• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: May 19, 2023
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Universal acclaim- based on 128 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 6 out of 128
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  1. May 23, 2023
    Kesha starts the album showing that she wants to believe in something, and at the end, she says she wants to be happy. Even with all the weight of the world on her shoulders in last years, the artist delivers impeccable work and exposes all her vulnerability to the same society that turned its back on her. For those who didn't believe, even after the acclaimed "Rainbow", that the "Tik Tok"Kesha starts the album showing that she wants to believe in something, and at the end, she says she wants to be happy. Even with all the weight of the world on her shoulders in last years, the artist delivers impeccable work and exposes all her vulnerability to the same society that turned its back on her. For those who didn't believe, even after the acclaimed "Rainbow", that the "Tik Tok" singer could deliver a 10/10 album, here is the GAG ​​ORDER: a cry of desperation for her freedom and that demonstrates that Kesha can always be overcome. Expand
  2. May 19, 2023
    Since having achieved freedom from her cookie-cutter pop music abuser/producer/songwriter, Kesha’s music continues to impress with its creativity, experimentalism, raw lyricism, and extreme vocal versatility. Despite the album seeming a bit chaotic at times, the totality of the record nevertheless culminates in a highly cohesive listen. While the entirety of the record is undeniablySince having achieved freedom from her cookie-cutter pop music abuser/producer/songwriter, Kesha’s music continues to impress with its creativity, experimentalism, raw lyricism, and extreme vocal versatility. Despite the album seeming a bit chaotic at times, the totality of the record nevertheless culminates in a highly cohesive listen. While the entirety of the record is undeniably strong, the following tracks are immediate highlights: “Eat The Acid,” “All I Need is You,” and “Only Love Can Save Us Now,” with the latter being a perfect marriage of Kesha’s sound pre- and post-Dr. Luke, combined with a highly infectious, gospel-backed chorus that appears perfect for radio.

    Tracks like “Fine Line,” “Hate Me Harder,” and “Happy” are also extremely powerful. Highly recommend.
  3. May 19, 2023
    Kesha has matured so artistically and the lyrics are deep. The transitions from one track to another are very good. Gag Order is a journey of anguish and sadness and also a cry of happiness and freedom.
  4. May 20, 2023
    Insanely raw and true, you can feel the essence of a part of Kesha's life portrayed every second of this album, it's an incredible work of art.
  5. May 19, 2023
    Her best album. You can see how she grow up and how she becomes an amazing artists that can develop in several genres.
  6. May 19, 2023
    É tão sublime, q Kesha consegui entregar algum diferente e muito bom, juntamente como as cantoras de sua geração.
  7. May 19, 2023
    I loved this album! It's unlike anything I've heard this year, it's really worth listening to. congrats kesha for making yet another perfect album.
  8. May 19, 2023
    It’s raw, it’s liberating, full of emotions, amazing production, great lyricism, over all her best album yet.
  9. Jun 11, 2023
    Em Gag Order, Kesha nos entrega um trabalho que não é nada além de espetacular. Torna-se até mesmo difícil traduzir todo o sentimento que se formou em meu interior conforme ouvia essa obra em sua completude pela primeira vez. Sendo uma obra que definitivamente pode ser chamada de álbum, Gag Order é extremamente coeso e coerente em sua narrativa e desenvolvimento. Kesha, mais honesta do queEm Gag Order, Kesha nos entrega um trabalho que não é nada além de espetacular. Torna-se até mesmo difícil traduzir todo o sentimento que se formou em meu interior conforme ouvia essa obra em sua completude pela primeira vez. Sendo uma obra que definitivamente pode ser chamada de álbum, Gag Order é extremamente coeso e coerente em sua narrativa e desenvolvimento. Kesha, mais honesta do que nunca, compõe, produz e canta suas músicas traduzindo seus sentimentos e tudo pelo o que passou por meio de suas letras como se fosse uma carta aberta ao ouvinte que se dispõe em escutar o que ela tem a dizer. E ela faz isso de forma potente, com uma sinceridade brutal e totalmente admirável.

    Não tenho como não rasgar elogios para a produção incrível em todas as faixas, que são maravilhosamente construídas com muita maestria e pensamento, contendo múltiplos detalhes e diversos elementos sonoros que enriquecem estupendamente o som como um todo. Entre as faixas, Only Love Can Save Us Now marca uma transição no álbum, traçando uma separação entre as faixas anteriores e seguintes, de forma simplesmente fenomenal. Dito isto, a escolha de singles com certeza também foi fenomenal.

