up to and even improves over repeated listens. Brilliant chaos.
  26. JohnB
    May 25, 2006
    The Mars Volta is a truly revolutionary band that recalls the innovation that pioneering artists such as Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd had in their day. Frances The Mute only proves this band's incredible talent as well as creativity. Bands like the Mars Volta only come around every so often that to not try and understand the music they are making is only doing yourself an injustice. The Mars Volta is a truly revolutionary band that recalls the innovation that pioneering artists such as Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd had in their day. Frances The Mute only proves this band's incredible talent as well as creativity. Bands like the Mars Volta only come around every so often that to not try and understand the music they are making is only doing yourself an injustice. Listen to this album with an open mind and really focus on every little thing. Nothing can match neither the intensity, complexity, creativity and sheer talent that this band possesses. Expand
  27. JeremiahF
    May 4, 2006
    I love this entire album. Great mix of pure sounds that will invade your every ear drum canal. If thats even possible.
  28. FrederikF
    Apr 15, 2006
    As great, if not better tan De-Loused!
  29. rumplef
    Apr 11, 2006
    Frances The Mute is really good but it does not come close to De-Loused. its rather unorganized and some parts seem to just go on and on. It definatly does have its great moments like all parts of the first three songs and some other stuff after that as well.
  30. JosephH
    Apr 4, 2006
    The Shit!!
  31. rightouscorect
    Mar 26, 2006
    encapsulating an ostrocised being's own acceptance of it's self aftera wasted lifefo searching it's own origins. at the end we all need to re evaulate normality complaciency and mars voltas ferosity
  32. Reuben
    Mar 21, 2006
    This is possibly the most amazing record i have ever heard. It isn't the kind of album you can skip around on, but is only done full justice when listened to from start to finish (preferably alone). Simply an unbelievable experience full of talent and emotion
  33. ZosoZoso
    Mar 20, 2006
    Best 2005 Album.
  34. TamasV
    Feb 11, 2006
    One of the best albums I've heard, second only to De-loused In The Comatorium, The Mars Volta's first album.
  35. JudyV
    Feb 2, 2006
    I love it.
  36. NicoleM
    Feb 2, 2006
    This is an awsome album. I'm actually listening to Scabdates right now. They really are pushing the musical envelope. I look forward to what they will do next!
  37. DelMonkey
    Jan 31, 2006
    Do you like Pink Floyd, Fugazi, the Lyres, Queen, Jeff Buckley and Cuban Jazz? Why not put it all in a blender and pour it into the top of your skull? might want to make room first. Contents under pressure!
  38. DianaS
    Jan 18, 2006
    This album is electrifyingly awesome.
  39. AndrewT
    Jan 17, 2006
    This album is for those who need rock to rock and spew out all the pussy ass bullshit that all the reviewers that didnt get it like.
  40. diegom
    Jan 12, 2006
    i can´t say it in human words
  41. Ryanxxx
    Jan 4, 2006
    This cd has blown me away, the mars volta are one of the best bands out there right now. L'Via L'viaquez is my favorite song, I have meorized it all, even though its in spanish.
  42. ChristianK
    Dec 18, 2005
    Frances is a stepping stone to what Volta hopefully will become. Of course they have to compete with all the genious prog bands of the past, but this could finally be the start of some good music. They have the lyrics, the sound, and the soul of a great band that knows how to twist the tendrils of ones mind. If you can't apreciate the power that is volta, drop some kind of Frances is a stepping stone to what Volta hopefully will become. Of course they have to compete with all the genious prog bands of the past, but this could finally be the start of some good music. They have the lyrics, the sound, and the soul of a great band that knows how to twist the tendrils of ones mind. If you can't apreciate the power that is volta, drop some kind of psychadelic and come back to it, a revitalizing of the failed generation that was the 60s. Maybe we'll suceed this time. Expand
  43. DavidL
    Dec 12, 2005
    Mind-blowing rock that we would expect from the Mars Volta
  44. DavidS
    Dec 7, 2005
    Some awesome stuff interspersed with some great ecclectics, though they do get a littlannoying after a while
  45. TylerF
    Dec 6, 2005
    The awesome explosive sound of the mars volta will not be forgotten soon.
  46. RobD
    Oct 31, 2005
    amazing album. simply mind blowing.
