• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Feb 17, 2017
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 91 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 48 out of 91
  2. Negative: 13 out of 91

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  1. Jun 5, 2020
    Future's self-titled record is definitely a majestic example of one of the good ways to create and assemble a more-than-decent trap album. Future is filled with really enjoyably wavy songs (High Demands, Feds Did a Sweep, When I Was Broke and Might As Well above all), hard bangers (POA, Rent Money, Poppin' Tags and Flip) and very good trap stuff (Good Dope, I'm So Groovy, Massage in MyFuture's self-titled record is definitely a majestic example of one of the good ways to create and assemble a more-than-decent trap album. Future is filled with really enjoyably wavy songs (High Demands, Feds Did a Sweep, When I Was Broke and Might As Well above all), hard bangers (POA, Rent Money, Poppin' Tags and Flip) and very good trap stuff (Good Dope, I'm So Groovy, Massage in My Room, Super Trapper and of course Mask Off). The productions excelled and variegated, and Future's flows and lyrics almost always suit in. Future succeeds in holding the weight of a 20-tracks-long record without needing the help of anyone (Drake, Lamar and YG are good adds but not so essential), and manages to put in a trap project artists such as Kendrick Lamar who are more used to conscious hh sounds without sounding weird or out of place at all! Definitely a milestone! Expand
  2. May 3, 2018
    Beautifully textured and luminous production, complimented by the equally hypnotic vocals. Lyrics are playful by Future's standards, with a touch of much appreciated introspection here and there.
  3. Mar 25, 2018
    This album was decent, it had some really good songs like "mask off," "Draco," and "Scrape" but some of the other songs just felt so mediocre like "Super Trapper," "I'm So Groovy," and "Flip." It was enjoyable to listen to overall, but Future didn't really bring anything new or exciting.
  4. Jul 18, 2017
  5. May 16, 2017
    This album had perhaps the most lackluster lines we’ll hear all year from a prominent musician, with its ugliness and shallowness resulting in a long and lame work; you’ve taken a wrong turn if you listen to this album in search of any substantial quality. My Score: 78/180 (Bad) = 4.3/10
  6. Apr 16, 2017
    Usually I am a huge Future fan and was very hyped for this release, due to it being self titled I had high expectations however I was left disappointed. This project is far from awful, however it sounds bland and as if Future is rapping in autopilot about familiar topics such as guns and drugs. This project lacks depth or cohesiveness and is filled to the brim with filler tracks. The onlyUsually I am a huge Future fan and was very hyped for this release, due to it being self titled I had high expectations however I was left disappointed. This project is far from awful, however it sounds bland and as if Future is rapping in autopilot about familiar topics such as guns and drugs. This project lacks depth or cohesiveness and is filled to the brim with filler tracks. The only real stand out was 'Mask Off' and even that is flavourless lyrically. Expand
  7. Mar 22, 2017
    This Album is very deserving of its title. It's basically the soundtrack to living the future lifestyle. The lyrics are about Drugs and Sex. All the way through. Pretty much no exceptions here. Sure, there's a track that's a little more introspective here and there, but for the most part, it's about drugs and sex. So if you love drugs, and you love sex, you're gonna love the lyricalThis Album is very deserving of its title. It's basically the soundtrack to living the future lifestyle. The lyrics are about Drugs and Sex. All the way through. Pretty much no exceptions here. Sure, there's a track that's a little more introspective here and there, but for the most part, it's about drugs and sex. So if you love drugs, and you love sex, you're gonna love the lyrical content on this album.

    Additionally, when it comes to the instrumentals, they're **** amazing. They're mostly incredibly creative, but not so out there or hard to digest that they take you out of the vibe of a future album. They're simultaneously hard as **** and incredibly beautiful. They more often than not contain amazing, lush strings and/or synthesizers over hardcore bass and percussion, and the sound stages are incredibly wide.

    Over all, it's just an incredibly well done, above average trap album, especially the second half. The deep cuts are far better than the first few songs, which can be rather generic.

    If you're looking for amazing deep and scintillating, you're not going to find it here, and this is nothing incredibly special... but if you're about that future lifestyle, you're probably going to enjoy this record.
  8. Mar 3, 2017
    Did not like this one bit, probably the worst Album/mixtape he will do in his career, i miss the Future who did Pluto, that album was so dope, this is sounds like something put together in his garage and written lyrics in one day... hope he gets back to his Pluto days
  9. Feb 27, 2017
    I honestly (and controversially) found this to be Future's best album yet. More refined hooks, punchier lines and pleasantly subtle changes in production in comparison to previous records. The production efforts make the album sound less like a generic trap record and more exotic and experimental with records like "Mask Off" having Asian influences and "Zoom" having a very hypnotic chimeI honestly (and controversially) found this to be Future's best album yet. More refined hooks, punchier lines and pleasantly subtle changes in production in comparison to previous records. The production efforts make the album sound less like a generic trap record and more exotic and experimental with records like "Mask Off" having Asian influences and "Zoom" having a very hypnotic chime sound looping.

    The record makes a shift in production over Future's "Like Always" rapping in such a subtle way that it makes the album sound so much more intriguing and fresh but at the same time doesn't distance itself enough to put off old school Future fans. This record is not just Future repeating his formula that works very well to begin with but is expanding from a very good formula to something that works so much better. Other notable production efforts in the album is from the song "Massage in my Room" with a very sci fi-esk ringing loops and the song "Scrape" that has a very experimental hook and instrumental.

    Overall, I would recommend this to any Future fan and I also think this record would be more intriguing to those who have brushed of Future in the past.
  10. Feb 22, 2017
    Feature-length trap music that sounds pretty much the same top to bottom. Douchebags getting amped for a night out will probably love it. A lowlight in a strong 12 months for rap.
  11. Feb 21, 2017
    The album contains lackluster, repetitive production from many of the producers (mainly Southside) which makes this 17 track album boring. It doesn't seem like Future tried to evolve or improve at all as he stuck with the same techniques. The only thing that saves this album is Future's presence, because without it, it would be forgotten.
  12. Feb 21, 2017
    Too many album fillers and it makes the listening experience overwhelming. Not terrible but nowhere near good. The production is often lazy and repetitive and I don't know if 808 Mafia is to blame or not. This is a very sloppy effort for the self proclaimed "super trapper."

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Q Magazine
    Mar 14, 2017
    Two good albums, then--but more editing could have produced a single excellent one. [May 2017, p.104]
  2. Mar 7, 2017
    Here, production is the star, adding excitement and variety to Future's reliable, trap-star flow. 808 Mafia's Southside is at the top of the pack, with a hand in at least half of the album's tracks.
  3. Mar 7, 2017
    More of the same, then, but a productive kind of dead-end, clichés run hard into the ground.