• Record Label: Geffen
  • Release Date: Oct 18, 2005
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 204 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 90 out of 204

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  1. JavierD.e
    Oct 4, 2007
    Even is not a GREAT Cd it has really good songs like coming back for more , another life , say goodbye . But there's some songs who could it be better.
  2. BorisF
    Sep 24, 2006
    Ashlee fell victom to over indulgence she tryed to go so far left IT FAILED though the album is listenable and some songs are actually "good" (boyfriend,say goodbye) most are not after her great dbut "Autobiography" Ashlee should have stuck to the same formula that worked for her debut
  3. AlanH
    Jul 20, 2006
    OK..so Ashlee Simpson isn't a great singer, but she can occasionally come off as acceptable, especially when she isn't trying so hard to convince you. With many of the songs on I Am Me you get this odd feeling you've heard it before, especially on Eyes Wide Open which sounds very much like a Coldplay tune. And , of course, their's L.O.V.E. which is a total rip-off of OK..so Ashlee Simpson isn't a great singer, but she can occasionally come off as acceptable, especially when she isn't trying so hard to convince you. With many of the songs on I Am Me you get this odd feeling you've heard it before, especially on Eyes Wide Open which sounds very much like a Coldplay tune. And , of course, their's L.O.V.E. which is a total rip-off of Qwen Stefani. However, I do find myself turning up the volume when it's playing in my car. Expand
  4. mikes.
    Jun 26, 2006
    an underated album, the songs decent pop. nothing special, but not as bad as some people say
  5. ChristinaE
    Jan 17, 2006
    Her first album was much better. This album has many songs that resemble each other and I only personally enjoy three of them. All of the songs are about her chasing boys, or them chasing her. The album is catchy, but that can only go so far.
  6. cassien
    Jan 9, 2006
    not a great album though i would rather listen to this then her sister jessica simpsons music what a load of crap
  7. ashm
    Dec 28, 2005
    love her husky voice
  8. marie-evet
    Nov 10, 2005
    As much as i dont like the phony sounds. It is still a good album to listen in my car...not too loud.
  9. nathan
    Oct 27, 2005
    Her first CD was much better, this one is just alright. There are about five good songs, and the rest are pretty forgettable. Oh and also, it's not nearly as bad as people are saying that it is. If your into ashlee simpson and this kind of music then thats cool, if your not then don't frickin listen too her, and leave her alone! I'm not into some singers and bands but I Her first CD was much better, this one is just alright. There are about five good songs, and the rest are pretty forgettable. Oh and also, it's not nearly as bad as people are saying that it is. If your into ashlee simpson and this kind of music then thats cool, if your not then don't frickin listen too her, and leave her alone! I'm not into some singers and bands but I don't feel the need to go all over the place and post reviews slamming them. Expand
  10. SairoS
    Oct 25, 2005
    It seems like she lost the touch. Her first album was VERY good, but this one has only 3 or 4 good songs.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 13
  2. Negative: 5 out of 13
  1. The pop hooks are there, but we can't shake the feeling that the sentiments come off as phony.
  2. In venturing to offer something for everyone, Simpson offers nothing for anyone.
  3. No matter how hard Simpson tries, no matter how foreboding the surface, beneath it all she's still light and frivolous. But that doesn't mean, by any stretch, that this is bubblegum music, since that term implies that this music is frothy, fun, and, most important, hooky, and I Am Me is none of those things.