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Universal acclaim- based on 164 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 9 out of 164

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  1. F.L.
    Jun 8, 2007
    Soooooo nice.
  2. DMcQ
    Jul 1, 2007
    6 months in my Frontrunner for album of the year...Fascinating combination of Ultra Energetic Pop Pastiche (A crazy blend of Beatles/Prince/Berlin-era Bowie References) and deeply personal lyricism. Though completely different in sound and feel, shares with Sleater-Kinney's The Woods a sense of late-career breakthrough...this an incredibly confidant, daring album...too quick and 6 months in my Frontrunner for album of the year...Fascinating combination of Ultra Energetic Pop Pastiche (A crazy blend of Beatles/Prince/Berlin-era Bowie References) and deeply personal lyricism. Though completely different in sound and feel, shares with Sleater-Kinney's The Woods a sense of late-career breakthrough...this an incredibly confidant, daring album...too quick and chaotic for some, but a jewel to be treasure for those that can. Brilliantly sequenced too, with many of the songs thematically merging into one another. And in The Past is a Grotesque Animal the best song of the year. Expand
  3. GZ
    Feb 3, 2007
    Brilliant! nuff said
  4. JoseC
    Mar 5, 2007
    Probably there best work of there career. Very catchy, fun, thrilling, weird, and absolutely stunning! The best album so far this year.
  5. TrekD
    Mar 5, 2007
    Awesome, just awesome! I haven't had this much fun listening to music in a long, long time.
  6. Nelly
    Apr 9, 2008
    Outrageous... one of the best I've heard in a long time... we were born... unbelievable tune.
  7. IsaacC
    Jan 23, 2007
    Another concept album for Of Montreal that is not short of the talent and artistic genius we have come to expect from Kevin Barnes. The story is one that tells of Kevin's struggle to find himself. It revolves around him transforming into an eternal alter ego- Georgie Fruit, a character resembling rockers like Freddie Mercury whose central preoccupations are generally music, love and Another concept album for Of Montreal that is not short of the talent and artistic genius we have come to expect from Kevin Barnes. The story is one that tells of Kevin's struggle to find himself. It revolves around him transforming into an eternal alter ego- Georgie Fruit, a character resembling rockers like Freddie Mercury whose central preoccupations are generally music, love and drugs. The climax of the entire album is where the transformation takes place- in the approximately 12 minute "The Past is a Grotesque Animal"-the essential stripping-down of the previous being. Through the entire album evidence of the glamour of rock come through sexual and drug references. And following the trend set by these concept albums, the songs are again upbeat-intricate, beautiful melodies in front of the dance-able bass lines that bring most back to the '70s. Dottie's synth resonates along with the music providing for the feel-good vibe absorbed by the listener. Kevin's ability as a lyricist is passed through the spot-free mirror of his insanely memorable and extraordinary voice-each assertment of "you ain't got no soul power" and "I want to hit her but I can't, I can't, I can't!" possesses the listener to become so familiar with the song as if it were always embedded in their souls. I found myself utterly familiar with EVERY song and EVERY lyric upon the first listen. And the same Beatle-esque melodies and the canvas music compostition style of Queen still apper as sheer as on The Sunlandic Twins. By far atop the string of concept albums released by Kevin Barnes and company. Of Montreal shows again why they are atop the throne of the Indie Pop scene. Expand
  8. thomasl
    Jan 24, 2007
    When the band released some teaser mp3's earlier I was looking to be disappointed, but after hearing it all together as one work i am blown away. i want to listen to it constantly. i hope this doesn't mean i get burned out on it quickly - i hope it remains a constant and grows and grows like the 12 minute "The Past is a Grotesque Animal." This is a song unlike any OM has When the band released some teaser mp3's earlier I was looking to be disappointed, but after hearing it all together as one work i am blown away. i want to listen to it constantly. i hope this doesn't mean i get burned out on it quickly - i hope it remains a constant and grows and grows like the 12 minute "The Past is a Grotesque Animal." This is a song unlike any OM has released before. A song that feels like you are experiencing it being created at that very moment that you are listening to it. It is NOW forever. "Grolandic Edit" and "She's a Rejector" will not leave my brain for a while. An album that explores some territory that Beck did with Midnite Vultures, I 'm sure it will be in most top 10 lists at the end of the year. Expand
  9. bryndiso
    Jan 31, 2007
    brilliant. heart-wrenching and utterly danceable at the same time. barnes is the man.
