• Record Label: Domino
  • Release Date: Mar 9, 2004
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 330 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 17 out of 330

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  1. MiguelR
    Apr 15, 2005
  2. Rik
    Jan 28, 2006
    THis is absolutely the best album I ve heard in years and it keeps Indie music alive!!
  3. willab
    May 17, 2006
    Very good, an excellent first album.
  4. Oligami
    May 20, 2007
    What a great pop album this is. Funky, jazzy, sophisticated, energetic pop.
  5. MikeB
    Mar 31, 2004
    Simply great. Finally I don't have to get drunk to want to dance.
  6. MikeB
    Mar 31, 2004
    Simply great. Finally I don't have to get drunk to want to dance.
  7. Frank
    Aug 18, 2004
    Good CD!
  8. Dec 23, 2010
    Franz Ferdinand sound fresh and original. This is a great British punk band. They have a distinct sound that's unlike any other band I've ever heard. "Take Me Out" is an amazing song, "Darts Of Pleasure" is another great song. This is like the British Strokes. A-
  9. HairPulley
    Dec 9, 2004
    A series of great songs is what you get with Franz Ferdinand's self-titled debut. The most fantastic part of the band is their way of changing songs completely in the beginning or end of the song("Take Me Out" and "Darts of Pleasure"). The only con I can think of are the lyrics. Some feel forced and repetitive ("Cheating on You" and "Tell Her Tonight"). Every song here will bring you A series of great songs is what you get with Franz Ferdinand's self-titled debut. The most fantastic part of the band is their way of changing songs completely in the beginning or end of the song("Take Me Out" and "Darts of Pleasure"). The only con I can think of are the lyrics. Some feel forced and repetitive ("Cheating on You" and "Tell Her Tonight"). Every song here will bring you a future of dancing in situations you normally wouldn't. Expand
  10. LucaS
    Mar 12, 2004
    The good album that has listened in 2004. Together with that of the Electrelane
  11. CalB
    Apr 30, 2004
    An intelligent, glam aura-fest. America won't get it ("dance with me Michael" will scare of the average US male) but then again they aren't supposed to. The colour and life that Eno and Ferry introduced to a dreary UK in the early 70s (Roxy Music), the FF boys are doing in the nervy noughts. Buy this album, drink a bottle of Bulgarian red, listen and go out dancing!
  12. VidM
    Aug 13, 2007
    Nicely done!
  13. Trevor
    Mar 13, 2004
    This album has some AMAZING songs you'll find yourself listening to on repeat (Take Me Out, Auf Asche). However some songs don't nearly take off as well as others ... still, excellent debut.
  14. eliasi
    Mar 20, 2004
    i had pretty high expectations when i got this CD so i'm sure they hampered the overall effect of my first listen but i still thought it was good, just not great.
  15. ShintoI
    Mar 24, 2004
    "Take Me Out" makes you dance. If it doesn't, please spend less time at funerals. "Take Me Out" alone is worth buying the whole record - a debut record that has a few great songs, and a few mediocre songs. They have enough pizzazz and energetic party fever to make this a worthy cd for any party rock and dance lover... don't buy this cd if you expect anything else.
  16. JennyZ
    Jun 19, 2004
    I love this album! I only bought it today and I listened to it three times already. Take Me Out, The Dark of the Matinee and Auf Asche are the best songs.
  17. SebB.
    Apr 5, 2005
    There are some really good songs that I like such as take me out, the fire, 40 and jaqueline. There are a couple songs that seem to not be going anywhere.
  18. markf
    Mar 16, 2004
    "Franz Ferdinand" wasn't quite as good as I expected from the hype, but they're at least as good as The Strokes. I much prefer their straight-ahead, guitar-driven songs to the ones that sound like Roxy Music lite. Some of the weakest songs are near the front, so if you get this and start to feel let down, make sure you play it straight through more than once, since there's "Franz Ferdinand" wasn't quite as good as I expected from the hype, but they're at least as good as The Strokes. I much prefer their straight-ahead, guitar-driven songs to the ones that sound like Roxy Music lite. Some of the weakest songs are near the front, so if you get this and start to feel let down, make sure you play it straight through more than once, since there's some solid rock and roll here. I just don't think that they're any better than The Coral or The Libertines. Expand
  19. carlos
    May 16, 2005
    ummm good?
  20. Aug 11, 2013
    Genre: Indie Rock
    This debut album from Scottish indie rock band Franz Ferdinand may not be particularly long, but it certainly packs plenty into its running time. Quite rightly hailed by a number of critics as one of the best albums of the decade the band were able to create their own unique sound from the opening track to the last.
