• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Aug 19, 2022
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  1. Aug 20, 2022
    best body of work in a while. Tops all the albums combined. Best Rock album I’ve heard this year.
  2. Aug 20, 2022
    Demi Lovato retornou às suas origens (pop/rock) com um álbum maduro, sem sombra de dúvidas o seu melhor até agora. O álbum é sobre amor, raiva e sexo. Trago destaques para as músicas EAT ME, 29 e Happy Ending, que trazem composições muito fortes. Ela participa das composições de todo o álbum, o que é raro para artistas hoje em dia. É importante dizer que ela é uma das vocalistas da nossaDemi Lovato retornou às suas origens (pop/rock) com um álbum maduro, sem sombra de dúvidas o seu melhor até agora. O álbum é sobre amor, raiva e sexo. Trago destaques para as músicas EAT ME, 29 e Happy Ending, que trazem composições muito fortes. Ela participa das composições de todo o álbum, o que é raro para artistas hoje em dia. É importante dizer que ela é uma das vocalistas da nossa geração. Expand
  3. Aug 20, 2022
    Perfect!!!! I love that she's back to her roots, becoming more powerful than ever
  4. Aug 20, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Her best album so far without a doubt. Her best album so far without a doubt. Her best album so far without a doubt. Expand
  5. Aug 20, 2022
    Incredible! Demi did it again! A fantastic body of work that is a more matured version of her first two albums. Love you Demi!
  6. Aug 20, 2022
    Demi has exceeded herself and this is the most raw and real she's ever been on an album. Demi can do almost every genre but rock feels like a second home for her. Hope she keeps out doing herself in the future.
  7. Aug 20, 2022
    definitely one of her best albums, the lyrics are 10/10 - obsessed with every single track.
  8. Aug 20, 2022
    definitely one of her best albums, the lyrics are 10/10 - obsessed with every single track!!!!!!
  9. Aug 20, 2022
    An Amazing album , perfect, album of the year , demi’s best album , bravo demi
  10. Aug 20, 2022
    10/10 like all the songs are so good, they’re very different from each other but still in the same genre
  11. Aug 20, 2022
    Demi took all the bad comments and experiencies in their life to trasnform them into this lyrical masterpiece called "Holy Fvck".
  12. Aug 20, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Album of the year!!! So proud of her, it’s a masterpiece. She grow so much on this past years and she is truly honest with everything! Expand
  13. Aug 20, 2022
    Masterpiece, el mejor álbum de Demi Lovato, merece un grammy, me pareció muy bueno
  14. Aug 20, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. In this album I can see Demi growing, learning, finding who they are, what they want. It’s a work made of passion, tears, fears, and mostly self confidence. I give a 10/10 because out of all the other albums out this year, this one really has that storyline and universe, and Demi owns it. The title track is such a masterpiece even in the name itself. Holy and Fvck, both opposite words, really is in a nutshell, the whole vibe this albums gives us. Bravo Demi Expand
  15. Aug 20, 2022
    ALBUM OF THE YEAR... My favorite songs 1-HELP ME
    2-EAT ME
    4-4 EVER 4 ME
  16. Aug 20, 2022
    The best .......................................................................
  17. Aug 20, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Esse álbum da demi tá incrível acho ela um artista incrível apenas de não acompanhar ela conheço bastante das suas lutas e histórias essa mulher é uma lutadora um ser um humano tão doce merece o sucesso acho que todo o trabalho dela refletem inspiração para muitas pessoas que a adimiram Expand
  18. Aug 20, 2022
    Demi going back to their rock roots is exactly what they needed to do and it has been done so well.
  19. Aug 20, 2022
    Músicas fortes num estilo que combina muito com a voz de Lovato. Sem dúvidas, o melhor álbum de sua carreira.
  20. Aug 20, 2022
    Genuinely one of their best and most cohesive projects to date. Lovato has never shied away from being open and vulnerable but that takes on a whole new meaning on this album! It's totally worth a listen and a wild ride from start to finish! It WILL make you scream HOLY FVCK!
  21. Aug 20, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Holy **** THIS IS AMAZING.

    First it all, happy birthday to Demi Lovato. Now let's be honest, this is the best album from her actually, I mean... Do a favor to yourself and listen this piece of art.