  10. andresl
    Jan 30, 2007
    wow, how could this band slip under my radar. this is the first record i have listen to by them but i think is absolutly brilliant. i'm gonna check out their previous albums although the reviews suggest they are quiet different. this one is very catchy, the production is excellent and the lyrics kinda dark but very funny. some songs sound like beck circa midnight vultures others like wow, how could this band slip under my radar. this is the first record i have listen to by them but i think is absolutly brilliant. i'm gonna check out their previous albums although the reviews suggest they are quiet different. this one is very catchy, the production is excellent and the lyrics kinda dark but very funny. some songs sound like beck circa midnight vultures others like good bowie. no filler i like all the songs Expand
  11. JasonH
    Jan 30, 2007
    Best CD by "Of Montreal" yet. Really gets you going.
  12. jackq
    Feb 3, 2007
    Best album ever made, even better live.
  13. FelipeP
    Feb 8, 2007
    Amazing record, Of Montreal definitely is one of the best bands in the world. The production is magic, as the lyrics.
  14. JacobT
    Mar 10, 2007
    Such good pop it hurts.
  15. HenrikS
    Mar 5, 2007
    Very good! not a bad track on the album
  16. LukeT
    Mar 7, 2007
    I can't even explain how good this is.
  17. ClintR
    Mar 9, 2007
    This album is frickin' ridiculously GREAT!!! SOOO many amazing tracks... I need more...NOW!!
  18. NikkiG
    Apr 15, 2007
    Fav pshychedlic rock of the year by far!! just so much fun to listen to!
  19. Cat
    Apr 23, 2007
    A really fun album. My boyfriend and I dance to it all the time. All and by the way, best album of the year!
  20. Truedatdk
    Apr 25, 2007
    Wow, I didn't even know this band until a few months ago, heard some sets on KEXP podcasts, and then picked up Satanic Twins on EMusic. I enjoyed that, and it grew on me tremendously over time. It was right at that point this album dropped, and I picked it up. Really classic, essential, definitive stuff. There are so many surprises here, humorous, and disturbing. Listen and enjoy. I Wow, I didn't even know this band until a few months ago, heard some sets on KEXP podcasts, and then picked up Satanic Twins on EMusic. I enjoyed that, and it grew on me tremendously over time. It was right at that point this album dropped, and I picked it up. Really classic, essential, definitive stuff. There are so many surprises here, humorous, and disturbing. Listen and enjoy. I am going to go shave my head and be left alone ;) Expand
  21. DEE
    Apr 27, 2007
    Absolutely brilliant! Definitely one of a kind. Great, great album.
  22. CameronS
    Apr 7, 2007
    Fantastic! "The Past is A Grotesque Animal" is one of the best, most mesmerizing songs of all time. Buy it now!
  23. JT
    May 1, 2007
    The first real masterpiece of 07. Another terrific album by Of Montreal.
  24. BenoitT.
    May 17, 2007
    A BOMB
  25. VincentH.
    May 22, 2007
    One of the few over-hyped and critically acclaimed albums of the year that ACTUALLY DESERVES IT! (yes...Klaxons with it). "The Past is a Grotesque Animal" is the best song Of Montreal has ever done and is the best song I've heard on any album of any genre in 2007. It's worth the purchase alone...if you liked "Sunlandic Twins" a lot, you will love this one. It's One of the few over-hyped and critically acclaimed albums of the year that ACTUALLY DESERVES IT! (yes...Klaxons with it). "The Past is a Grotesque Animal" is the best song Of Montreal has ever done and is the best song I've heard on any album of any genre in 2007. It's worth the purchase alone...if you liked "Sunlandic Twins" a lot, you will love this one. It's a natural progression in every way (Barnes' songwriting only gets better with each album), from the music (much more complex yet more melodic) to the lyrics (easily the best lyrics Barnes has ever written). Besides one song, this album is a straight-up masterpiece and definitely one of the top 4 or 5 best albums released so far this year. If you are a fan of their earlier albums or indie-pop in general, this is a must-have. Expand
  26. Smith
    May 22, 2007
    catchy and intoxicating as hell! A pure pop sensation.