  21. May 7, 2011
    This Is a rock album, no more, no less so don't get into it thinking you will be blown away because you wont. The thing that makes this album great is the same as what makes daydream nation, Doolittle and raw power so good, they all sound **** awesome when heard at the right time. Full of exciting riffs and awesome passion. However, my citicsism is that they sound too much like theThis Is a rock album, no more, no less so don't get into it thinking you will be blown away because you wont. The thing that makes this album great is the same as what makes daydream nation, Doolittle and raw power so good, they all sound **** awesome when heard at the right time. Full of exciting riffs and awesome passion. However, my citicsism is that they sound too much like the strokes. They should have stuck more to their krautrock roots and been slightly more inventive, them the album would be a perfect 10 Expand
  22. May 25, 2012
    This is one of those albums that may not be the most complex instrumentally or lyrically, but is so much fun to listen to. Each song is very catchy and you can tell that the band was having a great time recording this album.
  23. Jan 6, 2012
    These guys burst onto the scene around 2004 with a strong debut full of pop songs that you'll find yourself dancing to. A Saturday night kind of record. They never quite followed up on the initial promise showed here. Some fantastic riffs on this, all delivered in an off beat, almost camp manner. Although probably what made the album popular for most, I don't like the vocals on thisThese guys burst onto the scene around 2004 with a strong debut full of pop songs that you'll find yourself dancing to. A Saturday night kind of record. They never quite followed up on the initial promise showed here. Some fantastic riffs on this, all delivered in an off beat, almost camp manner. Although probably what made the album popular for most, I don't like the vocals on this record. The campness kind of makes it hard to take seriously, but that may well have been the point. It's a pity they didn't expand on this in the albums that followed. could have been really interesting. Expand
  24. PeteM
    Mar 10, 2004
    I like a couple of the songs on the cd. They arent great tho. Thats all i got so....... bye.
  25. BenjaminBunny
    Jun 8, 2004
    Not exactly the second coming (of The Strokes, that is) but a damn fine listen!
  26. NicholasC
    Mar 15, 2004
    Good album but not fantastic, just because the Brits think they're good, doesnt mean everyone else has to! Lets think for ourselves people.
  27. johns
    Mar 16, 2004
    good but not great...every song is just a slight variation on the same concept of a sleazy eurodisco strokes sound
  28. JasperB
    Nov 13, 2005
    Without question this is a great CD, however the fact that it is nowhere close to Franz's debut really makes it seem worse than it actually is.
  29. BenS
    Sep 23, 2005
    With their geeky grins, dapper suits and wavy haircuts Franz are a truly new proposition. This album is a true ride of highs and lows from the brilliant (insanely catchy take me out), To the lows (frankly irritating come on home), overall though the manic indie scots come out on top!
  30. macca
    Jun 4, 2008
    Go listen to 'Antics' instead.
  31. jackiep
    Dec 29, 2005
    latohugh it is a worth while album, it is also the most sickeningly tedious one i have ever heard!
  32. giulia
    Feb 21, 2005
    too many singles, most people would think thats a good thing. but i cant get friends with it.
  33. DonW
    Apr 2, 2004
    This album is pretty disappointing given all the hype. I guess that should be expected by now after the previous string of critical darlings like The Strokes, Interpol, and then The Rapture. Apparently finding critical favor no longer has anything to do with creativity or innovation but rather is about emulating the right influences at the right time. This stuff is utterly disposable and This album is pretty disappointing given all the hype. I guess that should be expected by now after the previous string of critical darlings like The Strokes, Interpol, and then The Rapture. Apparently finding critical favor no longer has anything to do with creativity or innovation but rather is about emulating the right influences at the right time. This stuff is utterly disposable and inessential, but it does manage to function as marginally fun, tightly executed pop. Expand
  34. chineseboy
    Jun 30, 2004
    WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY overhyped mediocre album that drags on and on with angst filled lust songs that make you sick
  35. juanv
    Mar 15, 2004
    Hmm. After seeing the metascore and reading about references to the brit-pop sound, my interest was piqued. I was so inspired by the various professional reviewers that I even considered buying my first CD in months. I went to the record store and walked straight for it. Correction, I had to pull a piece of paper out of my pocket to remember the artist's name. After listening to the Hmm. After seeing the metascore and reading about references to the brit-pop sound, my interest was piqued. I was so inspired by the various professional reviewers that I even considered buying my first CD in months. I went to the record store and walked straight for it. Correction, I had to pull a piece of paper out of my pocket to remember the artist's name. After listening to the previous record (the only recording they had to hear) I was seriously bummed to find nothing original. I put it back in the rack, went home and downloaded the new album anyway. E! Online: "It's the album you wish the Strokes would've made." It might be the disjointed initial jams and raw ideas that they tossed 75% of. Muscially, I was not insprired. Maybe it will sink in with 10 listens. Expand
  36. SinYourPants
    Jul 30, 2004
    I give them credit for being interesting. If they made just instrumentals and saved me from the lame lyrics, this would be a lovable album.
  37. JessicaC
    Oct 21, 2005
    I just don't get it. I must be missing something. Even after repeated listens where I try to convince myself that the music, the lyrics, something, anything about the album is as great as people say, all I come up with is "Sure, it's all right, but..."