  22. Aug 20, 2022
    The genre where Demi shines the most, been keeping up with her since the Disney days and never left, waiting for Demi to go back to the rock sound was definitely worth the wait
  23. Aug 20, 2022
    Incredible album. Each song is sung with so much passion, with great instruments to accompany Demi’s incredible voice. The lyrics are, like always, brutally honest and can help people who are going through many different challenges. I suggest Happy ending, Heaven, Come Together, Help Me, Feed and 4 ever 4 me.
  24. Aug 20, 2022
    Album perfeito, a sonoridade está ótima, as músicas bem trabalhadas e com letras poderosas e emocionantes, e nao acho que ficou " pesado" demais, levando em consideração todo o histórico da cantora é de se esperar que ela liberte sua raiva em forma de música e nos presenteie com um album tão poderoso e maravilhoso.
  25. Aug 20, 2022
    Sem dúvidas o melhor álbum da carreira da Demi. Holy Fvck entregou tudo nas letras, na sonoridade e nas melodias
  26. Aug 20, 2022
    perfeição, talento puro. demi sempre se superou a cada álbum e com esse não seria diferente.
  27. Aug 20, 2022
    The best work Demi has EVER done, amazing job, i’m so proud. All of the songs are unique and have an amazing feel to it, this is a MUST listen!
  28. Aug 20, 2022
    this is their best album by far, there are no skips and I am loving the rock sound
  29. Aug 20, 2022
    Great mix of music. 4 EVER 4 ME and 29 are very moving and powerful!!! Would recommend highly
  30. Aug 20, 2022
    Um álbum muito honesto, crú, e que aborda temas sensíveis com uma maestria que só Demi Lovato consegue.
  31. Aug 20, 2022
    absolutely amazing. pop punk/rock PERFECTION!!!! so proud of demi, this is truly an incredible album!
  32. Aug 20, 2022
    Exactly a fire BOP. They really serve us POP PUNK CULTURE back head to haters' face worldwide.
  33. Aug 20, 2022
    insane album with incredible lyrics and vocals. one of their best albums if not the best
  34. Aug 20, 2022
    Álbum incrível, estou apaixonada. Algumas faixas são realmente viciantes.
  35. Aug 20, 2022
    This sound belongs to Demi Lovato. The production quality and lyrical content on this album is next level. Vocally, Demi adapted their voice really well to this new (revisited) genre. The album is incredibly cohesive and the songs are placed really well from top to bottom. My personal favorites are FREAK, EAT ME, HAPPY ENDING, BONES and 4 EVER 4 ME.
  36. Aug 20, 2022
    I'm not the biggest fan of Rock but this album is just amazing! Demi's vocals and all of the energy and also beauty in this body of work are everything!!!
  37. Aug 20, 2022
    Cada álbum de Demi é melhor que o outro, maravilhoso, recomendo pra quem gosta de rock
  38. Aug 20, 2022
    Melhor álbum que a Demi já lançou, ela evoluiu muito musicalmente, usando de um som mais industrial, misturado com o pop, Rock e punk.
  39. Aug 20, 2022
    AMAZING album with incredible lyrics and rock sounds, some of them heavier than others. Demi has an incredible voice. Those high notes during the whole album are crazy. Best project of Demi Lovato to this date!
  40. Aug 20, 2022
    This is Demi’s best album yet! Not a single bad song. If anything they’re all BOPS! The vocals, the lyrics, the production, the passion, the power! All of it! There’s no doubt that Demi’s music and voice just keep getting better!
  41. Aug 20, 2022
    Going back to their pop/punk/rock is maybe their best decision in years! This genre suits their voice so well! BEST ALBUM 2022
  42. Aug 20, 2022
    Exciting to hear Demi return to their rock roots! Overall a masterful of an album
  43. Aug 20, 2022
    This is a masterpiece. So raw, so emotive. Demi put heart and soul in it. Album of the year!!!
  44. Aug 20, 2022
    this album shows many senses and reasons. lovato goes through many extremes which makes it cohesive and simple. I say as a listener that one of the best is 29 and happy ending.
  45. Aug 20, 2022
    demi’s voice was made for pop rock, this album is amazing! the production is great, the vocals are insane. 4 ever 4 me is my favourite track so far
  46. Aug 20, 2022
    This album is a scream of freedom and power. I loved all the songs. True rock and roll star!