  27. sephb
    May 8, 2007
    This album is one that i feel i will never tire off,Barnes proves to be virtuosic in his musical and lyrical abilities, this song should be way higher in the best of 2007 list, not slagging arcade fire off but Barnes manages to fit ten times more melodies into his songs without the entourage of 600 violinists!!
  28. chuckl.
    Jun 26, 2007
    of montreal is the best!!!!!
  29. ColinO
    Jun 9, 2007
    A terrifically fun album.
  30. Drake
    Aug 1, 2007
    Probably the best album of the year!
  31. dj=riv
    Dec 15, 2007
    This album truly deserves a 10. it just keeps unfolding on me, and though I've rocked "sentence..." so many times, i still think it is one of, if not the best songs I've heard. I owe Kevin Barnes this review at the very least. buy this album, "or burn it off the internet and bump it outside!!!" (immortal technique).
  32. john
    Jan 24, 2007
  33. DavidW
    Jan 26, 2007
    Are you people stupid/kidding/deaf? This cd is amaaaazing. I feel bad for people who don't love it. Favorite so far this year in a vat of disappointments like The Shins and Bloc Party. Also, look out for The Bird and The Bee and the new Andrew Bird cd!
  34. Mr.Hankey
    Jan 31, 2007
    Fuck it, This is better than the Gay Parade! Ha! I said it. Kevin Barnes has created a true masterpiece that kills all competition (The Shins, Deerhoof, CHYSY etc.).
  35. rachelem
    Feb 23, 2007
    I was hesitant when I heard that a new Of Montreal album was coming out, then I saw the cover.....using Indian yantras was the last thing I expected from them, a far cry from the European garden portrayed on their last release......Who ever would have thought that The Sunlandic Twins would be contested? This record is terrifyingly brilliant as it veers dangerously towards the generic, but I was hesitant when I heard that a new Of Montreal album was coming out, then I saw the cover.....using Indian yantras was the last thing I expected from them, a far cry from the European garden portrayed on their last release......Who ever would have thought that The Sunlandic Twins would be contested? This record is terrifyingly brilliant as it veers dangerously towards the generic, but at the same time fights it more strongly than anything else I've ever heard......I can understand why a few pathetic wastes of life gave it a 0 or anything less than a 7 on this certainly demands personality out of its listeners, which unfortunately not all of us have. Kudos to the most disturbingly enjoyable band to ever permeate my consciousness. Expand
  36. robertg
    Feb 9, 2007
    Easily the best album of 2007 so far, and would definitely be in my top5 of 2006. Unique. Great. Enough said.
  37. EduardoO
    Apr 1, 2007
    This is my favorite album of 2007 so far, and I think it gonna remains at that spot. Kevin revealed his greatness finally at its maximum expression. No album has hit me like this one in my whole life... that good I think it is!
  38. jmG
    Apr 14, 2007
    This is the best album of the year so far and definitely the best Of Montreal record. The sheer pastiche of styles and influences from the 60's through the 90's is stunning. I can't stop listening to it!
  39. Frank
    Apr 20, 2007
    I love this album. That's about it.
  40. mathieuv
    Apr 28, 2007
    Huge album.
  41. LC
    Apr 8, 2007
    This is without a doubt the best album so far this year. Amazing from start to finish. Unlike anything I have ever heard in my entire life. Very unique music!
  42. ShaunB
    May 6, 2007
    Another gem by my favorite band in music, right now. This album is catchy as hell and will have you hooked for weeks, trust me on that.
  43. TravisD
    Jun 11, 2007
    Wow!! This is best pop album in the last 10 years.
  44. KJ
    Jul 27, 2007
    Best new album I've heard this year. Gets better with every listen. The Past Is A Grotesque Animal... one of the best songs I've heard.
  45. paulb
    Jul 6, 2007
    Without a doubt, album of the year. Incredible musical talent, raw emotion and depth of lyrics. Just a further example of how little relevance and connection to music Rolling Stone has today.
  46. JonH.
    Feb 29, 2008
    My album of the year. Their best and deepest work to date. As much as I love their older albums, they seem a bit superficial compared to this one. Every song brings something great to the table. Go see them live.
