• Record Label: Harvest
  • Release Date: Sep 9, 2014
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 166 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 9 out of 166
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  1. Sep 9, 2014
    True art. Listening to this album was made me zone out completely. Its just beautiful and truly inspiring. Banks is definitely the breakout star of 2014.
  2. Oct 29, 2016
    мастурбация мастурбация мастурбация мастурбация мастурбация мастурбация мастурбация мастур бация
  3. Jul 25, 2017
    Любимая Бэнкс... Этот альбом взорвал мою душу (если она у меня конечно есть) - люблю его. За каждую ноту, за каждое слово, за каждый вздох Джиллиан... А вообще он "не оставляет равнодушным, затягивает в пучину и дарит темно-прекрасное настроение". Эта пластинка - личный дневник с внутренним миром BANKS. Такие работы заслуживают 11/10.Любимая Бэнкс... Этот альбом взорвал мою душу (если она у меня конечно есть) - люблю его. За каждую ноту, за каждое слово, за каждый вздох Джиллиан... А вообще он "не оставляет равнодушным, затягивает в пучину и дарит темно-прекрасное настроение". Эта пластинка - личный дневник с внутренним миром BANKS. Такие работы заслуживают 11/10.
  4. Oct 13, 2020
    While I was listening this album, I felt like the drama and the love was in a perfect harmony. Banks used the Experimental beats to do an amazing work, with musics great and that really look like a Goddess.
  5. Sep 21, 2014
    Every single song on the 18 track deluxe version is meticulously crafted, featuring Banks haunting and powerful vocals, and most have a very sincere emotional tone and atmosphere. Goddamn, this is one of the surprise albums of the year for me--she has completely exceeded my expectations on this debut LP.
  6. Sep 11, 2014
    While I was listening this album, I felt like the drama and the love was in a perfect harmony. Banks used the Experimental beats to do an amazing work, with musics great and that really look like a Goddess.
  7. Sep 27, 2014
    Amazing. Very beautiful, I love her voice and the music fits her voice really well. Only reason i wouldn't give the album a 10 is because it was very long, some songs were forgettable. Still a great album.
  8. Nov 30, 2014
    Wonderful album. Banks really has a lot of vocal talent. Some songs on this LP drag out, but others pump up the mood. Ballads like "You Should Know Where I'm Coming From" and "Change" are highlights on this album. Other songs with more electronic style like "Goddess" and "Waiting Game" are necessities on the album. Overall, this album is great! I would definitely recommend buying it. 9/10
  9. Nov 27, 2014
    Harmonious, vital, dramatic, almost immaculate... some adjectives that come to my mind as I try to describe Banks and her first LP Goddess. For someone that listens to her for the first time, this record might be a beautiful collection of little masterpieces; yet, since I follow her from her first EPs, I can denote a lack of surprises: this entire album gets a bit long, and the mostHarmonious, vital, dramatic, almost immaculate... some adjectives that come to my mind as I try to describe Banks and her first LP Goddess. For someone that listens to her for the first time, this record might be a beautiful collection of little masterpieces; yet, since I follow her from her first EPs, I can denote a lack of surprises: this entire album gets a bit long, and the most important parts are songs that we already know. And though the new tracks are almost as good, they aren't as catchy and/or captivating. It's an incredible work of art, that really functions as the addition of different parts, demonstrating a talented and versatile new star. But it also gets stuck on its own conception and ends being irrelevant. Expand
  10. Oct 19, 2014
    In the beginning of this album, Banks sounds for me a little bit like FKA Twigs, but in the course of the album she shows that she has a big and artistic personality. With Dark and Angelic voice, instrumentals very sewn, I think she doesn't have a good tactic with the lyrics, but in the general I wouldn't change nothing.
  11. Dec 26, 2014
    Just got this as a Christmas gift from my daughter. Have never been a big fan of electronic music, but this record is a sonic revelation. The heavy vinyl feels and plays like it was mastered and pressed by someone who knew what they were doing. This is my first listen to her music and for a new artist she sounds awesome. The combination of her lyrics and the instrumentation she surroundsJust got this as a Christmas gift from my daughter. Have never been a big fan of electronic music, but this record is a sonic revelation. The heavy vinyl feels and plays like it was mastered and pressed by someone who knew what they were doing. This is my first listen to her music and for a new artist she sounds awesome. The combination of her lyrics and the instrumentation she surrounds them with is mesmerizing. Played back through a full range analogue rig you immerse yourself in the sound she created in the studio. Highest recommendation. Expand
  12. Sep 26, 2015
    Goddess is an exceptionally well-crafted album by an artist who clearly knows what she's good at. Most of Banks' songs are mid-tempo, dark, dramatic, and pretty chill, and while some people might understandably take issue with a lack of variety here, I think it actually makes for a pretty cohesive album. There are a lot of good songs on Goddess, but at 14 tracks (or 18 on the deluxeGoddess is an exceptionally well-crafted album by an artist who clearly knows what she's good at. Most of Banks' songs are mid-tempo, dark, dramatic, and pretty chill, and while some people might understandably take issue with a lack of variety here, I think it actually makes for a pretty cohesive album. There are a lot of good songs on Goddess, but at 14 tracks (or 18 on the deluxe edition), it is a little long, and I'd probably give it a 9 or 10 if she cut out a few songs. Expand
  13. Dec 16, 2018
    A gorgeous, dark, emotional and atmospheric debut record by new alternative R&B songstress, Jillian Banks.
  14. Sep 11, 2016
    Banks has some powerful vocals aligned with a very emotional and peculiar atmosphere. But, there are times that you feel that she's slightly missing the point and turning some songs into boring and obnoxious ballads.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. Sep 17, 2014
    Banks is at her best when roiling in the uncertainty that accompanies desire both thwarted and fulfilled.
  2. Mojo
    Sep 12, 2014
    Goddess weaves a captivating spell that many are certain to fall under. [Oct 2014, p.87]
  3. Sep 11, 2014
    Yet for all the individual moments of sleek electronic beauty, Goddess as a whole often sounds frustratingly unconvincing and almost fragmented in its production.