  47. Aug 20, 2022
    Álbum incrível demais, virou meu álbum favorito. Os vocais incríveis aaaaaa tudo nele é perfeitooo.
    Demi não erra nunca!!!
  48. Aug 20, 2022
    an album that you can listen to at any time of the day, and feel as tough you are in a coming of age movie. every song is perfect and can really hit you with its meaning! Demis best album to date!
  49. Aug 20, 2022
    Love the album! Pop/rock really is where they shine, love freak and eat me :)
  50. Aug 20, 2022
    An amazing album from one of the most versatile artists in history, one of the best vocalists of all time , the album is such long journey discovering sexuality, falling in love , owning your truth , owning your narrative, demi made a great album that deserves all the acclaim and the awards in the world , give demi their long overdue grammy
  51. Aug 20, 2022
    Sin dudas el mejor trabajo discográfico de Demi Lovato, cada canción mejor que la anterior.
  52. Aug 20, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Best album of 2022 so far, maybe Demi’s best body of work is raw, real and goes deep on topics like dead, religion and love in different ways. The sound is very mature and dark is everything you spect by the album cover Expand
  53. Aug 20, 2022
    i was expecting more from this album. it seems to be all and no substance. all the songs sound the same. it was a struggle to finish listening. this an album pushed by the industry i guess.
  54. Aug 20, 2022
    Demi Lovato going back to their pop/rock roots is everything we needed this year. They are channeling their anger, their past trauma, their being a survivor, and together with lust and a desider for love, they created a raw, crude, yet super fun album. They go so much harder than their first 2 albums, playing with nostalgia but also with experimentation and new sounds. The collaborations?Demi Lovato going back to their pop/rock roots is everything we needed this year. They are channeling their anger, their past trauma, their being a survivor, and together with lust and a desider for love, they created a raw, crude, yet super fun album. They go so much harder than their first 2 albums, playing with nostalgia but also with experimentation and new sounds. The collaborations? Amazing. The mood? THE MOOD IS HERE! The production? To think that Oak worked on this album (the same producer of tell me you love me) is mind-blowing. The vocals? No need for words, we all know Demi Lovato. I can't wait to see what's next for Demi, in my dreams they will go even harder in their next album, but for the moment I am fully enjoying this beautiful piece of work. Congratulations to all the amazing artists who worked on this project, you should all be very proud. Expand
  55. Aug 20, 2022
  56. Aug 20, 2022
    This album is a masterpiece! Demi was born to rock! I really love it, THE BEST album of her career!
  57. Aug 20, 2022
    This is the good album by Demi Lovato! They really working hard on this new project and gave us their rock side vibes
  58. Aug 20, 2022
    Um album pop rock incrivel, com vocais maravilhosos e cheio de atitude. Demi acertou voltando pra esse genero e nos dando um dos melhores albuns do ano!
  59. Aug 20, 2022
    O álbum tá tão maravilhoso que MDS, foi isso que eu pedi, obrigado Demi por tanto
  60. Aug 20, 2022
    so amazing!!! one of her best albums ever. all the songs are good. demi did not disappoint me.
  61. Aug 19, 2022
    Demi Lovato delivers honesty, vocals, bops, head bangers, playful, witty, and soul crushing lyrics, all with the upmost raw talent.
  62. Aug 19, 2022
    Each song could split the lyrics and music Apart and both could exist separate. The entire record is art.
  63. Aug 19, 2022
    The most powerful vocalist of our generation, Demi Lovato. Happy Birthday! This album is perfection.
  64. Aug 19, 2022
    Demi Lovato outdid herself on this album, she brought originality and personality to her new album, incredible songs simply exceptional !!!!
  65. Aug 19, 2022
  66. Aug 19, 2022
    Phenomenal production, electric vocals, amazing album. Demi continues to evolve with each project; a true inspiration.
  67. Aug 19, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. INSANE, TRUE, AND POWERFUL; Demi managed to gather all her history and pain in each track, her vocals are impeccable. quality vocal technique like we haven't seen in the industry for a long time. Holy Fvck is an audacious project that, for me, is one of the best launched today. Demi was born to sing rock. Expand
  68. Aug 19, 2022
    Demi Lovato como sempre, entregando mais um trabalho impecável! Ela merece todo o reconhecimento do mundo
  69. Aug 19, 2022
    Definitely the album of the year. It gives me life, anger, happiness... It's a mix of feelings. Demi did a great job on this one. Deserves at least 80+ score. Highlights: Happy Ending, Freak, Eat Me, 29, 4Ever 4Me and Heaven.
