• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Jun 15, 2004
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 373 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 22 out of 373

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  1. jyotirmayad
    Jul 10, 2005
    Refreshing, exhiilarating, good energy -- this band has a good future.
  2. ExecutionerJones
    Feb 12, 2006
    They're so tight, that when they turn it all on it hits you like a bomb blast! Incredible album.
  3. Helene
    Dec 18, 2005
    I love Mr. Brightside. The lyrics, the music, and the video to that one song make the whole CD worth buying and the Killers worth listening to. And it's worth listening to again... and again... and again... and again. I should know; I've had it on repeat for the past two hours. haha...
  4. SP
    Mar 18, 2005
    Can't believe the low score from the 'proper' reviews for this album. it's the best album i've heard fro ages, perhaps one or two weak songs but worth more then 65.
  5. Frank
    Apr 23, 2005
    Only misses out on a 10 because of two songs that have rather repetitive choruses. I am glad to have spent my hard earned money on this album, and I am glad I bought it new - which is something I rarely do.
  6. carlos
    May 16, 2005
    good beats love it
  7. JulieK
    Jan 18, 2006
    The best album in years. And yes, I mean years! These guys have what most bands lack now(i e Good Charlotte, Simple Plan) Talent and style. Although very influenced by bands of the 80's, they still come out with a sound that's all their own. Great album!
  8. MateoG.
    Jul 18, 2009
    One of my favorite albums of all time! Yeah!
  9. franm
    Dec 14, 2006
    its a great album, i love the song "andy your a star" its very underground, also "midnigt show", and... well a lot. Its great to listen it in the bus when you go to college, it really wake you up. PS: I´m chilean (south america for the people who think its a spice) and here they have a lot of fans
  10. j30
    Nov 8, 2011
    A near flawless pop rock album. From the opening bass line of Jenny Was a Friend of Mine you're under the Killers spell and you have no choice, but to dance your ass off.
  11. Nov 1, 2017
    One of my favourite albums of the 00's. Full of catchy Indie rock and roll and has some of the best rock singles of the last decade. Mr Brightside, although played to death, remains a classic. This whole album suffers from U2 syndrome - great songs but overplayed to the point where you almost are sick of the music. I'd love to hear this record for the first time again as it was amazing.One of my favourite albums of the 00's. Full of catchy Indie rock and roll and has some of the best rock singles of the last decade. Mr Brightside, although played to death, remains a classic. This whole album suffers from U2 syndrome - great songs but overplayed to the point where you almost are sick of the music. I'd love to hear this record for the first time again as it was amazing. Still if you revisit after a while away from it it's still got the freshness. Expand
  12. Dec 15, 2012
    Just a great album! It's definitely my favorite Killers album. It has great songs that are great to listen to over and over again. I would highly recommend it to anyone.
  13. Apr 28, 2017
    A perfect example of how professional music reviews are absolute garbage and completely useless. Pop music is mostly shallow, repetitive dribble that has its few months of popularity and then fades, but this album has serious staying power. Not only that, it's analogous to the time period, its become a nostalgic collection of anthems. Is it groundbreaking? No, but its a great album thatA perfect example of how professional music reviews are absolute garbage and completely useless. Pop music is mostly shallow, repetitive dribble that has its few months of popularity and then fades, but this album has serious staying power. Not only that, it's analogous to the time period, its become a nostalgic collection of anthems. Is it groundbreaking? No, but its a great album that has stood the test of time. While Critics praised whatever flavor of the month fluff and were lukewarm on this, when people decades from now look at music from the early 2000's, this will be one of the landmark albums. Go to a bar with live music, when they play the Killers, everyone sings along, this was the album of a generation. Expand
  14. Feb 25, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The first 8 tracks (include Glamorous Indie Rock & Roll, f*cking love that song) are absolutely epic. They all sound like hits. The last three tracks aren't as good. Still, this record is exquisitely produced, remarkably written for a first album, and drips with swagger, energy and emotion. It's one of those albums I love singing to at the top of my lungs, because all the songs are so catchy. Expand
  15. MusicMaven
    Jul 10, 2004
    I'd rate this one a 7.5. It's a very enjoyable entry in the recent log of 80's influenced rock-n-roll (i.e. Stills, Stellastarr, Interpol, British Sea Power, etc). The Killers offer a little more affected style and a little less depth and substance than some of their peers, but better than half the album hits the bullseye, and the rest is a decent effort.
  16. jens
    Sep 8, 2004
    not bad :-) x
  17. KyleL
    Feb 3, 2008
    Paul is dead on, first five songs rock and the rest is not worht listening to.
