by U2
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 409 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 81 out of 409

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  1. brantw
    Nov 27, 2004
    weak points: not enough 'angry Edge' bullet the blue sky here.. stong points: erotic beauty for a hang over head
  2. JorisV.
    Nov 27, 2004
    Good cd, but can't tip Achtung Baby or The Joshua Tree, unless some reviewers who acclaim this would be their best cd... Therefor "...Bomb" has to few classic standout tracks, there's no song on it that could stand time like one or pride. Despite this, this is a coherent, sometimes genius album.
  3. GuenterO
    Nov 27, 2004
    Edge better than ever. Great produced. Better than ATYCLB.
  4. SantosR
    Nov 26, 2004
    Album of the year, no question. Uplifting and inspirational, gets better the more you listen to it.
  5. DanM
    Nov 26, 2004
    Tops Joshua Tree and Achtung, Baby with its sheer passion. Great music. Ref. the "Freedom has a scent ..." line that's so controversial, it's all part of the overall theme of the album. "Atomic Bomb" is one for the ages.
  6. Johan
    Nov 25, 2004
    Hard to judge a classic earth moving album before the first 100 listenings...but I'm getting there...
  7. AndrewA
    Nov 25, 2004
    yep, it is disappointing. But it has got to be the best rock album out there. I dont hear any real radio pounding stuff. It does go deep mind you and I think not in a commercial way. More like a clarification of what thev'e done and they have creative control over it. I sense a serious block buster in the making. This one is like a must hear also. I like the craftwork that went into yep, it is disappointing. But it has got to be the best rock album out there. I dont hear any real radio pounding stuff. It does go deep mind you and I think not in a commercial way. More like a clarification of what thev'e done and they have creative control over it. I sense a serious block buster in the making. This one is like a must hear also. I like the craftwork that went into it. I like the emotional clarity also. Still it is a bit like even with the very best on the table the heart is only casually present. It makes it to the 9 slot but I want commitment for the next/classic level. Expand
  8. JohnJ
    Nov 25, 2004
    Junky pop music that pales in comparison to pre-Pop albums. Although even Pop was better than this. Regretfully, they appear to be on the slippery slope to loud mediocrity.
  9. stevew
    Nov 25, 2004
    i loved it when u2 stretched themselves as much, if not more, than the next person. but its hard to argue with songs this good- even with all the shmaltz and cheese. this is the stuff of 20,000-strong singalongs, the kinds of tunes you'll find yourself humming on the way to work. best since Achtung Baby? certainly. does it deserve to be mentioned alongside their two masterpieces? i loved it when u2 stretched themselves as much, if not more, than the next person. but its hard to argue with songs this good- even with all the shmaltz and cheese. this is the stuff of 20,000-strong singalongs, the kinds of tunes you'll find yourself humming on the way to work. best since Achtung Baby? certainly. does it deserve to be mentioned alongside their two masterpieces? time will tell. Expand
  10. MikeC
    Nov 25, 2004
    Fantastic, perfect U2 execution. Wonderful listening - had me enthralled from the first listen and it hasn't stopped spinning in my CD player since.
  11. EstebanC
    Nov 25, 2004
    Great Lyrics, Maybe not really appreciated with one listen, but it grows and grows and grows.
  12. KoenD
    Nov 25, 2004
    Iy's so good to see at least some people giving this CD a lower score. It's not that I think it is bad, it is just that this is not vintage U2. U2 had their great moments with achtung baby, but over the last few years they have definitely lost it. Come on people, don't go along ith the hype and rate this CD for what it really is: another mediocre U2 album
  13. MikeD
    Nov 25, 2004
    Brilliant, justifies the tag "best band in the world" - by a long way
  14. markf
    Nov 24, 2004
    This is a solid album, but almost redundant. I also liked Sonic Youth's album this year, and I don't think this is any better. I do like "Vertigo" a lot [I'm one of the crazies who never heard it before yesterday (Nov. 24)], and I also like some of the quieter songs in the second half. I actually think it's an easy-to-listen-to album that all my friends and family will This is a solid album, but almost redundant. I also liked Sonic Youth's album this year, and I don't think this is any better. I do like "Vertigo" a lot [I'm one of the crazies who never heard it before yesterday (Nov. 24)], and I also like some of the quieter songs in the second half. I actually think it's an easy-to-listen-to album that all my friends and family will enjoy. There's just no way it's in the class of "War" or "Achtung, Baby." Those are my faves. You can take my comments with a grain of salt though, since I heard songs from "The Joshua Tree" on the radio ten times a day when it came out, and I don't really care if I ever hear them again, except for "In God's Country." My fave U2 song is "Desire", so now you REALLY know what a heretic I am. Still this new album is plenty decent. Expand
  15. MikeR
    Nov 24, 2004
    The few negitive reviews that I have seen all mention the fact that this album is "U2 sounding to much like...U2" Interesting......that is exactly what I was hoping!!! This album ROCKS!
  16. [Anonymous]
    Nov 24, 2004
    I used to love U2 so much. I'm not sure if I've wised up or if they have descended into the realms of the retarded. This album is junk. While some of the tunes are OK, Bono's lyrics are a series of painful couplets that with have you reaching for the crack pipe to drown it all out.