  47. Drew
    Mar 25, 2008
    I didn't really care for it on first listen, afraid I hated his voice. A few days pass and I'm singing "let's do it together! let's go together!" etc. So I pop it back in and each track stood out and stuck on that second listen. Showmanship I haven't seen since Bowie and musical creativity mixed with great lyrics is hard to beat. I think a great album has to have I didn't really care for it on first listen, afraid I hated his voice. A few days pass and I'm singing "let's do it together! let's go together!" etc. So I pop it back in and each track stood out and stuck on that second listen. Showmanship I haven't seen since Bowie and musical creativity mixed with great lyrics is hard to beat. I think a great album has to have great song after great song and have a fitting album closer, We Were Born Mutants is so perfect. I probably hear this album at least once a week and I've yet to get tired of a song on it. The weakest Labyrinthian Pomp is hardly weak enough to hold this set of songs down. Because songs like Sentence.. and Rejector give you at least a three or four song buffer to mess up the album, which they don't even bother touching. I have listened to a lot of albums with skippers in them and it's just so refreshing to lay down, let the album go and take part in near perfection to my ears. In short, I absolutely love so many things about this album that it is hard not to keep going back to it. Expand
  48. TimL
    May 28, 2008
    I really don't see how anyone can see this album as anything other than perfect. The lyrics are so meaningful and it's clear that this album means a lot to Barnes. He take you for a ride through marital and mental breakdown through dark pop and funk music. The first half is definitely the more accessible of the two halves of the album, but the second half is certainly my I really don't see how anyone can see this album as anything other than perfect. The lyrics are so meaningful and it's clear that this album means a lot to Barnes. He take you for a ride through marital and mental breakdown through dark pop and funk music. The first half is definitely the more accessible of the two halves of the album, but the second half is certainly my favourite. With brilliant tracks like 'She's a rejecter' and of course 'Past is a grotesque animal' this is without a doubt the best album of 2007 and, most likely, the best of the decade. Expand
  49. DavidC.
    May 31, 2009
    This is one of the greatest albums of this decade. The comedic and cynical lyrics counter the poppy melodies of the album in almost an ironic way. "The Past is a Grotesque Animal" lies perfectly in the middle of the album, where the music takes a sharp turn for the serious and angry. Of Montreal finds a way to make the most unlikely combination of lyrics and music to create one amazing This is one of the greatest albums of this decade. The comedic and cynical lyrics counter the poppy melodies of the album in almost an ironic way. "The Past is a Grotesque Animal" lies perfectly in the middle of the album, where the music takes a sharp turn for the serious and angry. Of Montreal finds a way to make the most unlikely combination of lyrics and music to create one amazing feeling of loss and anger. It is a truly unique and wonderful album from a truly unique and wonderful band. Expand
  50. MichaelS.
    Jan 26, 2007
    Several minature flaws but I'm giving a ten to counter the people who bash the cd w/o any good reason. Very cohesive and well-written from start to finish and satisfying too.
  51. MonaC
    Jan 27, 2007
    Their best and catchiest album to date.
  52. jonnyw
    Jan 28, 2007
    fucking fantastic thats all that needs to be said
  53. MarvinO
    Jan 28, 2007
    First listened to this album late last year. It was love at first sight, and arguably the best album not released in 2006. Now, of course, the best album so far in 2007. Of Montreal manages to not disappoint once again.
  54. LucasK
    Jan 31, 2007
    This album was a huge surprise for me. I was looking forward for MENOMENA, THE SHINS, and CLAP YHSY, but not so much for OF MONTREAL. When I heard this album, I was f***ing dazzled. It was better than any other recent expected albums. This album is a great starter for 2007. Highly recommended. Is it just me or do they sound little bit melancholy?
  55. timr
    Mar 26, 2007
    This is definitely a contender for Best Album of 2007.
  56. ElliottM
    Apr 18, 2007
    The Past is a Grotesque Animal = BEST SONG OF THE YEAR.
  57. Thompson
    May 13, 2007
    The most original album of the year! Filled with wonderful tracks.