  18. bonF
    Jul 14, 2004
    this album rocks! i cant wait to see them in concert. Most of the tracks are good, from 1 all the way to 5 and track #8. I cant believe some people rated it 0. Haters!, dont hate congratulate, its music man.
  19. davidl
    Feb 20, 2005
    Better with more listening. Some weak moments, but for the most part it had a hold on me in some capacity, be it emotionally or melodically. Good stuff
  20. GaryA
    Jun 8, 2005
    Great first half but gets dull towards the end.
  21. Paul
    Oct 12, 2007
    The first five tracks are superb the rest of the album is OK
  22. stuartk
    Jul 4, 2004
    hey shut, shut up. This is great album, mostly. Well, half great; half kind of forgettable.
  23. SamD
    Oct 3, 2005
    the limited edition, with indie rock and roll, ballad of valentine and under the gun, is better. also the second half of the songs do not suck! they just take some getting used to
  24. NateM
    Oct 5, 2005
    This is great pop, pure and simple. I can't believe that all of the hipster mags gave such poor reviews - and sad that so many did this while comparing the band to Duran Duran or DM - there is no comparison beyond the use of keyboards. The album is in the top 5 of 2005 pop.
  25. LukeT
    Sep 11, 2006
    'Hot fuss' has alot of singles that made the killers very popular indeed. Such as 'Somebody Told Me' 'All These Things Ive Done' and 'Smile Like You Mean It' They are probably the best indie/rock band at the moment and this album proves it.
  26. nattybumpo
    May 11, 2008
    I agree with Paul, the first five tracks are amazing and the rest of the album is mediocre.
  27. ScottW
    Apr 30, 2009
    The Killers first album is truly A killer when it comes to pop rock. Flower's voice is going to go far. On this album it dose and the band along with him. The first 5 and last song rock the album. As for the rest not so much so as to reach a 10 rating just on the songs alone. Still though its a classic and its only the first.
  28. PeterM
    Jun 17, 2004
    A very well-rounded album with some creative lyrics as well.
  29. VB3
    Sep 11, 2004
    Critic are jealous this album is really , but u have to adapt
  30. KarlS
    Dec 29, 2005
    I read this once in a review of another music album and it holds here as well: only the terminally joyless would dislike the killers and hot fuss. Well crafted it may be, but the
  31. LouiseB
    Apr 11, 2005
    This is a good album from the killers but it does get a little (and i mean only a little) boring as it gets towards the end
  32. laana
    Aug 12, 2005
    I like The Killers. One thing I dont understand is why everyone is making a big deal about The Bravery. I like the bravery more than the killers I think. and i dont see how the bravery is really trying to sound like them. i think that their latest release all these things that ive done is an amazing song. nice and fluffy as all the killers songs tend to be. the bravery wins this battle I like The Killers. One thing I dont understand is why everyone is making a big deal about The Bravery. I like the bravery more than the killers I think. and i dont see how the bravery is really trying to sound like them. i think that their latest release all these things that ive done is an amazing song. nice and fluffy as all the killers songs tend to be. the bravery wins this battle for me. LOPe Expand
  33. Danwood
    Jan 14, 2009
    Fantastic debut and contains possibly the killers best song With All The Things That I've done. This album contains the biggest singles but is really just a hint of the great things to come.
  34. Sep 2, 2011
    This album is good. I don't feel like going into details. The sole purpose of this review is to point out how The Killers are in no way a Strokes copy. This album came out in 2004. By 2004, The Strokes had release two albums, Is This It (their masterpiece) and Room On Fire. I will admit that there are some similarities between The Killers and any Strokes album post First Impressions Of TheThis album is good. I don't feel like going into details. The sole purpose of this review is to point out how The Killers are in no way a Strokes copy. This album came out in 2004. By 2004, The Strokes had release two albums, Is This It (their masterpiece) and Room On Fire. I will admit that there are some similarities between The Killers and any Strokes album post First Impressions Of The Earth (meaning that and Angles). However, The Killers and The Strokes from this era really are two entirely different things. First of all, The Strokes received endless praise for Is This It because it was extremely raw and catchy. It was deliberately rough around the edges, sounding like they didn't give a **** about a big studio sound, which is unlike their newer work. The Killers, mainly this album, give off a much more grand and clean cut sound. There is a whole lot of synth used in many of the songs on this album, and it all sounds big and clean, much unlike The Strokes. Now anyone who says that this album is a Strokes rip-off can go **** themselves. Either way, Is This It is much better than this. This is better than most of The Strokes other work though. Expand
  35. Jan 25, 2012
    Hot Fuss really doesn't sound like any other album I've ever heard. And that's what I love about it. It sets itself apart from most other indie albums. The Killers make stylish indie rock music that not many other bands can pull off as well as they did in Hot Fuss. Each track sounds significant and catchy. Not a single weak track. But the album mostly shines in the first half of it. "JennyHot Fuss really doesn't sound like any other album I've ever heard. And that's what I love about it. It sets itself apart from most other indie albums. The Killers make stylish indie rock music that not many other bands can pull off as well as they did in Hot Fuss. Each track sounds significant and catchy. Not a single weak track. But the album mostly shines in the first half of it. "Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine" starts out the album perfectly with it's fast guitars, funky bass, and catchy chorus. Easily the best track on the album but every other song stands on it's own. Great debut album. B+ Expand
  36. May 26, 2012
    I really enjoyed this album, and I think it is the group's second best, behind Day and Age. The majority of the songs on this album can pass as singles, and I really like the amount of energy that this album gives off. It is a very catchy and mostly very upbeat record that anyone can enjoy.
