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Universal acclaim- based on 228 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 18 out of 228
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  1. Feb 26, 2016
    This album is sick. Sort of like what Radiohead would do if they were synthpop artists. One of the most innovative and interesting albums of the last five years.
  2. May 21, 2016
    É o álbum que me ganhou em 2016, o melhor deles, maravilhoso e muito mais evoluído. Uma obra prima na musica pop rock que todos deveriam conhecer e aproveitar.
  3. Feb 26, 2016
    This album is such a free piece of work. It's the first album in a pretty long time which provides that special something that made the 80's such a massive decade of uninhibited music. This album is reckless in any possible way, passionate and intimate.

    There are no ups and down up here. It's all pretty linear and amazingly put together, assuring an amazing experience. From the
    This album is such a free piece of work. It's the first album in a pretty long time which provides that special something that made the 80's such a massive decade of uninhibited music. This album is reckless in any possible way, passionate and intimate.

    There are no ups and down up here. It's all pretty linear and amazingly put together, assuring an amazing experience. From the glorious intro which takes you back to the roots of their first album and the massive kick in of ''Love Me'' totally shattering the build up of that intro and then to the nicely flowing with ethereal instrumental tracks till the finish lines of the record, in which Matty tells you that ''that was it...'', this album is AN EXPERIENCE.

    It's hard to pick the best songs out of this considering all of the songs come from a really passionate and sincere background, something you can totally feel in them, especially if you pay attention to the lyrics, but stand-outs definitely include ''Love Me'', ''Somebody Else'', ''If I Believe You'', ''The Sound'', ''This Must.....oh whatever, they're all amazing.

    Yes, the title may sound pretentious and annoying, and yes, that also reflects into the whole record, but this record isn't your usually type of annoying . It's ANNOYINGLY GOOD. And yes, it does sound pretentious, especially with some of the lyrics, but that's because Matty is so devoted and proud of his work and absolutely unable to content his ideas. Don't you think it's hard to calm a tempestuous mind?

    Talking about ideas, this album takes you throughout a journey of life, exploiting religion, decadence, popularity, love, addiction and depression.

    To say this record is good, to include it in a specific genre, to think it describes a specific aspect is an understatement. This piece of work has it all. Simple as that.

    Take your time, put your headphones on, get comfortable and pay attention this record because if you're a big pop-rock-indie fan, this album is anything you could wish for.
  4. Feb 26, 2016
    AMAZING. Some how they still managed to maintain some of their old sound, while continuing to be innovative in vocal and instrumental techniques. If you like the band's debut album, this is a must buy. My favorite song is definitely "Somebody Else". The entire album is pure gold.
  5. Sep 29, 2018
    Gosto do facto de este álbum ser muito mais imprudente e livre do que o "The 1975". "I Like It When You Sleep, for You Are So Beautiful yet So Unaware of It" é um álbum muito bem produzido, coeso e um dos mais inovadores e interessantes de 2016.
  6. Sep 1, 2019
    definitely their best album so much diversity and genres mixed into one perfect complex masterpiece of an album
  7. Sep 8, 2019
    This album made me cry just as much as their first album. A Change Of Heart has made me cry probably over 1000 times in the past 3 years. I will forever regret not being able to attend their 2016 tour, as it would have been the best day of my life. This is the album you play when boys hurt your feelings over and over again and just need something to relate to. Thank you for keeping myThis album made me cry just as much as their first album. A Change Of Heart has made me cry probably over 1000 times in the past 3 years. I will forever regret not being able to attend their 2016 tour, as it would have been the best day of my life. This is the album you play when boys hurt your feelings over and over again and just need something to relate to. Thank you for keeping my depression strong, The 1975. Expand
  8. Dec 24, 2019
    The evolution of the band is something amazing and you can slide softly into this new era
  9. Nov 24, 2020
    No es la mejor produccion pero si marca un antes y un despues en la banda, este album con vibras de los 80’s es el extasis maximo al que pudo haber llegado the 1975 en su juventud, se nota el ambiente de maxima vibra y energia juvenil de matty adam george ross, un muy buen album con un genero definido siendo este el pop 80’s
  10. Jul 24, 2020
    Favorite track: "The Sound"
    Least favorite track: none
    This album is The 1975 at their absolute best and one of my favorite albums of all time from any act. Their debut album is comprised of hit songs made for the radio, but "I Like It When You Sleep..." is flows with each song - the entire album is one synthesized, immersive, and even cathartic experience. It starts off with a bang
    Favorite track: "The Sound"
    Least favorite track: none