  47. GregH
    Oct 24, 2005
    By far the best album I've heard this year. Along with System of a Down The Mars Volta are trying to completely reinvent physecadelic rock. The only real comparison I can make with them and any other bands is a mix of Rush and Pink Floyd. With a lot harder edge.
  48. AriK.
    Oct 23, 2005
    The problem with a lot of these critics is that they give the album one quick listen and that's it. They are just looking for songs they can play in the car. But not all bands are just easy listening music and background music. If you sit down with some headphones and actually listen to this cd, you'll notice that it may not be a masterpiece or the best album ever written, but The problem with a lot of these critics is that they give the album one quick listen and that's it. They are just looking for songs they can play in the car. But not all bands are just easy listening music and background music. If you sit down with some headphones and actually listen to this cd, you'll notice that it may not be a masterpiece or the best album ever written, but there is something in it that no one else is daring to do. Whether you want to call it mindless noodling at times, the album works as an album. It's the style you can disagree with, but don't come out and say that your little brother could pull off the same stuff. That's just disrespectful. Expand
  49. DeboA
    Oct 23, 2005
    Definately an alternative to Music(k); even an alternative to Alternative Music(k). The Mars Volta has taken Mucisk to another dimension; the dimension of dementia. Whilst this is not something that will appeal to the masses, its definately Good Music(k).
  50. MattP
    Oct 2, 2005
    There seems to be 2 opinions on this album. You either think it's long, boring and pretentious or you think it's an epic prog rock masterpiece. Quite frankly there are very few groups out there doing music this adventurous. "Frances The Mute" is an album you don't listen to. You experience it. The best album I've heard this year.
  51. SpencerW
    Oct 2, 2005
    An amazing album. I don't know what Pat N was thinking. The solos in frances the mute are very well done. Listen to Miranda: Pisacis... tell your brother to play those solos. Just because you don't enjoy the art-work does not mean you need to give it a bad rating. 10 thumbs up on the album though.
  52. MarieS
    Sep 23, 2005
    one of the best cd I've ever heard.
  53. CalvinC
    Sep 11, 2005
    Frances... is one of those albums that contains little surprises in every song. Granted, it is also one of those albums that takes multiple listens to find the "true" beauty in the songs. With all of it's amazing aspects, it still does feel as if some of it's "conceptual" soundscapes carry on for too long at points. No matter what though, it still still one of the most original Frances... is one of those albums that contains little surprises in every song. Granted, it is also one of those albums that takes multiple listens to find the "true" beauty in the songs. With all of it's amazing aspects, it still does feel as if some of it's "conceptual" soundscapes carry on for too long at points. No matter what though, it still still one of the most original albums in contemporary music. Expand
  54. skys
    Sep 2, 2005
    i loved it,everything fits really nice, an excellent eray of sounds,very creative and well produced. you really just can feel the passion behind there music
  55. JL
    Aug 28, 2005
    Positively astonishing once you get used to TMV's style. Omar's guitar solos, Cedric's lyrics, and the insane percussion are ingenious. Better than De-loused on all fronts, and that's an accomplishment in itself.
  56. Alex
    Aug 25, 2005
    If you are looking for an original, in your face pure rock and roll cd, this is your band. They will blow you away movement by movement. Although, you must open up to allow this new sound rock your world.
  57. ZoltanD
    Aug 19, 2005
    with every new listening, frances the mute is a new expirience, every last better than the one before...
  58. LudvigB
    Aug 3, 2005
    Its an incredable album that every sane an unsane person should own and for my money its the best album ever!!!
  59. SkylerW
    Aug 1, 2005
    One of the best albums around from one of the best bands of our day.
