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Generally favorable reviews- based on 178 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 33 out of 178

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  1. Feb 1, 2020
    This "album" is great. "London Roads, " "Without You," and Pick Up Your Heart" are still some of my favorite songs over 3 years later. It almost seems more like a mixtape with more polish and original beats than an album for some reason that I can't actually explain.
  2. Sep 29, 2018
    This was a great project. Honestly some of the "critics" are against rap culture...
  3. Nov 29, 2015
    I am absolutely stunned by the lukewarm reaction to this album from critics, so far. I was expecting this album to be trash, but Wayne killed it. I would argue that FWA is Lil Wayne's best project since Tha Carter III. I suppose the low critic reviews are because it's definitely not a concept album and there's nothing groundbreaking sonically. It's ludicrous to me, however, to penalize theI am absolutely stunned by the lukewarm reaction to this album from critics, so far. I was expecting this album to be trash, but Wayne killed it. I would argue that FWA is Lil Wayne's best project since Tha Carter III. I suppose the low critic reviews are because it's definitely not a concept album and there's nothing groundbreaking sonically. It's ludicrous to me, however, to penalize the album for this. The whole thing bangs, the production is absolutely outstanding, and every track except for maybe one or two is great, sonically. It has more of a mixtape feel, to me, but it's still a pretty great project as a true album. This is Wayne's comeback from all the Cash Money drama. FWA is aggressive, loud, and overall classic Weezy. ~ 7.6/10
    Best tracks: "Psycho" & "Thinking Bout You"
  4. Sep 3, 2015
    fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire
  5. Jul 13, 2015
    I usually hate Lil Wayne, but after listening to this album, I realised what was wrong with my life and changed the way I think. I was a 13 years old white boy from Mississippi who always listened to country and now I live in the Bronx as a black 25 years old.
  6. Jul 13, 2015
    One of the best rap album so far in 2015, to pimp a butterfly is nothing compared to this masterpiece, insanly creative ans the fact that it's only available on tidal makes it more personal, can't wait for his next project.
  7. Jul 12, 2015
    This album was different than anything Wayne has ever put out...It was introspective, fun, happy, dark,..all in 1 album...I don't skip a track and when I first heard it...It took me back where I had to listen again cuz I didn't expect this album to have this well-rounded sound...I loved it..
  8. Jul 12, 2015
    It’s pretty much considered a fact that Lil Wayne fell off ever since the release of his arguably classic *No Ceilings*. However, he showed a lot of potential in 2014 and 2015. Not only did he kill all of his own tracks (such as “D’usse”, “Gotti”, “Dreams & Nightmares”, etc.), but he also killed all of his guest features (“M’$”, “Smuckers”, “Thug Cry”).We were definitely anticipating thisIt’s pretty much considered a fact that Lil Wayne fell off ever since the release of his arguably classic *No Ceilings*. However, he showed a lot of potential in 2014 and 2015. Not only did he kill all of his own tracks (such as “D’usse”, “Gotti”, “Dreams & Nightmares”, etc.), but he also killed all of his guest features (“M’$”, “Smuckers”, “Thug Cry”).We were definitely anticipating this project.

    There are quite a few dope cuts on here; the real issue though is his consistency. There are some fantastic cuts off of here such as “I Feel Good” and “Glory”, yet there are some really underwhelming tracks such as “Post Ball Bailin’” and “Living Right”. The beats are dope for the most part, and Weezy can flow, but his vocal delivery can sometimes be really grating.

    Despite this, the highlights do outshine the lowlights. Weezy drops clever bar after clever bar on here, and continues to prove that he has a knack for coming up with intelligent multi-syllabic rhymes. He spits all of this in an intricate flow that never seems to lose its magic touch. He just gives off an impression of dopeness.