    This album is The 1975 at their absolute best and one of my favorite albums of all time from any act. Their debut album is comprised of hit songs made for the radio, but "I Like It When You Sleep..." is flows with each song - the entire album is one synthesized, immersive, and even cathartic experience. It starts off with a bang with profane, loud rock with "Love Me" and "Ugh!" before mellowing out into more groovy sounds and instrumental tracks. It picks up again with cuts like "Loving Someone" and "The Sound," before mellowing out once more and ending with an acoustic track. The songwriting is equally incredible, especially highlighting lead singer Matty Healy's struggles with fame, religion, politics, and love. Though he will continue in this vein and perhaps even overshadow is band in the future, this sophomore album is the sweet spot for The 1975.
  11. Dec 29, 2020
    Um álbum que vai fazer vc pensar na forma em que vive sua vida, seus relacionamentos, amigos e festas depressivas cheias de drogas, lágrimas, beijos duros e declarações plásticas de amor. O álbum de 2016, The 1975, merece, com esse álbum, o posto de melhor banda indie da década.
  12. Jun 23, 2016
    This is and will be one of the best albums of 2016! the 1975 have shown a lot of growth and taken a lot more risks in experimentation on their sophomore record. its insanely beautiful like on Please be naked and so much fun you wont be able to resist moving your feet to UGH!
    the electronic element of the production is brilliant and even the more simplistic tracks played with guitars are
    This is and will be one of the best albums of 2016! the 1975 have shown a lot of growth and taken a lot more risks in experimentation on their sophomore record. its insanely beautiful like on Please be naked and so much fun you wont be able to resist moving your feet to UGH!
    the electronic element of the production is brilliant and even the more simplistic tracks played with guitars are good!
    highlights for me are: ugh, love me, somebody else, if i believe you and change of heart.
  13. Dec 16, 2016
    A fantastic improvement on all cylinders from their debut album. The sophomore work from The 1975 delivers one of the most powerful intros I have heard in any album. I seriously hope they keep their intro for all of their work from now on. It's such a fantastic pop experience. People say that they are bringing the 80s back; I would say they are actually improving on the old sound by givingA fantastic improvement on all cylinders from their debut album. The sophomore work from The 1975 delivers one of the most powerful intros I have heard in any album. I seriously hope they keep their intro for all of their work from now on. It's such a fantastic pop experience. People say that they are bringing the 80s back; I would say they are actually improving on the old sound by giving it new production and equally strong riffs (The guitar riffs in "Love Me" are perfect. Perfect.) My only real complaint is that they tend to throw large words at you like a thesaurus clobbering (synthetic apparitions). At least, a thesaurus of like 5 words. Expand
  14. Feb 28, 2016
    I feel like this album is a bit different from their previous project but hey, I do appreciate and I do dig it! Love the artwork, very great album. Great job 75'!
  15. Apr 14, 2017
    For me, this was THE album of 2016. I had not heavily pursued The 1975's music after really liking the single "Chocolate" from their first album in 2013, nor had I followed the band closely in recent years. When the new record burst onto the scene at the beginning of the year, I was dumbfounded at just how much I loved the back-to-back singles I heard on my local indie radio station.For me, this was THE album of 2016. I had not heavily pursued The 1975's music after really liking the single "Chocolate" from their first album in 2013, nor had I followed the band closely in recent years. When the new record burst onto the scene at the beginning of the year, I was dumbfounded at just how much I loved the back-to-back singles I heard on my local indie radio station. They were instant favorites, something that is fairly difficult to achieve with me these days. When I finally bought the album and listened to the whole thing, I realized the scope of this massive pop project the band undertook. From what I understand of what they wanted to achieve with I Like It When You Sleep, they succeeded wildly. You are missing out if you haven't heard this band's music. On their second record, they have a most unusual sound that draws from numerous 80's influences, but still manages to be uniquely their own. While they are easily classified as pop/rock, I think this album proved their music is far more complex and interesting than what you hear from the average pop artist out there. It is incredibly listenable and accessible at the same time. Hard to combine those two disparate elements, but The 1975 has done so, and admirably. The four singles released to radio ("The Sound", "Love Me," "Somebody Else," and "Change of Heart") are all just great, great radio pop songs by themselves. Within the context of the entire album, however, they transcend ordinary pop music and leave you feeling awed at the genius on display. A good number of the other songs are also very catchy pop songs ("She's American", wow!), but no doubt there are some surprising outliers to be found here. You may have to allow some of their stuff to grow on you, but grow on you it will. I can't think of any other recent album that I can listen to from start to finish, repeatedly, and like every track. After going back and listening very closely to their first album, I feel comfortable saying that with the second album, they built upon and went far beyond what they've done in the past, without losing their core vibe. They stand apart from their peers in this manner. If they can keep that up in the future, I do believe they will keep their rabid fan base, garner new fans along the way, and have an incredible music career for a long time to come. I also think that I Like It When You Sleep will go down as one of the best pop/rock albums ever produced. Get this album and listen. You won't be sorry! Expand
  16. Mar 8, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I thought that the debut from the 1975 was an solid, although a bit repetitive, collection of very poppy songs with a little bit of an edge. However, I was kinda worried about going into I Like It When You Sleep. With their debut only hinting at more electronic sounds with songs like M.O.N.E.Y. and Menswear.

