• Record Label: Geffen
  • Release Date: Sep 8, 2023
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 562 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 95 out of 562
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  1. Sep 8, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. realmente este álbum muestra mucho más crecimiento, trata temas muy interesantes como su crecimiento en la música, de las chicas americanas, además de una noche alocada con su ex, y la producción es muy buena, fue hecha con una banda y eso está muy bueno Expand
  2. Sep 8, 2023
    the album was amazing, each song had something to it and for me is a non skip album and i honestly would totally recommend. She’s going places and especially this album
  3. Sep 8, 2023
    Olivia Rodrigo has done it again. Full of those 2000s vibes, her lyrics continue to resonate in the best way with people. An already classic pop rock anthem!!
  4. Sep 8, 2023
    i did not think she could do it but olivia topped sour. amazing album. love lacy and get him back! especially
  5. Sep 8, 2023
    Es un álbum donde no se ve una evolución de Olivia Rodrigo como cantante, su lírica y técnica no mejoró, me esperaba mucho más, pero me termino decepcionando Se siente como si fuera la segunda parte de SOUR y me recordó a tiempos de avril.
  6. Sep 8, 2023
    Me gusta, tiene vibras de los años 2000, algo de rock, pop y letra un poco mas maduras qué el álbum pasado, pero en ciertas partes de las canciones encuentro muchas similitudes con SOUR, por eso mi calificación es 8
  7. Sep 8, 2023
    It was perfect from start to end. I love every song and their was no skip for me.
  8. Sep 8, 2023
    Haters are jealous , I love Olivia and she did such a great job with this one !
  9. Sep 8, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Favorite album of 2023 so far. Easily a contender for bpva at next years Grammy’s. Favorite tracks off the first listen all-american **** the grudge, and teenage dream Expand
  10. Sep 8, 2023
    this album was really all i expected and more.it was amazing and a perfect masterpiece.10/10!!!
  11. Sep 8, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. ate ate ate 10/10. track 1, 3 and the track run from 5-12 is simple unmatched. that’s 7 straight bangers with no arguments. lacy may need some time with me but her vocals on that track alone make up for whatever faults i originally saw. no skips. perfect album. i would not. change. a. thing. period. Expand
  12. Sep 8, 2023
    This is something you will never forget, just amazing.
    After Midnights by Taylor Swift this is one of those albums that become an instant classic
  13. Sep 8, 2023
    It's great, Olivia is giving us something fresh after many Clasic and Comercial pop, my favs are the slow down songs. I think Olivia is finding her sound. The she wrote the song, and the way she is so literal to giving us a story or just a feeling is so incredibly. There are two songs in the album that remember me to Drivers License, some notes are similarly and it's giving me nostalgic bcIt's great, Olivia is giving us something fresh after many Clasic and Comercial pop, my favs are the slow down songs. I think Olivia is finding her sound. The she wrote the song, and the way she is so literal to giving us a story or just a feeling is so incredibly. There are two songs in the album that remember me to Drivers License, some notes are similarly and it's giving me nostalgic bc it's been a long time since her debut. Her sophomore album is here and it's great.
    The main gender is of course the alternative rock, she is chill
  14. Sep 8, 2023
    A pop perfect album lol ijbol rofl, haters will hate but its such a goooooood album
  15. Sep 8, 2023
    Personally I had a lot of expectations on this album. A total flop.Personally I had a lot of expectations on this album. A total flop.Personally I had a lot of expectations on this album. A total flop.Personally I had a lot of expectations on this album. A total flop.
  16. Sep 11, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Great albums that is sonically cohesive and lyrically amazing!l The punk rock leaning album guts is refreshing and soothing. Ballads like vampire take you to such a high. While Pop rock anthems like get him back make the album a little more light hearted. Guts has a more mature feel to is predecessor sour. Expand
  17. Sep 8, 2023
    Well, Olivia Rodrigo has increased her discography with this new masterpiece. Her sophomore album "GUTS" is probably the best thing she has done in her career so far.
  18. Sep 8, 2023
    Very solid album, had a lot of Pop Punk sounds, which isn’t bad but I’d thought we’d have more “Driver’s License” ballads on this album.

    Overall good album, and a perfect follow up to her debut SOUR
  19. Sep 8, 2023
    É melhor que sour, mas sinto que não teve um grande salto de crescimento como artista
  20. Sep 8, 2023
    this album is bringing female pop punk BACK! love her and her lyricism. this album encapsulates growing up and making mistakes and i feel so seen by all of the songs on it.
  21. Sep 8, 2023
    Nice album good lyrics AND nice vocal job, this album looks better than sour AND her aesthethic Is More fresh AND More mature
  22. Sep 8, 2023
    un álbum increíble dónde Olivia demuestra su gran capacidad cómo compositora y su versatilidad cómo la gran artista que es
  23. Sep 8, 2023
    Olivia has done it again! She is so insanely talented and this album is perfection!
  24. Sep 8, 2023
    ela veio e conseguiu fazer novamente! guts entrega absolutamente tudo. ele é coeso e diferente do sour. olivia consegue se consolidar muito bem como uma das maiores artistas da geração, sua escrita é impecável e as técnicas vocais são maravilhosas. fácil de se relacionar, ela canta sobre suas dores de uma jovem adulta e consegue conquistar o mundo outra vez.
  25. Sep 8, 2023
    Kinda Mid for a 2023 album and sounds so much alike to Sour, Imma give it a 7/10
  26. Sep 8, 2023
    the best album i’ve ever heard!!!!! don’t have literally any skipped song
  27. Sep 8, 2023
    princess people!!!!! Guts is sooo different from sour, olivia is doing a great job, she comes to stays!!!!! Guts is about a teenager passing for some **** and she makes in poetic way
  28. Sep 8, 2023
    olivia is such a talent! this album is a masterpiece and definitely album of the year without a doubt
  29. Sep 8, 2023
    Robot hate is on olivia, this is a good album, some people should stop hating.
  30. Sep 8, 2023
    parece a continuação de sour, não é um álbum em que ela se revolucionou como cantora nem nada do tipo, mas no geral me agradou e é um álbum bastante sólido.

Universal acclaim - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. Sep 18, 2023
    “Teenage Dream” recycles a song title of Katy Perry’s and echoes a twisty-turny melody of Lana Del Rey’s. Yet Rodrigo’s emotional presence is so strong throughout “Guts” — so believable even at its most unrelatable — that you never lose the sense of a specific young person navigating a trial of her own making.
  2. Sep 15, 2023
    GUTS is emphatic proof that Rodrigo isn't just good for a kid -- she's grown into an artist with plenty of things to say, and the confidence and eloquence to say them her way.
  3. Sep 13, 2023
    These songs show that Rodrigo isn’t done after GUTS.