  37. Sep 25, 2012
    Nice debut from a great band. Features some of their best songs and, of course, Brandon Flower's great voice! And also the great musicians by his side, who made one really cool LP here. Sometimes it's lyrically a bit plain, but I can easily connive at that.
  38. Jan 13, 2018
    I don't listen to much Killers, but this album is incredible. Most of the songs are fast and full of energy, and that energy is amazing. I love the unique Killers style, and it is at it's strongest of this album. The music on this album is catch and awesome, and makes me me come back for more again and again. "Smile Like You Mean It", "On Top", "Jenny Was a Friend of Mine", and "SomebodyI don't listen to much Killers, but this album is incredible. Most of the songs are fast and full of energy, and that energy is amazing. I love the unique Killers style, and it is at it's strongest of this album. The music on this album is catch and awesome, and makes me me come back for more again and again. "Smile Like You Mean It", "On Top", "Jenny Was a Friend of Mine", and "Somebody Told Me" make me want to dance and sing along. The final song is an amazing, unique conclusion to a great album. The only area where Hot Fuss fails is the lyrics department. The music and vocals couldn't be better. Expand
  39. Jun 23, 2023
    This is the best The Killers album, it gets very good parts of the Rock genre and mixes with great lyrics, of course it contain some mistakes, but the album is amazing and have tracks that are just awesome
  40. [Anonymous]
    Jun 15, 2004
    The first five songs are amazing. So amazing that they make up for the six or so unmemorable ones that come after it. Oh, except the one with Natalie and the gogo dancer. C'mon, that's pure genius.
  41. ChrisJ
    Dec 2, 2005
    If this album didn't have Mr Brightside on it I'd give it a 4. The murder story is gripping and the synth sound is v.cool but the vocals are okay at best. Although, frankly, it's worth buying just to play Brightside again, and again, and again, and again. Helluva song!
  42. frederikw
    Jan 26, 2005
    first 5 songs are ok but then it goes downward.
  43. AleksC
    Apr 21, 2005
    The Killers debut album is pretty good. The first few tracks are great, and I listen to them a lot. While the rest seems, too stale for me even to bother.
  44. SuleimanM.
    May 18, 2009
    An impressive first offering, and an enjoyable one at that. Hot Fuss is a great album, and if you're just getting into The Killers, it's a great place to start. Songs such as Mr. Brightside should easily impress.
  45. JohnM
    Dec 27, 2004
    not bad. half the album justfies the hype. and 'someboy told me' is a fab single. Apart from that, the killers are just shed 7 with suits...
  46. jamesc
    Mar 15, 2005
    play this cd loud from track 1-7 then turn it off. some brilliant stuff at the start, though im getting tired of 'mr brightside' by now. 'andy youre a star' is a great song only to be marred when it goes soft in the middle. 'on top' is a super tune also. if this record stopped at no 7, it would get a definite 10, but what follows drags it slightly into play this cd loud from track 1-7 then turn it off. some brilliant stuff at the start, though im getting tired of 'mr brightside' by now. 'andy youre a star' is a great song only to be marred when it goes soft in the middle. 'on top' is a super tune also. if this record stopped at no 7, it would get a definite 10, but what follows drags it slightly into mediocrity. very good overall though. Expand
  47. DonalC
    Jul 23, 2009
    First 5 songs are amazing. 6 and 7 are good. the rest are poor!