  17. Daniel
    Nov 24, 2004
    What this planet needs....
  18. dmandwoman
    Nov 23, 2004
    Great tunes! Beautiful emotion in words and music. Not certain it's an Achtung Baby or Joshua Tree though. But, even if it's close to those 2 albums, it's a major achievement.
  19. TonyH
    Nov 23, 2004
    It's got more than enough of what makes u2 special--good and bad--to make it worth owning. At least three instant classics.
  20. AbuF
    Nov 23, 2004
    Solid album from guys who rarely let us down and we are the better for it.
  21. ThomasB
    Nov 23, 2004
    A Classic - Best Since Achtung Baby! City of Blinding Lights an Epic Live U2 song in the tradition of Where the Streets Have No Name. The hair will be standing on the neck. Again. Love, Peace or Else - Sinester in a Doors kind of way. Yaewah -Best since one.
  22. StevieG
    Nov 23, 2004
    U2 is a great band. This is not their best record. But it is their best record since Auchtung Baby. I truly appreciate their stripped down rock sound. Lyrically, the record is mature and introspective. It is not The Joshua Tree or the aforementioned A.B., but it is a very good U2 album, which means it is much better than most of the other crap the record companies try to feed us. It U2 is a great band. This is not their best record. But it is their best record since Auchtung Baby. I truly appreciate their stripped down rock sound. Lyrically, the record is mature and introspective. It is not The Joshua Tree or the aforementioned A.B., but it is a very good U2 album, which means it is much better than most of the other crap the record companies try to feed us. It should make for a great concert. Peace. Expand
  23. Steve
    Nov 23, 2004
    the moments of past charm are lost. a predictably inconsistant cd that has become U2's trademark. difficult to listen to from start to finish.
  24. RickB
    Nov 23, 2004
    Better than 2000's All That You Can't Leave Behind and possibly their best album since Actung Baby. This band does not get old, only better. I do believe that they are the greatest band since the Beatles and quite possibly in due time may have much more influence than the Fab Four from Liverpool.
  25. RobertH
    Nov 23, 2004
    A 3 because there are only 3 good songs: Vertigo, Love and Peace, and maybe All Because of You. C'mon folks, this has none of the risk and exploration of Achtung, or even Zooropa. Bono's voice seems shot, and competes with Edge's guitar for attention. A disappointment to say the least.
  26. ErwinK
    Nov 23, 2004
    Good album...... but I kind of miss the Achtung Baby post-modern sexiness and excesses, the walls of televisions - EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS WRONG - the silhouette of a madman against a blue static TV screen as Zoo Station screeches - WATCH MORE TV - the dissonance, the interference, the spectacle and experimentation, the Fly sunglasses - WHAT DO YOU WANT - Bono's ego absorbed in a Good album...... but I kind of miss the Achtung Baby post-modern sexiness and excesses, the walls of televisions - EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS WRONG - the silhouette of a madman against a blue static TV screen as Zoo Station screeches - WATCH MORE TV - the dissonance, the interference, the spectacle and experimentation, the Fly sunglasses - WHAT DO YOU WANT - Bono's ego absorbed in a catharthis of technology, gold llama suits, red horns and flirting with the devil........ but hey maybe that's just me. Expand
  27. KevinR
    Nov 23, 2004
    Now THIS is what I call Christian rock...not the "jingles for Jesus" crap that the religious un--right uses to lure young people back into subservience. This is a record about how staying faithful is tough, scary even. How no matter what you believe, life will manage to throw you curves that hit you in the knees. How somehow life and faith and love and hope are all tied in a confusing Now THIS is what I call Christian rock...not the "jingles for Jesus" crap that the religious un--right uses to lure young people back into subservience. This is a record about how staying faithful is tough, scary even. How no matter what you believe, life will manage to throw you curves that hit you in the knees. How somehow life and faith and love and hope are all tied in a confusing intoxicating knot. Thanks U2! Expand
  28. DavidL
    Nov 23, 2004
    U2 has set a very high standard for themselves. They have managed to reach it once again. HTDAAB is not the best they've ever done, but it's still really good-the best since Achtung Baby. The trademark chiming guitars and soaring vocals give U2 fans what they want. U2 is not only the last relevant band of their era, they're still the best band out there.
  29. Santiago
    Nov 23, 2004
    De nada sirve la critica especializada, cuando no tienen idea de la musica. Todos dicen que Pop, fue el pero album, y sin duda fue uno de los mejores. Este, es el otro grande junto a Joshua y Atchung.
  30. DaveM
    Nov 23, 2004
    Great album by a great band.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. This time, Steve Lillywhite and the other producers assembled simply construct a U2 album in miniature, mixing in the Edge's processed-guitar trademark whenever you fear they're straying into unforgivable un-U2ness. That's just not enough.
  2. This is grandiose music from grandiose men, sweatlessly confident in the execution of their duties.
  3. While the rest of the album fails to live up to the breadth of “City” and “Crumbs,” and while it takes serious missteps on the shockingly bad “Man and a Woman” and “Yahweh,” this is, by and large, an album to be thankful for, regardless of your demographic.