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Universal acclaim- based on 429 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 58 out of 429
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  1. Nov 6, 2015
    It's always a pleasure to say that I'm a fan of the Little Mix, just by the fact of them write this wonderful album, without stealing samples from hits. Derulas 5, say Fifth Harmony has never been butchered by hymns as Grown, Secret Love Song feat. Jason Derulo and OMG. They will never have an album as good as 'Get Weird'. Sorry harmonizers, but Fifth Harmony will never be good.It's always a pleasure to say that I'm a fan of the Little Mix, just by the fact of them write this wonderful album, without stealing samples from hits. Derulas 5, say Fifth Harmony has never been butchered by hymns as Grown, Secret Love Song feat. Jason Derulo and OMG. They will never have an album as good as 'Get Weird'. Sorry harmonizers, but Fifth Harmony will never be good.
  2. Nov 6, 2015
    The best pop álbum ever made by girlgroup.
    The best álbum from little mix A.K.A. best grilband eveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer
    Vocals on point.
    Lyrics on point.
    My life is complete.
  3. Nov 6, 2015
    Get Weird is by far Little Mix's best album to date. The lyrics are meaningful when they need to be and even on the more cheeky songs, the words still don't slip into the mediocre ones of today's society. The girls harmonies are completely tight and they take quite a risk putting two acapella songs on the LP. Anyone with ears should be able to tell Little Mix is a force to be reckonedGet Weird is by far Little Mix's best album to date. The lyrics are meaningful when they need to be and even on the more cheeky songs, the words still don't slip into the mediocre ones of today's society. The girls harmonies are completely tight and they take quite a risk putting two acapella songs on the LP. Anyone with ears should be able to tell Little Mix is a force to be reckoned with. They are no doubt the best girl group around today. They are extremely underrated and more people need to step away from the overly-sexualized, meaningless garb such as "give it to me i'm worth it". Give real music a chance and give it the recognition it deserves for once people. WAKE UP! Expand
  4. Nov 6, 2015
    Secret Love Song dona do álbum. Ai só to escrevendo pra aumentar o User Score mesmo. RAINAHS DO POP, AMO, PISAM MUITO, MAIOR E MELHOR GIRLBAND DA ATUALIDADE FODEEEEEEE
  5. Nov 6, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. pop perfection. may not overcome the salute, but it is noteworthy that this is an evolution, productions such as Hair and Weird People, for example. A.D.I.D.A.S. was a disappointment to me, especially the buzz that made her, the version of Secret Love Song with Jason is not bad, but the Pt II is much more exciting Expand
  6. Nov 6, 2015
    Best Little Mix album to date. The girl group have stated that they wanted to make an album where every track could be a single, an album with NO fillers, and to be honest, i think they have been extremely successful. MY favorite songs from the album are 'Love Me or Leave Me', 'Secret Love Song, PT II' , 'I Wont' and EVERY SINGLE OTHER SONG.
  7. Nov 6, 2015
    This album is incredible with some catchy melodies and brilliant vocals. Perfect to dance around to when you've had a bad day. Best songs: Love Me Like You, I Won't, A.D.I.D.A.S., Hair, OMG, Secret Love Song and Black Magic.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Nov 9, 2015
    Ultimately, Little Mix's stylish, decade-blending synergy works, and Get Weird ends up being a lot of fun.
  2. 60
    There are lots of little things to like about Little Mix’s third album.... But there are too many instances here of registers painfully over-reached, and uneasy compromises between emotion and arrangement.
  3. 67
    Too bad the quartet play it safe with glossy anthems, misty-eyed ballads, and rowdy pep-rally stompers.