    Pessoalmente, eu estava com expectativas altas para esse álbum, principalmente pelos trabalhos anteriores da artista terem estabelecido um alto nível a ter que ser alcançado pela própria, e é com muita alegria que escrevo que além de minhas expectativas serem atingidas, elas foram superadas. Eu não poderia imaginar que o próximo trabalho dela seria assim, e isso é ótimo! Um traço incrível de um artista é a sua capacidade de reinvenção e inovação, algo em que Kesha novamente demonstrou ser especialista.
  10. Jun 18, 2023
    This album is genuinely amazing in every regard!!! SO GOOD! I’m begging everyone to give it a chance, it is one of my fave albums this year!!!
  11. May 19, 2023
    I really enjoyed the album. This is her magnum opus so far! ★★★★★
  12. May 20, 2023
    Gagging, raw, emotional & liberating! Post pop is Kesha's the right way to go! Such a joy to experience her journey and musical growth! Best of her till her next masterpiece (hopefully soon).
  13. May 19, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. One of the most beautiful and genuine albums I’ve heard in a long time. Kesha really showcases her talent and versatility with this one. I would say that this is an experimental sound, and it’s not like anything we’ve seen from her. It’s almost like she created a brand new genre of Post-Pop music.
    She’s addressed some of the serious issues she’s been dealing with on her old albums, but never like this. She is tired of being silenced and you can tell.
  14. May 20, 2023
    Kesha entregou o álbum mais conceitual de sua carreira, passando a proposta de dor e sofrimento de tudo que ela sofreu ao longo desses anos sendo um produto comercial. Ela está pronta para a próxima e deixou isso bem claro como forma de desabafo no Gag Order.

    Baby, That's My Freedom!
  15. May 19, 2023
    The lyrics are so real and beautiful. Her vocals sounds so heavenly. Kesha is back and will stay. This is a new beginning and I’m sure she is only starting. So thankful for this album. It’s really personal.
  16. May 20, 2023
    Kesha’s “Gag Order” represents her first true artistic feat as an overall package. Each individual song stands solidly alone while simultaneously (and strategically) transitioning the listener through Kesha’s often chaotic, yet still somehow harmonious, spectrum of emotions. The album should be listened to from start to finish as it is designed for intended impact. Stand outs are Hate MeKesha’s “Gag Order” represents her first true artistic feat as an overall package. Each individual song stands solidly alone while simultaneously (and strategically) transitioning the listener through Kesha’s often chaotic, yet still somehow harmonious, spectrum of emotions. The album should be listened to from start to finish as it is designed for intended impact. Stand outs are Hate Me Harder, Only Love Can Save Us Now, and Happy. Expand
  17. May 19, 2023
    This album fills up my heart and mind. I love it. I like this risk she took. With this new elements I’m he rmusic and her sincere and well thought lyrics
  18. May 19, 2023
    Her last album album under Kemosabe. Amazing work, let there be light for Kesha
  19. May 20, 2023
    Amazing and beautiful album is the best for you to be a security engineering and technology and I will be her friend is coming to be my most favorite song for you to be a security engineering and technology and
  20. May 23, 2023
    The most deep album of kesha yet. The vocals are really incredible and the lyrics are just agressivité beautiful. Love it
  21. May 21, 2023
    Esse álbum é pura arte!!! Foi a palavra final que ela precisava antes de finalmente terminar o contrato com o Dr L*ke, é um grito de liberdade e nos mostra o lado mais frágil da Kesha em forma de músicas, algo que ninguém nunca esperou dela, e o melhor, tudo isso em um álbum totalmente experimental e artístico!!!
  22. Aug 22, 2023
    I like when Kesha is experimenting with genres and sounds. The vocals are always great.
  23. May 19, 2023
    Álbum impecável do início ao fim, kesha foi muito perspicaz neste álbum, vocais poderosos, letras maravilhosas e sem dúvidas algumas um dos melhores álbum lançado por ela!!
  24. May 20, 2023
    Her best work to date and something that released at the perfect time for me. They say everything happens for a reason and sometimes the universe delivers right when you need it. Thank you Kesha.
  25. May 19, 2023
    Gag Order, que álbum extremamente poderoso é delicioso o gosto da raiva e amor colocado nesse álbum, incrível. Kesha como sempre sendo a artista foda que é
  26. May 24, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Gag Order is a fine line between entering new chapters, and reminiscing on old ones as Kesha is now finally choosing artistic growth over penning smash hits. Expand
  27. May 19, 2023
    I just listened to the album and it's beautiful I would like to go give Kesha a hug, she is very talented I hope her career continues to grow more and more, with this album she also shows us how good she is
  28. Jun 3, 2023
    Listening to it everyday since its been released. Actual healing experience. Best album of the year so far, just speechless.
  29. May 19, 2023
    This album New chapter for her career. She is taking the back her power but doing it with disgusting thoughts. Souls go on a spırıtual journey to fınd peace , quıet and reach a dıvıne place and she is giving to us this
  30. Jul 7, 2023
    Easily one of this year’s highlights in music. Amazing production, great lyricism and breathtaking vocals.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. 80
    Never has Kesha's music felt this inspiringly rich. It has all the potential of once again making her a staple on the music scene, and this time even beyond pop.
  2. May 22, 2023
    Angry and disturbing lyrics of this caliber would signify liberation for any other female artist. But it’s never been more evident than it is on Gag Order that Kesha is not a free woman. This makes it all the more difficult to enjoy Gag Order for what it is when there’s a blaring undercurrent that’s hard to ignore.
  3. May 22, 2023
    Though interludes from the late guru Ram Dass feel a little hokey, overall Gag Order is polished, powerful and affirming.