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Universal acclaim- based on 228 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 18 out of 228
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  1. Jul 8, 2022
    Overloaded and ambitious to it's own detriment. This 80's inspired pop rock record is a mix of influences executed to varying success. It's length is a great weak point that isn't justified by the content of it's music but instead begins to blend into a homogeneous soundscape
  2. Jun 23, 2017
    I've listened to both their albums, don't really like them. They're a little too sugary and poppy. I thought they were a rock band, but I would put them in the category of pop bands disguising themselves as rock bands. Now, that's bot necessarily a bad thing, I do like me some good pop, but here it seems like they're trying to make something a little more experimental and weird, but theyI've listened to both their albums, don't really like them. They're a little too sugary and poppy. I thought they were a rock band, but I would put them in the category of pop bands disguising themselves as rock bands. Now, that's bot necessarily a bad thing, I do like me some good pop, but here it seems like they're trying to make something a little more experimental and weird, but they don't do it very well, and just end up shooting themselves in the leg.

    The songs are a little all over the place, yet still predictable and uninteresting. I don't know. Maybe it'll grow on me. I will possibly update this review if I come back to the album.
  3. May 16, 2016
    I don’t hate this album. I just don't love any of the songs in it, although some of them do stand out for me. I miss the full-blown pop catchiness of the debut album, and it’s not that I’m against doing something different from that, it’s just that the sophomore album wasn’t made into something that could be great in its own way. It seems that the band wanted to be taken seriously butI don’t hate this album. I just don't love any of the songs in it, although some of them do stand out for me. I miss the full-blown pop catchiness of the debut album, and it’s not that I’m against doing something different from that, it’s just that the sophomore album wasn’t made into something that could be great in its own way. It seems that the band wanted to be taken seriously but didn’t want to risk losing its popularity, with the result being and album stuck between two ideas. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 24
  2. Negative: 0 out of 24
  1. Jun 6, 2016
    I Like It When You Sleep is 17 tracks long. By any standard, it’s an expansive collection, riddled with caution-to-the-wind sonic experiments and bits of alchemical production flourishes. Surprisingly, though, there aren’t any significant misfires here.
  2. Mar 8, 2016
    We get a less focused effort, with peaks and troughs in its quality. Yet the best tracks off the album are better than any of the band’s previous work. It’s just a shame that the weaker songs fall below the standard The 1975 set for themselves.
  3. Mar 3, 2016
    What these songs share, the pairing of Healy's witty, bratty lyricism with athletic and adventurous musicianship, prove that this band is comfortable moving in all directions at once.