• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Apr 9, 2013
User Score

Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 44 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 44
  2. Negative: 19 out of 44
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  1. Apr 25, 2015
    One of the weakest hip hop releases of 2013. To be honest, I think this was worse than Lil Wayne's I Am Not a Human Being II. This album is nothing but a collection of songs with decent (but repetitive) production, weak lyricism and little originality. There are a few songs on here that he tries to be lyrical, but even these songs aren't that great. To be honest, some of the features hereOne of the weakest hip hop releases of 2013. To be honest, I think this was worse than Lil Wayne's I Am Not a Human Being II. This album is nothing but a collection of songs with decent (but repetitive) production, weak lyricism and little originality. There are a few songs on here that he tries to be lyrical, but even these songs aren't that great. To be honest, some of the features here save this album from being a complete disaster. Future provides a decent hook on "Show You", Tyga and Game switch lanes on "Switch Lanes", and 2Pac (who was, unfortunately, left out of the album due to clearance issues)'s leftover verses from his pre-death songs were combined here to make one of the best verses on the whole album, but what really ruins this album is Tyga's very few attempts to be original and his very uncreative lyrics. I have respect for Tyga as a rapper, I understand where he wants to go with his life, but if he keeps on making weak albums like this his career's going to go downhill (which it already has started doing). The only Tyga album released on YMCMB that was even a bit worth listening to was Careless World: Rise of the Last King. I didn't even like Fan of a Fan: The Album with Chris Brown that much, but it was a little bit better. Now, because of Tyga's extremely weak recent efforts, I'm not expecting much from The Gold Album: 18th Dynasty. Grade: C-. Highlights: "Dope", "Switch Lanes", "Palm Trees" (fantastic closer with an outstanding beat and decent lyrics). Worst songs: Just about everything else. Expand
  2. Mar 26, 2015
  3. Apr 19, 2014
    This album was average at best it sounds way to commercial to me nowhere as good as Careless World. Not many songs I get into on this album Switch Lanes and Dad Letters are the only songs I like. The production and features keep this from being a terrible album even his lyrics are bad and immature.
  4. May 1, 2013
    there's nothin much to say but this album is pureeeeeee garbage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  5. Apr 12, 2013
    The reason of Tyga's success is unknown. After his porn site has been blocked and after the painful release of Lil Wayne's album, Tyga releases this poor and inconclusive work. Hotel California is the worst example of a stupid, repetitive and boring album.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 7
  2. Negative: 1 out of 7
  1. Apr 18, 2013
    On the one hand, the album does very little of what Tyga’s best at and even when it does, Hotel California makes the strange move of bowing to Tyga’s biting prowess rather than original, ratchet works. On the other, everything here is done perfectly well and enjoyably; unless you’re focused on Tyga’s bars, taking him purely as a presence on some nice beats is not excruciating.
  2. Apr 16, 2013
    Hotel California fails to deliver on any of the hype it had leading up to its release.
  3. Apr 12, 2013
    Hotel California is inexcusable. It may be the least creative major-label rap album in recent memory.