• Record Label: 4AD
  • Release Date: Jan 19, 2018
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 57 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 41 out of 57
  2. Negative: 0 out of 57
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  1. Dec 15, 2020
    Tune-Yards remain one of today's most endearing and as we prefer to say - unique - artists. Melodic, catchy, spontaneous, playful, witty... - you name it. This is it. Enjoy.
  2. May 13, 2018
    There is a fine line between ingeniousness and madness, and Tune-Yard's newest release often finds itself jumping from one to the other; sometimes landing in both simultaneously.
  3. Mar 8, 2018
    The negative-to-lukewarm reviews from Spin and Pitchfork have nothing to do with the quality of the album, and are simply the work of bored music critics who are sick of reading good things about Garbus and think it's time she was taken down a peg. I don't like Colonizer, and I suggest she'd do a lot better to simply ignore the "cultural appropriation" nonsense to which she is sometimesThe negative-to-lukewarm reviews from Spin and Pitchfork have nothing to do with the quality of the album, and are simply the work of bored music critics who are sick of reading good things about Garbus and think it's time she was taken down a peg. I don't like Colonizer, and I suggest she'd do a lot better to simply ignore the "cultural appropriation" nonsense to which she is sometimes subjected than to wring her hands with guilt about it. But by any reasonable musical standard, this is certainly a stronger album than Nikki Nack, and almost as good as Whokill. Expand
  4. Jan 22, 2018
    This is the most approachable Tune Yards album, which is a good thing. Unfortunate that the band is not as relevant anymore because the album might even triumph W H O K I L L.
  5. Jan 20, 2018
    Really good album. Probably their best. The beats and vocals are really amazing. The bass is really good and the lyrics are quite satisfying as well.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
  1. Magnet
    Apr 17, 2018
    I Can Feel You Creep Into My Private Life is merely very good. [No. 150, p.55]
  2. Feb 28, 2018
    On the whole, I Can Feel You Creep Into My Private Life is a truly good album and a number of the songs on it are notable successes, but the stark shift in sonic style sets it apart from the rest of Tune-Yards' discography and not in a good way. It seems safe, it seems almost timid at times.
  3. The Wire
    Feb 23, 2018
    Thanks to Tune-Yards’ trademark genre splicing--demented nursery rhyme chanting, jerky rapping, tortured harmonising and stuttery 808 beats--Private Life shows there’s still space for playfulness amid the polemic. [Mar 218, p.55]