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  1. Jul 9, 2014
    This album is exceptional. I can go back to it again and again. It reminds me of "albums" from the 70s, a whole piece of work where all the songs, back to back, are a journey and a complete listening experience. I have read that the majority of the album are essentially "live in-studio" recordings, a practice that seems to be rare these days and I think that is a major component in how theThis album is exceptional. I can go back to it again and again. It reminds me of "albums" from the 70s, a whole piece of work where all the songs, back to back, are a journey and a complete listening experience. I have read that the majority of the album are essentially "live in-studio" recordings, a practice that seems to be rare these days and I think that is a major component in how the songs take on a life of their own, even after repeated listens.
    It's an all time favorite.
  2. May 21, 2014
    I was amazed to see that "From the Ground Up" had no user reviews after a couple of years. I was on the site looking for reviews of Fullbright's new album "Songs." Let me put it this way: this guy is amazing and going places. The songs on Ground Up age very well. I still find myself listening to that album all the way through regularly. Several songs are on various playlists of mine.I was amazed to see that "From the Ground Up" had no user reviews after a couple of years. I was on the site looking for reviews of Fullbright's new album "Songs." Let me put it this way: this guy is amazing and going places. The songs on Ground Up age very well. I still find myself listening to that album all the way through regularly. Several songs are on various playlists of mine. They are solidly built, no frill affairs. So, they only get better as you get to know them. Jericho, Satan & St. Paul and at least 4 other stand-outs. My only criticism: the haircut. Buy this, you won't be disappointed! Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Q Magazine
    Apr 10, 2013
    There are songs here which recall protestant hymns, others full of Kurt Weill cabaret humour and slick, modern white blues that suggest an energised, liberal attitude to the traditions in which he's working. [May 2013, p.101]
  2. 80
    Well-made mid-American roots-rock by a young Oklahoman, who may harbour legitimate Springsteen/Fogerty fantasies.
  3. Uncut
    Apr 2, 2013
    From the Ground Up takes a heartland rock template and imbues it with tougher, weather-beaten elements asking big questions. [Apr 2013, p.72]