  60. GuillaumeC
    Jul 13, 2005
    There are parts on this album that are simply RIDICULOUS. The first track opens with a beautifully sorrowful acoustic ballad that suddenly explodes into a pulsing, throbbing beast of percussion, slowly building momentum as Cedric Bixler's chants push the intensity relentlessly forward, until finally Omar Rodriguez's wailing guitar rips a searing hole through the rythm, tumbling There are parts on this album that are simply RIDICULOUS. The first track opens with a beautifully sorrowful acoustic ballad that suddenly explodes into a pulsing, throbbing beast of percussion, slowly building momentum as Cedric Bixler's chants push the intensity relentlessly forward, until finally Omar Rodriguez's wailing guitar rips a searing hole through the rythm, tumbling and sommersaulting and flipping out with an energy that is more than electrifying--it's damn near heart-stopping. And all of this is before the first verse even starts. To make a long story short, when the music on this album gets going, it's pure insanity. The only trouble is, there are sections in between the music that are nothing more than spaced-out fancy white noise, and this is where the record can lose your attention and require you to skip forward. Still, on the whole this album is nothing short of a sonic masterpiece. Not as easy to listen through as De-Loused, but just as brilliant. For that I give it a 9. Expand
  61. JasonN
    Jun 10, 2005
    The best album this year! If there is a more original and creative band out there, please let me know so I can go and buy their albums as well. A sonic masterpiece that assults your senses and leaves you drooling for more, The Mars Volta have taken it to a whole new level with their latest offering, and this will probably be another album that goes totally under the radar, and what a The best album this year! If there is a more original and creative band out there, please let me know so I can go and buy their albums as well. A sonic masterpiece that assults your senses and leaves you drooling for more, The Mars Volta have taken it to a whole new level with their latest offering, and this will probably be another album that goes totally under the radar, and what a shame that is. Lets give credit where credit is due, these guys are simply better than the rest, and give a much needed boost to the MTV corrupted rock scene. Finally, a cd to replace Deloused for heavy rotation in my car, go figure, its another Mars Volta album! Please, don't stop a rockin'!! Expand
  62. ColbstaS
    Jun 10, 2005
    this album i hear people say is pretentious but thats bull this album rocks and puts you into a trance type setting to keep that flaring psyche and interrogative type of settig with its fast guitar riffs indian influence spanish influence salsa hard rock metal and blues is noticable say its a concept album is dumb since every album must have a may be revieved as a this album i hear people say is pretentious but thats bull this album rocks and puts you into a trance type setting to keep that flaring psyche and interrogative type of settig with its fast guitar riffs indian influence spanish influence salsa hard rock metal and blues is noticable say its a concept album is dumb since every album must have a may be revieved as a concept because people are at lack of a better word since its so hit them in the face withe xcitement....rockon volta Expand
  63. MarcD
    Jun 5, 2005
    Infectious and very very creative stuff. The sound is hard to classify. Stop trying to. Instead, pop it in your music player and have some fun.
  64. TapanJ
    Jun 1, 2005
    Never have a herd a band with so much more of an understanding of music than even the greats. Not only do I think this is the best album i own, but the best I've ever heard. If TMV comes to town, GO SEE THEM. do not deprive yourselves of the best concert you'll see
  65. GinnyM
    Jun 1, 2005
    The parts with singing are great, but the other stuff is a bit too long
  66. GismoCrackwise
    May 31, 2005
    I really do believe TMV did a good job giving birth to another kick ass albulm. They put all their energy, and passion into their music. Cedric's high vocals, this time even more higher from Deloused. Omar's blazing guitar skills, and all those weird-electro sounds, sphycodelic souns they use into their music. This is something new, from ATD-I. I believe their music and lyrics I really do believe TMV did a good job giving birth to another kick ass albulm. They put all their energy, and passion into their music. Cedric's high vocals, this time even more higher from Deloused. Omar's blazing guitar skills, and all those weird-electro sounds, sphycodelic souns they use into their music. This is something new, from ATD-I. I believe their music and lyrics have matured from Deloused. Even though they use all those big dictionary words, or made up words, you can still feel the message, the mood of their peotuc songs. This is truely work of art, very beautifully made. All! You losers that don't appreciate real music, not all those other stupid cliche bands like Simple Plan, Hoobastank and you get the idea, can kiss my ass! Expand
  67. GaryR
    May 28, 2005
    This album is truly amazing! when we heard that The Mars Volta were releasing there new album, most were thinking how they were going to live up to their previous album De-loused in the comatorium. But they have achieved this in style whilst still showing that this still is not the best they can do! Watch this Space! there is still even more to come from these wonderfully talented individuals!
  68. OlivierB
    May 27, 2005
    The Mars Volta seem to think they are genius but they are just good. They really have talent but they could be a bit more modest.
