• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Jul 16, 2002
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 50 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 45 out of 50
  2. Negative: 4 out of 50

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  1. Mar 26, 2020
    Yes, it was juvenile, messy and unrefined but so were The Stooges.
    Yes, it was derivative and they made no bones about playing obvious homage to their influences but so were Nirvana and The Beatles when they started.
    Yes, the doubters and haters dismissing them as flash in the pan NME hype were validated when they clearly had nothing left in their tank except to try the same formula with
    Yes, it was juvenile, messy and unrefined but so were The Stooges.
    Yes, it was derivative and they made no bones about playing obvious homage to their influences but so were Nirvana and The Beatles when they started.
    Yes, the doubters and haters dismissing them as flash in the pan NME hype were validated when they clearly had nothing left in their tank except to try the same formula with their follow up.
    And no, Craig Nichols certainly didn’t turn out to be the mad genius Brian Wilson of the 21st century, some of us had hoped he would. He was just mad.
    But its 2020 and I still throw on this album from time to time. And I am transported back to that feeling of limitless possibility when you first start writing songs. When everything is new and four chords are all you need to write a melody just like your idols. You could even throw in a 3 or 4 part harmony if you want - **** it, why not, no one’s done that since 1969 (Homesick, Mary Jane). And if you hear that guitar solo from ‘Easy Like Sunday Morning’ somewhere in the song but you can’t play it, just yell it into the microphone over and over AND OVER again ( Country Home). Hell, rewrite the cheesiest Paul McCartney song and scream Kurt Cobain hey’s and aah’s in the chorus and then guitar solo the verses just like he did in Smells Like Teen Spirit (Factory). It ****in' works, because you thought to do it when no else did.
  2. Aug 31, 2014
    Remarkable for the width and the melodic intuition of the songs. Beautifully sung, essential rock from a place outside the city centers. The title retains some mystery after all these years but remains well chosen. The singer is highly evolved, and so is the rock album after decades of refinery.
  3. Aug 28, 2014
    One of my personal favourites, one of the few good albums of this century. Garage Rock needs to come back! Replace the **** we have now called "Indie Rock".
  4. Jun 28, 2012
    The Vines debut smoulders like hot rocks on asphalt and then suckerpunches you with absurdly gifted melodic harmonies. After being diagnosed with Asperger's and generally becoming an unfortunate caricature of himself, the mercurial Craig Nicholls doesn't seem like he was ever much of a rock star. But let me tell you he definitely was and probably still is. I saw the Vines play materialThe Vines debut smoulders like hot rocks on asphalt and then suckerpunches you with absurdly gifted melodic harmonies. After being diagnosed with Asperger's and generally becoming an unfortunate caricature of himself, the mercurial Craig Nicholls doesn't seem like he was ever much of a rock star. But let me tell you he definitely was and probably still is. I saw the Vines play material from their debut album on the Radio 1 Stage of the Reading Festival, which incidentally was being recorded. This was a Nicholls who emerged in puffs of smoke and lights to an uproarious reception. Touting a huge spliff for the entire gig may not be pc, but it enabled Nicholls to reign in his madness and just generate pure rock and roll, screeching into the mic like a baby pteradactyl. 'Highly Evolved' is the perfect single, just 1 min 20 secs of pop punk noise. 'Autumn Shade', 'Homesick', 'Country Yard' and 'Mary Jane' are all sonic gems, rippling with waves of beautiful harmonies. 'Outtathaway' is raw and ridiculous as is the pounding 'Get Free'. Relish this album, there is something special about this band that reveals itself on repeat listens. Expand
  5. Victoria
    Nov 15, 2006
  6. Lunastar
    Feb 8, 2006
    This album is amazing. It was just so different from what was out there when it came out (and is still extremely enjoyable almost 4 yrs later)! Craig's vocals are something new and refreshing that you don't hear very often. Not only can he carry a tune, but when he screams it's not that hardcore shit that people have tried to pull off lately. I think when they came out This album is amazing. It was just so different from what was out there when it came out (and is still extremely enjoyable almost 4 yrs later)! Craig's vocals are something new and refreshing that you don't hear very often. Not only can he carry a tune, but when he screams it's not that hardcore shit that people have tried to pull off lately. I think when they came out people kept trying to group them with Nirvana, but they're just so different...which is so obvious with this CD. This is truly one of those CDs you can listen to from beginning to end without skipping the fluff in between!!! I suggest you buy this...as well as the new album coming out (Vision Valley) on April 4th in the US!!! Expand
  7. robbied
    Apr 13, 2005