  70. Aug 19, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Un álbum lleno de arte, sonido, letra, canto. Lo tiene todo Demi en una artista completa y con muchísimo potencial. Expand
  71. Aug 19, 2022
    Simplesmente PERFEITO! Traz consigo aquela nostalgia dos primeiros álbuns e ao mesmo tempo consegue ser diferente de tudo que Demi já fez. Não sei dizer ao certo o que mais me chama atenção: as letras, que são extremamente honestas e vulneráveis; os vocais, que inclusive, estão impecáveis como sempre ou a parte instrumental das músicas, realmente marcando o "funeral da sua música pop", deSimplesmente PERFEITO! Traz consigo aquela nostalgia dos primeiros álbuns e ao mesmo tempo consegue ser diferente de tudo que Demi já fez. Não sei dizer ao certo o que mais me chama atenção: as letras, que são extremamente honestas e vulneráveis; os vocais, que inclusive, estão impecáveis como sempre ou a parte instrumental das músicas, realmente marcando o "funeral da sua música pop", de uma maneira tão gostosa e divertida de ouvir. Sem dúvidas o HOLY FVCK é um dos melhores álbuns lançados esse ano e na minha opinião, o melhor de Demi! Expand
  72. Aug 19, 2022
    Uma das melhores obras já criadas por essa grande artista Demi Lovato. Não podia soar melhor um rock na voz de Demetria, álbum do ano com toda certeza.
  73. Aug 19, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. "But was it yours or was it mine?"
    "But it was yours, it wasn't mine"

    No moe words are needed.
  74. Aug 19, 2022
    O álbum com letras muito bem feitas, arranjos e melodias, mais não me agradou no geral n consegui ouvir o álbum inteiro. Mais em termos musical está bom.
  75. Aug 19, 2022
    Uno de los trabajos más cohesivos de su carrera, si ya con "Dancing With The Devil... The Art Of Starting Over" había logrado esta hazaña este nuevo trabajo la pone en una posición que sus contemporáneas no han logrado. Una buena producción y grandes vocales como nos tiene acostumbrado está gran artista.
  76. Aug 19, 2022
    Best poprock album to ever exist, 0 skips, every song is pure art and Eat Me is my fav ❤️
  77. Aug 19, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is the most authentic album Demi Lovato has ever produced, you can feel her truth being told out loud Expand
  78. Aug 19, 2022
    This album reveals a side of Demi that I’ve been wanting to see for more than a decade now. Seeing them coming back to their roots and making such well-produced music is refreshing. Vocals are impeccable, the parallels with religion and sexuality are really clever and Oak nailed the production of every song. Holy Fvck is the kind of album you wanna keep on repeat for the rest of your life.This album reveals a side of Demi that I’ve been wanting to see for more than a decade now. Seeing them coming back to their roots and making such well-produced music is refreshing. Vocals are impeccable, the parallels with religion and sexuality are really clever and Oak nailed the production of every song. Holy Fvck is the kind of album you wanna keep on repeat for the rest of your life. Simply iconic. Expand
  79. Aug 19, 2022
    A comeback with a mix of the past, the present and a new future, demi always surprise people with her talent and hard work, we can see how she gives her all when every music starts.
  80. Aug 19, 2022
    Demi mais uma vez traz um trabalho de muita qualidade. A produção das músicas, as colaborações e, principalmente, a composição das suas música que, na minha opinião, depois da sua voz, é um dos pontos fortes do seu trabalho artístico.
  81. Aug 19, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Perfect Album.! Every song is Incredible.!!! Rockstar..!! You are an incredible artist and everybody needs to hear this álbum Expand
  82. Aug 19, 2022
    Parece que as musicas soam iguais
    Uma bateção de panela, eu particularmente achei mediano, pois tem músicas com letras profundas.
  83. Aug 19, 2022
    This album is a masterpiece. Demi knows how to make good music and the vocals are incredible. her best album for sure
  84. Aug 19, 2022
    Holy fvck follows the sentence being a truly pure and transparent album. It's a work of art, a deep breath in a relate world which is lacking of Substance. Simply the best album from Demi.
