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Generally favorable reviews- based on 23 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 23
  2. Negative: 3 out of 23
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  1. Aug 18, 2020
    Only one word to describe this album... EPIC

    there’s a great mix of genres in this album and it feels like an evolution of WTTN there’s not a single song I skip and that’s very rare for me

    Picks of the bunch for me are: 1s & 0s, Playing God, Monolith, liquid, & brand new kids.
  2. Aug 3, 2020
    The musicians collected all the experience of the development of the rock directions of the early 2000s, limited it to modern sound and gave it out in the voice of British youth. The play on contrasts is the main trump card of "Glue" - industrial sound, aggressiveness, melody and romanticism are harmoniously mixed here.
    ____ It was the first time I heard Boston Manor, but I realized
    The musicians collected all the experience of the development of the rock directions of the early 2000s, limited it to modern sound and gave it out in the voice of British youth. The play on contrasts is the main trump card of "Glue" - industrial sound, aggressiveness, melody and romanticism are harmoniously mixed here.
    ____ It was the first time I heard Boston Manor, but I realized that I had made friends with them for a long time. Enjoy surfing the music waves!
  3. Jul 24, 2020
    This review contains spoilers. it is not an album that you enjoy I think it is the copy of the copy of previous works Collapse
  4. Jul 19, 2020
    This new industrial sound from Boston manor is just how I expected them to go. Ever evolving story telling with highs and lows to die for. The musicianship is superb; the pace and use of new ideas and sounds is testament to their vision for the future of British Rock. This is music that you can actually taste.
  5. May 20, 2020
    Song-to-song quality control is lost somewhat among the mix of grungy, Stone Temple Pilots-style 90s alt-rock, late-2000s emo pop punk and post-hardcore, and thrashing electronic metal a la Bring Me the Horizon, yet the angsty, energetic highs of this smorgasbord of sounds mostly compensates for the forgettable lows.

    Choice Cuts: "Plasticine Dreams", "Only1", "You, Me & the Class War",
    Song-to-song quality control is lost somewhat among the mix of grungy, Stone Temple Pilots-style 90s alt-rock, late-2000s emo pop punk and post-hardcore, and thrashing electronic metal a la Bring Me the Horizon, yet the angsty, energetic highs of this smorgasbord of sounds mostly compensates for the forgettable lows.

    Choice Cuts: "Plasticine Dreams", "Only1", "You, Me & the Class War", "Stuck in the Mud"
  6. May 14, 2020
    Glue is a great follow up to Boston Manor's incredible album, Welcome To The Neighbourhood. They not only continue to improve on their core sound, they also continue to evolve and grow as a band from a musical and song writing context. We get a fantastic mesh of WTTN and Be Nothing on tracks such as "Ratking" and "Brand New Kids" as well as some newer concepts ranging from the heavier endGlue is a great follow up to Boston Manor's incredible album, Welcome To The Neighbourhood. They not only continue to improve on their core sound, they also continue to evolve and grow as a band from a musical and song writing context. We get a fantastic mesh of WTTN and Be Nothing on tracks such as "Ratking" and "Brand New Kids" as well as some newer concepts ranging from the heavier end of things on "Monolith" and "Only1" to the softer side with "Plasticine Dreams" and "Terrible Love" .. Boston Manor continues to remain unafraid to try new things and it works. Only strikes against the album are one or two weaker songs and not using "Brand New Kids" as a lead single to follow "Liquid" ... 8.5/10 Expand
  7. May 6, 2020
    Very good from start to finish. Starts off big with Everything is Ordinary and 1s & 0s, and ends big with Monolith.
    A couple slower songs with Stuck in the Mud and Terrible Love.
    Great lyrics too throughout.

Universal acclaim - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    May 6, 2020
    Road-toughened beyond their identi-Emo origins to attain a formidably muscular grunge-tinged melodic fury. [Jun 2020, p.89]
  2. May 1, 2020
    Through channeling their frustration into their craft, Boston Manor have not only made their finest album to date, they’ve lent a voice to the disaffected youth of modern Britain at a time when that is sorely needed.
  3. May 1, 2020
    GLUE will appeal to fans of '90s alternative rock who are looking for more, but will continue to alienate Boston Manor's longtime pop-punk-loving fans.