    this cd is awesome. im sorry that the critics dont see it. ohh wait they love the white strips though. the white stripes are terrible. the vines are awesome i mean this album rocks..if u want to get hype listen to outtatheway, and if you want to chill listen to mary jane or homesick so many good songs on this cd
  8. CollinC
    Mar 18, 2005
    Critics suffer from a case of over-analysis. They wanna be the first to make a comment that hasn't been made. This is a clean mix of dirty rock. As a musician myself, I realize the genious of writing. It's about writing something that is catchy. That's genious. The vines have a great skill in making music that grabs you and rocks you, whether you want it to happen or not. Critics suffer from a case of over-analysis. They wanna be the first to make a comment that hasn't been made. This is a clean mix of dirty rock. As a musician myself, I realize the genious of writing. It's about writing something that is catchy. That's genious. The vines have a great skill in making music that grabs you and rocks you, whether you want it to happen or not. This album is a beautiful concoction of the obvious chord progression and simple arrangement with tasteful and impeccable musicianship. It's a pleasant paradox. Expand
  9. KateJ
    Sep 4, 2004
    This is the best thing I've ever heard. I love vines. I love Craig Nicholls. They're Best
  10. MariahM
    May 16, 2004
    Damn. This album rocks to the core, I think it surpasses anything I've ever heard. I love how the songs can shift from a ripping mess of guitars and pounder drums, to a sweetly lulling melody of charming tune. Craig... I can't describe him. He's like some other species. He's crazy that's for sure, but how can you NOT love him? He's not insane crazy, but wild Damn. This album rocks to the core, I think it surpasses anything I've ever heard. I love how the songs can shift from a ripping mess of guitars and pounder drums, to a sweetly lulling melody of charming tune. Craig... I can't describe him. He's like some other species. He's crazy that's for sure, but how can you NOT love him? He's not insane crazy, but wild as hell. Though, he can seem pretty off his rocker some times, eh? He seriously did get free, free from what people think of him. He doesn't care, does what he wants, and never keeps his hair under control. That's what makes him great, aside from being so ridiculously attractive...-dies- He has his own way of doing things, that should be filed under "Nicholls, Craig". And if you think otherwise, keep your mouth shut, or you won't have one in the morning. Expand
  11. DianaM
    Sep 15, 2003
    Craig Nicholls is the hottest and greatest singer alive! I especially love the song Mary Jane.
  12. johnb
    Sep 15, 2003
    This is a great album from a truely gifted band. I saw them live in Hartford, Connecticut and was even more impressed. Can't wait for the follow up. Does anyone have any news on when it's due?
  13. DomS.
    Aug 10, 2003
    Nicholls has taken one too many bong hits. His song-writing has the maturity and overall skill of a retarded three-year-old. Leaving the hype aside, this band is about as important and consequential to rock as my home recording of my dog taking a crap, complete with all the obligatory grunting. Vivacity and languidness? If you want that, check out Bonnie "Prince" Billy or the Liars or Nicholls has taken one too many bong hits. His song-writing has the maturity and overall skill of a retarded three-year-old. Leaving the hype aside, this band is about as important and consequential to rock as my home recording of my dog taking a crap, complete with all the obligatory grunting. Vivacity and languidness? If you want that, check out Bonnie "Prince" Billy or the Liars or Spoon or anything else besides these wretched wankers. Don't buy into it. Please don't. Spare the rest of us from any more. Expand
  14. DonkeyH
    Jul 19, 2003
    Amazing melodic poetic. This is the best album out in ages and im the biggest critic of music normally. Nicholls voice has versatility which u dont usually see in many good bands around now. and who suggested listenin to the strokes or white stripes?? I like them bands but the strokes are just velvet underground rehashed and the white stripes havent got a massive texture of sound, you Amazing melodic poetic. This is the best album out in ages and im the biggest critic of music normally. Nicholls voice has versatility which u dont usually see in many good bands around now. and who suggested listenin to the strokes or white stripes?? I like them bands but the strokes are just velvet underground rehashed and the white stripes havent got a massive texture of sound, you only like them beacuse they're new, fashionable and ALSO OVERHYPED by NME, the yeah yeah yeahs, as good as they are, Karen O sounds like shes bein strangled...melodic eh??. I suggest you go see the vines live cos they know how to get a crowd goin one minute then mellow everyone out with a rendition of Mary jane. Im serious, for all the hype the vines get, they deserve every bit of it. I agree they show a lot of influences in their music but its a blend of styles which is wot i love about the band. THey dont care, they arent the strokes, white stripes or the hives, they have a league of their own. I cant put this album away, will never forget their live performance and this is cumin from a big critic of music in our time. Expand
  15. TimC
    Jun 22, 2003
    Great for begining to end....