  85. Aug 19, 2022
    Desde o surgimento no cenário musical, Demi Lovato namora com o ritmo pop/rock e este novo trabalho da cantora faz o retorno as suas raizes e é tão bom e verdadeiro, que apenas desejo que ela lance mais álbuns voltado para o rock. Simplesmente um álbum que não possui uma música ruim
  86. Aug 19, 2022
    PERFEITO INCRÍVEL MARAVILHOSO, demi mostrou talento ao criar/produzir músicas que falam de suas vulnerabilidades de forma madura
  87. Aug 19, 2022
    This Album is everything… I’m trill and I feel a very vulnerable by the topics that are mentioned in this record. The lyrics , Her vocals , the sound everything works pretty well. I both smile and cry so bad by listening to this album. Demi forever❤️‍
  88. Aug 19, 2022
    Demi has produced her magnum opus. The album already sounds like a classic. Down to the very last note it’s a masterpiece. Demi simultaneously resurrected the best sounds from the 2000s pop-rock golden age while also producing her most sonically adventurous and personal album to date. She sounds right at home. The entire album is stunning, but the standout tracks: “Happy Ending,” “ComeDemi has produced her magnum opus. The album already sounds like a classic. Down to the very last note it’s a masterpiece. Demi simultaneously resurrected the best sounds from the 2000s pop-rock golden age while also producing her most sonically adventurous and personal album to date. She sounds right at home. The entire album is stunning, but the standout tracks: “Happy Ending,” “Come Together,” “Feed,” and “4Ever 4 Me.” Expand
  89. Aug 19, 2022
    Just a masterpiece of the sound and the arch about the feelings on Lovato's make show.
  90. Aug 19, 2022
    THIS IS SO GOOD! Demi worked really hard on this and it is their best work to date.
  91. Aug 19, 2022
    Demi breaks everything with "Holy **** and brings us many influences from Rock, Punk and Pop/Rock. The vocals are surreal and the lyrics too perfect, Demi delivered everything
  92. Aug 19, 2022
    This is the best comeback ever, isn’t not the typical “pop” album you are going to listen, but it’s very heavy punk rock.
    Listening to this album is magical and every song has a emotive status really catch full.
    For me this rock style belong to demi’s voice, every song was written by Demi and we are going to have a new songwriter of decade. Demi return into the rock style as they very
    This is the best comeback ever, isn’t not the typical “pop” album you are going to listen, but it’s very heavy punk rock.
    Listening to this album is magical and every song has a emotive status really catch full.
    For me this rock style belong to demi’s voice, every song was written by Demi and we are going to have a new songwriter of decade.
    Demi return into the rock style as they very first two albums, congratulations!!!
  93. Aug 19, 2022
    In this album we see Demi getting back to her roots, and I'm sure it made all of us remember how this THEIR genre. We have songs of every sound and topic here, what makes it sound so diverse and help me love all the songs. I personally love Eat Me, Wasted and Come Together as my favourites. Although 29 is definetely a standout track. I completely recommend it
  94. Aug 19, 2022
    Such an incredible album. Demi’s voice matches each song perfectly. She was clearly born to rock.
  95. Aug 19, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The best of Demi, I really like I really loveeeeeee!!!! The Holy Fvck era promise so much Expand
  96. Aug 19, 2022
    Que álbum maravilhoso, Demi sempre consegue nos surpreender da melhor forma possível
  97. Aug 19, 2022
    Su mejor álbum hasta ahora. Amé todas las canciones. Demi es una de las mejores artistas que hay ❤
  98. Aug 19, 2022
    This new era is all we've been looking for. Demi has finally shown us a part of herself that feels true and original.
  99. Aug 19, 2022
    The best album in the whole world, congrats demi you were light you're my inspiration and ilysm let's ROCK
  100. Aug 19, 2022
    Demi is back again to her musical origins. This new album is powerful, truthful and original. One of the best works she’s ever done.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Aug 23, 2022
    Chaotic, energised and thrilling, this is Demi Lovato at her very best.
  2. Aug 23, 2022
    If anything, Holy Fvck proves that maybe it was Lovato’s pop albums that were the fluff, and this is the substance they’ve been looking for.
  3. Aug 22, 2022
    Holy Fvck has its flaws – Lovato’s powerful voice is unnecessarily finessed and Auto-Tuned, and 16 tracks is too long. But its gutsy ambition is a thing of substance in and of itself.