    I was more than pleasantly surprised by this masterful collection of unique pop songs. Almost every song feels different from the other. This album starts with a bang. Love me and UGH! both are big walls of sound with fun and biting lyrics. Love me is probably the best single ever by the 1975 and UGH! keeps the blood pumping on a high level. She's American also has these very playful guitar licks that make the song that more enjoyable.

    This album also proves that the 1975 knows their way around some classic synths. Standouts in this category are A Change Of Heart and Somebody Else. A Change Of Heart has some striking lyrics and is brutally honest. Somebody Else is just flawless and the best song on this album and probably their entire discography.

    Also the more slow-burn tracks are fantastic. The three closing tracks all have great lyrics and close this record fantastic

    And of course the instrumental tracks. Please be Naked is this beautiful instrumental and is a nice transition.
    The self-titled song is great but gets fantastic in the last two minutes.

    There are only two tracks I feel indifferent on. Lostmyhead is the weakest instrumental. It only works as an intro to ballad of me and my brain, but as a standalone, it fails. This must be my dream sometimes works and the other times I hate it.

    Standouts: Somebody Else, Love Me, A Change Of Heart, I Like It When You Sleep, UGH!, Paris, She Lays down, The Sound, Nana, Please be naked, Loving Someone, If I believe you, Ballad of Me and My brain, She's American
    Weaker songs: This Must be my dream, Lostmyhead
  17. Nov 29, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Amazing album with a lot of ideas, executed perfectly. Gets a little slow towards the end with two acoustic songs Expand
  18. Jan 16, 2019
    The 1975's newest album is cinematic, yet filled with 80s pop. "Love Me" is a mix between Peter Gabriel's "Sledgehammer" and David Bowie's "Fame". "UGH!" is slick and cool. "A Change of Heart" can clearly be heard in an 80s coming-of-age teen drama. "If I Believe You" is a gospel delight. "Please Be Naked" is a bit long, but is the English group's ode to cinematic soundtracks. "Lostmyhead"The 1975's newest album is cinematic, yet filled with 80s pop. "Love Me" is a mix between Peter Gabriel's "Sledgehammer" and David Bowie's "Fame". "UGH!" is slick and cool. "A Change of Heart" can clearly be heard in an 80s coming-of-age teen drama. "If I Believe You" is a gospel delight. "Please Be Naked" is a bit long, but is the English group's ode to cinematic soundtracks. "Lostmyhead" and "The Ballad of Me and My Brain" are tributes to My Bloody Valentine, while "Somebody Else" is another John Hughes movie track.

    "Loving Someone" bounces and is jovial, while the title track is something of a sonic and electronic masterpiece. Littered with samples and elements of electronica, it is one of the top highlights of the record. "The Sound" can be compared to the likes of Madonna and Michael Jackson, because of its fun energy and groove. "This Must Be My Dream" can be the "St. Elmo's Fire" ode, featuring sparkling synths, a catchy hook, and a saxophone solo with tons of reverb.

    "Paris" is the palette cleanser and showcases singer, Matty Healy's delicate vocals. "Nana" and "She Lays Down" end the record on an soft, acoustic note.

