• Record Label: Partisan
  • Release Date: Jul 7, 2023
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 21 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 21
  2. Negative: 2 out of 21
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  1. Aug 22, 2023
    First time listening to PJ Harvey and I find her incredibly interesting and very appalling. Her music has a complete awareness of itself, and it exists in a very organic place. Even though the risks are small, you can actually sense how this album is the first step on the stairs PJ Harvey is building up for herself. Returning to her music after 7 years, this is a strong statement on howFirst time listening to PJ Harvey and I find her incredibly interesting and very appalling. Her music has a complete awareness of itself, and it exists in a very organic place. Even though the risks are small, you can actually sense how this album is the first step on the stairs PJ Harvey is building up for herself. Returning to her music after 7 years, this is a strong statement on how she is actually unique on the way she makes and achieves her anbientation, concept and textures. Hopefully this is the prologue to amazing things to come. Expand
  2. Jul 9, 2023
    Really interesting stuff. Took a few listens but it sits nicely with the rest of her discography.
  3. Jul 8, 2023
    It is one of the most unique albums I have heard it a long time. The standouts Lwonesome Tonight, Seem an I. The Nether-edge, A Child's question August, I Inside the Old Dying. And finally A Child's Question July. It is the female version of Radiohead, It is stunning. It will haunt you. I guess that is what PJ is up too these days. Bravo.

Universal acclaim - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 24
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 24
  3. Negative: 0 out of 24
  1. Jul 19, 2023
    With expressive restraint, key collaborators John Parish and Flood utilise instruments and field recordings to tactile effect, while leaving room for Harvey’s voice to resonate. The results hold their folk-horror secrets close and harbour dark suggestions on investigation.
  2. Jul 18, 2023
    The instrumental parts patiently map out their terrain, Harvey intones her vivid poetry, often backed by long-time collaborator John Parish’s affecting voice, then the song will stand aside. It’s only on repeat listens and by drawing threads between the individual songs that the beauty of the whole begins to take form.
  3. Jul 14, 2023
    I Inside the Old Year Dying has the hallmark of an album that will only get better with age.