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Generally favorable reviews- based on 8 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 8
  2. Negative: 1 out of 8
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  1. Mar 18, 2016
    Brilliant, James try and succeed in staying relevant. The singles "To My Surprise" and "Nothing But Love" are amazing, with nothing but love surely to be a crowd favourite at gigs. The obvious hidden gem is catapult, a song which could be one of James' best of all time, not just recent years. Overall this is an album which flows well, with all of the songs fitting and no real let downs,Brilliant, James try and succeed in staying relevant. The singles "To My Surprise" and "Nothing But Love" are amazing, with nothing but love surely to be a crowd favourite at gigs. The obvious hidden gem is catapult, a song which could be one of James' best of all time, not just recent years. Overall this is an album which flows well, with all of the songs fitting and no real let downs, however there are a few stand-out songs which make you realise that the rest isn't too far above average. A typical James album with Tim's vocals standing out over any instrument again and definitely worth a purchase, especially if you're a fan of James Expand
  2. Mar 22, 2016
    James fans have been longing the band's return-to-form ever since the 'Night/Morning' mini-albums venture came to fruition in 2010. Sure, 'La Petite Mort' was a good effort, showcasing the soft and mellow sound the British rock-pop group has been identified with, while attempting a few new things. However, the album did not transcend beyond a couple of songs that still linger on. Now,James fans have been longing the band's return-to-form ever since the 'Night/Morning' mini-albums venture came to fruition in 2010. Sure, 'La Petite Mort' was a good effort, showcasing the soft and mellow sound the British rock-pop group has been identified with, while attempting a few new things. However, the album did not transcend beyond a couple of songs that still linger on. Now, 'Girl at the End of the World' tries to reignite anew the band and propel it into a different direction, with more than a handful of songs striving to show the novelties. The verdict? A well-intentioned album that –yet again– falls short and does not culminate James newly adopted perspective. Yes, there are songs that certainly achieve it–'Alvin', with its 'Plastic Bertrand'-esque groove, and 'Surfer's Song', with its electropop vibe, not to mention the two lead singles. But there are as well pieces that feel flat and dull in comparison; too steady to ultimately seduce the listener, 'Dear John' being perhaps the weakest link. Ultimately, 'Girl at the End of the World' is a record that some people may enjoy (Tim Booth holds still his powerful vocals, which is worthy of listening), whereas others may not even mind. James is exploring fertile new grounds that, once it gets a handle onto its novel formula, may lead it one more time to great things. Expand
  3. Mar 23, 2016
    As a lifelong James fan from the United States, I was anticipating this album. I was very underwhelmed through my first few listens. I wasn't a fan of La Petite Mort - it seemed rushed and lacked any creative song writing. All albums previous to La Petite Mort were brilliant .

    Girl at the End of the World brought back a few good James memories, but it's not complete - many songs are not
    As a lifelong James fan from the United States, I was anticipating this album. I was very underwhelmed through my first few listens. I wasn't a fan of La Petite Mort - it seemed rushed and lacked any creative song writing. All albums previous to La Petite Mort were brilliant .

    Girl at the End of the World brought back a few good James memories, but it's not complete - many songs are not worth listening more than once...and I hate to admit it. So better than La Petite Mort, but far off from all albums of the past is how I would describe the latest from James.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Mar 22, 2016
    The closing title track is a pleasant enough number but reverts to the more safe James sound, a slight disappointment after the forward-sounding songs of the late middle of the album
  2. Mar 18, 2016
    Between this record and its predecessor, their creativity seems to have entered a fertile new phase.
  3. Mar 18, 2016
    If you do have another [James record], the chances are it’s stored away somewhere you don’t think about very often. The chances are, too, that The Girl at the End of the World, likeably well-intentioned as it may be, will end up in the same place.