
Mixed or average reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 7
  2. Negative: 1 out of 7
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  1. Nov 28, 2018
    "Jingle Bells (In Memory of Avicii)" doesn't fit the vibe and it carries only trace elements of the titular holiday standard, so it stops the party cold halfway through. Cut this track out and Happy Xmas delivers some cheery Christmas vibes.
  2. Nov 28, 2018
    The pleasant surprise is the balance between his blues and adult pop instincts that's broad enough to include a fascinating disco-rock meeting-of-the-minds rendering of "Jingle Bells" and his canny interpretations of "White Christmas" and "Away in a Manger," along with one original, "Christmas Tears."
  3. 70
    This set of modestly scaled blues remakings of classics finds dignity in the downtrodden.
  4. Dec 21, 2018
    There is at least one major head-scratcher among these smarter choices: an unnecessary EDM version of “Jingle Bells” (seriously) that Clapton has dedicated to Avicii. But the rest of the set is suitable for anyone who needs a Santa with a Slow Hand.

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