• Record Label: Verve
  • Release Date: Apr 7, 2017
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 19 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 19
  2. Negative: 5 out of 19
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  1. May 10, 2021
    As a big big fan of Michelle Branch, I really wish she had left with a better album than Hopeless Romantic. For such a voice and a talent she is I just can't understand how homemade this album looks and feels. The cover looks cheap, and after 7 years of releasing Everything Comes And Goes, this project could have been much more spectacular. Production's pretty bad which is sad, because theAs a big big fan of Michelle Branch, I really wish she had left with a better album than Hopeless Romantic. For such a voice and a talent she is I just can't understand how homemade this album looks and feels. The cover looks cheap, and after 7 years of releasing Everything Comes And Goes, this project could have been much more spectacular. Production's pretty bad which is sad, because the songwriting is (for the most part) brilliant, and everyone wanted to see more of her dynamic and catchy brand sound on The Spirit Room and Hotel Paper. You're still able to find some really good songs like Best You Ever, Temporary Feeling and Hopeless Romantic. Expand
  2. Jul 2, 2020
    SteelMonkey's review is correct, albeit a little harsh. Ms. Branch has an amazing voice. For the most part her lyrics on this album are very good (despite other reviews). Here's the thing. If you stick to your guns and record what you want, the way you want, without any input from other pros you may miss out on the most important thing - what the audience who will, or will not buy yourSteelMonkey's review is correct, albeit a little harsh. Ms. Branch has an amazing voice. For the most part her lyrics on this album are very good (despite other reviews). Here's the thing. If you stick to your guns and record what you want, the way you want, without any input from other pros you may miss out on the most important thing - what the audience who will, or will not buy your album, might like. Rumour is these folks were pissed at the record companies so they were doing things their way, and I get that. The songs are pretty low key for a Michelle Branch album, and the music portion is very boring. Ok - monotonous would be fair. Too bad they didn't look at the final product a couple more times. Without the stubbornness of course. I hope she sees what we see and makes the next album amazing. Screw the record companies - you can do it. Just keep your audience in mind. Expand
  3. Jun 22, 2018
    This is what happens when you let your boyfriend produce your album. All he had to do was pass her a guitar and press record. Instead, he chose to go the route of bad choices and worse compromises, crappy synth, blancmange beats, and songs that have been bent, folded and mutilated to fit some ill-conceived notion of what a hit record sounds like. This is not a Michelle Branch record. It'sThis is what happens when you let your boyfriend produce your album. All he had to do was pass her a guitar and press record. Instead, he chose to go the route of bad choices and worse compromises, crappy synth, blancmange beats, and songs that have been bent, folded and mutilated to fit some ill-conceived notion of what a hit record sounds like. This is not a Michelle Branch record. It's a travesty. Expand
  4. May 21, 2017
    At first listen, Hopeless Romantic is clearly a different direction for Michelle Branch away from the guitar pop that made her the competitor to Vanessa Carlton on piano at her apex. But as Romantic Comedies that heavily infused their narratives with Branch's work have changed into darker, more real stories - so has Branch's music.

    She's still game at remembering a good melody, and
    At first listen, Hopeless Romantic is clearly a different direction for Michelle Branch away from the guitar pop that made her the competitor to Vanessa Carlton on piano at her apex. But as Romantic Comedies that heavily infused their narratives with Branch's work have changed into darker, more real stories - so has Branch's music.

    She's still game at remembering a good melody, and under the Black Keys infused production catchy pop melodies are stripped down from the full-scale, kitchen-sink pop she used to be known for.

    Songs like 'Fault Line' are crying for a retro LA music video to ship it into mainstream consciousness. And after repeated listens 'Fault' and other cuts like 'Hopeless Romantic' and 'Knock Yourself Out' find themselves providing unexpectedly strong returns with staying power - with the latter being the strongest nod to Hotel Paper out of the set.

    Branch fans might be disappointed with such a shift in direction after multiple years, something Vanessa Carlton had to work strategically to pull off, but this could well be Branch's most cohesive and elegant work with it's mainstream teeth cut off in a streaming age.

    The real challenge for Branch will be forming an audience outwith the pop mainstream of teenage girls who grew up with her sounds, expecting reliably early 2000s approaches to melodies. The promise is there in a generation where the likes of Feist are staking claim to temporary greatness, Branch and Carlton remain poised to be stories of enduring legitimacy.
  5. May 16, 2017
    The lack of power and drive in the sound couldn’t quite keep up with the goals of each song, but Branch has one of the best melodic intuitions of any pop rock artist, and she was still able to give spark to the texture with her sung lines when given the space. My Score: 126/180 (Good) = 7/10
  6. Apr 14, 2017
    I had been waiting a long time to hear something new from Michelle Branch, but the Hopeless Romantic album doesn't seem to have anything catchy. The songs all sound kind of the same, and are kind of boring. I was hoping a new Michelle Branch album would have something like Take A Chance On Me, Here We Go Again, Another Sun, or Texas In The Mirror. I guess I'll have to wait a little longer.
  7. Apr 14, 2017
    I suspect that the unreleased West Coast Time would have been the better album. None of these songs are as catchy as 2011's "Loud Music". The songwriting is very weak, and Patrick Carney's production is obvious. This sounds like a bad Black Keys album with Michelle on vocals.
  8. Apr 12, 2017
    Hopelessly dull is more like it. All the edgy black leather and alternative PR is a joke, don't waste your time or money. Just go back and listen to The Spirit Room, it has 100 times the balls and passion of this saccharine faux-altpop.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Q Magazine
    Apr 12, 2017
    Lyrics veer from the pessimism of relationship failure to the optimism of new love, underpinned by the worldliness of a woman moving forwards after so many steps backwards. [Jun 2017, p.105]
  2. 75
    Branch’s commitment sells the project as a whole. And for all that’s different, Branch’s longtime lyrical preoccupation, the intense dissection of love lost and found, remains intact.
  3. Apr 6, 2017
    Hopeless Romantic has an appealingly cool veneer in addition to a sturdy structure of songs. It comes on so smoothly, it's easy to overlook how the songs quickly sink into the subconscious.