    The 1975 have made a alt-pop masterpiece, and they aren't afraid to try something new, as they tackle gospel, shoegaze, and electronica on this new and exciting record.
  19. Nov 14, 2020
    A nearly flawless album, The 1975 highly ups the ante on their beautiful, sophomore album, filled with stunning tracks like “The Sound”, “Love Me”, “Somebody Else”, “UGH!”, “Paris”, “This Must Be My Dream”, the title track, and more. Such an astonishing album.
  20. Apr 26, 2023
    I love this album so much. It has an amazing and interesting production. A lot of the lyrics just hit right. Although it is quite long, the songs are that great as well. Compared to some of their newer works, this album is far better. My absolute favorites have to be Somebody else, Paris, If I believe you, Please be naked and She's American.
  21. Jan 7, 2017
    I regret postponing listening to this album till December. I feel like it could've been a great soundtrack for summer 2k16. The 1975 have put their all into this record, and it pays really well. Their sounds are huge, their synths are dreamy, their lyrics are grand in a not-very-grand way. Standouts include 'Love Me', 'UGH!', 'Somebody Else', 'This Must Be My Dream', 'She's American' (iI regret postponing listening to this album till December. I feel like it could've been a great soundtrack for summer 2k16. The 1975 have put their all into this record, and it pays really well. Their sounds are huge, their synths are dreamy, their lyrics are grand in a not-very-grand way. Standouts include 'Love Me', 'UGH!', 'Somebody Else', 'This Must Be My Dream', 'She's American' (i should probably stop here or i'll end up name dropping every single track). I just love it. Cohesive and very well done. Bravo! Expand
  22. Nov 6, 2016
    A 6/10 on the first try, but easily an 8/10 upon more listens. "I Like It When You Sleep..." requires attentive and precise listening for full appreciation. Once you really sink your teeth into the beats, you will be hooked. The very best tracks are "Lostmyhead", "Somebody Else", "I Like It When You Sleep, for You Are So Beautiful yet So Unaware of It", and "The Sound", but "She'sA 6/10 on the first try, but easily an 8/10 upon more listens. "I Like It When You Sleep..." requires attentive and precise listening for full appreciation. Once you really sink your teeth into the beats, you will be hooked. The very best tracks are "Lostmyhead", "Somebody Else", "I Like It When You Sleep, for You Are So Beautiful yet So Unaware of It", and "The Sound", but "She's American", "If I Believe You", "Please Be Naked" and "This Must Be My Dream" are solid tracks too. Expand
  23. Mar 6, 2016
    This album is far better than I ever anticipated it to be. Even though their first album without a doubt is one of my top favorite albums ever, this one appears to be a new front runner. Once again it is incredibly hard to decide which songs are the best and favorites. This album is truly superb, congrats.
  24. Feb 26, 2016
    Despite the cringeworthy album name, the band provides a great pop record with a variety of genres to keep listeners satisfied. Even though in my opinion the first album will always be their best material, this comes quite close to it. The biggest letdown for me would be the terrible tracklisting, in which three instrumental ambient tracks are placed in a row and the two acoustic tracksDespite the cringeworthy album name, the band provides a great pop record with a variety of genres to keep listeners satisfied. Even though in my opinion the first album will always be their best material, this comes quite close to it. The biggest letdown for me would be the terrible tracklisting, in which three instrumental ambient tracks are placed in a row and the two acoustic tracks are just chucked at the end. For me this album would have a ten if the tracklisting was just a little bit better. Favourite songs on the record would have to be, 'She's American', 'The Ballad Of Me And My Brain', 'This Must Be My Dream' and 'Paris' aswell aswell as the already released singles. A track that surprisingly grew on me is track 6 ' If I Believe you' which has gospel like vocals in it and is quite catchy. The album starts and ends on a good point and even though its 74 minute length seems quite long, it is still a easy listen, Expand
  25. Mar 30, 2016
    A better project and addictive than the previous "The 1975". It has a soft and relaxing sound, while the vocal fly and fit perfectly. But also has too many instrumental tracks.
  26. Mar 2, 2023
    Sick album. I think it drove The 1975 closer to 'mainstream' status. Grows in stature with every listen.
  27. Aug 28, 2023
    The completeness of the songs has been markedly higher than that of the previous album.
    Vocal, mixing, and songwriting all mark the beginning of the band's heyday.
  28. Mar 11, 2016
    Their debut was better, but I still like this album haha. I have to say that the instrumental songs really bored me, and many songs are really fun! I still recommend it x

Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 24
  2. Negative: 0 out of 24
  1. Jun 6, 2016
    I Like It When You Sleep is 17 tracks long. By any standard, it’s an expansive collection, riddled with caution-to-the-wind sonic experiments and bits of alchemical production flourishes. Surprisingly, though, there aren’t any significant misfires here.
  2. Mar 8, 2016
    We get a less focused effort, with peaks and troughs in its quality. Yet the best tracks off the album are better than any of the band’s previous work. It’s just a shame that the weaker songs fall below the standard The 1975 set for themselves.
  3. Mar 3, 2016
    What these songs share, the pairing of Healy's witty, bratty lyricism with athletic and adventurous musicianship, prove that this band is comfortable moving in all directions at once.