  38. Jul 18, 2012
    Instrumentation of the entire album is really praiseworthy. Nothing to say about that. It reminds an incredible psychedelic rock music touch inspired in the whole British music trajectory. "Take me out", "Dark of the matinee" and "Michael" are really good tracks. But, there's something strange and annoying on this record. Some songs are really disappointing. "Tell Her Tonight" seems aInstrumentation of the entire album is really praiseworthy. Nothing to say about that. It reminds an incredible psychedelic rock music touch inspired in the whole British music trajectory. "Take me out", "Dark of the matinee" and "Michael" are really good tracks. But, there's something strange and annoying on this record. Some songs are really disappointing. "Tell Her Tonight" seems a enormous tornado which destroys the apparent climax that the album tries to reach. Kapranos' voice is clearly overshadowed by a annoying echo. Not so well for being the start of the Neo-Indie-Rock age. Expand
  39. SamD
    Oct 3, 2005
    bleh, just, bleh
  40. UnzarJ
    Jul 9, 2004
    Two good songs, and one of those is on the video. Sound quality also a 4.
  41. Apr 25, 2012
    Time has not been kind to Franz Ferdinand, the band or album. What seemed fresh and new in 2004 now just appears as a lesser part of the garage band fad. Download "Take Me Out" for nostalgia's sake, but there's no need purchase the whole album.
  42. TadM
    Apr 7, 2004
    I was so exited about it and now that I've bought it, listened to it once and finding myself quite unimpressed and bored, I have no desire to given it any further time. I am so sick of hearing about them now that I have been so disappointed.
  43. Wes
    Aug 23, 2004
    Exactly how is this "art rock" in the least? Even if you listen to commercial radio, I can't see how this is inventive, original, or (insert other generic flowery language from reviews here) in comparison. It definitely should not be classified as indie, and those that think they sound like the strokes apparently haven't really given the strokes' albums a decent listen. Exactly how is this "art rock" in the least? Even if you listen to commercial radio, I can't see how this is inventive, original, or (insert other generic flowery language from reviews here) in comparison. It definitely should not be classified as indie, and those that think they sound like the strokes apparently haven't really given the strokes' albums a decent listen. I'm wondering how many of these reviews are put up the day someone gets the album, when they're impressed by the catchiness of repetitive garbage and think "Wow, I'm going to listen to this one forever" (see also Modest Mouse's Float On as compared to the rest of the album...it doesn't hold up...the problem is this album all sounds like the single...it's all disposable). Expand
  44. RobertE
    Mar 19, 2004
    Downloaded a bunch of the songs, and gave them a listen. I can see why some people might like it, but I'm not one of them. Nothing particularly special, new, or inventive here. But then, I thought that about the White Stripes, Yeah Yeahs, and all the other hyped bands that come and go. Thank you Kazaa for saving me another $15.
  45. KarenR
    Apr 15, 2004
    I fell for the hype, and now I'm disappointed and mad at myself for wasting my money. If you like The Strokes, you might like this CD. However, if you're sick of the Strokes, you won't be too impressed by FF.
  46. AceKabob
    Apr 14, 2004
    Damn the British music press - this CD is hopeless shite of the highest order. Other than the last forty seconds or so of "Take Me Out Tonight," this disc is utterly worthless. Save your money - this thing will be filling up used CD bins in just a few weeks, and you won't have to pay full price.
  47. PetE
    Mar 10, 2004
    WOW! It's the post-grunge recreation of the Talking Heads. Let me go kill David Byrne so he can roll in his grave.
  48. TimB.
    Mar 10, 2004
    Why is it that all these no name bands get great reviews. All these indie/art rock bands are nothing and will never be remembered for anything.
  49. Confessor
    Mar 20, 2004
    This is where indie rock goes to die. The NME has once again made us love an entirely miserable band. This disc sounds like entire sections of 80s underground bands being watered down so some ugly Brit boys can gather groupies. It's music that allows indie kids to listen to trash without losing their "cred"
  50. VanZ
    Mar 24, 2004
    this cd is total bullshit, another overhyped release. its just business not music
  51. Dec 30, 2010
    Brilliant collection of songs, "Michael" Is my favorite. Krapranos is an underrated genius, Franz ferdinand seems like a side-show band but sometimes I think its way better than Muse or most modern bands these days. One of the greatest albums of the decade and such a memorable logo for the album.
  52. Jan 2, 2011
    since im a big fan of the Arctic Monkeys, i hav never come across a band such like Franz Ferdinand. these scots has widen my taste for music, as i came to grew more to their sense of 'dance-punk'. I am all for their music!

Universal acclaim - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 31 out of 31
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 31
  3. Negative: 0 out of 31
  1. Frantic and rhythmic Scotpop with many echoes of so-'90s Blur in the sardonic jabs at middle-class bromides.
  2. It won't usher in a bold new era where boys are boys and bands play guitars, but there is more than enough here to chew over and enjoy.
  3. The most musically rich, catchy, smartly written "new new wave" record since Interpol's Turn on the Bright Lights.