  16. cv
    Jan 7, 2003
    you critics dont now a good band when you see one the vines are fucken good yeah some songs are slow but they mellow you out from all the semi hard rock shit you guys dont know music when you here it i think the vines are very talented Nicholls is a very good writer i people dont listen to the critics they dont know music you should buy this cd its good
  17. Dora???
    Jan 4, 2003
    I love Their Cd and I love Craig But I can't find his mailing or e-mail address I have seared 4ever now and i cant find it.can any one HELP. Please And Thank u
  18. KatyM
    Jan 4, 2003
    I love this album. Craig is ultimately the new Kurt Cobain. A mix of drums, bass, guitar, and two great voices. Its overwhelming '1969' and 'Mary Jane' are definetly the high points of this CD. While songs like 'In the Jungle' show some attitude.
  19. kci
    Nov 21, 2002
    The album was great, and Craigs pretty hot for a pot head.
  20. IralZ
    Nov 11, 2002
    I don't see what is wrong with all these fucking critics. I guess that's just what they are payed to do. The Vines' album, "Highly Evolved" is really one of the best albums out there. It combines grunge, and a touch of pop maybe, with style and fun. I love all the headbanging tunes that leave you wanting more. The Vines have become one of my favorite bands now. And I think I don't see what is wrong with all these fucking critics. I guess that's just what they are payed to do. The Vines' album, "Highly Evolved" is really one of the best albums out there. It combines grunge, and a touch of pop maybe, with style and fun. I love all the headbanging tunes that leave you wanting more. The Vines have become one of my favorite bands now. And I think its wrong to judge them by their mistakes they might make. We all make mistakes, we're just human after all. Expand
  21. KerriS.
    Oct 14, 2002
    This is the greatest album I have ever had the privilege to hear
  22. stephanie
    Sep 17, 2002
    this album rocks and kicks so much a$$. I als ohope that grunge comes back i hope that nirvana releases the unfinished album so we can hear what theyre last couple of songs were!!
  23. CodyC.
    Sep 10, 2002
    all u people suck! the vines r the best band ever in the history of bands. give em a chance!
  24. BrianO.
    Aug 31, 2002
    great album! they are one of my fav bands now.
  25. dmj
    Aug 30, 2002
    This album fucking rocks, great for a debut and certainly better than Nirvana's debut Bleach. I like Nirvana, but the Vines don't sound like them at all. Nirvana had this deep, dark bass sound, and some of there songs unfortunately inspired the nu-metal garbage of today(negative creep, scentless apprentess, hairspray queen) the vines are just straight rock, no frills.
  26. IanC.
    Aug 22, 2002
    It irritates me when people classify the Vines as a neo-grunge band because they obviously only listened to the single. Only two songs throughout the entire album are "grunge-y." The rest channel a wide variety of musical styles, most notably Brit-pop and folk. One or two songs aren't very memorable, but the rest display a dazzling mastery of various genres. More importantly, this is It irritates me when people classify the Vines as a neo-grunge band because they obviously only listened to the single. Only two songs throughout the entire album are "grunge-y." The rest channel a wide variety of musical styles, most notably Brit-pop and folk. One or two songs aren't very memorable, but the rest display a dazzling mastery of various genres. More importantly, this is an energizing record and it's obvious that the band had a blast making it. And that's definitely more important than any classification. Expand
  27. JB
    Aug 12, 2002
    Everyone I know who owns this album doesn't like the Vines, they like the memories they're reminded of. Get past that, and this is not a good rock record.
  28. TeresaC.
    Aug 8, 2002
    The Vines aren't awful, but they lack individuality and a memorable song. I'd recommend buying the second two White Stripes album or The Strokes' "Someday" instead.
  29. AaronL.
    Jul 27, 2002
    Has it's moment and as a whole it is the best of the new rock bands like The Strokes and The Hives. Although they rock out, their ballads (especially 'Mary Jane') are quite outstanding and puts them near the top of the heap.
  30. BenC.
    Jul 24, 2002
    'We want more grunge and we want it NOW because most of us are too young to have known anything about Nirvana when they were on the scene'... is what I would say if I were a pratt and were 5 years younger now. Get a life, Nirvana's music still exists, don't try to replace them with this turd. How many times can you listen to a band rip off all the other good bands who 'We want more grunge and we want it NOW because most of us are too young to have known anything about Nirvana when they were on the scene'... is what I would say if I were a pratt and were 5 years younger now. Get a life, Nirvana's music still exists, don't try to replace them with this turd. How many times can you listen to a band rip off all the other good bands who were original in their day? None. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 18
  2. Negative: 2 out of 18
  1. A promising first effort that suffers from retro fever.
  2. Q Magazine
    The Australian quartet's debut album justifies the fuss that followed its title track's bubblegum approximation of Nirvana. [July 2002, p.121]
  3. 43 minutes of thrills.