  48. Jun 29, 2012
    The Killers' first instalment was a breakthrough for them, undoubtedly. It catapulted them into the spotlight, aided, of course, by their critically acclaimed hit Mr. Brightside. The four singles released (Tracks 2-5) were highlights of an otherwise dull album. The album has far more misses than hits, with forgettable tracks such as 'Glamorous Indie, Rock & Roll', 'On Top' and 'Believe MeThe Killers' first instalment was a breakthrough for them, undoubtedly. It catapulted them into the spotlight, aided, of course, by their critically acclaimed hit Mr. Brightside. The four singles released (Tracks 2-5) were highlights of an otherwise dull album. The album has far more misses than hits, with forgettable tracks such as 'Glamorous Indie, Rock & Roll', 'On Top' and 'Believe Me Natalie'. However, when it hits the highlights, it truly hits the highlights. Tracks like 'Smile Like You Mean It', 'All These Things That I've Done' and 'Midnight Show' truly are the pillars of the album. The lyrics feel too mainstream, and a tad immature when compared to The Killers' future releases. A respectable album non-the-less, however definitely not their best. Expand
  49. Jun 17, 2011
    This is a reasonably good album, I understand that music is just the most subjective thing in the world but damn this album does a lot of things rights. The top 7 tracks are great with 'Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine', 'Mr. Brightside' and 'Andy, You're A Star' standing out to me. Unfortunately I thought the album really dies off after that, I really only enjoyed "Under The Gun' from there.This is a reasonably good album, I understand that music is just the most subjective thing in the world but damn this album does a lot of things rights. The top 7 tracks are great with 'Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine', 'Mr. Brightside' and 'Andy, You're A Star' standing out to me. Unfortunately I thought the album really dies off after that, I really only enjoyed "Under The Gun' from there. The thing is, The Killers produce a great sound in 'Hot Fuss' and overall this is a very enjoyable album.â Expand
  50. Aug 19, 2020
    The Killers show off their talent in this debut by rafting some of the catchiest pop singles of the decade. Some of the songs are a bit slow and repetitive and Flowers’ voice is ear-splittingly bad.
  51. Oligami
    Sep 11, 2007
    If nothing else, they're a singles band.
  52. AndrewS
    May 29, 2005
    A decent pop album but a little thin and will become boring after a few listens.
  53. MichaelC
    Oct 11, 2006
    The Killers pulled off a solid debut. Hot Fuss could have been exceptional, if it weren't for the second half, which is almost unlistenable. The music flows well, and, out of all of the 80s New Wave revival jokes, err, sorry bands to release albums, The Killers are definitely the best.
  54. AndrewG
    Jun 29, 2006
    The Killers have produced three of the best singles in recent times in Mr Brightside, All These Things that Ive Done and Somebody Told Me and there are two or three more tracks here that live up to that standard...but the album is perhaps weighed down by a lack of direction. Promising debut though
  55. Schmit
    Jan 27, 2008
    Not especially interesting music, some catchy singles, but that's all.
  56. Feb 4, 2016
    Interesting use of synths to support the guitar leads and bass lines but production that at times does not do some the sound any justice. opens very strong with catchy grooves but the second half simply does not deliver. would of been perfect as an EP of 5 or 6 tracks
  57. Aug 8, 2017
    Although I believe there are a lot of standout tracks to come out of this album, including my personal favorite ''Somebody Told Me'', I have a feeling that the album contains two parts. Part A which is a masterpiece, and Part B that starts at ''On Top'' which is really subpar. I didn't dislike the entire album, only part of it.
  58. May 18, 2020
    Most of the songs are pretty one-dimensional, and Flowers’s voice gets old pretty quick.
  59. robert
    Sep 12, 2004
    I like the drumming, and the bass lines. On some of the tracks. I think Jenny and Brightside are pretty decent songs. Thats about it for positive comments.
  60. ChelseaD
    May 8, 2005
    The album gets worse the more you listen to it. Riding off the 80s revival Wave (ha, I made a pun!), The Killers are the worst of the bunch. Half the songs sound like the same song on repeat, and while none of them are particularly bad, but not are particularly great either. It's as if The Killers have resigned themselves to being a mediocre pop band. The Somebody Told Me EP was much The album gets worse the more you listen to it. Riding off the 80s revival Wave (ha, I made a pun!), The Killers are the worst of the bunch. Half the songs sound like the same song on repeat, and while none of them are particularly bad, but not are particularly great either. It's as if The Killers have resigned themselves to being a mediocre pop band. The Somebody Told Me EP was much , much better, and if you want to hear what The Killers COULD'VE sounded like, go download "Under The Gun" and "Ballad of Michael Valentine." Expand
  61. BenS
    Sep 23, 2005
    After two stunning singles in 'smile like you mean it' and 'mr brightside' in was frankly dissapointed with the album. 'Andy your a star' and 'smile like you mean it', were still great indie songs but soon began to grate while 'glamorous indie rock and roll' is frankly embarrasing. Patchy.
