• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Jan 27, 2023
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 83 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 36 out of 83
  2. Negative: 34 out of 83
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  1. Mar 2, 2023
    Gloria plays into the worst self-love tropes imaginable, and echoes meek self-validating sentiments in an effort to cleanse itself of its mediocrity. There is something so trite about the lyricism on this record. The words feel shallow in meaning and lost on the listeners who have heard the same sentiments echoed by social justice warriors ad nauseam for years before this record everGloria plays into the worst self-love tropes imaginable, and echoes meek self-validating sentiments in an effort to cleanse itself of its mediocrity. There is something so trite about the lyricism on this record. The words feel shallow in meaning and lost on the listeners who have heard the same sentiments echoed by social justice warriors ad nauseam for years before this record ever graced their ears. Expand
  2. Jul 8, 2023
    I'm sorry to say, but where was the Sam Smith who was a musical genius. His previous jobs demonstrated confidence, talent and admiration. But now... what happened? There is a Sam who wants to be different but who is not sure of himself, and that makes him show it in his songs and they are affected. It's not bad to want to be authentic, but you have to know how to do it and not get to theI'm sorry to say, but where was the Sam Smith who was a musical genius. His previous jobs demonstrated confidence, talent and admiration. But now... what happened? There is a Sam who wants to be different but who is not sure of himself, and that makes him show it in his songs and they are affected. It's not bad to want to be authentic, but you have to know how to do it and not get to the point of not knowing who you are. Expand
  3. Jan 27, 2023
    Sam smith's latestes begins well enough before succumbing to their poor pop sensibilities. Every track after the colorless no.1 single Unholy just fails to continue the streak the songs b4 it held. I can see the effort ,the vocals still deliver,the production still is serviceable but i just cant see myself returning to or remembering this. For one of the first big releases of this year itSam smith's latestes begins well enough before succumbing to their poor pop sensibilities. Every track after the colorless no.1 single Unholy just fails to continue the streak the songs b4 it held. I can see the effort ,the vocals still deliver,the production still is serviceable but i just cant see myself returning to or remembering this. For one of the first big releases of this year it sounds more like an omen than a promise Expand
  4. Jan 30, 2023
    Beyoncé did the real Queer Renaissance, Sam Smith restored the Middle Ages sanctimoniousness. It was supposed to be the album of freedom, of hedonism, of queer expressiveness. It sounds like the chorus of Italy's most oppressive and bigoted Catholic church. Gragorian and medieval chants, I don't hear queer dance wonders.
  5. Jun 8, 2023
    Safe to say this one of the worst Albums I have ever heard. This Album is just as musty as Sam Smith himself.
  6. Jan 30, 2023
    Rather than a queer rebirth, a beacon for being oneself, it looks like the march for light to the beyond. Anything but Beyoncé's Renaissance, Sam Smith has produced a dark, heavy, and very hard album.
  7. Jan 27, 2023
    Horrible portada, horribles canciones y un aún peor lead single repleto de payola. Este tipo va de mal en peor y no parece que vaya a mejorar jamás.
  8. Jan 28, 2023
    Such a downgrade in quality from Love Goes. Not a fan of this at all :( I hope their next album is better
  9. Jan 28, 2023
    sam smith is an international threat to public safety. i would rather be waterboarded than sit through another listen of this album.
  10. Jan 27, 2023
    His new music is so boring and he needs to stop, release music like before, 2014 was that year but then you tanked worst album of your career, sorry bro but that kim collab ruined the hype
  11. Feb 19, 2023
    yallah etoh haramir shima nai allah it was such a chore to get through y'all have no idea
  12. Jan 29, 2023
    I can gladly say, this is quickly going down as one of the worst albums I've ever listened to. Sam Smith is utter garbage with no talent whatsoever. This is an easy 0 and Unholy is the worst song I've ever heard. Sam Smith is the worst along with Rod Wave.
  13. Feb 5, 2023
    Worst experience of my life, Sam Smith's music is torture to my ears. 0/100 and easily the worst album I've ever listened to.
  14. Feb 2, 2023
    This album is so bad please delete it, its all ca&rryed by unh0ly and they did only songs for tiktok, stream Diamonds & Dancefloors by Ava Max instead xoxo
  15. Feb 2, 2023
    the album is repetitive and it becomes very boring and difficult to listen to, the sounds are not good
  16. Feb 4, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Safe to say this one of the worst Albums I have ever heard. This Album is just as musty as Sam Smith himself Expand
  17. Mar 20, 2023
    A lot of negative reviews, and there shouldn't be. Sam delivered brilliant vocals and production as they do on every album, one of their best bodies of work.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. 50
    While by no means a bad record, Sam Smith’s Gloria is largely hit-or-miss.
  2. Feb 10, 2023
    With songs that are both sacred and profane, with R&B and pop and disco and chorales, “Gloria” is all of that and more.
  3. Feb 3, 2023
    It's largely unobtrusive and serviceable, distinguished mostly by Smith's elastic voice and increased specificity and complexity to the reflective and romantic songs.