  69. BrandonB
    May 23, 2005
    Mars Volta has managed to Improve upon the groundbreaking sonic punkrock debut. The songs build and retreat in a dramatic rock opera like trollercoaster. However The flow of the album is seriously compromised by gaping nothingness that follows nearly half the songs, without which would have earned this set a 9 or 10.
  70. yomama
    May 23, 2005
    Im not sure I agree with all this talk of the album being "pretentious and overblown". I see more pretentious and overblown shit on MTV every day. When you can play like this and are as creative as the Volta are of course you are going to sound overblown. I have a feeling however that this band could write a hit in just about any musical genre if they were even remotely interested. They Im not sure I agree with all this talk of the album being "pretentious and overblown". I see more pretentious and overblown shit on MTV every day. When you can play like this and are as creative as the Volta are of course you are going to sound overblown. I have a feeling however that this band could write a hit in just about any musical genre if they were even remotely interested. They aren't and it doesn't matter because the are that good. Expand
  71. nonenone
    May 22, 2005
    If you have the time to let it in, this album will certainly prove itself as an amazing accomplishment.
  72. AndrewG
    May 21, 2005
    I was worried about whether Volta could top De-Loused, and I wasn't sure the first time I heard Frances, but every time I listen to it, just like with De-Loused, it just keeps getting better and better. The band is tighter, they have found their groove. Of course a lot of people don't like it. Those are the slaves of the three minute pop formula. The Mars Volta are completely I was worried about whether Volta could top De-Loused, and I wasn't sure the first time I heard Frances, but every time I listen to it, just like with De-Loused, it just keeps getting better and better. The band is tighter, they have found their groove. Of course a lot of people don't like it. Those are the slaves of the three minute pop formula. The Mars Volta are completely unlike anything that has come before. They synthesize, but don't duplicate their influences. I just saw them live in Minneapolis, and it was the second (Prince's Musicology Tour being the first) greatest concert I've ever been to. Playing for just over two and a half hours nonstop, it was sheer brilliance, and absolute beauty. Expand
  73. NathanM
    May 16, 2005
    I cannot get over how amazing this album is. I listen to it and there are points where i cannot breath, anyways the music is very alternative and you have to have a very open mind to properly enjoy it, if you are willing to accept it for the type of music it is then you can have one of the best albums of the year.
  74. EdWood
    May 11, 2005
    Hugely pretentious and pompous beyond belief, Frances The Mute is nevertheless an unmitigated triumph. With more geuine tunes than The Mars Volta's first album and some heart-stopping changes in pace, this is Dark Side Of the Moon for the post-hardcore audience.
  75. juanc
    May 9, 2005
  76. [Anonymous]
    May 5, 2005
    It takes a while to get used to this album, but when you have, IT'S BRILLIANT!!!
  77. DavisW
    May 4, 2005
    An excellent and genius album, although it almost seems like work to listen to it. You kind of have to set aside some time to try and absorb it. Works for some people, though not so much for me. I prefer 'de-loused'.
  78. ElliotO
    May 4, 2005
    Brilliant. A Masterpeice.
  79. BWilling
    Apr 28, 2005
    Those that have been unplugged from the Matrix will Groovitate towards this........It Rocks!!!!
  80. AleR
    Apr 24, 2005
    Led Zeppelin of 2005. The best album of the last years.
  81. kylep
    Apr 17, 2005
    this cd contains the greatest song ever written. cassandra geminni. and every other song is super good also.
  82. SamD
    Apr 13, 2005
    Can you think of another band that so creatively combines classic, progressive, and punk rock with salsa? I think not. More artistic and rocks harder than anyone else I can think of that's around today.
  83. JjeffO
    Apr 13, 2005
    its classic rock of today. Its an amazing story being told via enchanting and mind boggling poetic music.
  84. MarcD.
    Apr 12, 2005
    Reminiscent of early Pink Floyd and Rage Against the Machine, yet still highly original.
  85. MattK
    Apr 11, 2005
    The Mars Volta just might be the best kept secret in the sub main stream scene. I only turn those who can appreciate the music loose onto their 2 and 1/2 albums. Frances the mute is far more ambitious than the previous releases. It's useless to analyze it track by track, it is a masterpiece. There are high points of course, the pure energy in the widow, shifting modes in the first The Mars Volta just might be the best kept secret in the sub main stream scene. I only turn those who can appreciate the music loose onto their 2 and 1/2 albums. Frances the mute is far more ambitious than the previous releases. It's useless to analyze it track by track, it is a masterpiece. There are high points of course, the pure energy in the widow, shifting modes in the first track, and the haunting lyrics on Miranda. Excellent Expand
  86. PhantomXIII
    Apr 7, 2005
    A highly ambitious venture from mainstream that fully comes togther as the best album thus far in their careers. Hats off to you, Volta...
