• Record Label: Geffen
  • Release Date: Oct 18, 2005
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 204 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 90 out of 204

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  1. MahaliaT
    Nov 2, 2005
    Oh come on, this is good for what it is.... everyone is being overly harsh. Yeah she funked up on SNL last year but let's get over it. It's a top pop album and it's not boring at least.
  2. MARYL
    Nov 1, 2005
    I bought this CD because I really liked the her first CD. I like this one even more. I feel bad that there are people out there that can't see beyond the SNL issue. If lip synching is so awful, then how is that Britney has gotten away with it and made her millions with little if any negative media attention? When compared to others like Lindsey or Hillary, there is real talent here I bought this CD because I really liked the her first CD. I like this one even more. I feel bad that there are people out there that can't see beyond the SNL issue. If lip synching is so awful, then how is that Britney has gotten away with it and made her millions with little if any negative media attention? When compared to others like Lindsey or Hillary, there is real talent here both in her voice and song writing talent. Expand
  3. FredR
    Oct 29, 2005
    I bought this CD for my 11 year-old nephew because I bought Autobiography for him and I wanted to surprise him with this one. Well, to my surprise he's not into Ashlee anymore. His loss! I put it on in my car and couldn't turn it off, it plays front to back and is very mature and intelligent. Ashlee performs these pop rockers with confidence and conviction, the production is I bought this CD for my 11 year-old nephew because I bought Autobiography for him and I wanted to surprise him with this one. Well, to my surprise he's not into Ashlee anymore. His loss! I put it on in my car and couldn't turn it off, it plays front to back and is very mature and intelligent. Ashlee performs these pop rockers with confidence and conviction, the production is brilliant, and I can't find any faults whatsoever. I'm a 37 year-old guy who listens to every genre of music, but I'm very picky within them. This disc is a bonafide rocker! My only wish is that Ashlee abandon all the MTV nonsense, ditch the kiddies, and pursue a career based on this fantastic music. She should be doing club gigs and building a rock fan base. Too bad she's a media puppet. Oh well, the disc stands on it's own. By the way, why do people review CDs that they obviously have not purchased and would never give a chance anyway? Reviewers like Toby Keith discredit this otherwise helpful site. Very immature. Expand
  4. BeckyS
    Oct 28, 2005
    Like many others, I think that this album is severly lacking....lacking in talent, in originality, in musicality....Ashlee needs to go back to acting...she has little range as a singer and is merely a puppet for the people around her..."I Am Me"? Ashlee, who are you? Gwen Stefani's wannabe clone? Find yourself, then maybe try again...maybe, but learn to sing first...
  5. nathan
    Oct 27, 2005
    Her first CD was much better, this one is just alright. There are about five good songs, and the rest are pretty forgettable. Oh and also, it's not nearly as bad as people are saying that it is. If your into ashlee simpson and this kind of music then thats cool, if your not then don't frickin listen too her, and leave her alone! I'm not into some singers and bands but I Her first CD was much better, this one is just alright. There are about five good songs, and the rest are pretty forgettable. Oh and also, it's not nearly as bad as people are saying that it is. If your into ashlee simpson and this kind of music then thats cool, if your not then don't frickin listen too her, and leave her alone! I'm not into some singers and bands but I don't feel the need to go all over the place and post reviews slamming them. Expand
  6. T-BONE
    Oct 27, 2005
    ok read shannon p's comment. That sums it for me. This album sucks.
  7. RichardD
    Oct 26, 2005
    It was a struggle to give this even a "1." It just sounds like someone set the machine to "pop" and out shot this album. She could have done so much better. Sad.
  8. TobyKeith
    Oct 26, 2005
    It's worth 1/10 at least for her rack that nicely frames the album cover. You'd do her, wouldn't you?
  9. JoniquaM
    Oct 26, 2005
    i love dis Cd ashlee is a hotti and shes got catchy songs all yall others r jus hatazz
  10. AlanR
    Oct 26, 2005
    How can you release an album under your name when you didn't write or sing or have any form of creative input whatsoever into it? Ashlee found a way. It's called mo' money, mo' money, mo'money.
