User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 15 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 15
  2. Negative: 1 out of 15

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  1. tom
    Apr 27, 2008
    Likely to be my fav record for 2008. Heavily suggest you get the import (2 of 3 songs are needed).
  2. DanielB.
    Jul 9, 2009
    Great album by an awesome but now sadly defunct band.
  3. GuyH.
    Apr 10, 2008
    Another hilarious album from the best comedy band around. Of course some folks just don't get the joke. Unfortunately - some of these folk work in the industry with their fingers poised over the nucleur button - and guess what - they've tried to wipe three of these tunes off the face of the planet. Why the fuss? Well because the lovely Jemima jokes about killing out of boredom Another hilarious album from the best comedy band around. Of course some folks just don't get the joke. Unfortunately - some of these folk work in the industry with their fingers poised over the nucleur button - and guess what - they've tried to wipe three of these tunes off the face of the planet. Why the fuss? Well because the lovely Jemima jokes about killing out of boredom (when the pizza has run out!) and knifing your best friend as an act of petty revenge cos she has started acting 'lame'. I mean, really - talk about a humour bypass! Living in the UK I purchased the international release and can listen to the classics 'Becky' and 'Black Hole' in all their glory. Better production than the debut but fear not - their music remains a laugh a minute hurricane of punk rock goodness. Just make sure you get the FULL VERSION. Expand
  4. JimA.
    Apr 1, 2008
    This is actually a pretty strong sophomore album from these kids. The guitar work and vocals are improved somewhat, making them a more mature and talented band. I like to think of them as a more pop-oriented Yeah Yeah Yeahs, or maybe a smarter college-age Paramore. Oh, and Universal needlessly censored the US release, which is a pretty big deal since the three tracks they removed were This is actually a pretty strong sophomore album from these kids. The guitar work and vocals are improved somewhat, making them a more mature and talented band. I like to think of them as a more pop-oriented Yeah Yeah Yeahs, or maybe a smarter college-age Paramore. Oh, and Universal needlessly censored the US release, which is a pretty big deal since the three tracks they removed were actually among the best on the disc. Order the import if that's possible. Expand
  5. anonymous
    May 9, 2008
    Universal gutted this album and did the band, the fans and themselves a disservice by removing the 3 songs they considered to be "too violent." Yes it's only 3 songs that account for 5 1/2 minutes, but it robs the album of 2 of its best songs, the revenge tale "Becky" and the hardcore burst "Blow Your Mind." This shifts the dynamic of the album by cutting the killer vs filler ratio Universal gutted this album and did the band, the fans and themselves a disservice by removing the 3 songs they considered to be "too violent." Yes it's only 3 songs that account for 5 1/2 minutes, but it robs the album of 2 of its best songs, the revenge tale "Becky" and the hardcore burst "Blow Your Mind." This shifts the dynamic of the album by cutting the killer vs filler ratio much more than it cuts the running time. There's still plenty of terrific punk assaults here, and Pearl deserves to be a superstar more than any other rock n roll girl. But seek out the missing song if you want a great album and not just a very good one. Expand
  6. EricC.
    Nov 19, 2008
    When they ditch the grating teen angst image midway through the album for the madness of food fights and zombies, the album takes off. Not great, but pretty darn good. Sucks that they broke up already, though. Oh, and the cut tracks are released on vinyl. Better start collecting LPs, suckers.
  7. RobertV
    Apr 21, 2008
    Be Your Own Pet comes out with a second CD and in contrast to the building singles that they released between their debut album and this most recent album, Get Awkward, all Be Your Own Pet does in this album is pervert their original score of 90 on their first album. The subject matter feels more immature and the recording quality drops exponentially. While Be Your Own Pet is an amazing Be Your Own Pet comes out with a second CD and in contrast to the building singles that they released between their debut album and this most recent album, Get Awkward, all Be Your Own Pet does in this album is pervert their original score of 90 on their first album. The subject matter feels more immature and the recording quality drops exponentially. While Be Your Own Pet is an amazing band with large amounts of energy, their energy has been channeled into something more like an album a 10 year old would make about "Not wanting to grow up" and zombies. It's listenable though. Expand
  8. TBone
    Jun 7, 2008
    I guess i need the UK version. They must have cut some good songs... The only two I like are: Zombie and Whats your damage. I really loved the 1st album.
  9. Alex
    Mar 19, 2008
    Get Awkward is overall a pretty fun record, although not as exciting as their earlier material. However, three songs mentioned in many of the reviews above are not on the American version, "Black Hole," "Becky" and "Blow Yr Mind." This seems a little strange, since "Black Hole" was released as a single and "Becky" has been the most talked about song on the album. Since it was clearly not Get Awkward is overall a pretty fun record, although not as exciting as their earlier material. However, three songs mentioned in many of the reviews above are not on the American version, "Black Hole," "Becky" and "Blow Yr Mind." This seems a little strange, since "Black Hole" was released as a single and "Becky" has been the most talked about song on the album. Since it was clearly not because the album needed to be cut down (only 35 minutes), there is only one possible answer: UNIVERSAL CENSORED THE ALBUM. "Black Hole" and "Becky" both contain references to killing, which likely did not go over well with the major label distributor. The UK version has all of the tracks...hunt that down if you want the songs talked about in the reviews or just download them to spite Universal! Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 27
  2. Negative: 1 out of 27
  1. Alternative Press
    There is a breadth of influence throughout, even if the energy level rarely falls below absurdly scorching and the sonic approach remains a fuzzy haze. [Apr 2008, p.150]
  2. Get Awkward is mostly more of the same but with more hooks, more wit, and a hell of a lot more emotion.
  3. Filter
    So even though the songs have great live potential and are manufactured with poppy punk precision, the end product doesn't quite fit the equation. [Winter 2008, p.95]