  58. TomJ
    Feb 4, 2007
    It's an amazing album, really. First I think it's very different from other indie-pop music, and in this case that's very, very good. It's the first album of 'Of Montreal' that I've bought and it will certain not be the last! It's amazing you can make a song with a duration of 11:54 with the same chords over and over, yet it's still not boring It's an amazing album, really. First I think it's very different from other indie-pop music, and in this case that's very, very good. It's the first album of 'Of Montreal' that I've bought and it will certain not be the last! It's amazing you can make a song with a duration of 11:54 with the same chords over and over, yet it's still not boring in the end! Good work guys, I'm gonna buy all your albums (unless they get a very low score on this site, no that's a joke) Expand
  59. ErinK
    Apr 10, 2007
    The only thing more fun than listening to Barnes shed his soul in this eclectic 80's-pop throwback is watching him do it live. Not only is this music a blast to listen to driving on a sunny day, it leaves you high with adrenaline when you see them perform it.
  60. CourtneyO
    Jan 26, 2007
    Not quite as spectacular as The Sunlandic Twins, but an excellent effort overall. The Past is a Grotesque Animal is a bit of a struggle the first couple of times through, but it grows on you. I will be listening to this one a lot over the next few months.
  61. LeoF
    Jan 30, 2007
    it doesn't sound like, but this is a breakup album. only kevin barnes could do an album about a breakup in the norwegian winter that sounds so happy and full of funky basses. cheers to mr barnes! gronlandic edit is the best song here.
  62. AJ
    Feb 15, 2007
    I know were only February but this is my favorite album of 07, so far.
  63. pedrop
    Feb 27, 2007
    I've been a fan since Coquelicot, and I love Barnes' progression from Elephant 6 also-ran to this innovative blend of sweet basslines and robotic percussion. This is a very powerful album, and it takes at least a couple of listens to appreciate the darker, genuinely emotional side. I do think the album has some flow problems when it hits the long centerpiece, which is why this I've been a fan since Coquelicot, and I love Barnes' progression from Elephant 6 also-ran to this innovative blend of sweet basslines and robotic percussion. This is a very powerful album, and it takes at least a couple of listens to appreciate the darker, genuinely emotional side. I do think the album has some flow problems when it hits the long centerpiece, which is why this isn't a perfect score. Regardless, I sincerely think Of Montreal (especially considering their last three albums culminating with Hissing Fauna) will be deemed one of the better bands of any era - certainly one of the best of this decade. Expand
  64. BobP
    Feb 4, 2007
    Saddest disco album ever!
  65. BernardA
    Feb 9, 2007
    I really loved Of Montreal's last album Sunlandic Twins with its playful combination of bright melodies mixed with dance beats.. On Hissing Fauna Kevin Barnes & company continue with this new sound of theirs & that's fine by me. The songs on this cd have melodies that won't leave you head for days. Heck whenever I listen to this i can't help but hum along. Standout I really loved Of Montreal's last album Sunlandic Twins with its playful combination of bright melodies mixed with dance beats.. On Hissing Fauna Kevin Barnes & company continue with this new sound of theirs & that's fine by me. The songs on this cd have melodies that won't leave you head for days. Heck whenever I listen to this i can't help but hum along. Standout songs include Suffer for Fashion, We were born Mutants again with Leafling, Heimdalsgate Like A Promethean Curse & many more. The only weak song for me is Faberge Falls for Shuggie & the Past Is a Grotesque Animal goes on for little too long. Overall, this is a great album that shows Of Montreal to be an inventive group. Expand
  66. Sean
    Feb 9, 2007
    I agree with Stylus which says this album is front-loaded, but not because the second half is bad. Indeed, the first 5 or so tracks knocked me off my feet. But still, the album is highly listenable even during the second half, and She's A Rejector, one of the last songs, is one of the best ones on there. And the songs are all pretty short (the one verrrry long one serves as the I agree with Stylus which says this album is front-loaded, but not because the second half is bad. Indeed, the first 5 or so tracks knocked me off my feet. But still, the album is highly listenable even during the second half, and She's A Rejector, one of the last songs, is one of the best ones on there. And the songs are all pretty short (the one verrrry long one serves as the divider between the halves, and maybe not everyone will enjoy it, but i dont have trouble with it). It sucks though, because the San Francisco version of Guardian gave Hissing Fauna a great review, but not the main Guardian, which is used here. Expand
  67. Cables
    Feb 9, 2007
    The first brilliant album of 2007. Don't miss this one.
  68. GermánW.
    Mar 31, 2007
    So far the best album of the year.
  69. kevk
    Apr 17, 2007
    can you say, masterpiece?