    In the end, this won't go down as the album of the year or Wayne's best album in general, but it is a pretty nice album. Weezy obviously still has some fire left in him, and all of us Wayne fans are patiently waiting for him to drop his highly anticipated Tha Carter V. If Wayne can cut out the more lack-luster tracks on the album, we'll all be in for a treat.
  9. Jul 12, 2015
    Right when you thought Wayne wouldn't be able to put out another outstanding project is the moment you were wrong. I haven't heard a great rap album like this since S4TW2 which is also a great project to check out.
  10. Jul 11, 2015
    Weezy is Free!
    This album starts with a strong track, Glory, which is his best in years... The next four tracks were on fire or just good... After that the album becomes less interesting until Jeezy's verse on the second-to-last track, White Girl, where Jeezy is always on fire when it comes to rapping about "white girls"... The last track, Pick Up Your Heart, makes the album end well with
    Weezy is Free!
    This album starts with a strong track, Glory, which is his best in years... The next four tracks were on fire or just good... After that the album becomes less interesting until Jeezy's verse on the second-to-last track, White Girl, where Jeezy is always on fire when it comes to rapping about "white girls"... The last track, Pick Up Your Heart, makes the album end well with great lyrics, great work by Cool & Dre and Weezy's outro speech...
    Wayne has improved from IANAHB2 and recent mixtapes and his subject matter has matured, but the album slightly falls short and makes me really crave for Tha Carter V...
    Best tracks: Glory, My Heart Races On, London Roads, Pick Up Your Heart...
  11. Jul 10, 2015
    The Free Weezy Album didn't let down. The first half of the album is great, the best opening to a rap album i've seen this year with Glory to London roads.It seems to die down after that with uninspired i'm that N***a and lazy Psycho it then picks up with Without you Post bail ballin and pull up, though i felt living right could have been better and white girl also but finishes with theThe Free Weezy Album didn't let down. The first half of the album is great, the best opening to a rap album i've seen this year with Glory to London roads.It seems to die down after that with uninspired i'm that N***a and lazy Psycho it then picks up with Without you Post bail ballin and pull up, though i felt living right could have been better and white girl also but finishes with the stellar track Pick Up Your Heart.The best tracks are Glory,He's Dead, PIck up your heart and London roads and the best features are Euro,Bibi Bourelly, and HoodyBaby. FWA was not lil wayne's best work yet but this is his best work since the Carter IV. Expand
  12. Jul 10, 2015
    insanely creative album, very dope concept, great lyrics, great flows, great production. definitely a classic album. definitely better then any young thug crap music.
  13. Jul 9, 2015
    definitely the best wayne album since C3, 2nd best album of the year after drakes. both are classics. this has better love songs, i've never heard wayne get this emotional on Album songs.
  14. Jul 9, 2015
  15. Jul 9, 2015
    very great album, it's a classic honestly. it's been out for one day but i can see it influenced plenty of rappers in the far future. it's one its way to being the most underrated album oat (thanks to critic scores)
  16. Jul 9, 2015
    Terrible album, Wayne disappointed once again. This album is filled with corny punchlines, overused subject matter, choppy flows, and poppy production. Wayne's worst project since Tha Block Is Hot.
  17. Jul 9, 2015
    Just an incredible concept album about a man who views himself in chains and barred by the harshness in society, who wants to be free. Can't wait for To Pimp a Weezy
  18. Jul 9, 2015
    damn i smoked so many kush to this music, i smoked more kush to this music then i did to the schoolboy q music. this album almost as good as Dedication four and five and I am not human 2. great album wezzzyyyy.
  19. Jul 9, 2015
    this album is a masterpiece, album of the decade to me man. i'm from compton so i know how wayne came up through the streets. this album is so awesome!!!!! way better then to crap a **** buy kendrakewannabe lamear. nice album weezy.
  20. Jul 9, 2015
    DAMN DOPE ABLUM BRUOHHHHH, I SMOKED SO MUCH TO IT. i was so interested in his lyrics bruh, he was really rapping about stuff and not stupid **** like weed and girls bro.
  21. Jul 9, 2015
    very pleasing album from start to finish, can't really find a bad spot on it. tho "im that **** wasn't the best song ever it was still listenable. i can get with this album. can't wait to play it in the whip and at a party.
  22. Jul 9, 2015
    i personally think the critic score does not reperesent this album at all. its at leas a 90/100. it's a 100 for me but it shouldn't be any lower then a 90.

    anyways this album is great, the concept is insane and waynes bars are fianlly back. i love this album so much. THANK YOU WAYNE.
  23. Jul 9, 2015
    great lyrics, great flows, great beats, great features. overall just a great album. i modern day classic. one of the best albums to drop in a while. rap was dying with hopsin barely keeping it alive but wayne helping now.
  24. Jul 9, 2015
    This album is way better than Beezus or Feminem. The only artist currently that can compete with this album is probably Hopsin, G-Eazy, Macklemore, Birdman, Immortal Technique, and Tech n8ne. Thats it. This album is the second greatest hip hop album ive ever heard, and ive only heard 4!
  25. Jul 8, 2015
    I came into this album not expecting this much quality, but I got it. From beginning to end I loved it. Wayne brings a type of flow & delivery to hip-hop that hasn't been seen before
  26. Jul 8, 2015
    great album, best of the year so far yes even better then that album by kenny lamar.

    he touches on alot of stuff on this album, from love, to obsession, to murder, to him shooting himself. great album.
  27. Jul 8, 2015
    wayne keeps it real on this album tbh, i haven't heard him rap like this in a while and it's very refreshing to hear him actually rap about something more then **** on a album.
  28. Jul 8, 2015
    Weezy fukd my beech Weezy fukd my beech Weezy fukd my beech Weezy fukd my beech Weezy fukd my beech Weezy fukd my beech Weezy fukd my beech Weezy fukd my beech Weezy fukd my beech
  29. Jul 8, 2015
    While lilwaynehq spams this album with 10 ratings, we all know that it is an awful pop album that proves Wayne's fall off isn't stopping any time soon.
  30. Jul 8, 2015
    love everything about this album its just pure flames all the way out bruh. i can listen to it in the whip, or while playing fifa, or while smoking lean or even while having oral sexs.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 10
  2. Negative: 1 out of 10
  1. The Wire
    Sep 2, 2015
    Those who lost interest after Tha Carter III may want to start paying attention again. [Sep 2015, p.57]
  2. 60
    Free Weezy Album is one of those records you sift through for flashes of greatness, rather than sit back and let it wash over you.
  3. Jul 14, 2015
    Free Weezy Album is on the whole decidedly mixed. Weezy still has his swagger, and with a little more effort he could add some substance to go along with it.