  62. jackm
    Feb 3, 2005
    Nearly good enough songs. There is something lacking though that just doesn't push the sound far enough into the field of greatness. Good to Air-Synth to though...
  63. VladA
    Apr 5, 2005
    Brandon Flowers is quite possibly the worst vocalist ever. He's tryin to crossbreed Julian Casablancas and Paul Banks and comes off as a drag queen. What an artifically crappy band in general. Somebody told me that you had an that sounded like someone else's album...hint hint...
  64. Apr 2, 2017
    I really enjoy their hit songs like Mr. Brightside, but frankly, the rest of the album is quite disappointing and not as musical and catchy as i wished it was.
  65. claytonz
    Jun 15, 2004
    another indie shit band
  66. CraigA
    Feb 9, 2005
    The Killers and in particular Brandon Flowers have no idea about light and dark. They have attempted to mimic a album of 80's greatest hits and created a monotonous 80's cliche`. To compare them to any band of the eighties is an insult to that era.
  67. ScottT
    Apr 3, 2005
    Brings nothing new to the music table- just rides off the 'bring back the 80s' fad. If you enjoy the sound but prefer not to be listening to derivative, shallow, flavor-of-the-day music- try depeche mode, the cure, tears for fears, duran duran, modern english, talking heads, etc. This is nothing but cheap pop and 'killer' marketing.
  68. TylerD
    Jan 18, 2005
    This is a pop album. whoever thinks that this is rock...psshh. and don't even try to compare them to the rapture! This band is a sloppy rehash of good indie rock. Are they indie? Are they pop? I don't think even they know! And the synth...so out of place. This is not synth rock, just because they throw some little ditties in the middle of their songs.
  69. Aug 26, 2016
    The Killers are a pale and lurid copy of everything good that came out of the early '00s. They try to go for the Interpol/Strokes/Arctic Monkeys sound and fall flat on their faces. The songs are boring and all sound the same, including Mr Brightside, which is not only the most overplayed trash I've ever heard, but also has nothing exciting or likeable about it. This is an album of a bandThe Killers are a pale and lurid copy of everything good that came out of the early '00s. They try to go for the Interpol/Strokes/Arctic Monkeys sound and fall flat on their faces. The songs are boring and all sound the same, including Mr Brightside, which is not only the most overplayed trash I've ever heard, but also has nothing exciting or likeable about it. This is an album of a band that is scared of originality and lacks any kind of talent. Expand
  70. RonG
    Nov 3, 2005
    God how dreary. One dimensional rhythms, irritating choruses and use of synths I could go on... Don't believe the inexplicable popularity
  71. ZachL
    Apr 27, 2005
    this is exactly the band that record companies want you to hear. they have catchy tunes and a good image. and these are the bands that suck beyond belief. never say this band is like the cure, robert smith was an original. he wasn't a rip off of every band that came before him. if you want a band to listen to that doesn't sound like everything else, just listen to something that this is exactly the band that record companies want you to hear. they have catchy tunes and a good image. and these are the bands that suck beyond belief. never say this band is like the cure, robert smith was an original. he wasn't a rip off of every band that came before him. if you want a band to listen to that doesn't sound like everything else, just listen to something that isn't on fuse tv. Expand
  72. bolant
    Jun 20, 2004
    this is awful
  73. paulc
    Jul 8, 2004
    The cd sounds totally contrived and pre-arranged and sounds like the band is more concerned with image and style than artistry. It's filled with radio-friendly cliches and sounds completely hollow, leaving the listener with feelings of guilt for wasting time on this.
  74. mikez
    Jun 15, 2004
    gibberish for toddlers.
  75. stanu
    Sep 12, 2004
    Over-produced, unoriginal, style-over-substance crap. The rhythm section is actually pretty tight, I have seen them live. But the vocals are god-awful, the keys are unneccesary, and the guitar is just, well, there. But as bad as the CD is, the live show is worse...Brandon Flowers primping and preening while belting out pseudo-brit 80's shite is simply more than I can stomach.
  76. mikeb
    Jun 15, 2004
    total talentless sham.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Most of Hot Fuss slides by without creating much of a stir, but it's got too many memorable moments to be written off.
  2. Blender
    They're not the first--or even the fifteenth--recent band to draw on that era [of the 1980s], but they're among the most assured. [#27, p.138]
  3. What's most shocking about Hot Fuss, though, is how, after five sensational songs, the rest of the album completely implodes, as the other six tracks get weighed down by too much production, a lack of memorable hooks, and some inexplicable musical touches that may have sounded clever in the studio, but wind up sounding disastrous on the CD.