  70. JustinS
    Apr 27, 2007
    This album has some very creative arrangements, both instrumentally and vocally. In some ways, this album sounds much like what I think the Beatles would sound like if they were in their 20's again. Lots of great hooks and melodies. A very good psych-pop album.
  71. matta
    Jan 24, 2007
    The Now Magazine review was just weak; it was way to short and half-assed to gain any sort of credibility. He didn't even really analyze the album for Fuck's sake. Anyway, listen to the publications with credentials -- this album is thoughtful, emotional, cohesive, and it sets an extremely high bar for 2007. Easily Of Montreal's best album to date.
  72. JordanK
    Jan 26, 2007
    First, let me admit that this is the first album I have heard from this band. The first time I listened, I was pressed for time and only skimmed a couple tracks, no complete listen through for sure. After listening through it on a long rode trip, I was impressed. After listening to it on my system at home with no driving static, I was enthralled. It is so hard to describe their sound, for First, let me admit that this is the first album I have heard from this band. The first time I listened, I was pressed for time and only skimmed a couple tracks, no complete listen through for sure. After listening through it on a long rode trip, I was impressed. After listening to it on my system at home with no driving static, I was enthralled. It is so hard to describe their sound, for me at least. I guess I just love the flow of texture and genre from track to track and phrase to phrase. And the lyrical trade-off in certain tracks is just baffling. I will admit though, I'm not sure how many times I could really listen through the album. I happened to be in the perfect mood with the perfect people to really enjoy it. Then again, I already have the urge to re-listen, so maybe it does have some profound grip on me. For anyone who absolutely hates it, maybe you should just take it in a more playful mood? Oh and as far as lyrics go, I don't listen to them if the music is interesting and stimulating enough (unless they are printed in front of me and even then...), so I guess I don't have a comment there. As far as sloppy production, I didn't view it as so; anything that appeared sloppy was clearly a choice of the producers. I personally found the "sloppy" parts to be interesting, but hey, that's me. Conclusion: wonderful musical experience Expand
  73. DanielP
    Jan 30, 2007
    Of Montreal's latest is bold in its juxtaposition of poppy, eclectic bass, drums, and synth with the lyrics you'd expect to be sung in a smoky bar full of individuals drowning their sorrows in the bottle. The result is an album that demands that you question your own ways of approaching everday problems., and a record that pleads with you to take it easy on yourself.
  74. HenkaS
    Feb 13, 2007
    After repeated listenings this album has really grown on me. Easily the best album released during the last two or so months. Love the disco and funk stuff - Guess it's up to your taste if you like the lyrics. I think they are amazing as they shine on the whole sptectrum from totally funny to really serious and can morph abruptly from profound self-reflection into immature defiance. After repeated listenings this album has really grown on me. Easily the best album released during the last two or so months. Love the disco and funk stuff - Guess it's up to your taste if you like the lyrics. I think they are amazing as they shine on the whole sptectrum from totally funny to really serious and can morph abruptly from profound self-reflection into immature defiance. Well done! Expand
  75. PJD
    Mar 14, 2007
    Top notch
  76. KarlRavage
    Mar 21, 2008
    Way to plug your favorite band in a negative way. Everything, Now! is the worst band ever! The Beatles revival is over. That is unless you're...freakin stoned!!? Wait...
  77. EricC
    Feb 23, 2007
    I was a little turned off at first. I just got done listening to bands like Wolf Parade and and The Good, the Bad, and the Queen, and I guess I was still in the mood for something like those guys. But now I absolutely apreciate it for what it is; an upbeat energy-packed cd that never takes itself too seriously, which if they did, we surely wouldn't have the dance-worthy thrills that I was a little turned off at first. I just got done listening to bands like Wolf Parade and and The Good, the Bad, and the Queen, and I guess I was still in the mood for something like those guys. But now I absolutely apreciate it for what it is; an upbeat energy-packed cd that never takes itself too seriously, which if they did, we surely wouldn't have the dance-worthy thrills that make it a must own. Seriously. Go get it. Expand
  78. BlakeD
    Apr 25, 2007
    Not the best album of the year but it's pretty damn close. That title would probably go to "Nine Inch Nails: Year Zero" but anyway, Hissing Fauna is a fabulous album. I can't even remember the last time I had this much fun listening to music. Everytime I listen to this I start dancing and very albums have that effect on me. This a must buy!