  87. GeorgeB
    Apr 4, 2005
    THis album is great, just pure poetry. It lives up to its predecessor and it just great, everyone should buy this album and enjoy the sweet easy listening!
  88. ValerieM
    Mar 31, 2005
    It is awesome! Something different and refreshing, finally!
  89. Laura
    Mar 30, 2005
    This album is a breath of fresh air amidst the stagnant idiotic fluff that tries to pass itself off as music nowadays. Pop tartlets and angst ridden pseudo-guitarists/songwriters come a dime a dozen, but Cedric and Omar have taken music and made it flesh that feeds the soul.
  90. SherrellS
    Mar 30, 2005
    I love it so much and its amazing! What I really love is that they put their hearts and souls into this album. Unlike other bands, The Mars Volta didn't just put it out to sell it. I was really surprise of the outcome of this cd. I love the mars volta!!!!
  91. jaimev
    Mar 30, 2005
    Fantastic. Superb in almost all aspects.
  92. kyokot
    Mar 30, 2005
    i was terrified because i didn't think anything could measure up to deloused in the comatorium but geez, i'd say this album is as good or better - amazing writing (music and lyrics), musicians that are fantastic on their own and almost unbelievably ood together and a singer that can sing sweetly and scare the shit outta me at different points of the same song. bravo, bravo, i was terrified because i didn't think anything could measure up to deloused in the comatorium but geez, i'd say this album is as good or better - amazing writing (music and lyrics), musicians that are fantastic on their own and almost unbelievably ood together and a singer that can sing sweetly and scare the shit outta me at different points of the same song. bravo, bravo, bravo. loooove TMV. Expand
  93. NYGus
    Mar 30, 2005
    A superb album-best I've heard by anyone in a very long time.
  94. joshuah
    Mar 28, 2005
    i get high as fuck to it.(its the shit)!
  95. JoshC
    Mar 28, 2005
    crazy but it sounds fucking great
  96. IsaiahC
    Mar 27, 2005
    The Mars Volta prove once again why they are the best band since Led Zeppelin. Seventy-seven minutes of pure genius is what Frances the Mute is. The Mars Volta make ALL current bands seem like a poor joke--not to put down all the other bands out there, it's just that The Mars Volta are THAT good. No, scratch that, They are absolutely GREAT. If only more bands were as great as The Mars Volta.
  97. LewisS
    Mar 27, 2005
    Spectacular use of musical wizardry. 13minute salsa infused operas show that Mars Volta are very much in an elite league of their own.
  98. manuels
    Mar 26, 2005
    it´s very addictive...
  99. PeterB
    Mar 26, 2005
    God I'm tired of reading pretentious reviews from individuals whose sole purpose in life is to seek validation that perhaps they were responsible for defining a new music genre. Just listen to the bloody music. This is different from anything that's come out for a long time. So what if it's made up of bits that have come before? What isn't these days? To sum up - just God I'm tired of reading pretentious reviews from individuals whose sole purpose in life is to seek validation that perhaps they were responsible for defining a new music genre. Just listen to the bloody music. This is different from anything that's come out for a long time. So what if it's made up of bits that have come before? What isn't these days? To sum up - just awesome, if you can just get rid of that chip on your shoulder! Expand
  100. Privatesorry
    Mar 25, 2005
    Mars Volta is one of the best rock groups to come around in a long time. Frances the mute just proves their genius.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 31
  2. Negative: 3 out of 31
  1. Alternative Press
    It's already the most riveting album of 2005--provided you're ready to carve a wide enough hole in your consciousness to accept it. [Mar 2005, p.130]
  2. Filter
    Frances the Mute documents the Mars Volta as a passionate and explosive band that has grown capable of taking the music in a hundred different directions. [#14, p.96]
  3. Spin
    Frances explores an explosive groove Comatorium only implied. [Mar 2005, p.83]