  11. evenhamownsashlee
    Oct 25, 2005
    wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww sucks
  12. stevej
    Oct 25, 2005
    This album sucks, i would bang her though.
  13. SairoS
    Oct 25, 2005
    It seems like she lost the touch. Her first album was VERY good, but this one has only 3 or 4 good songs.
  14. TomD
    Oct 24, 2005
    unnecessary. a shame really, because I do loves me some good teen pop. play it at halloween parties to really scare the toys out of the pinatas.
  15. steelpen
    Oct 24, 2005
  16. ShannonP
    Oct 24, 2005
    I love this CD. I can listen from start to finish and never be disappointed. I love her song writing. It's real and edgy. This is by far her better CD. Beautifully Broken and Say Goodbye are excellent:)
  17. johnyd
    Oct 24, 2005
    nothing extra...
  18. RaulJulia
    Oct 23, 2005
    SEX SEX SEX. It worked for her big sister, why not the baby of the family? Leave it to dear old dad to tart the girl up. Here her music is as fake as the silocone ad on the album cover.
  19. StaceyS
    Oct 23, 2005
    worst album EVER
  20. jamif
    Oct 23, 2005
    ohmygod, when will she stop!!
  21. SamanthaS
    Oct 23, 2005
    I think this cd is great. The hooks are catchy and, most importantly, meaningful to Ashlee. As a co-writer of this album, she made sure this cd was personal to her. I believe it is a top ranker within its genre.
  22. ilikegoodmusic
    Oct 23, 2005
    wow. at least the critics are being honest about this one. this is just sad, apocalypse is nigh.
  23. BenS
    Oct 23, 2005
    total crap, was forced to listen to this parp and almost died
  24. ???
    Oct 22, 2005
    anyone who listens to this has not only no taste in music but also must have serious mental conditions that should be checked out.
  25. ChanteT
    Oct 22, 2005
    Models can't necessarily sing.
  26. HehHehehe
    Oct 22, 2005
    Same ol' Same ol'
  27. zacko
    Oct 22, 2005
    what is this crap? ashley simpson is NOT an artist, and it boggles the mind to try to comprehend why she is in the "music" business in the first place. *ahem HER SISTER AHEM*. she has no musical talent or appreciation in any form, doesnt write her songs or arrangements, shes just a puppet of her father living in her sister's shadow.
  28. JimC
    Oct 21, 2005
    Should have downloaded this pile of crap. Never listen to a g/f when buying music. This is worse than anything I've ever heard anywhere at any time.
  29. ChuckW
    Oct 21, 2005
    What a sappy, crappy piece of trash! This album sounds as if she's taken a number of great songs and just re-worked them in a different key and sprayed her "trademark" growl all over them. Really, really bad.
  30. Matt
    Oct 21, 2005
    A disaster. I wasn't a fan of Autobiography, but in trying to prove she's a serious artist, on I Am Me she's just become a pale imitation of more artists. Buy Brie Larson's Finally Out Of P.E. instead if you want a great new pop album.
  31. humbertor
    Oct 21, 2005
    These reviews are all wrong. The cd is actually a lot better than her first cd. It took me a while to catch onto the hooks in Autobiography, however I Am Me had me from the first listen. It is catchy. It is good. The songs sounds similar to recent hits, But they hold their own. She has grown a lot. "In Another Life", "Coming Back For More", "Boyfriend", "Dancing Alone" are just some of These reviews are all wrong. The cd is actually a lot better than her first cd. It took me a while to catch onto the hooks in Autobiography, however I Am Me had me from the first listen. It is catchy. It is good. The songs sounds similar to recent hits, But they hold their own. She has grown a lot. "In Another Life", "Coming Back For More", "Boyfriend", "Dancing Alone" are just some of the good songs. Ashlee has grown and she is better than ever! Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 13
  2. Negative: 5 out of 13
  1. The pop hooks are there, but we can't shake the feeling that the sentiments come off as phony.
  2. In venturing to offer something for everyone, Simpson offers nothing for anyone.
  3. No matter how hard Simpson tries, no matter how foreboding the surface, beneath it all she's still light and frivolous. But that doesn't mean, by any stretch, that this is bubblegum music, since that term implies that this music is frothy, fun, and, most important, hooky, and I Am Me is none of those things.