  79. AaronSycophantman
    Apr 24, 2007
    The first 6 songs on this album are all aces and show the band at the top of their game. The second half is dramatically worse. If the second half were it's own album alone it would rate a 6 at best. Pity...
  80. KevinG
    Feb 27, 2007
    A very good album indeed! Heimdalsgate Like A Promethean Curse is one if the catchiest songs I've heard in ages!
  81. TomP.
    Mar 31, 2008
    Okay, the first half of this album is excellent, near perfect for it's genre, but the fact is, if you have ever seen this Of Montreal or actually listened to the lyrics, Barnes is just too damn creepy/fruity and self indulgent for me to seriously get into this band. Sorry, eye-glitter and fishnets are where I get off...Though The Past Is a Grotesque Animal is still one of my favorite Okay, the first half of this album is excellent, near perfect for it's genre, but the fact is, if you have ever seen this Of Montreal or actually listened to the lyrics, Barnes is just too damn creepy/fruity and self indulgent for me to seriously get into this band. Sorry, eye-glitter and fishnets are where I get off...Though The Past Is a Grotesque Animal is still one of my favorite songs of 2007. Expand
  82. stephanief
    Jan 25, 2007
    I think a lot of the Newer (2003-on) OM fans will like this album, but people who have been listening since Cherry Peel, etc, might be a little downtrodden. This sounds nothing like what they started out as but its's very dark and scary.. and the album altogether sounds very cohesive. Every song just melts right into the next. Sometimes the poppy sounds can fool the I think a lot of the Newer (2003-on) OM fans will like this album, but people who have been listening since Cherry Peel, etc, might be a little downtrodden. This sounds nothing like what they started out as but its's very dark and scary.. and the album altogether sounds very cohesive. Every song just melts right into the next. Sometimes the poppy sounds can fool the listener into thinking it's a cheery song but this album as a whole is totally bleak! It can be very deceptive .. but in a good way. Not as "fun" as the last two releases, but a great release.. really taking the listener on a deep, dark, weird journey. Expand
  83. ToddW
    Feb 15, 2007
    Hissing Fauna is a strong effort by another of the underrated and ubertalented Elephant 6 collective. The songs are melodic and catchy, with the vocals in spots reminding one alternately of The Sweet and The Darkness. This album is a grower; it's not an easy listen out of the shrinkwrap as Kevin Barnes' vocals can wear thin. On a song like Heimdalsgate Like a Promothean Curse he Hissing Fauna is a strong effort by another of the underrated and ubertalented Elephant 6 collective. The songs are melodic and catchy, with the vocals in spots reminding one alternately of The Sweet and The Darkness. This album is a grower; it's not an easy listen out of the shrinkwrap as Kevin Barnes' vocals can wear thin. On a song like Heimdalsgate Like a Promothean Curse he sounds a little too precious and the music reminds one of second-rate Cars. The lynchpin to the album is The Past Is A Grotesque Animal, an 11-minute kiss-off to his ex-wife that is the best break-up song since Positively Fourth Street. When Barnes uses personal pain as a muse, his writing and music are stunning. Otherwise, cute only plays well for a finite number of listens. Expand
  84. Crabsody
    Mar 30, 2007
    I can't undertstand why so many people here exaggerate so much about the albums. This is a very good album but it's notw awesome. There are some great songs that worth checking. My favorites are the magnificent "The Past is a Grotesque Animal" and "She's A Rejector". Check it out but not expect to listen to the album of the decade
  85. brianm
    Jan 31, 2007
    Great album from Of Montreal. Easily their most personal effort. I'll echo the "break-up" album statement. There are some areas that are a bit much in terms of production but overall, it's worth getting if you're a fan.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 36 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 36
  2. Negative: 0 out of 36
  1. If there is one thing in this world that can elevate even the weakest of lyrics from the trough of personal diary hell, it’s a catchy melody. Thankfully this record overflows with them.
  2. For the most part an exercise in Prince-like electro-funk, full of squelchy keyboard fuzz and chicken-scratch guitar noise and absurdly complicated falsetto harmonies.
  3. Urb
    A wonderfully dance-ridden companion ot the intelli-disco carved out on 2005's The Sunlandic Twins. [Jan/Feb 2006, p.81]